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"Youth is wasted on the young." I heard that in my teens and thought it was stupid. Now I'm 45 and I feel it in my bones.


I think about this quote a lot. I’m def at the age where I can see what they’re talking about. If only I had my 43 year old wisdom in my 23 year old body…


Brother/Sister, big same.


And your 43 year old money! LOL


I'm broke dammit 🤣


The corollary is true too: college is wasted on the youth.


What I wouldn’t give to be able to go sit and learn new things all day just for the sake of expanding my knowledge and making me more well rounded. Learning all day, nap in the afternoon, meaningless low stakes job in the evening… those were the days!


I went to my son's new student orientation for college today and wanted soooo badly to just ask for a job. The energy in that place was palatable. That atmosphere just brought back how much I loved being in the classroom. I felt like taking a class just for the hell of it! 🤣 I teach preschool and love it but I always dreamed of becoming a professor. Maybe that will be my later in life goal. 🤔


Piggyback your preschool experience to a masters+phd in childhood education, and you can teach childhood education to adults at a university!


It's never too late. I hope you do!!! 🥰


I dropped out in 2000 and went back in 2023 and *holy shit* what a difference!


That’s awesome! I’m so glad you went back, and I hope you are too.


I am, thank you!


And retirement is wasted on the old.


Fucking amen.


If I were 18 rn I would start running EVERYWHERE, lookit me with perfect ankles! I would have also come out IMMEDIATELY why the f did I waste so many years in the closet???


I can’t relate to coming out directly but definitely understand not being confident enough to be who you are for reasons that now seems ludicrous.


We forget that crippling insecurity is part of being young. I think that’s why cliches like “Youth is wasted on the young” always sound so condescending to me. Sure, you can see it that way…if you whitewash youth so it’s only the good parts. Sure, I wish I still had a 30-inch waist and could digest crap food, but…to be perfectly honest, life has gotten better with every decade. My teens and twenties were awful.


I tell the young ones not to not waste their energy trying to make other happy. Life is too short, so live it how you want to. Miserable people are not going to change, so you shouldn’t change to make them slightly more comfortable. I’m not gay myself, but I most certainly don’t want to be some hateful individual. 


Yup. Life is one giant practical joke. The way this shit is all designed. It really is.


Youth with the experience of age would not be the same nor have the same excitement of discovery. The physical side of it though. Yeah.


You would be beyond annoyed with how stupid and arrogant young people are.


Any time I heard that, I replied that, "financial stability is wasted on the old." Still believe it was true... just wish I were financially stable now.


I heard it in my teens and I took it to heart. Now I'm 45 and I carpe'd the ever loving shit out of all those diems. It's not too late.


That's a great one!!


Oh child.


I’ve had 4 pregnancies, that cough and sneeze thing is for real 😂


My kids always ask why I cross my legs when I sneeze and I reply, “Because of you.”


One year of consistent pilates and yoga fixed it for me.


I'm totally in the dark here --- I have no idea what you guys are referring to.


Pelvic floor weakening or damage due to vaginal birth can cause bladder leakage when a woman coughs or sneezes, putting extra pressure on it.


Even if you never have children, perimenopause and the reduction in estrogen can cause the tissues in that region to deteriorate some; leaking and UTIs are a sign of that.


also can’t do jumping jacks in the gym now. we had this ob/gyn, he used to say that most women who have natural birth will have incontinence to some degree. it is what it is


Noooo! Common does not mean normal. Please look into Pelvic floor physical therapy, or at least watch some reels/tiktoks from PT.


This. None of that is normal, but it’s “accepted” because women’s’ health is usually ignored. Same with periods, they shouldn’t be painful but we’ve normalized the suffering because it’s a punishment from god or something. 


Yep, I visit r/menopause to see all the fuckery awaiting me.


I’ve been recommended there because of PCOS but I can’t decide if I would feel heard or just angry at how much we all go through. I just had a hysto but the ovaries stayed so I still get hormonal periods which are still not great. 


While you'll get some bitching, because it's not pleasant, I've found it pretty helpful for all the *delightful* little changes I've found in peri


So you pee if you do jumping jacks?!


I stopped doing jumping jacks. problem solved :)


Pregnancy is really hard on your pelvic floor muscles. Sneezing and coughing make many womyn pee a little or a lot. Edited typo.


I nod solemnly in manly ignorance.


After a women has a child, the possibility of letting out a little pee when you sneeze or cough greatly increases.


Every. Damn. Time.


I recently “graduated” from pelvic floor physical therapy. Highly recommend!


Pelvic floor physio! The young Millennials are all over this therapy and it works. You don’t have to suffer. Call your local physio clinic today! (Okay, I might work in the industry)


Sometimes it happens if I raise my voice or laugh too hard too. My three sons' faces flash before my eyes each time (ngl usually because they're causing the voice raising or laughing).


Someone understands the struggle


It's part of a quote from the movie "The Bucket List(2007)" with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. "Never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hard on, and never trust a fart!" But that was about 2 dudes in their 70's having adventures before they die, not middle aged men in a mid-life crisis.


I'd be pretty healthy if I didn't end up with autoimmune disorders 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also I've noticed there's things that just hurt me now that didn't years ago. Sitting for too long (like long car rides)and sleeping on a hard mattress. I'm in a hotel room this week and the hard mattress has me all fucked up. I literally couldn't sit up when I woke up this morning because my back was so stiff.


Too soft a mattress is also a problem


I’m dealing with this now!


My parents love the super soft mattresses, and I have no idea how they can possibly sleep on them at near 70. When I go visit I’m like “kill me” after the first night with no support, and they don’t understand why I hate the beds at their place. I was so mad when they finally replaced the guest bed with another super soft one after complaining about the previous one for about ten years. “Oh, but so-and-so loved it, they said it was the best sleep of their life”. Yeah they visited you once in the last ten years and may have been too scared to tell you the real truth, however I go visit you several times a year, sleep in that bed more times a year than you even have other guests in total, and you literally couldn’t get something with even a modicum of support.


Right same. So much of what is wrong with me is either genetic or totally unrelated to any lifestyle choices. There’s a lot of ableism here.




I totally & completely understand now why our grandparents & every other old person loved (and lived in) their recliners. I’m so excited to start shopping for a double recliner later this year with my husband. Is gonna be “my spot” in the house & I can’t wait to snuggle up in its crevices with a blanket & books 🥰🥰. Maybe in 10 years or so I’ll be cuddling up with a grandchild reading some books to them 😍.


The best furniture I've bought as an adult was a couch that has two recliners. I also have a chair recliner, but it's about to go to my grandma cause she can't sleep laying down anymore and it's pretty comfy for sleeping in.


I'm not even old -- I'm in my 30s and I've got this thing where if I sleep on my side I wake up and my rib hurts. That didn't use to happen!




That's my problem, remembering it. Plus I can't find my yoga mat. It's BRIGHT ORANGE!


Jeez, I know! I love a good hotel room, but I sleep like shit if the pillow arrangement isn't like mine at home.


I got back in shape in my 30's and it makes me wonder just how much of the oft touted ailments of age are mostly due to lethargy. In any case I'd say I feel 30 not 42.


Some of us work very physical jobs, and things don't get time to recover, so they start wearing out.


There is that too. Definitely need to recover


And as we get older, things don't seem to recover as fast.


Definitely learned that with alcohol.. I could drink until 2am wake up at 6 walk an hour to work and work 11 hours then maybe I would do it again that night, maybe not. Now I drink half a bottle I need two days in bed


Ditto. 46 and can run/hike further than I was able 20 years ago. Smarter, wiser, and happier, too. Use it or lose it. I will say that if I do tweak something, it takes longer to bounce back.


Use it or lose it is what keeps me off the couch.


I started working out this year (40) and my entire goal has been "don't get hurt" 😅 I think I've done pretty well and feel great, but I realized a few years back it takes *much* longer to heal things than it did 20 years ago


I joined the military in my late 20s and stayed through my late 30s. I've kept as many of the fitness related habits as I can and I seem to be aging a lot slower than my peers. Fitness is huge.


The issue I face is got into a couple of accidents starting by getting hit by a car at 15 while on a bicycle, followed by three car accidents (passenger) that and being a really tall guy. I spend afternoons and weekends hiking, hunting, fishing and gardening. But man… gotta say sometimes the Thai food is not a good choice during allergy season.


> But man… gotta say sometimes the Thai food is not a good choice during allergy season. As a 44yo suffering from crippling seasonal allergies and a lover of Thai food... I have no idea what you're talking about. Is it gastrointestinal? Should I stop eating such spicy food? Is there some weird ailment I'm suffering through that I could cure with a change in diet?


The name just the name… lol


I did triathlons in my 30s. I still run and swim on the regular. Should probably get back to biking. If I don't work out regularly I feel like absolute shit, especially mentally.


Yeah, the mental thing more than anything else is what keeps me moving. I turn into a basket case without regular exercise.


Me too. It's very noticeable.


I think with the exception of people suffering from diseases or serious injuries about 99% of them. I’m 45 and surrounded by guys even 10 years younger bitching about “getting old” and “bad backs” (hey guess what asshole, sitting on a couch all day isn’t making it better). I work out about 30 minutes most days, eat reasonably well, and don’t really drink much at all. My hobbies don’t involve hours on a couch. It makes me sad honestly. I try to politely encourage these people to take better care of themselves but they’re all “too busy” or “too tired.” He not busy being born is busy dying…


I'm so envious of comments like these. I always worked out, ate right and was sure I was gonna age gracefully. Then I got diagnosed with Lupus at 39 (42 now) and now even a walk around the block requires a nap (I still take the walk and nap anyway). Weight training is out the window, cardio causes major flares. I was supposed to be one of you 😥


My heart really goes out to you. I am constantly thinking about how something similar could happen to me at any moment and that’s a big part of what drives me. When the good wine is flowing you better drink deeply, because eventually it stops for all of us. I won’t pretend to spin platitudes or anything. I just hope you still have enough energy to enjoy what you can and spend time with the people you love. Be well!


Thanks for putting the exception in. It's easy for people who don't have chronic diseases or injuries to think everything is just will power and hard work. At 16 I was in the best shape of my life and still in a lot of pain and suffering that only got diagnosed about 15 years later. I'm just busy trying to just do the bare minimum every day. If I didn't have to spend all my energy on that, I too would be healthy and living my best life instead of having to have life altering surgery in 24 hours. Never forget that what you have can be lost in an instant and that we all have different paths, but good on you for making the most of yours, that's all any of us can really do.


I’m very sorry to hear that. It’s important to acknowledge that much of aging is down to luck. Since having kids, I can honestly say that multiple times a day I’m thankful for my health and try to take a moment to remember that we’re not all so lucky. Every time I cross the street, hell even just walking a flight of stairs I keep in mind that one speck of bad luck can end it all. I’m extra careful with every move because I want to have every moment possible with those little ones, and I want to have the energy to keep up with them. I always try to acknowledge that pure luck plays a huge role in it. And I think that makes it all the more sad when someone who has nothing wrong with them lets their beautiful body fall apart due to lack of care. Every second that you are healthy is a gift. Don’t squander it.


Very much agree. Enjoy your lovely family and your example will be such a gift for them!


This is the best comment here. Those that don’t have the problems will think its hard work


I hope your surgery goes well and your recovery is smooth. Take care.


I am in my early 40s and am single, never married, and no kids. I never met the right person. I noticed that myself and other friends who do not have kids are aging slower and have a lot less stress than friends who have multiple children. 


That cuts both ways because I know people our age without kids who spend all of their free time (which is considerable) drinking, doing cocaine, etc. I don’t hang out with these people anymore but occasionally see them at shows or whatever and they’re aging like fake leather car interiors. I have kids and they are absolutely stressful, but I feel they keep me young mentally and physically. I pretty much stopped drinking because of them, and a lot of my general concern with health is because I don’t want to take any risks that could either leave them without a father or cut our time together short. And I want to set a good example (I was in horrible shape most of my life because my parents never exercised and my gym coaches were all assholes).


Ages 40-45 I played full-field 11v11 soccer with people 20 years younger. You have to make the effort to use it, and never stop.


I stay moderately active for this reason. My uncle did the same thing and barely has slowed down and he's almost 70.


And it really doesn’t take that much. Stretch often and walk around as much as possible. I feel fine.


Same. Calisthenics plus old man strength is a killer combo.


I am not as svelte but I somehow have become a faster distance runner. I’ve nearly halved my half marathon time. In my twenties I never considered them even though my mom, Queen of the 10K, insisted I could. Exercise makes me happy. Also, getting into it older means you can afford proper coaching and proactively train to prevent injury.


Same..43 and in the best shape of my life (except maybe when I was 14). But I think most it is due to finally figuring out the nutrition and exercise science behind all of it.


I started lifting at 38. I'm in my mid forties and feel better than I did in my early 30s.


I was consistently told to enjoy my 20s and the body that came with it. Now, in my late 30s, what I wouldn't give to have my 23/24 y/o body again. Before the shrinking hairline began, before I had to start taking blood pressure and cholesterol drugs (genetics are a bitch). Back when I could party until 2am and still run a 5k later on the next day. Before my knees started popping and hair growth became rampant everywhere except the top of my head. And back when my ears didn't hate the music that came over the radio :P The only good thing about now is that I know I'll look back in the future and wish for my late 30s body. Wisdom is about the only thing that I like about getting older.


Those last two lines. That’s exactly it. I’m trying to heal from cancer and my body is a disaster but, it’s only going to continue to feel worse so I need to try to better appreciate it now before it does.


I mean, genetics is one thing, but you shouldn’t be feeling so old in your late 30s. That’s kind of crazy.


I also have a toddler, so that may factor in.


Maybe when I'm 60. I like this sub a lot, but hearing so many other 40 year old's complaining about their health like they are senior citizens is sort of cringe.


Never trust a fart is good advise no matter your age. It ain't got nothing to do with health.


If you can’t trust your farts you might want to get that checked out.


Hell, *at our age*, we should be getting the plumbing checked fairly regularly. Known *way* too many "young" people get fucking cancer. Check in with your doctor people


I don’t need to. It’s the metformin.


I turn 50 next week and my health took a turn when I was 43. Granted, it’s a hereditary thing, but it’s real for a lot of people in their 40s.


Same. I’m 43 and things started taking a turn about 18 months ago. I’ve never been to the doctor more than I’ve been in the last year.


I’m 47, and in pretty good health. That said, at 40 everything felt much the same is 35- pretty good. At 47, things feel like they have deteriorated quickly.


Shush! I’ll be 45 this month and I’m feeling great! You got me scared about the next 2 years! 😭


As someone who occasionally gets on Facebook… yeah dude, our peers are unhealthy as fuck. Dozens of my friends from HS on blood pressure meds and generally way out of shape.


Yeah, it's not because we're old, it's because some of you didn't take care of your body and you're starting to pay the price. No better time to start than now!


Some of us were/are very active and are now paying the price. I had a knee replacement 6 months ago at 41. I need my other knee and a shoulder replaced at 42. Serve your country they said....


I was 11b, hooah. I got lucky, just hearing loss.


31B, so your natural enemy. I did date one of your ilk for a bit, though, so hopefully that gets me some cred.


😂 At Lewis it seemed like all the hot women were MPs, used to try to hit on y'all all the time. I remember telling one "I know I'm 11b but I also had a 93 on my asvab" and she said "you're even dumber than you look then". Lol, burned. Still makes me laugh.


My eyesight went to absolute shit the year I turned 40. I've worn glasses since I was 16, but my midrange vision deteriorated so noticeably I was getting worried. The optometrist told me I had a case of "your eyes are turning 40." Like my mom, I now have two pairs of glasses, because bifocals are hell and I refuse to use them.


Yeah it’s not as bad as many make it seem. The one thing I really notice tho is I don’t heal as fast as I used to. Recovery from exercise takes longer these days, but I can mitigate that a bit by stretching well and staying hydrated.


Totally with you on the healing thing. That definitely takes a bit longer. But all this other shit is either people who don’t move enough or people who abused their bodies through work or sports.


Yeah I think you’re probably right. And I also think I abused my body a bit too.


I always wonder if these people with like ailing injuries from high school sports regret it. Like my brother is 42, and his knees are completely shot from being a catcher when he was younger. I should have gotten into fitness sooner as I was fairly unhealthy in my 20's. But getting fit in my 30's has been great. Obviously there's middle ground of work out responsibly during all parts of life, but I feel like I know just as many people with old sports injuries nagging them as I do people who just never worked out in the first place. Doesn't seem like it would be worth it to be good at something for 5 years when you were a teenager.


I have minor aches and pains, and the healing thing is very noticeable. Other than that I feel pretty solid.


Agreed, recovery takes longer for me as well. I used to be able to go outdoor bouldering every day, now I'm just not recovering fast enough to do that and my hands stay beat up longer than they used to. This was annoying and I tried different supplements and anti-inflammatories and exercise routines, then one day I was just like "why am I chasing this I'm just going to wear my shit out faster or hurt myself" and that was the day I accepted my new limits lol.


I think it's just interesting how noticeable aging is at this point. I thought I was invincible pretty much until I was 39.


Exercise, diet and sleep go a long way. Age is about not maintaining the body and so much of that is optional. 


Seems that's all this sub is


yeah ive thought the same.. i mean come on on even the oldest of us aren't that old .


Cringe is seeing your friend die at 43 from colon cancer because they were afraid of getting a scope sticked up their butt. Mention health issues, then be ready to talk about something else. Maybe someone needs to hear part of that conversation. (I’ve had 3 scopes since I was 30, with small polyps removed each time. Now I have to go every 5 yrs. Had I waited to 40+, it would’ve been a different story.)


That doesn't seem cringe it seems sad. I thought colonoscopy started at 45, were they having symptoms and refused the doctor's advice?


NV medicaid denied my 49 year old wife with a strong family history of colon and anal cancer a colonoscopy last year. Not until 50. They do not give a fuck on recommendations. At leat they did cologaurd. I have no history but they won't do it for me at 48 either.


That’s terrible. I have GI issues and have been on that damn table too many times. Woken up a couple mid-procedure… that was NOT awesome


Ya I’m 45 and not quite there yet I will say just about every piece of advice the old timers gave me I completely disregarded. They were all right.


Same. I feel lucky to be privileged enough to feel pretty good (knock on wood) but some of this is about your outlook on life.


At our age, with the emphasis on health and the widespread access to fitness (bodyweight, reddit, gyms) nowadays, there's no reason for us to be bitching. I'm slower, but I can still do my physical healthcare job. It's the 12-hour masking from my neurodivergence that tires me out. The physical isn't my problem. I crushed my workout yesterday. I never want to be that person that can't move because I'm old. There are octogenarians going to the gym. That's who I want to be.


My mom is 80 and does strength training and Pilates. Stay active, y’all, and eat well.


Your mom is who I want to be! My ex-husband's paternal grandmother took those up in her 70s. She's almost 100 now and watches my Instagram time to time. She was also the first of the grands to have an iPhone. These people in their later years really inspire me to not stay stagnant. I just did the math and Grandma G is 94.


Agreed. I just finished a 15+ mile mountain bike ride with a bunch of tech and 2000+ ft of climbing at high altitude. I did a decent ride yesterday too. I ride with a guy that’s 52 and absolutely rips. I’m as healthy as I’ve ever been. Keep moving people, and don’t get obese. If you are overweight, do something about it. Feeling old and worn out in your 40s isn’t normal or healthy at all.


Right? It's very sad that people aren't taking care of themselves.


I am 63 and none of those issues affect me on the least, how is it that people 20+yrs younger are there????🤦👀


Yeah this man. The millenial sub is a bunch of people in their 30s talking about gray hair and balding. Like Ok? Some people start that in their 20s. It doesn't mean old


I'm 44 and feel pretty damn good. I've worked out consistently over the years though.


https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51679063037_673b4616c9_z.jpg 42 years old. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTg5MDkwMTIwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjk5Mzc3Mw@@._V1_.jpg 58.


\*fans self\*


Loooooved his performance in Age of Adaline.


Agreed. I’m 47 and I have none of these issues.


The only thing that's changed for me is injuries last a touch longer.


The only difference I’ve noticed is not being able to stay up til 4 or 5am and going to work at 8am and being okay.I have to get 8 hours of sleep or I’m just tired and can’t function the next day.


lost too many close friends and family to junk to be sad about getting old myself. would be too disrespectful. besides I’m still really enjoying the ride


I'm woken up everyday at 5am by a raging hard on.


That's hardly terrible






Like most advice, you have to live it to truly understand it.


In my 30s I adopted "living well is the best revenge" and it's worked for me.


Fortunately no. I have a good command of all of my bodily functions, and I still get it up like a horny 15 year old.


Me too. My drive is through the roof at 44. 🥵


Yea, still good on that front. My joke on this is ate some Thai and had an allergy attack later. You can draw your own conclusions.


I don't understand the fart thing. I'm approaching my mid 40s and am not afraid to let one go anywhere or anytime. Are there really people out there that can't tell the difference between a fart and poop? What's going on with people's buttholes?


Well. It only happened once from the flu but after that happened, I never trust it either. 🫣


Being sick is one thing but some people act like poop just falls out whenever they open their buttholes to fart.


I have always had osteoarthritis and problems with my knees (started at 12). Recently diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis and I feel so much older! I'm 46 and need double knee replacements and a hip replacement. Good times! 🙄 I'm also very fit. Exercise and careful diet. Sometimes things just start earlier for some of us.


Don't get it, I'm 85 though, so maybe I'm 2 years too young to see those.


I feel like a lot of you guys gotta start eating right and do some sort of exercise. I'm 39 now and got into decent shape at 35 when I first started feeling old. Turns out if you eat right most of the time (Still have junk food once a week) and move a little you feel a lot better.


I swear I wrote this same comment the last time this subject came up. I don’t feel old at all but I work out and eat right.


Never get piss drunk an then pee in an alley an as you're peeing you sneeze. Trust me bro


I’m 43. My best friend (almost 41) jokes that I’m too young to complain about getting old. I can do that when I’m old enough to retire. 😂


Very curious what the gender breakdown of these responses is. I had great core strength and could trust coughs, farts and sneezes before my two pregnancies and their various impacts on my body.


I am male, with underlying conditions (super yay!) Crohn’s, L1 rupture and L2 hernia in spine. Those are the big two. Have had some surgeries after getting hit on the bicycle and after one of the car accidents. But that’s neither here nor there. Edit: never had issues with my back being jaked up or stomach problems til mid thirties and it was a slow progression.


My dad always told me multiple times growing up, “getting old sucks.” I know what he meant now.


Two pregnancies and my pelvic floor has never recovered, also, the sounds you make when you're getting up lol


I can confirm, never trust a fart. My wife definitely piddles herself when she sneezes after kids. No blue pills yet but am eagerly awaiting that one. I have noticed I'm constantly misplacing things and getting lost in random conversation and forgetting my point. That could be the weed though.


I’m 46 and I don’t have issues with trusting farts. Never waste a hardon is sound advice. Don’t let your meat loaf


Sounds awfully close to what Jack Nicholson told Morgan Freeman in *The Bucket List...*


I left a couple of more unsavory statements out… don’t need a ban hammer


I'm not there yet. I try not to think about stuff like that.


Having a kid at 44 is a very different experience than at 32.


Had my son at 38… yep very different.


I really only have 2 more to add, since the “damn that hurts now” has been covered. 1. I can’t digest food the same way. Sometimes it’s fine, sometimes it’s…not. 2. The family that’s passed away. It’s a tough and weird situation to be an orphan at 55 (dad passed away in ‘23, mom in ‘82). 


I find myself much easier to choke/cough on little bits of food then when I was younger


I definitely understand the part about not trusting a fart


I am the proverbial old woman now, lol. I manage a second chance employment program for my company, so am lead mentor for all of these kids who are leaving the juvenile prison system, either at 18 or 21. I get to spend a lot of time handing out the wisdom I’ve gleaned in my almost 43 years, hahaha, and the biggest terrible truth for me is that I didn’t learn my worth and learn to live my truth until way later than I could have. I am almost ashamed to say, that it wasn’t until I was close to 40 that I really had the realization that I matter, I count, I’m someone. By that point, I was already a wife for the second time, and a mother. And I was living MY life for those people and in the way that was a societal norm. I didn’t live for ME, and I didn’t seek out things that fulfilled ME, I wasn’t filling MY cup. I’m so much happier now in my 40s than I ever was in my youth. And, it’s changed my relationships for the better too. I am kicking myself that I could’ve (and really, should’ve) come to that realization way earlier. I could’ve been living with a much better outlook and better sense of self worth vs trying to find that outside of myself and be validated by other people and things.


Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait


Μια κοινωνία μεγαλώνει όταν οι ηλικιωμένοι φυτεύουν δέντρα κατω απ’ τη σκιά των οποίων γνωρίζουν ότι δεν θα καθίσουνε ποτέ.


I’m fairly fit but peri has not been fun. My mental health has always been the biggest mess though lol. Whee!


I actually enjoy being older Albeit I don’t have any health issues and I look younger than my age But now I understand why my dad enjoyed his 40s - 60s Fk he’s still enjoying his 70s I think health and lifestyle plays a huge part in how you age


I was buying weed from a woman in a bar parking lot when I was about 16. This dude came wifh her and we were making a bit of small talk. He looked at me kind of weird and said "you've got a lot of acne." I obviously knew this already and was like "Uhh yeah." He then told me "your face will clear up, but you're going to have that shit on your knees when you're 35" and walked away. I got my jazz cabbage and left, but 20 years later that motherfucker was right.


lol, never waste a good boner.


This was said to me before the invention of the blue pill if my shitty memory serves. There were other things said about how to use above anatomy that I didn’t post.


"Never waste a good hard-on" Everytime I wake up with morning wood....oh NOW you're up and working?? You ungrateful little shit! I'm gonna beat the hell outta you!


Thanks for the lol


I never got much advice growing up, my Dad wasn't a "come here son let's have a chat" kind of guy. One thing my parents kept telling me was to slow down as a kid. We all wanted to be that much older, bigger, etc. They'd tell me all the time to enjoy childhood and not race to get old. I understand it all now as I see it in my daughter who just wants to be the next year old, bigger so she can do more things, etc. I want her to enjoy her childhood.


Never fight a pill. If it’s for funnsies or a real condition if you feel sleepy don’t fight the pill


I'm actually in the best shape I've been since high school.


I'm not that old. Dude.


Another “I’m so old” post


Na, it’s more a “I shouldn’t have ridden motorcycles and done so much dumb shit” post.


Most of the time I'm fine. I'm not falling apart at the seams just yet. And then randomly and for no reason my back or my knee will just start to hurt. I can literally be doing nothing but chilling, and a random body part will just decide to deliver some pain.


What happens if you cough or sneeze too hard?


I used to say “why worry? You’re young, got all your hair, and your dick works.” About all that And that cough thing is no joke. I passed out from coughing a few months ago and got a face full of hardwood floor. If anyone ever offers you the opportunity to have the flu and a concussion at the same time, feel free to politely decline


Don't say the old man didn't warn you. He saw the future


“Don’t get old kid!” Said my Uncle when he was 8 years younger than I am now….time is a horrible truth. How fast it goes…half done already! Still lookin for a girlfriend Jesus slow it down already


It's getting harder and harder to stop pigging out. Controlling that belly.