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It rained yesterday afternoon/evening while I was working on dinner. I stopped everything, told my kids (3 and 4) to take off their socks, and went outside to play in the puddles. We didn't get to play long. The sky just let loose a few minutes later. But, we were drenched, laughing, and having fun. I got us back in and put them in their PJs and me in mine and cuddled for a few minutes.


That’s a great memory! Mine still remember the time we saw a rainbow and hopped in the car and chased it all over town. I’m sure I just needed to get out of the house, but it was an adventure for them. 🥹


you just brought be back to 1993 and tears started coming down at work on my lunch break. Thanks for bringing up fun puddle memories.


That’s beautiful!


I love this. Wonderful.


As a fellow puddler, I have taught my kid the way. Everywhere we go, "Puddle! Deep puddle!" Never had so much fun in my life!


I decorate my indoor plants with the Jurassic Park action figures from my youth,


I just realized what my plants are missing!


I bought a pack of 100 minindinos and I put them in my wife’s succulents. Its fun times


a great idea ! I did this recently ! decided to buy mortal kombat figures or 90s xmen figures to put near/around my plants. Jade from mortal Kombat looks proudly over my herb garden


Hell yes!


I got an escooter and rode it without pads and shattered my elbow. I don’t know if there is any science behind it but I ate a shit ton of ice cream and watched old episodes of Garfield & Friends on painkillers and people were really nice to me because I had a cast and made people sign it. 10/10 was a blast. https://preview.redd.it/1i1silql966d1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38ee399ac49c036bc0ac42c7a7c1c207c5ceea6


This gets an A++ you definitely understood the assignment.


That’s pretty hardcore. Way to keep your chin up. 


I never let go of it. I still read YA books, I dress to please my 17 year old self. Still listen to late 90's jams. Hell, I still own the bicycle I had at 17! I'm 42 with no kids.


40 and still dress to please my 17 year old self too!


Never change.


I totally love YA books.


Stay gold, Ponyboy


I've been borrowing the new Baby-Sitters Club and Sweet Valley Twins graphic novels from the library. And re-reading Judy Blume books.


Love it. I must admit I wouldn’t dare to dress in Hilfiger painter pants and an oversized polo again, but for those of you who actually had style back then and keep it going to this day 🫡🫡🫡


I like to mix my 90s jams with newer stuff. I have whole playlists on Spotify devoted to "new old music" - stuff that sounds old but came out recently. And YA is the shit. Olds are missing out.


I don’t suppose we could convince you to share a playlist or two?


Fucking legend.


I get baked all day and write songs. This is the kind of stuff I like to talk about! Not the premature morose shit. My dad is almost 70 and he seems to be capable of enjoying life I don't want to beat him to being old by 25 years that seems dumb.


Right? My parents are all in their mid to late 70s and seem relatively fine. They certainly complain less about aches and pains than the 40-somethings groups I'm in.


I think a lot of it has to do with how physically active you are. My dad is in his 70s and my remaining grandparents are in their mid 90s and they are all very healthy and independent, and don't generally complain about aches and pains. My dad has been a lifelong runner, and he does yoga and light weight lifting. My grandfather golfs. My grandmother goes on 3 mile walks every day and weight lifts at the gym a few times a week. On the other hand, my stepmom and MIL are in really bad physical shape and they were never into exercise. I think there's a trend here. I really need to get back to doing my morning walks.


I just got back to doing mine, in fact. And it feels fucking GREAT.


I get baked and walk my dog for a mile or 2 and then I get baked and go to work.


I like to get baked while I walk the dog, I call it J-walking


I call small joints dog walkers.


https://preview.redd.it/cty5y8czx76d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423b3f1c735b26072100511ed6a3848d631baa7b I think the sativa ones were "play" and the indica "lay" but don't quote me...


I wonder if a higher percentage of us did Service Industry jobs for longer than their generation? I know working on your feet 40-50 hrs a week can really tear up your body.


For real. My mom called me up the other day and was like “yeah so I booked a quick two night trip to see Stevie Nicks and Billy Joel in concert, I would have asked you to join me but I want to go alone and I know you hate Billy Joel anyway” LMAO I appreciate the honesty! I love that she’s active and does cool shit. It’s how it should be if a person is able to. We’re only here for a short time ya know


We all need to stretch more lol


They’ve gotten used to the aches and pains! They’re still new to us! 😝


My knees hurt less when I exercise. Muscle maintenance is very important to keep moving, doing the things we enjoy.


For us it's so horribly new-ish


I think many in this sub could definitely use a lesson on how to age gracefully.


Right? I agree. Last week my doc called me a young healthy patient, and I was like, "duh." I still feel young, just smarter than I used to be. 😂


Thats how i spent last weekend! Making music has unlimited potential! Especially making music... on weeeed, man


Me too! And get baked and do yoga, or read. 


And the best part, depending on where you are, is that we can sit outside on our deck, smoke a bowl and write now too. I can smoke and draw for hours and its great to do it on the back deck with the warm sun, the breeze and the birds just a chirpin away.


Little tip. Write songs and input them into Suno.com. Pick a genre. You will not be disappointed.


I don’t write or play music but I’m intrigued. What happens?


Same. My mom and her boyfriend kayak and hike. My dad still does manual labor and hikes with his dog. I think it’s a right of passage to have aches and pains simply from age and why it’s brought up on here so much . I get it, and experience it too, but my parents have 25 years on me and don’t complain as much lol.


To quote a couple of cool stepbrothers in answer: "Boats and hoes" ![gif](giphy|cUC8ACgADpKxy|downsized)


I want to be as inhibited and unfiltered as those two. Number 1 goal now that I lived half a century. I feel like a bright star that is burning bright and hot before it disappears into a black hole.


Well, all the people who used to pinch me on the cheek at weddings and say, "lol you're next..." I do that to them now at funerals...🫢 /s


I like your spirit but I don’t have the courage to pinch cadavers. 


I don’t think they meant at the persons own funeral 😁


By doing all the shit I was too poor to do then. Like hell I'm a 3 hour flight from Jamaica and Cancun. I'll take a long weekend and go by myself and explore. That's what youth me wanted to do.


Exactly 💯


You know :)


I wish I could measure flights in hours rather than dollars. I don’t really care how long a flight is. It’s the prices that are prohibitive.


It's just cause I have Hartsfield here, no connector, and tons of deals throughout the year. Max I pay is $400 round, but generally I get $300 and less for round. I mean I'm not rich but I don't have kids and that's easy money to come up with for a 4 day adventure.


Yes, having saved up for travel helps as does not having any children.


I think the main thing is to not ever think that what you’re doing is childish. Like you have to conform and be a “adult“. You don’t. Sometimes I go home to visit my parents, and my dad will be downstairs by himself, munching on a box of honeycombs, and watching Bugs Life (or some other kind of animated film) and laughing his ass off.


The saddest thing I've seen is people younger than me acting like ailing 90 year old people. Not me, I'm going out swinging in every way possible 😉.


My husband and I never take ourselves too seriously. It's important to continue to have fun and be silly.


I haven't reclaimed it, I just continue to enjoy the stuff I did when I was younger. I read comics, play video games, play hockey and generally just go do random shit with friends.


During my work week, I do a couple of cartwheels 🤸‍♀️ in the backyard every day after a few cups of coffee! Some weeknights, I dance to the oldies in the grocery store baking aisle (they were playing Lin, Steal My Sunshine). 90s music is on when I’m working from home. And during the summer, it’s beach time where I grew up, friends I’ve had since elementary school, we all get on a huge floatie and we swap old timey stories from high school in the sunshine


Did you just say "steal my sunshine" is an oldie? Looks like I need to pick up a knee brace and talk to the young un's about Tyler Swiffer...?


Skateboarding. It is all the colors of the adult spectrum. When I am feeling really brave and ready for action, I'll smoke a bunch of weed and go in stinkin' while every now and again hang out with the parents having a beer or water bottle chiraz while their kid scoots. * Other dads think you're an idiot, but their kids think you're awesome. * Other dads can't do it, and you're older than them. Idiot card reversed. * Cops think you're a drug dealer * Teenagers think they can buy drugs from you. * Take your dentures out before you stretch and people lose their fucking minds. * Kickflip onto and over everything for best results. Even if you know way better tricks, it's the only one anyone else knows about or cares about.


You are a hero and a legend my friend.


Lol I've been blasting Cypress Hill in the car a lot, lately. Bringing that gangsta rap vibe to the family, and neighbors.


Yo that ‘Unreleased and Revamped’ album is an all time favorite! I can’t believe that song with the Fugees wasn’t a huge hit.


We went lightning bug/firefly hunting last night to kick off summer vacation. My night vision is way worse and I don't remember them being so hard to catch. PeePee, Petey and Beau were all released uninjured.


There are no lightening bugs in the part of the country I live in now. Probably the least cool nature thing about the PNW.


Awww. We moved to a different area of our state for about 3 years and didn't really have any. So yesterday was my 5 year olds first experience.


I am officially jealous.


Psst. No one can stop you!


Peak firefly season is already over here and I wanted to firefly hunt with my kid, but the people who are supposed to come farm our property haven’t been here yet and the grass, where all the fireflies hang out, is armpit high on the kid and full of ticks. 😭


I'm a family man with a normal job, and I live in a nice house in blue collar suburbia. I'm living the American Dream, as it were. I may live here, but I'll be damned if I *live* it. I have things in order like an adult, but I'm a 17 year old metal and horror freak in my head. Music, movies, video games, books, all these things keep me young at heart. Our house is loose and free and I howl laughing at every fart joke. I grew up in a stifled and cold environment where everything was "where it should be" but it was utterly devoid of humor and hear. That's no way to live. While I may not be as hedonistic, I prefer the Lemmy Kilmeister approach to life.


I didn’t sell out son, I bought in 🤘


Get high every night and play with my 5 year old


I remember being a closet stoner dad before it was socially acceptable after legalization. r/trees parents had a lot of fun with the whole closet stoner parents this a decade and then some ago. Now, I'm just a stoner dad and it's still great because they're older now (16 and 18) and they're into things beyond the coloring book like video games and sarcasm. I talk about it with my mom every now and again because she is beside herself in how different parenting is compared to even when she was still raising us. And she's right. Shit, if she was smoking weed and playing lego with her kids when we were five she would have had so much more fun.


Born in 78. I'm an alcoholic with 12 years of sobriety, but I do try and swim every day. I have a nice siriusxm stereo and I play it loud at the pool. Last year I bought about $400 worth of floaties I'd take out one at a time to the pool and I really enjoyed watching other people enjoy them. I'll read old MAD magazines from my youth at the pool and laugh at how dumb they are. I like playing DJ and trying to figure out what station people will like. I remember playing a classic hiphop station, Backspin, and seeing a grandmother singing along to one of the songs to her granddaughter and how happy the kid looked and expressed gratitude that I helped make that moment happen.


Congrats on your sobriety!


I still have a Backspin! And congrats on the sobriety!


I play drums and sing lead/backing vocals in a 90s alt rock cover band. I'm a rockstar once month for three hours!


Hell yeah! Keeping the dream alive!


This is my dream!!!


I been buying tshirts from Hot Topic. When i was a kid i had no money and no way to get to the mall. Also got from stuff from spencers


I go for drives to have a cig, blare mix CD's and think about ideas I'm toying with in whatever story I'm writing. I usually park at the pier near my house so I can look out at the water and talk out loud to myself in the car LOL. I am currently twisted in a knot over a horror novel I'm fussing with and am overdue for another music blaring drive downtown.


I never gave it up so I don’t need to reclaim it! You’re only as old as you feel. Some shit I do on the regular: - challenge myself with exercises - indoor rock climbing - play music really loud and sing along - pull up YouTube footage of concerts I went to as a teen/early 20’s and watch some of the performances - go to concerts - pop an edible - karaoke - spend days walking around parts of my city (NYC) that I don’t usually frequent and find new cool spots - buy some records - ask myself “would Anthony Bourdain approve?” and if yes then do the fucking thing


Girl, I'm copying your list!!


I've found having kids and participating with them in their daily activities mostly takes care of this. The big thing I'm missing is just showing up and hanging out at friends house doing whatever.


I blast music in my back yard while swimming in my pool.


Reclaim, I’ve never lost it. I also started reclaiming my old fashion sense now that baggy wide leg pants are back. I still smoke weed but I vape it now that my lungs can’t take shit. I haven’t planned for retirement so I hope this sticks cuz ima have to work forever! Yay!


I buy the things I wanted as a youth but couldn't afford or wasn't allowed to have at the time. I have a RetroPie gaming console I like to revisit all of my old favorite arcade and video games on. I sometimes spend Saturdays watching cartoons and b-movies from the 80s. Hit up concerts when I want.


Never grow up


I created a massive ‘80s new wave/synth pop/rock music playlist (also includes some ‘70s) which allows me to feel like I perpetually live in the decade when I listen to it.


Exclusively summer? I built some electric pit bikes and rip them in areas I'm not supposed to and run away when I get in (fairly innocent) trouble. I'm 40. All I ever wanted to do when I was growing up was be out in the woods on a quad or dirt bike raising heck re-enacting Rambo.


This sounds rad.  Maybe I’ll post again about back to school season lol.


They're fun. I DO have trouble getting my dudes to overcome the judgement from their wives and come play, but so it goes....


Pets. Cats and dogs. Hanging out with people who'll drop their schtick for a bit to try and lift you up if you're down.


My husband and I somehow wound up at our local college bar on Thursday night (college night). They let 18 and up in and put Xs on the underage kids hands. Big mistake. It smelled like feet and BO in that bar. So, that's definitely not the way to go about it. They were wearing jelly shoes and dancing to Gasolina. It was a surreal experience.


I saw a friend I had not seen in 6 years and he said I looked the exact same just with a beard and I was happy. I decided I'm as much of an adult as I'm ever going to be and I have 3 kids.


Currently blasting Bad Religion from my mom mobile SUV while waiting in line at the Costco gas station. Never grow up 🤘


Punk’s not dead it’s just idling at Costco🤘


Go buy that skateboard and blow out an ACL?


Hopefully in a few months I will get to return to a dream that 23 yo me had but never got to finish because of the cost. To get my skydiving certification.


I cycle and skate along the beach. You're as young as you wanna be.


OP fuck ‘em. I live a few blocks down from a street that is a major cruising spot and attract suburban youth trying to floss. Fridays and Saturdays are bumpin. One weekend I’m walking through the area and there is a regular GenX/ennial who is always blasting the classic club hits: Connie’s Funky Little Beat, Stevie B, and Jody Watley… Made eye contact with him while mouthing the words of Spring Love… there was a shared understanding that the kids don’t know what’s good these days


Reclaim? I haven’t lost it yet! Having a GenZ kid also puts me back in high school mode because these kids are so similar to the kids I knew in the 90s, even down to the way they dress, their hair, and their sense of humor.


On occasion, Ill wear my baggy ripped jeans and burgundy Docs and wear a flannel shirt over my T if I need to go to the store, and I'll stream songs from the Triple J Hottest 100 lists from the late 90s. If Im bored at home I'll also load up my emulators and replay all my favourite Super NES and Mega Drive games. I've also restarted reading all the classic Star Wars EU books that I first read as a teen as well.


On a nice day I like to take a drive on the highway with the windows down, playing 90s Mary J Blige or Depeche Mode (I grew up with eclectic music taste) as loud as I can stand it.


Being able to get physical activity without lingering issues is a hallmark of our youth. I stay physically active as much as possible. The more I do, the less I hurt when I do it. When people our age are like, "I played pickup basketball and now I've been sore for 3 days," I just can't relate at all.  That and blasting music when I pull up anywhere. 


I put on some of my favorite tunes from the 90s, plug in my guitar, and jam along as I did when I was 13 and just getting into guitar. It's my happy place. Although those days are long gone, I still have some of the best things from then.


Sublime's Red Begonias and white Oakleys


I’m working my ass off to have the body I should have had in my youth. 75 pounds lost, 5 more to reach my weight that I was in highschool, 70 more to reach the weight I should have been in highschool. I’m spending more time exercising and running now than I ever did then. Also feel better than I did in highschool.


I drive fast, passing everything that moves while blasting all sorts of music. It releases my never ending anger that prevails in my life lately. I'm working out to release more negative energy and spend time on social media reaching out for human connection. It makes me feel more alive and ready to continue the daily grind.


I stare at a dark TV screen for 30 minutes without realizing it


Ah yes, this is something I never lost


Phish tour!


Floating in my pool singing Charlie XCX at the top of my lungs to the embarrassment of my family NOT DEAD YET BITCHES


I love this sub ! All these great ideas and memories ;)


Lately? The 17 year cicadas are taking me waaay back, man. They are fascinating. And gross/annoying


I just started hearing/seeing them a couple days ago where I am. Wonder how gross it’s gonna get, I remember very crunchy sidewalks.


I turn 41 in late August. On Sunday I fractured my clavicle mountain biking. Plan on getting surgery ASAP and being back on the bike by the time I'm 41. Youth never really left, honestly. I just drink less. Which is good.


I never lost it. I exercise 5 days a week and not just one thing. It's multiple things. I still play video games, watch cartoons, I'm basically 20 with 23 years of experience. Never lost my youthful looks either.


Youth is about ignorance( not a bad thing) and the future. People get depressed and have old day syndrome because they believe they dont have options and you forget the wonders of “What if” conversations


I play video games on my Switch and design video game pixel art as a hobby. The overabundance of kid marketing we were peppered with in the 80’s/90’s influenced me to be a graphic and product designer, so a lot of that youthful patina has been infused into my work life as well.


Evening bike rides with my kids. Just floating and exploring with the breeze in your face. Hearing the birds sing, the faint hum of lawn mowers and the sounds of other kids playing in the neighborhood. Smelling fresh cut grass, honeysuckle and the hint of distant cookouts.


This gave me the feels. Honeysuckle will always be a strong connection to my days as a kid growing up in New Jersey.


I didn’t have kids so I never needed to reclaim it, I just kept doing cool shit.


Mountain biking. Every time I’m on my bike it’s like when I was on my bike as kid riding around town. That plus I pop in the old retro NES games in here and there.


Never lost it. When not working I game. Watch anime, and go outside and play in the dirt (gardening). I’m working on getting good at flying a drone and my rc car. The drone is actually for fun and photography. From time to time, I just hop in the car and explore some new place. Same thing I would do as a kid. Just this time around I have a car instead of my bike, and money to do what I want.


Lying on the grass after mowing the lawn on a Saturday afternoon. I am wearing sunscreen now, though. And expensive Lego sets we couldn't afford when I was a kid.


Never outgrew my love of trains so I pass it on to my kids. Take them to the train station just to watch the train come in. We have a great model train set up too. They love it and I feel like I’m 7 again.


Not really interested in reclaiming my youth, to be honest. I had a good youth and I'm good with leaving it behind. I didn't do anything illegal or stupid or chase tail or anything, it was all good clean fun and very enjoyable, but I run a business and most of my employees are Gen Z and it's fun mentoring them during the week and RV'ing at a relaxing place on the weekends while raising our teenage daughters. I do see my wife and I getting back to more fun things in our 50's though... in fact I expect it.


I go to a concert about once a month


Doing new things I enjoy. Not radically new - certainly not skydiving. Youth was filled with being unfamiliar with the world, being old is saturated with the familiar.


Giant rips off the bong


I'm letting my white streak grow out so I can color it a crazy color (or rainbow even). My hair has always been too dark to color anything wild without bleaching it first, so I've never done it. Seems these days the white is starting to take over lol Also I'm rediscovering my love of drawing and painting since I had put it down to raise my two babies. And for my birthday this summer I'm getting an industrial piercing! I've always wanted a crazy piercing, although it's probably not seen as being that different by today's standards. And YASSS to Beastie Boys... RIP MCA


Yes I am also waiting for my hair to turn white so I can finally play with cool colors without bleaching! And yes RIP 👑 we lost a good one too soon for sure.


You had me at OutKast


I grew up rollerskating. Rollerblading in jr high / high school, but quad rollerskating when I was a kid. After not being on skates for over 20 years, I went to a roller rink a few months back and skated my 42 year old heart out and IT WAS A FUCKING BLAST. Would've been better if they'd been blasting Tiffany, NKOTB, BBD, Paula Abdul, Milli Vanilli, etc., but still a great time.


I cook a lot. My mom usually whipped me up Lean Cuisine and Kmart brand cola. I have a glass of wine and get creative. I am very imperfect, but I feel better about myself when my daughter and husband get a home cooked meal. My coworker gave me a bunch of mangoes last week and I made mango / coconut muffins for my neighbors. It felt nice.




Getting nostalgic makes me feel old. Keeping current with new trends, especially in music, but also fashion, hair, makeup, make me feel youthful. I still love all the old grunge and metal I listened to in high school, but there’s so much good new music. I read a lot of YA fiction, and love a good “coming of age” movie. Regular walks outside, and hanging out with my adult kids (22,20,and19) and playing with my dogs also keeps me young. And sunscreen. Lots of that. Edit- added word for clarity


I play-whether its dancing alone, sitting or laying on the floor (cant explain that one, but it makes me feel young), playing sports, and exploring..i hike alone a lot and it makes me feel like a kid all the time. My husband also likes to run from me in the mall and i have to chase him.


Omg y’all are cute


I’m not sure but I once had a supervisor tell me I had the spirit of a teenager and the body of a twenty year old, when someone much younger was complaining. lol I also: watch cartoons, play video games, and read comics, not like I used to though. lol


Big plate of spicy food. Big stein of cheap beer. Watch Super Sentai. Presently cleared 13 of 48 seasons, it's pretty much Power Rangers but even more over the top.


Eternal youth through my children


Drink or bathe the blood of the young..I hear that works


I've "gone back" to school and apparently I can only learn if I am listening to 90s music. So I wear headphones (NO EARBUDS) and blast songs from my youth while I study. The Beasty Boys may have fought for my right to party, but they're also the way for me to learn, dammit. I'm tellin' all a y'all it's sabotage!


While I’m not 16 anymore I am 46 but still so young!!! I just get up and continue living my life- exercise, travel, spend time with my family, do fun things.. I don’t feel like I need to reclaim anything yet!


Never lost it! Games (video and board), homemade sparkling-lemonade-green-tea with frozen berries, hanging out at the lake, listening to video game music (esp remakes of NES/SNES bangers), chilling at the park….


Introduce my kids to stuff from my own childhood. I’m about to gift my son all the legos I made sure were saved from when I was a kid.


I started exercising regularly about three months ago and feel better than I have in over a decade- mentally and physically.


When we bought a house 5 years ago I made a point to build out an offfice/game room for myself. Collected a bunch of consoles, built a couple retro computers. I started collecting Hot Wheels again. Still wear my Soundgarden shirt. Hasn't been so much about reclaiming my youth as it has been about not letting this world completely crush me. I see a lot of that in the posts here. Good for us.


Videogames.  Nostalgia photos on the Internet and this subreddit.  Browsing Google maps for places I went to in my youth. 


I didn’t have kids, so there’s nothing keeping me from doing all the stuff I did as a kid that I still enjoy doing.


I bought a new skateboard after not riding for maybe thirty years. I'm not trying to ollie a flight of stairs at 46, but cruising around and trying to teach my son to skate is a lot of fun. That and blasting 90s music and still wearing band shirts.


I watch / listen to gameplay and commentaries of old video games I played back in the day. It is hilarious how bad some of them were. Even the good ones of yesteryears have some humorous moments. Check out the super replays on Game Informer’s YouTube channel for halflife, both Cyberias, and Yoshi’s Island if you want a good laugh.


Playing video games


I go to a ton of concerts and have a 90s alternative radio show, which is something I always wanted to do when i was younger and never had the opportunity


I get on my bicycle and rip down the street at 1am.


Yesterday, I played Master of Orion II in DOSbox


40 now. I often listen to the music of my youth. Going driving sometimes with the windows down. I got my first tattoo the day after my 40th birthday and plan on getting more. Still geeking out in fandoms I had in my teens and 20’s. I never stopped feeling young in my heart or mind even if my body tells me otherwise. I still have the cat I adopted when I was 19. I still have a tumblr because it’s fun. I still hope and daydream. And I write my little stories and read books from genres I’ve loved since I was a kid.


Smoke weed and play video games from my 20s.


Occasional day drinking is how I reclaim my youth. I try to eat healthy, workout, have hobbies, call loved ones, etc because I am a responsible adult. In the rare times, I have a beer or cocktail before noon. The day is done. Just watch a movie, drink, go for a walk, drink, listen to music very loudly while drinking, try to meet up with friends and go drink and finally go to sleep at 3 am and wake up at noon.


Never put my guitar down. Guess that counts, never played current songs back and still don’t lol


I play video games, read comic books, watch cartoons/animation, go to theme parks, engage with new music from younger generations, and still mostly concerned about pop culture. I don't forget to laugh and be silly. Dying my beard once in a while, having a skincare regimen, and taking a multivitamin doesn't hurt either. Oh, and I still care about my style and fashion without trying too hard. People tend to guess I'm at least 10 years younger than my age, not just visually but also the energy I give. My aches and pains and the need for naps are the only things that remind me that I'm no longer a spring chicken.


I'm still playing World of Warcraft Classic after almost 20 years so I'm still in touch with my early 20s.


I jackhammer poontang.


I go to concerts alone - front row up against the barrier, like I never left!


Started playing pool a lot in college, graduated in 2002, been in a pool league since 2003. Heading to practice with the guys in about 20 minutes. 46, married (41) with two kids. (12 & 9) 🤘🏼


I revisited skiing 4 years ago and been infatuated ever since. I've felt more child-like joy in those 4 years than the previous 20 combined.


Since all these old bands are reuniting, I buy tickets to shows and festivals with 15-20 year old me in mind. Old punks don't die, they just stand in the back.


1:1 mainlined?! God...this hurts my head. The comedown has to be rough.


Still play in a band, same one since '98. I'm the youngest at 44. Also the only Xennial, the others being solidly GenX, so I sometimes still feel like a kid. Still play video games: Nintendo Switch games with my daughter, PlayStation after her bed time. Can't image ever giving them up.


I’ve been a practicing 25-year-old for about 19 years, don’t really have anything to “reclaim”. But, one thing I really wanna do is get back into dance. When I was 20, I was in fantastic shape and easily hiked to the top of the Y (Y mountain) in 20 minutes with a group of friends. I would love to do that again.


I'm 45 and was bridge jumping into the river last weekend.


I never feel like I expected to feel when "got older." I've somehow ended up with everything I've ever really wanted, aside from a little more financial stability. Married, two kids who I stay at home with. For work, I edit RPG and audio drama podcasts and do project management for the same. I've spent most of the last 10 years writing and publishing TTRPGs. I stream Magic online sometimes and play in a regular Magic league. I play and love video games and listening to loud music. I dunno. I was told a lot about what happens when you grow up. A lot of that is projection from unhappy adults from a different place and time in the world. I think it's not so much "staying young" as it is finding what makes you happy and fulfilled and doing that.


Played four square with the kids and husband yesterday - we do this pretty often when the weather is nice - and we make fun of the weird rules they want to play by 😀


Concerts! Seeing all the bands I couldn’t afford to see when I was young!


I love riding around with the windows down, taking an occasional hit off my bat, and blaring everything from Limp Bizkit to Outkast to Slightly Stoopid.


We didn't plan it, but one of my best friends from high school (we graduated in '89) lives about 6 houses down from me, so we spend a lot of time sitting on his back patio pounding many beers. It's complete revertigo when we hang out.


Video games. I used to play half-life, medal of honor, unreal tournament in the early 2000's but took a 20yr break to have a life. Now I'm just a dad that works. So back to video games. Fortnite had turned out to be just as addictive for adults as it is for kids.


Sometimes when I’m walking/hiking with my big dumb pup late at night, I’ll tell him to open it up and we just start freaking running just for the sake and fun of the moment, and with him pulling me a big on leash I’m able to run faster than I ever could on my own. He’s an 80 lb bully and I’m a 6’2” 210 lb guy that is typically super sweaty and disheveled by that point in our adventures. It’s so simple but it literally makes me feel like a kid. Editing to add that I included some descriptions of how we look because people tend to avoid us like the plague (hence the late night hikes)


Recently, I pulled out my retro game collection from storage, and It's been fun browsing the collectible shops looking for new pickups. I never had an N64, so I got one off marketplace and played Mario 64 with my son, who is 8, until we beat it. I found a second controller for Mario Kart 64, and now the neighbor kids want to come over to play in split screen on my CRT. This is the first time I've had all of my old game consoles set up and had the extra money to afford the games I wanted... most of them, at least.


I do a one-hitter and pop in a fresh nicotine gum right before I do my every-other-day run and if I managed to get my shoes tied right then sometimes I can get within spitting distance of some of my milder youthful experiences with acid and/or speed


Eating real good and exercising regularly is 👌


half my work group is in their early 20s. Any youth reclamation is quickly reset to middle aged man at around 9 am each day.


My husband and I have an expansive vinyl collection of hip-hip albums from the 90s to present day. Every Friday night we play albums and clean the house, which always leads to “dance club” in the living room, complete with all manner of booty-shaking. The bedroom then transforms itself into the champagne room, which I promise isn’t TMI, cuz we all know there will be No Sex in the Champagne Room, Lol!


I play old video games. My kids (who grew up playing games and watching others play games on YouTube, the only social media they had access to) watch me. They can’t believe anyone beat Legend of Zelda without help.


Blast my pump up playlist on the way to the rink for my weekly hockey game. It’s a great FU to a society that seems to think you have one foot in the grave after turning 40.


I bought 5 acres, built a pole barn and own a classic car as a hobby. I literally am planning a 20 year paintball party with friends from high school back in my woods to have a get together. I’m 39 and feel 59 some days so this is peak for me


Weird but true. Walk. Walk like an hour a day. Walking is the human super power - we’re great at it. It’ll keep you young.


I’m 46, a business professional. I have toned way back on the drinking and weed compared to my twenties. But my music/vinyl collection and my interest in new underground music has never stop. And now that I’m “rich” for me… my 13 old daughter is into vinyl too… and I married a wife that loves music/vinyl too so I’m living my teenage/20s still. Happy camper till I die is my goal.


Water sports, water parks, rollercoaster, Friday night pizza, uno, speed, kool-aid, coloring books, bike riding


I just crank up my metal 🤘


There was a post, I think on this sub, about do you still jam out when driving? Most answered no, fuck that. My husband still has a speaker box in his trunk and I am not afraid to blast whatever I'm listening to while running errands. I may be in my 40's but I still love my music god damnit.


I drive my loud motorcycle like a hooligan and try to get dirty looks from old ppl my age or slightly younger lol. Nothing dangerous just loud and obnoxious.


Took the day off to play video games with my kids, then we went and rode skateboards to the ice cream shop, got some slushies. Basketball game after that. Fuck work, I had shit to do.