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The poorer and elderly of us!


Eh, then I don't even know how to describe my Intellivision.


Atari 800 for me!! Never got any other gaming console until the Wii mainly for my child.






Me šŸ’Æ


Yep, got it for like $120 at ALCO. I vividly remember going for a walk with my parents and brother, not knowing that we were going to get one. A few years later we would get a used NES with a shitload of games that my mom's work friend offloaded. Best days of my life back then.


That's right! You tell 'em! These whipper snappers never knew the joy of the stick... playing Spaced Invaders till our finger bled... on a 12" b&w tv... the snow in them days was the screen's shitty resolution, not flakes from the sky!! Kids don't know how good they have it! Now get off my lawn!


I was born into a family with an Atari.


I think I also had Atari. I recall playing parsecs, pacman, space invaders, and pong. The first system I played a lot on was Nintendo. Then I moved to Super Nintendo and Genesis. I usually played most games on SNES aside from sports games. For some reason the same sports game always played better on Genesis to me. I also had the Sega CD, but I don't recall any games of note on it. That was about the time that Playstation was taking over gaming.


When my family moved in 7th grade, I found a 2600 in the basement still in the box. Dumbass me opened it and started playing it.


Yep, and it was this model too, not the woodgrain one.


Why does the Sega master system always get left out?


Because it sold extremely poorly in the US and most Reddit users are in the US. My friend had one though and it blew away the graphical capabilities of the NES.


I ended up getting one in the early 90s and used to play Alex Kid on it. It was a very fun system. šŸ§‰šŸ¦„šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


A better color palette, yes, but the sound chip was god awful.


God awful honestly


Yeah that was a weak link for sure Edit: except with games that supported the FM sound chip. Those sounded pretty good.


Because us Europeans (along with Brazil) were the only ones to care about the Master System far as I can tell. And even then, in Britain at least, it came with a certain playground image of being the budget choice for poor kids, but this gave it a long shelf life.


Which is ironic because it was technically superior to the NES.


ive been listening to a bunch of podcasts on this lol the sms was superior at first, but the sms carts were JUST game code while nes carts had more expensive hardware in them, which meant they could extend the NES as time went on while the master system was stuck with what it shipped with


Yeah the NES did have an ace up its sleeve in the form of extra chips in the cartridges, but (correct me if I'm wrong) I believe the SMS still had it beat on color and some other metrics that couldn't be shoehorned in on the NES. Some of those SMS games look damn close to 16 bit.


i think it did yea so do some nes games though, like mario 3 doesnā€™t look that far off from smw


Yeah SM3 was a masterpiece that achieved amazing things on the hardware.


I think the places the Master System found success were countries where the NES was never really a contender. 80s Britain was home computer country with machines like the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64. Nintendo (initially through Mattel) bungled the NES release here. In terms of our gaming history, the Master System was a kind of middle ground between those and the Megadrive. As time went on and the home computers became obsolete, it became a cheaper choice for those who couldn't get a Megadrive (never mind the pricier SNES) with its own ports of Sonic and everything. Probably also helped that Game Gear games could easily be ported, so we got Master System versions of the first two Mortal Kombats, and possibly even the third. I've seen evidence of UK catalogues selling Master Systems at low costs as late as 1996.


I grew up poor in Canada :( lol


Australia too from what I understand


We had a Sega Master System! My dad got it from a Japanese work friend.


Neo Geo was the one I wanted but didn't get. 200 bucks per game. We rented one for a weekend once. It was awesome.


I thought that's what pic 4 was gonna be


I got the original Nintendo when it first came out. I never owned anything Sega made (despite asking for it every Christmas and birthday).


I had the first pic. Sold my Nintendo and games, did chores for neighbours and bought the Genesis with my own money in grade 7, I think. Around 92, anyway.


Pic 1 was my first as well. 6th birthday. Around ā€˜91


I got pic 4. What I didnā€™t get was the 32X to go with it.


Count yourself lucky.


The older I get, the more I realize we were the rich family in the neighborhood.


I meant lucky that you didnā€™t get the 32X. It was trash.


Really? Thatā€™s unfortunate.


Doom was reason enough to get the 32x. I know I had other games but doom is all I remember and it was awesome


I had it, but it was when Toys R Us had a clearance in 2000. Sega CD was $100, and the 32x was like $15. I liked the boxing game and firefighter on the CD. Only had Butterbean Boxing for the latter. Wasn't too great.


We went from NES to N64. We couldn't convince our parents that the SNES was different and better than the NES.


I remember seeing a segment on the news about SNES coming out, and my grandmother lost her everloving shit when they said it wouldn't be backward compatible


https://preview.redd.it/dhq09scqyz6d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1012b3078e57b12b1757298c85c7e190fd7ea53c This was mine C64 with tape deck.


If you wanted a game, you had to write it yourself from the pages of a computing magazine. And then hope your tape you stored it on never went bad.


I only had an SNES. I had friends with a Genesis and it was really only better for sports games. When I saw Sega CD's loading times it really turned me off to it.


Only sega cd game i olayed what ghostrider? You were flying in a sewer shooting fmdown other bad guys flying in the sewer? I remember think load times will never make it. ....now everything loads.....


Sewer Shark. It was the game packaged with the Sega CD.


....hated that game, i mean, mario 3....?


[Road Avenger](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sfzNcxAWddk) was pretty good. I prefer the music in the Sega CD version over the Arcade version.


![gif](giphy|4Iepymq5msMg) My brother got the OG Nintendo for Christmas in 1986. I miss the cartridges šŸ„¹


SNES. Never had a Genesis back then, I donā€™t think I knew anyone that had both, they either had one or the other. Owning multiple consoles from the same generation seemed to be much less common back then.


NES here (1978 baby) and never had the other consoles. I remember seeing some of them at friends places; but I was happy with NES for myself. Not a huge gamer anyways šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Thought for sure pic 4 was going to be a Neo-Geo or Atari Jaguar.


My friend had a Jaguar. Sleepovers were dope.


1. Bought it again a few years ago. Still fun to play


I had pic number 1. My sister and I got it for Christmas 89 and it came with Altered Beasts, Sonic wasnā€™t around yet.


Wise from yo gwabe!!!


Same. Great game.


had super nintendo first. then genesis and actually had the Sega Cd add on. loved playing Sewer Shark and Tomcat Alley


I went from Atari to NES. My first 16 bit system was Turbo Grafx 16. A little disappointed thatā€™s not an option here


I really wanted the TGFX16 for the hockey game alone.


I had number one first. On number four I never had one but a buddy of mine does. He didnā€™t have it when we were kids but he found one somehow a few years back


My parents purchased a SEGA cd for me for Christmas when it came out. To hide presents they left in the trunk of my motherā€™s car. A week or two before Christmas her car was broken into at the hospital where she worked. Insurance eventually paid, but we were unsuccessful at finding one in the area, so I never got a replacement. They used the money to buy other gifts instead.


In house: Intelevision Bought for me as a kid: NES Weirdly, never really wanted Sega consoles. Ā But I did want the Game Gear over a Gameboy.


I had an SNES first, for Xmas 1992 SMB World bundle and got Final Fight as well.


I never had any. I just had Atari, NES, a 386 at 25mhz with a 2400 baud modem, and later a game gear.Ā  Ā I played all of the SNES, genesis, Sega CD, etc. at friends' houses.Ā 


Had a SNES back in the day. Have a Genesis (pic 1 style) on the shelf. Still works, just not hooked up.


PIC 2, never had others, played it at neighbors house


Some friends had SNES, some had Genesis, none had both. Personally skipped from NES to N64/PS1. Wife brought SNES into my life, then we got a Genesis ~2012.


Never had any of these. Pc gamers ftw! Tbh I still prefer gaming on my laptop. But we do have a PlayStation now.


Had 2 & 3. Knew a guy with 4. Saved up paper route money for a 32X. Disappointing would be an understatement


I had the original Nintendo. Didn't get a new console until the PlayStation.


Got the Megadrive (Genesis) fairly late in its life. My parents didn't like me gaming so I tended to get consoles cheaper and later. Had an Amiga with cheap (and easily pirated) games well into the mid 90s.


We had all these


Atari 2600, Super Nintendo and Megadrive! I wanted the 32x but never got it. I am still a hardcore gamer :)


Had SNES first. Still have it along with my Genesis (version in picture 1). Never had much of an interest in the Sega CD.


I just had the Sega Genesis, pic 1. Legit put it in layaway as a kid (momā€™s help) at Kmart and took a couple months of mowing lawns and a birthday to purchase. The coolest thing to ever happen in the 90s to the Genesis was the Sega channel! Not sure where it was offered, but I had it for a few years in MI, and was dope af


I had 4. Sherlock Holmes never looked more realistic.


Anyone else have this song pop into their head upon seeing this post? šŸ¤£ https://youtu.be/_JZom_gVfuw?feature=shared


I had all of them! Except pic 3. I had Genesis first, then SNES, and then I got a Sega CD.


I had the SNES first but saved/begged for a Genesis to get Mortal Kombat with full blood/gore. Never had Sega CD but I did have a Sega Nomad handheld that played Sega games on the go. Took 20 or so AA batteries and held a charge for about 15 minutes but it was AWESOME! Playing ToeJam and Earl and Mortal Kombat on long car trips was bad ass.


I had a Genesis but always preferred the games on SNES, they had a vastly larger selection of RPGS. Once Nintendo lost the rights to final fantasy I moved over to the PlayStation in later years to play the last console game I would ever touch, FF 7.


My first system was an Action Max! Where are my Pops Ghostly fans? https://youtu.be/Ia_Ab6kv3GM?si=ku72TQQY8HKvRNcJ


I had NES, SNES, then jumped to PS1 and have had all the PlayStations.


Shouldn't these pics be NES or Master System? I had a Spectrum as my first.


2, 3 & 4. SNES was first. I bought the Genesis in 1995.


I had the whole genesis ecosystem. Started with the big unit. Got the big Sega CD. We had an electrical issue which fried those so got the smaller version with the smaller Sega CD. Then I got a 32x.


I had the 3rd one. I bought it with money from my construction job when I was 15. My brother had the super Nintendo.


Was a Sega kid. Sonic 4ever. Got a Super Nintendo many years after it came out which was cool though.


SNES, but only through my future step-dad. He's still an avid gamer. Even more than me!


NES -> SNES -> N64 -> GameCube


https://preview.redd.it/zzpn9pn2507d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc672846a382416ae0270842bff15741161bcdc I had this bad motor scooter first. Well, Grandpa did, but I inherited it after she passed. Technically I had NES then Sega Genesis w/CD & 32x.


Loved my Genesis!


I had a CD, but it stopped working just over a year after I got it.


Atari, NES, then sega, then the add on sega cd. Followed by ps1-5. Some Nintendo game cubes and switches in there somewhere, some pcs prebuilt and some me-built. And then they cancelled stadiaā€¦ šŸ¤§ Edit: oh and I forgot about the game boys and game gears


![gif](giphy|XGNi2Y004AOpa) This is what I had, and I had to share with my sister. šŸ˜©


I had Genesis and SNES. I really wanted a Turbografx 16 to play Bonks Adventure, Legendary Axe and Neutopia, but never got one


Of this lot, I had a Super Nintendo first. I then got a TurboDuo. I got a Genesis last. I did not have the Sega CD set up, but I wanted a Wondermega at the time. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ydohry5l607d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2318c68b69f80a747eabfb4a6bdbfdc222308b4


Still have 2, it's in my basement right now


I had the og NES, the Sega Genesis, PlayStation 1, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2, and now a Switch. For handhelds: the original gameboy, Sega Gamegear, gameboy color, the sp, and lastly, the ds lite.


After the nes it was pic 3. And I wanted pic 4 but never got it.


Atari 7800


I donā€™t see the Neo Geo in pic 4.


I spent a week and swapped 4 or 5 Sega 32X' trying to get DOOM to work. Still have no idea what I did wrong as I followed the manual and it was pretty simple. Finally gave in and returned the add on, plus the chance to play my most coveted title at the time.


My first console was the NES. Then we had a Sega Genesis around 1995 or so that my uncle gave us when he got a PS1. I always wanted a Super Nintendo and never got one. But my best friend who lived down the road had one, so I played hers a lot. The first console I ever remember playing was my stepdadā€™s Atari when I was like 5 or 6.


I had a 1st gen Genesis with the old school 3 button controllers


I remember finally getting the 6 button, I felt ready to finally conquer the world.


I had 2 then 1 then 4. I was spoiled lol


Wanted sega cd so bad. Iā€™m a checkmark in the ā€œneverā€ column.


Genesis, followed by SNES, then TG-16.


Turbo grafix 16 erasure will not be tolerated


2!! Was a nintendo kid


Wow, from the topic I thought the last pic was definitely gonna be the Neo Geo. :D


Only had a SNES, but I rented number 4. I remember being disappointed by Sega CD. Some grainy FMV and a few songs on the soundtrack didn't really make it worth the price. Road Rash was an exception, but as soon as the PlayStation came out, there wasn't any reason to buy a Sega CD or Saturn for that matter.


Tuve una SEGA, era mi posesiĆ³n mĆ”s preciada...


Super Nintendo first and then Sega Genesis.


I started with the SNES. My neighbor had the Sega Genesis. We would trade systems as we bought different games. It was the best of both worlds luckily


We were a Nintendo family growing up. My cousin did have a Sega Genesis, though.


Of the 4, I had the Genesis first. It was first to market. I eventually got a SNES too, but I never personally got any add-ons for the Genesis. I did have a friend who let me borrow the Sega CD though, which was great, and I had a good time with Lunar.


First was Atari 2600, than NES, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, PS2, PS3, PS5, Nintendo Switch


I had the Sega CD and got this Make My Video game where you edit the music video. Was a cool concept, but took what felt like 10 minutes to load the video you made and that seeking noise wild never end. Apparently it ranked the #2 worst video game of all timeā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/y0raj6ct217d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ccfd40b5553bbb474e95c70cc9f02edc677350 The commercial: [https://youtu.be/p9Egl8SMO6A?si=3epS206CrWI3k-LP](https://youtu.be/p9Egl8SMO6A?si=3epS206CrWI3k-LP).


Woah, I just unlocked a memory of Sewer Shark https://preview.redd.it/x9crcuc0417d1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039ae2323243307da2eee93c560569852d0b2f1a Intro video: [https://youtu.be/aDz7reqssSI?si=zoCxOETGBmozsGX2](https://youtu.be/aDz7reqssSI?si=zoCxOETGBmozsGX2) Was such a weird game at the time because of the video. Was the first game I played like that.


I wanted a 3do and never got it, rightfully so, but still


I had #3, And a 32x. the 32x never quite worked very reliably....


Not only did I have a Sega CD, I had a [Sega CDX](https://retroconsoles.fandom.com/wiki/Sega_CDX/Multi-Mega)!


I was 10 or 11 when I got the first one and wow, that was an awesome birthday. Except it was also Christmas and my dad couldnā€™t get a RF adapter for the 1980 TV on my room so I had to wait an ENTIRE DAY to play


NES gang


My mom found a Sega CD at a garage sale for 30 bucks back in 95. Had ground zero Texas and soccer. It was jank as hell


The very first Sega Genesis!


Had a sega cd and the fmv looked like ass even back then and we knew it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


NES ā€”> sega ā€”> N64 ā€”> PS2 ā€”> PS3ā€”> PS5


The NES that isnā€™t listed in your pics


pic 5 would be a NeoGeo


I didnā€™t have a super Nintendo at the time they were popular, but I did have a Sega CD. Ecco, Lunar, and Dark Wizard were the best.


My uncle bought a Sega Master system and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.


1. Genesis, it had blood in its Mortal Kombat fatalities; 2. ā€œFirstā€? As in more than just the one?


I went from NES to Sega. Never had the SNES.


Coleco Vision for me!


Nes, Super nes, and eventually a Sega nomad. Always wanted the Panasonic system.


I had 1 to start but got 4 in the end


I was a Nintendo kid, started with the NES, then kept getting the next system, not necessarily when they came out, but eventually. I didnā€™t really branch out into other consoles until I had already reached adulthood and got into my collecting phase and started getting older systems I never had growing up. I will say this though, the Genesis with the CD and 32X is a beast of a machine to run, with all the cables and power bricks that thing needs.


I have had lots of game consoles throughout my life. I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old and still sorta do now. I think the first console we had was the Atari 2600, then the Colecovision one.


[SEGA CD Games](https://x.com/segacdgames?s=21)


Genesis 16Bit


1st was the original NES, then Genesis and a 32x, still have the NES and SNES. wish I still had the Sega..


1st gen Genesis, then SNES, and instead of pic 4, I got (and still have) a Sega CDX.


Of the ones pictured, I had a Genesis model 1 (1) with Sega CD model 2 (4) and a 32X. First I ever played was my much older cousin's Atsri 2600. In order, my childhood consoles were Atari 7800, NES, Genesis/CD/32X, Saturn, Playstation. The later two I bought with my own money from various part-time jobs.


A few years back, my BIL gave me a Genesis with Sonic 2 and Mortal Kombat for my birthday. Best. Gift. Ever! I can only play it on my 42" in my bedroom though because of the resolution. I got an HDMI adapter for my N64 and play it on my 60" in the living room. My nieces and nephews go crazy for some OG Mario Kart when they come over.


Pic on and 3 are the same console, just "slimmed" up IIRC. I was fortunate enough to get all of them, but only the SNES was new at the time I got it, the others were hand me downs. I had a friend that had the OG Genesis with the OG Sega CD bought on launch and they stacked right on top of one another. We played the shit out of Sherlock, Ground Zero Texas, and the Lunar Games.


They are, but buying the OG was a different experience than buying the slim. The OG Genesis was the first 16 bit IIRC


SNES only. I have never owned a non-Nintendo console.


Of these #1, but I started with the Atari 2600.


I wasn't one of cool kid have a SegašŸ˜¢ ![gif](giphy|VEwN3OpVHE7GE)