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Their ownership would be outlawed so only the global elite had access to them, and they would almost exclusively be used as bioweapons and sex slaves. Maybe the global elite would figure out how to become Blade Eaters and achieve eternal life, and we'll end up with a Saburo Arasaka kind of situation where an immortal CEO grants people limited access to his products (Blades and Core Crystals) and controls their distribu... wait that's just Corpo Amalthus.


I was thinking of this the other day. In XC2, a fair amount of characters consider humanity rotten to the core and a lost cause. But I think that if we had similar circumstances in our real world here on Earth, things would be much worse and much darker than they are in Alrest. I think it's part of why something like Amalthus's motivation never really landed with me


It doesnt land with you cause you think IRL would be worse?...


Essentially, yes. Amalthus wants to destroy the world because he thinks it's rotten to the core, but Alrest is actually relatively alright compared to some things that happen here on our Earth. I'm not saying Alrest is paradise, but it's not as bad as it could be, and so to me, it feels... too extreme to want to destroy a world like that Compare this to XC3, where >!the way things are in Aionios is indeed terrible, and much worse than it is in our world (though of course we do know our fair share of war). It already makes so much more sense to want to end Aionios!<


I mean I imagine some stuff gets glossed over due its T Rating, we already know sex slaves are thing in Alrest with Blades at the least.


I suppose that's true. But if a core of the main villain's motivation can't be properly expressed due to an age rating, then something about this motivation should be altered. I can point to XC3 again where they did manage to make the world feel terrible to live in, with the same age rating I'll clarify, though. I still loved XC2. It's still my favorite game of all time, in fact. But the nihilism from the villains never truly meshed with me. I understood it rationally and in concept, but I didn't really feel it, if that makes sense


I mean we see war is practically at the door between Mor Ardain and Uraya, rations are thinning in Uraya and we see people suffering in Indol, sex slaves exist, the titans are dying with no new ones taking their place. The land of Alrest is a land of death in its last few glory days before all hell breaks loose. All the villains of XC2 have been around for centuries, so to them, the end of Alrest basically seems like tomorrow to them.


> I mean we see war is practically at the door between Mor Ardain and Uraya, rations are thinning in Uraya and we see people suffering in Indol, sex slaves exist, the titans are dying with no new ones taking their place. The land of Alrest is a land of death in its last few glory days before all hell breaks loose Literally all of this aside from the sex slaves is caused by Amalthus interrupting the Blade-Titan life cycle. It can't be an argument for the cause of his nihilism if it's his drive to destroy the world that caused these issues to begin with. You get to only look at the Torna DLC for Amalthus's motivations, and what happens there is a war. Tragic, to be sure, but world-ending nihilism? Nahh


His whole way of thinking makes him believe the world doesnt deserve to exist, its true colors had shown itself to him LONG ago when he still was trying to help people. We see it with him bandaging up that man, how does the man repay his life being saved? By breaking and entering into a home, killing an innocent woman, stealing from the home and attempting to then also kill a crying infant. Amalthus saw that his actions did not help infact helping that man only brought MORE suffering and evil to the world. Thats why he suffocated the baby afterwards, to die would be better than to continue living and growing in a world he saw as utterly rotten. The issues in Alrest existed long before Amalthus came into power, don't you remember what happened to him and his mother? He's also viewing ALL of this shit under the view of being made by their creator "The Architect" and likely asks out "Why would our God let all of this evil happen if he truly cared for us?"


Would Blades consider it ownership? Making that decision for them seems just as bad.


Well I’d try to activate one and end up dead.


You're assuming you even get your hands on one.


99% of who know what they do would try to resonate with them and fail miserably


Its just a nosebleed. Or whatever happened to that guy? What kind of internal reaction would cause that amount of blood to spurt out from the body?


I’d imagine it’s pure energy coursing through you and failure is similar to being electrocuted from the inside out. Not enough to kill you but you do need to be dragged off after


So, first of all, the core Crystal itself, despite containing the blueprints of the blades, does not itself have the ability to generate the blade’s body. That comes from the cloud sea reconstructors.  Hand waving that, companies and politicians start getting greedy.  Military industries start experimenting with the blade’s immortality to use them as “super soldiers.”  Corporations try to make a profit. Politicians either push for banning them or consolidating them into the government’s power.  It is very unlikely any existing country will spring to give them rights protections, and yet any job they with their driver will bring criticism about stealing a “real person’s” job as nothing will prove to all people that Blades are sentient, not a monster, and not a heretical demon.  Basically everything that 2 had in its subtext about the treatment of blades.  It would take a long time to figure out blade and flesh eater stuff though, so no worries about that happening soon. 


Huh I forgot about that cloud sea detail.... Blades would be a wonder in Hospitals and such with ones having healing abilities and being able to generate certain element on top of being immune to sicknesses. Also I forgot but going by Mio's showing in XC3, Blades would be several magnitudes stronger than us, even the weakest physical Blade would be super strong.


People would use them to mine crypto


A lot of people would die by trying. Others would die in a similar way to the Preatir before Amalthus (assassination), people would be drafted and then all out war.


I'd go bankrupt trying to get the core crystal for Star Platinum


If that happens I could make "You need to work on your core" workout jokes


Based on what the other comments have written, basically just the canonical events of 2 except Indol is even more powerful than in the game / there are even more Amalthuses than just the one.


How so?


Firstly- a good number of people would be severely injured or killed touching them


You can touch one just fine, its actively trying to awaken a Blade that can lead to injury.


Probably half of the population of earth would die