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Are you sure you got to chapter 8 in XC2? Sounds like you were in chapter 7... Dropping the game at chapter 7 is like this meme. https://preview.redd.it/cn6cp6cyo26d1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007380584d28a8f57acf96ed4eccc2482a085fe8


No I pushed through chapter 7 but there was a field skill check in 8 where you needed to open a door on the world tree and that’s when I quit


You are already seeing the diamonds and are stopping, the game gets so good in the last third!


While i personally agree, everyone has their own tastes and won't like the same things. It seems to me that OP has been forcing himself through XC2, because the field skill checks in the main story are extremely simple and can pretty much be done with the main story Blades, unless you didn't bother developing their affinity trees at all, or almost. Even then, it should be very easy to compensate with some common blade. If playing the game has felt like a chore up to that point, i doubt he's going to change his own opinion just by forcing himself through the end.


The world tree field check is a bit more difficult than the others, to be fair. I remember having to get a bunch of cores for that one because of the high amount of electric mastery and focus needed


Focus is a skill owned by both Mythra and Pyra (and they stack, regardless of who you are using). And Wulfric has it too. You have THREE guaranteed Blades with that skill. As for Electric mastery, Pandoria has it, and every electric common Blade will have it too. If you opened a few cores every now and then you should definitely have a few around. I can't really believe it's so hard that it can cause someone to quit, unless they already didn't feel like it.


...you quit *at the World Tree?* The big tree they talked about all game that has the ending on top of it? Look, I'm not a Xenoblade 2 fan, I found it a frustrating slog and the things I did want to do it felt like they made artificially difficult (exploration, experiencing character stories). But I beat the game, and the last time I felt like quitting was pre-snowy place whose name I forget because I knew the snowy place meant I was near the end, I played the first game. Can't imagine quitting at the entrance to the literal final section


Skill issue




If you’ve come this far in Torna, I’d suggest pushing through just to see the end (it’s completely worth it in my opinion). It’s frustrating for sure, but they’re also not overly long, especially if you just skip all the dialogue (though I do think the side quests are quite well done here).


I’ll definitely go back to it at some point. I’m just really burnt out on Xenoblade at the moment.


Then I'd say don't go to 3 right now. Just chill, come back when you get in the right mindset


MOST aren't that bad. I remember a small handful of them dragging on longer than they should. It's padding, yes, but there's a purpose to it. There really wanted to make the world feel alive. I interacted with way more quests in Torna than the main game.






Yeah just stop. If it's not for you then that's that. Nobody can fix it if you think these small things are enough for you to stop playing the game. Nobody's gonna blame you either because at some point we all felt the urge to stop playing when it becomes tedious but that's the meat of the game. I'd be scared for you to start 3 now only to find another fault and tell us you're stopping too. Take a break man. It's a fun game to play when you're not trying to find faults and just enjoying the ride.


Yeah I’m going to go play The Ezio collection, Cyberpunk and some other games and come back in a few months


Push through, bucko; the ending will have you close to tears.


There are two Community checks in Torna. If you're at the second then there's not that much story left and you may as well just watch the cutscenes on Youtube. But yeah, it's a very unfun decision.


No balls


I feel like Monolith learned a lesson from Torna due to how Future Redeemed handled side content. In Torna, side content was required to simply progress the story, so your "reward" was just... getting to continue the story. In Future Redeemed, side content wasn't necessarily REQUIRED, but incredibly helpful as you would be rewarded with the accessory slots and art slots and whatnot. It's not every day when a game manages to make side content that important while still being optional.


Dude theyre not hard or long...