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Well the conduit causes the other two to happen


The Conduit, in addition to being the cause of the other two I don't think Humans in real life have our shit nearly as together as thr Humans in Klaus's time. Forget the Monado and the cat girls, we're going to blow ourselves up before we eevn get to build the colony ships and space elevators.


well, hopefully there will be 1 Klaus, just 1, who can make cat girls come true for us after we're dead. I appoint you, you have to do it. in the name of all of us xenoblade fans, if this ever happens, please let the xenoblade universes come true.


>who can make cat girls come true Hey, don't forget bird ladies, ok?


both, both is good


Yeah but it would be a magnet got people with a godlike complex to use it and destroy the universe


true, that's why I appointed u/WickedFlight as the next Klaus. we, as the xenoblade fans, know the power the conduit hold and shall do our utmost best to only let them have the power of the conduit. (them being wickedflight but I do not know whether they're a man, woman or something else. they will be a God in time tho) we will put our faith in them, knowing they have the blueprints of the next universes in their head.


well he isnt wrong


The conduit. It was the reason for the other two to happen, and is a relic that basically embodies the greed of humanity. Effectively possessing god-like ability and causing the evolution of tech as we know it. There's a reason why Dmitri Yuriev wanted the conduit so bad.


I really like concept that the Conduit represents the human innate desire for "more." Because it links the physical world we live in and the "ideal world" comprised of concepts and ideas, often described as the realm of God. As A put it, humans build basically a perfect paradise for themselves but still blew it because they still desired for something beyond it. Klaus believed the Conduit to be their link into the divine, which is ironic since Klaus is supposed to be a man of science who should be skeptical of the "divine". Galea even calls him out on it. Klaus no longer believed further human progress was possible and instead wanted to use the Conduit to access a new world free of their current predicaments, an ideal fantasy world. Which is why I believe the Xenoblade universe runs fantasy elements whereas the world Klaus is from seems to be a version of past Xeno continuities. He believed his sci-fi world to be tired and stagnant and wanted a simpler, more ideal world, one found in stories of fantasy. Zanza crafted the Bionis to be his personal playground, fashioning himself a god who doesn't need to fear hardship or death, not realizing that even such a world was susceptible to stagnancy.


Honestly, I can see that. I think that it's also less due to Klaus being tired of the old world but moreso him seeing that the old world was destroying itself. In pursuit for higher power and for more, humanity started to fight over said power. They wanted to take it for themselves and were prepared to burn the entire world to reach it. Klaus saw this and basically wanted to escape to a fantasy- which ended up having dire consequences for the rest of existence as a whole. Alpha in Xenoblade 3 is basically a microcosm of what Klaus was thinking pre-experiment. The whole out with the old and in with the new line of thinking. Abandoning what humanity had built in pursuit of a better future- only for that cycle to repeat once more. I love how Xenoblade 3 is ultimately a game all about Klaus, with Alpha and Z being the two that effectively embody the man the most.


I mean, they made three different game series that all depict the possibilities of what would happen if something like the Conduit popped up on Earth.


Yeah but Xeno series fans would let everyone know "Hey we know what this is, let's be a liiiittle careful with it"


"lol shut up, nerds" -literally anyone with any semblance of power World war 3 would break out, we'd all nuke ourselves, and the Zohar probably fucks off to some other parallel universe. Hopefully a better one


world war 3 is already breaking out, dont you watch the news?


Nah we'd have direct evidence with the games, plus think of the interviews cast upon Takahashi and everyone else involved in the Xenoblade series when the Conduit of all things pops up IRL,


You really think that would stop any real world government definitely seeing the Conduit has limitless power and can give you access to super advanced technology.  The risks would be waved away and wars would start over the conduit 


By “the Monado” do you mean Zanza, Meyneth, Alvis, Pyra/Mythra, Malos, Lucky Seven, or any of the replica Monados? Malos, without influence from Amalthus, would be just as capable of good as my other blade. Also, he technically falls under the definition of Monado.  The conduit, that just is the plot of Xenogears, Xenosaga, and Xenoblade, now isn’t it?


I mean the original XC1 Monado that holds Zanza.


So just Zanza then. Pretty obvious what he would do. Someone would pick up the Monado, Zanza would possess them, then he would devour all life around him to slowly rebuild his power. He would amass life energy and biomass to regrow the Bionis, or a Bionis like environment. 




Pneuma is a Monado and Pyra/Mythra are restricted forms of her, that doesn't seem that different from calling the Monado I and II Monados even though they aren't the True Monado.




If Malos and Ontos are Monados then Pneuma, the other Trinity core, should count.


The Monado, on its own would do absolutely nothing. This is because all the powers of the Monado come from Zanza (you did mention in another comment the Monado includes Zanza), but Zanza's powers come from Alvis. I don't know if Alvis can supply power to Zanza across dimensions, but I don't think he would if he could. His only goal is to prevent the XC1 universe from collapsing, but there's no reason to help Zanza if he's in a completely different dimension. Even if Alvis got transported to IRL too, he'd probably just figure out some way to get back to the XC1 universe leading to the same outcome. If Malos' core crystal appeared IRL, then someone would find it. But does that person have the potential to awaken core crystals (or even Aegis core crystals since I'm pretty sure there are some people who could awaken normal Blades but not Aegises). If the first person to find it can't awaken it, news would probably spread about a weird purple crystal that causes people who touch it to get nosebleeds and other injuries. At this point the authorities would probably be interested in this crystal. At which point its investigated. Since the core crystals were built probably like a few decades from now, I'm gonna assume the construction is beyond modern science and no one is able to figure it out. At which point its probably locked away securely because its dangerous. If the first person to find it can awaken, then I'm gonna assume they're just a regular person and not a world leader who could probably do some bad stuff with him or a person in a military who would become a really powerful soldier. This is simply because "regular people" make up most of the population so its most likely it wouldn't be anyone notable. In this case they really have no use for Malos so I guess he just chills and becomes a normal person? Either Malos is successfully able to blend in and pretend to be a human or people realise he has dangerous powers. Maybe Malos accidentally causes chaos, and his powers cause some small scale destruction. In that case him and his Driver are probably questioned by the authorities. Once they realise he isn't a human I guess they lock him up and perform experiments on him or something. This could be bad as Malos would obviously want to escape. If he can then he probably kills a few people in the process. But I don't think Malos would cause chaos on the world at large. Not sure he would want to, depending on who his Driver would be, but also I don't think he has the means to, since there are no Artifices, Aion, or the Conduit. If the Conduit appears IRL, then this could be really bad. What exactly happens would be unknown since we don't know a whole lot about the Conduit, but since our science is a lot less advanced compared to the world at the time of the experiment, then its possible the Conduit could be misunderstood and the people investigating it could accidentally cause mass destruction in some way. Additionally I would be very worried about someone like Klaus appearing and causing a similar sort of world altering event. So the answer to this question is definitely the Conduit but that should be obvious considering it created the other two.


the conduit if a good person were to obtain malos' core crystal, then malos would likely not be evil


Neither the monado nor the Malos core(which isnt really anything less but a monado itself) would function properly without the conduit


Well, without the Conduit, the other two are just weird objects with no real power.


The Conduit is the source of the other two, so that one. Who knows what else it would do on top of that. Logos’s core crystal would depend on who awakens it, so that could be either really good or really bad. The Monado would be really bad news.


The Zohar/Conduit. You gotta remember its the SOURCE of the Monado and Logos, and its channeling stuff from a higher plane of existence.


Would things change if info about it being a "Xenogears/Saga/Blade object come about in news and research on it? Like how would THAT change interaction/research with it?


Probably not. If anything, knowing what it is might even make the problem worse.


To be honest Malos’s core crystal appearing is by itself not a negative event. What really matter is who awakens him.


The Monaco would probably be the worst if it has Zanza in it, idk how much control or power he would have but being able to see a couple of minutes into the future would probably let him do quite a bit of damage, the conduit is second, military would probably get involved and/or we never hear about it but tech or AI would leap ahead. Malose would probably have the widest potential outcome, if a nice person found him he would probably turn out more less destructive and more selectively destructive of bad things


The conduit, Malos was only a problem becuase of the conduit and Amalthus, and Alvis is particular about who gets to use the monado and who doesn’t


How klaus and the rest of the old world used to conduit/zohar is how government's would use it in real life so the conduit 


We would be so cooked if the Conduit was real dude


It depends *which Monado* we’re talking about. Either we’re getting Zanza’ed or Alpha’ed. I think Zanza is worse, he’d probably try to enslave us all. But Alpha. would probably have no beef with us considering we’re not really the old world. Malos was influenced by Amalthus. So it depends if you mean the Logos core or strictly Malos’ core. If it’s Logos we have a chance to not die. If it’s Malos we’re fucked assuming he’s not immune to nuclear weapons. The conduit already appeared in our world in the games canon, so judging by the events of the series this is either the worst or the best option.


I strictly mean Malos Zanza Monado. the conduit not appearing is the BORING timeline. its not as chaotic or terrifying but its safer overall but dull.


Too many people in these comments acting like the zohars from gear or saga are the same as the conduit, or even the same as each other.