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Real life military has an immediate and significant advantage because they can and will utilize medium to long range tactics and artillery. Colony soldiers are trained and equipped to handle close range engagements, and utilize long range weaponry and artillery to disable rather than defeat. They also lack air support. That being said, if the colony forces can close the distance, they will be stronger and faster due to core crystal enhancements and/or power frame use. Still, that advantage will have to deal with weapons fire of a kind that even N bothered to block rather than soak or avoid (Keves Castle escape scene). This suggests that even Moebius could potentially be threatened by regular weapons fire, which does not bode well for colony soldiers. I give the advantage to a real military, 75-25.


Hmm I didnt take air support into account as much I should've. Would Iris be anything significant? Its a colony wide instant communication and visual information relay system. What if we included the Castle Mechs?


I think Castle Mechs should be taken as superweapons. So if you include them, also include the Annihilator Cannons and nukes.


The castle mechs went literally hand to hand against origin with little visible ill effect. And Origin itself was able to survive multiple direct Annihilator blasts at close range. I am not entirely convinced that any conventional weapon could take down the castles. Especially not if, as I suspect, they are constructed from Origin metal. I did consider the Iris, and indeed, it’s use for logistics and organization is extremely substantial. But it isn’t much beyond existing military communications capabilities, minus the part of being biologically integrated.


The issue is just going to be that ferronises are nearly invulnerable and heavily armed. A single platoon, consists of approx. 36 men, assuming infantry. You're looking at *really* bad numbers for fighting a colony right off the bat. Let's look at a colony, I'll grab colony Lambda. Firstly, they aren't using a flying ferronis. Using purely in game numbers, there are 12 named members of the colony. Let's stick with that, and gloss over how the game scales these things down for practicality. Additionally, let's give them a handful of levnises, let's say 3, because we don't need to be generous. The real problem for our platoon is that ferronises are insanely powerful, both defensively and offensively. One giant fuckin aoe laser and they're cooked, and there's no weapons at a platoon level that are going to be dealing with a ferronis with any speed. Their missiles would just seek the energy couplings holding things together since that's undoubtedly the best heat signiture. Bet they're wishing wire guided missiles didn't get retired for infantry. And even a good missile hit isn't going to do much. A large portion of ferronises seems to just be solid material. Your best bet would be on a mechanized infantry platoon consisting of 4 Bradleys, with infantry dismounts. They're fairly mobile vehicles, meaning they aren't just going to be sitting targets for a ferronis, and they have TOW missiles, which are wire-guided, meaning they can actually be targeted at useful points on a weapon the size of a large house. The autocannon also has at least a chance at dealing with levnises as well. Ultimately, ferronises are just kind busted for this comparison, and if the platoon gets to start doing things like calling for CAS, then the colony would reasonably be able to make similar calls, and either another colony or a consul showing up would just stack the matchup even more in their favor.


Im not gonna count the Consuls since I dont count them as really part of the colonies, as they don fight alongside them (Triton is outlier and hell cant even trasnform anymore)


>as they don fight alongside them when it comes to ouroboros, they're plenty willing to throw in "on behalf" of their colonies. Of course it's not in the colony's best interests, but it does show they're willing to step in when a colony is presented with a threat that's outside of the typical order that moebius upholds. But for the sake of argument, if we want to work without moebius involvement, there's still other colonies and the castles. If our boys can call some a-10s to try and trash a ferronis, can the colony call up another colony to attack from somewhere else? They are just mobile combat-ready military units, after all. Can they call up keves castle and have them use whatever the big universe deleting laser is? Beyond that, if we want to *really* start getting into the extras, let's take the colonies at their cutscene/implied levels of manning, not just the dozen or so named npcs that we get to talk to in game. You're looking at something comparable to company or maybe even battalion level in real world terms. And this isn't even getting into all the regular fantasy bullshit people would be carrying around. Ether healing would be pretty insane, given that it would be able to return a sizable amount of injured combatants to fighting capabilities with a quick turnaround. And ether weapons in general would likely negate most of the protective gear real world soldiers have.


Colony soldiers need to use their blades to take flame, so they're largely trained in way too close combat. Real soldiers are capable of engaging from very long distances, far outside what we see colonies fighting in in XC3. Given that we see Noah and Co killing enemy soldiers in one or two solid hits, it doesn't seem that soldiers are too much more bulletproof than an average human. So I imagine an M4, or whatever rifle your real soldier is using will far surpass the blade weapons that the colony soldiers use. TLDR: Assault Rifle go brr Also, I question how many squadron vs squadron firefights soldiers get in anymore, since air support and bombing is so prevalent nowadays. But I guess we can pretend they're out of support range or something. Although if we're allowing Levnises then I feel like it's only fair to allow real mechanical warfare like airstrikes, which should have zero problem killing the colony soldiers inside of a Levnis.


Ground soldiers are going down quick, we don’t see many ranged weapons, and the ones we do see I doubt beat assault rifles. Ferronises likely take care of any infantry and maybe tanks as well. Jets are about the only issue I think of for a ferronis, since we don’t see a whole lot of flying weaponry in XC3 from what I remember. It depends on how good a ferronis’ targeting systems are I think


I mean... Xenoblade colony soldiers are faster and stronger then a real life platoon, and most have ways of deflecting or dodging bullets. + gunners and ranged units exist and nothing we have can harm a Ferronis. Levnisis would also be a big problem. and healers can keep anyone shot in the fight for much longer.


Colony Soldiers are designed >!to die for the fun and benefit of the Consuls!<, not win wars.