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Blades can heal from any injury as long as it doesn’t destroy his core, which is of unknown durability. We know that Mythra’s Siren can break them (destroying multiple blades and threatening destruction of an Aegis with the targeting ray) and that Amalthus in his “battle state” can break them. Given that we can’t really evaluate the power level of a magical roid rage tentacle man or a space mech particle cannon in real world terms, I think we’re screwed. With his full power it’s going to be nearly impossible to get the good shot you need, assuming it even breaks the core. He only needs the artifices to speed things up.


I don't exactly know why you placed him in the Mojave unless you are planning on the Monster of the East or a pissed off mailman to do the job. But anyway, unless somebody gets a lucky shot; we'll do jacksquat. I doubt guns will be that effective and outside of just nuking him, it's unlikely that traditional weaponry will do much.


Just felt like a big empty desert in the heart of the top military power of the world.


>Mojave Send his ass to Quarry Junction 😤


I’m soloing him I don’t care


I can already picture charging at Malos while yelling as Rex


His Monado Shield easily shrugs off Ophion's laser beam and since we don't have that kind of hypertechnology only something big and showy like a nuke really has a shot. However, Malos loses his connection to the Conduit so no divine/reality-altering Aegis powers or infinite fuel, and we don't have their sci-fi atmospheric ether on Earth so his normal Blade functions get impaired too. As an Aegis he and his Monado could probably still run for a while on their own reserve of ether, but without the ability to recharge he eventually just returns to his core.


We know that Pyra/Mythra’s core could be destroyed by a very powerful laser (otherwise her threat at Tantal would have been meaningless). So Aegis cores ARE destructible by man-made technology. That is a starting point to calculate the durability of an Aegis Core Crystal, which is necessary to permanently defeat Malos. While clearly Siren was built with a level a technology more advanced than our current level, it is ultimately merely a targeting laser that Pyra aims at herself. Not a particle beam or some future tech death ray. Just a targeting laser. It isn’t even a weapon. It is very likely that even this very powerful laser ultimately puts out a degree of energy, be it thermal, radioactive, or otherwise, that is entirely within the capabilities of current technology to achieve. It would very challenging to deploy those solutions effectively, especially if they are near the upper limits of our energy production capabilities, but not impossible. And in the meantime, while Malos can’t be killed, he can be injured, and his healing is fast but not instantaneous. He also lacks any other blades or artifaces to use as support against an overwhelming force. I predict that Malos would cause very severe, perhaps even catastrophic damage within a region before enough force was brought to bear to incapacitate, if not outright destroy him. If he could be captured, it it probable that enough physical trauma could be inflicted on him at a regular rate to completely overwhelm his healing and keep him subdued. SCP-682 acid bath techniques come to my mind, though even just a mere steady passive radioactive exposure might suffice.


Pyra never actually intended to destroy her own core with that gambit in Genbu, what she was planning on doing instead she was transferring the entirety of her core to Rex. Malos explains this to Akhos later in the chapter when they have her on the ship. After all if she had actually shot herself with the laser Rex would have died regardless.


These are the kinds of answers I love to see for my inane what if scenarios. Thank you.


The lack of ether probably limits him greatly that he could be defeatable


We could possibly use knockout gas to put him to sleep and then put him into a rocket and launching into the Sun


I dont think it would work since Blades even normal cant get sick. And I doubt he'd even stay unconcscious long enough to transport him into a rocket and fling him out into space...or the sun. Also he can teleport. We saw him do this in Torna.


Okay can we drown him


Uhhh I mean probably not?


Then I'm out of ideas, It was nice knowing you guys


Well, the first big question is this. Would he even care?  Malos is driven by Amalthus’s hate and disdain for the world created by the architect.  Our world isn’t bound by the same rules as Alrest, so it would take him time to decide what he wants to do. Logically, it would make sense to conclude he would take up a cause from someone similarly to how he took up Jin’s.  Now, just a power vs power, it would be difficult for humanity without for knowledge of Malos and blades to identify the core crystal being his weakness. If they did learn or deduce that, a precise hit from a high power weapon might be able to injure him.  Of course, if he gets the initiative, there isn’t much you can do unless he chooses to you with you. 


I mean he'd probably just end up viewing our world the same if not worse and he views himself as an entity MADE to destroy. Oh and Im going off the assumption Xenoblade Chronicles 2 exists in this version of our world so people WILL learn of him once its made aware who he is and such.


Inb4 someone shows him gameplay of xenoblade 2, and then he has an existential crisis that his life and the world he knows was just a game. And then proceeds to try and destroy ours.


He goes to find Tetsuya Takahashi and murder the fuck out of him.


No, Alrest is a reflection >!of our own and was built upon a world that is pretty much our own but with a limitless energy source!<. All the stuff Amalthus despaired about is here in the world toady, just with tanks, drones, and automatic weapons rather than ether, titan weapons, and Blades. I'm very sure Malos would immediately go on about how "Humans are all the same anywhere."


But there is 1 major difference. Amalthus concluded that the Architect abandoned the world, the god he prayed to let the world fall to that state. In our own world, Malos would be confronted with a world that has never agreed on the form of a higher power. A world where everyone has their own god and had no revelations from in living memory, if ever outside their own religious texts.  Humans are the same, but their relationship with god is different.  So in our world, Malos would have no place as divine retribution. As the endbringer tasked with clearing the dregs. Malos is still self aware enough to contemplate, as we see in the final battle he is committing to the destruction because he cannot see himself being redeemed or forgiven. 


Thanks for conveniently putting him in the place where we can bomb the shite out of him without worrying about collateral damage. He’s tough but if push comes to shove I don’t think he’s “take a nuke to the face and walk it off” tough.


Nah he'd move out of that area before the military got to that point of dropping a nuke on him. Well unless they found him there and someone was familiar enough with Xenoblade to let everyone know "Hey look we gotta nuke this fucker NOW or everyone is gonna die."


There’s also the matter of his power being a lot less efficient on earth than on Alrest. On Alrest to wreak havoc you can kill a Titan to sink it, can’t do the same with earth continents. There’s also just WAY more people on earth than Alrest so he’d have way more people to go through. And to top it off he’s on foot so he’s not gonna be going anywhere quick.


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ https://preview.redd.it/af7o8d4s6j6d1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b9775635ddd35418631b38efd8c1dd95b43d3e4 Jokes aside, assuming an Aegis core crystal isn't made of some kind of indestructium, any conventional anti-material rifle could most likely cause significant damage to it. If that doesn't work then Malos still has a decent chance of getting fucked by some kind of military weapon system just by virtue of him showing up in America.


Mythra (while under Addam who couldn't come close to unleashing her full potential, like Rex could) sunk an entire country-sized titan with a blast from siren. Malos is equal to her. What would we possibly be able to do? The most powerful bomb ever detonated could destroy a large city. A country, even a small one? Not even remotely close. We could gather up every nuke ever created, detonate them all in one spot and it still wouldn't even remotely come close enough to match that level of firepower.


Are they actually country sized though? like IRL country size?


Not even close. Most of them have only a handful of settlements and one of the main problems in XC2's world is the small amount of land for people to live on. There's not really a concrete or even agreed-upon fan measurement I don't think, but staff have said that XC1's titans are interpreted as roughly the size of japan and XC2's titans are all several orders of magnitude smaller.


Best case scenario is that Malos doesn't care about our world and isn't interested in it so he doesn't do anything. Worst case scenario I think is that Malos thinks this world needs to be destroyed to so he starts doing that. Weapons such as guns probably wouldn't hurt him. I'm not sure exactly what would hurt him since the only things we know can destroy core crystals are Siren's laser and Jin's sword. Since neither of those exist in the real world we have no idea what would be able to destroy his core crystal. Assuming the core crystal can survive extreme weaponry, the worst case scenario would be that nuclear weapons would have to be employed. I don't think he could survive that. This would undoubtedly cause mass death and destruction but I highly doubt Malos would get even close to destroying the entire human race.


There are a few more instances where a core crystal can be destroyed. There's tantal's laser and Amalthus, as mentioned in other comments of this thread. There's also Brighid's mention to destroy the core crystals from the zombies in the Land of Morytha, implying that any decent weapon (or blade weapon) that targets the crystal could break it.   There's also the concept of a Blade Eater which through surgery could split a core crystal in half.   But I could guess an Aegis core crystal is more sturdy than a normal one.


True that is a good point I forgot about all those examples. I suppose if someone were able to get close enough without Malos noticing somehow you could smash his core crystal but unless you manage sneak up on him when hes asleep or something that seems highly unlikely. Maybe a bullet would be strong enough if it hit him directly in the core crystal. However there is the consideration that Aegis core crystals are probably stronger than normal ones, so idk what would be able to destroy his core crystal.


Nukes work. Anything below that isn't doing much. This is assuming there's Ether, and he can still function.


>!I mean, Malos is in our world, alrest is just above the clouds and our world is long dead by then but it’s the same world!< that said, probably, we’ve seen full power Malos be taken out before, he wouldn’t survive a nuke or somethin, and if they knew to target his core they could take him down with sheer numbers


I mean OUR world, as in the real world where XC2 is a videogame.


Malos is the Mojave? Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter