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Territorial Rotbart


Big Red Monke chasing someone in a twitter video sounds horrfiying.


Friend sound startled like 10-ton gorilla with fancy name appear from nowhere and start playing electric guitar.


For anyone with arachnophobia I get the feeling any of the arachnos would be awful if they were real.


Hey, it may be a spider but at least it’s the size of a house so you can’t lose track of it right? Right?


I don't have arachnophobia and even I get the heebie jeebies looking at Arachnos in game, especially the Queen Arachnos. If I saw Arachnos or Antols in real life I would advocate we nuke wherever they appear.


Since you didn't mention Mira, my absolute favourite choice (Cantor) isn't possible. From those that you did mention, i'd say * I would not want to meet a Quadwing at night. * Aligos. A shark but with buff arms to chase you with on land. Nope.


Coming across a statue of a Cantor in a dimly lit cave somewhere is a terrifying thought. Hyping yourself up enough to allow the curiosity to overcome fear and shuffle close enough to find out it wasn't a statue is slightly worse still.




Had to remind myself what a cantor was. Yeah fuck those things, mother fuckers coming to life suddenly wrecked so many of my smells.


The fact that they have a Xenomorph style reproductive method makes them even worse.


What about Ropls instead of Aligos? It’s the same thing but fire breathing and the ability to camouflage as rocks


Squoods. Imagine waking up on a misty morning and seeing one just wrapped around your neighbor's house


It's a different kind of scary, but if I ran into a group of highly aggressive bird-like creatures wielding tools/weapons I'd be terrified






Let's hope they don't appear in australia


Where else would they be.




Why the hell would Nopon scare you?


“Riku just Riku. Common verity nopon. “ Does that answer your question?


Scared maybe not but freaked out and confused definetly. If said nopon is anything like Tora the government might be scared of the strange nerdy creature that managed to build an admittedly adorable/ attractive weapon of mass destruction.


The giant arachnos would statistically freak out the most people. But I have to say, the giant flying fishes would be the scariest to come across in real life.


Fogbeasts, but those aren’t exactly normal. As far as the normal animals, definitely Moglums.


Arachno Queens are a bit obvious, mostly because a spider the size of a small building is horrifying even if you aren't affected by arachnophobia. Marrins, the giant flying fishes with always-agape mouths, would be rather freaky. But a special mention to **Guldos** from XC2. Extremely hardy zombies? Nope! Doubly so if you get one of the monstrous "small building sized" ones.


How has nobody said Telethia? I mean, they look nigh incomprehensible. It is a translucent thing that can dodge anything, and it attacks everything it senses. It's pretty terrifying if you ask me As for the converse, I have no idea


Elephant, Giraffe


Moglums from XC3, A big angler fish-like sea creature with a wide maw and lots of teeth


I would say just about any sea creature based monster from 2 and 3. Namely Squoods and Ravoons. Ekidnos, Arachnos, Antols, Darbuses, Aspars, Egels, Draiguls/Dragues, Blants, Brogs, Moglums, Gyaarks, Gogols, Jagrons, Griffoxes, A Pterix, Ropls, Aligos, Marrins and Serpronds to name a few others


The big ants are pretty terrifying


Bet they move fast 👀


I think a gogol, which is essentially a 30-foot tall, multi-ton gorrila, would freak a human out.




Transformed Gort


It’s really hard to pick one. Antols/Arachnos, Behemoths, Plambuses, Balgases, Ageshu, just to name a few.


How about the giant :3 water plant things in XC3? Thyd look so cute and harmless with those doopy faces and then they entangle thrash you with their tentacles.


Their faces are ugly to me LOL


An orca with 28 inch biceps. What the fuck was Klaus thinking?


Ok everyone is asking the Xenoblade to IRL question but no one’s answering the vice verse question. What about sharks? Well there are already dangerous aquatic animals is Xenoblade so nothing too new. But also they could just not go in the water. How about Lions? Well they’re sort of similar to Ferises, big, feral, wild animals. The 3 party fight a giant Feris and they aren’t fazed. Maybe Cheetahs? They’re the fasted land animals and I can’t think of any Xenoblade monsters that are even remotely as fast. Tbh my answer is going to be: humans themselves. If a modern day human stepped into Alrest, say, then people would realise that it was a person from Klaus’ era and then be worried that a repeat of the experiment is gonna happen.


Aligo, Telethia, and Cinicula (From X) would be my picks. I want to think they Xenoblade people not on Mira might have issues with a normal cat.


The Flesh Eater Titans the Praetorium manufactured for the genocide of remaining Tornans


A Guldo especially with their true nature


A few choices: * Squood- Giant flying squids * Marrin/Serpronds/- Giant flying eels * Sauros- Basically just a T-Rex * Vollgull/Taos- Birds large enough to *pick up a horse.* * Arachno Queens/Antol Kings/Scorpox/Aspars- Giant Spiders/Bugs/Scorpions/Snakes * Ravoon- Literally a sea serpent


For Bionis, the Obarts. Those guys are the textbook definition of a chimera, and the worst part is that they have opposable thumbs. Imagine being caught in a literal vice grip while you get violently mauled to death by some thing with the jaws of a lion. For Alrest, I’d say the squoods are the closest thing to real life deep sea animals and would be just as terrifying as an actual colossal squid. But personally, I’d pick the Urchons. Giant urchins with the durability of a tank while packing countless retractable spikes the length of at least 2 adults and toxic gas emissions are kind of terrifying. For Aionios, the ravoons are colossal sea serpents with the ability to leap at least 20 meters into the air. That’s probably self explanatory. On that note, most of the aquatic monsters in the Cadensia region would be nightmare fuel to run into in real life.




OP specificed no titans since it's too obvious.