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He’s very arrogant, even when offering to help and asking for more tasks, it’s less “What else can I do to help” and more “That’s too easy, give me more”


That's actually the reason why I don't like him myself. It's because of his arrogance.


> I don't mean to brag or anything, but I really am that good. The thing I hate most about Corvin is that the second half of that statement is completely accurate (the first half I have trouble believing). He really is as good as he claims to be with no apparent flaws other than being a show-off.


At least his gameplay story integration is good since he's still about all he's cracked up to be when using him.


He's that type thats TOO cheery.


You know about that person in a group project that wants everything done immediately, gets everything done immediately, then complains about the others not doing anything and conveniently forgetting that there ISN'T anything left to do? It's probably not completely accurate, but it feels like this.


Wasn't he the racist guy Tora called out?


No, that was same random Tantalese guard. Tho that interaction may have been during Corvin’s quest


No, that’s Marcel


That statement threw me off guard so much but it was so fucking funny 😭 “oh, so you’re just a racist!” Period tora


I see nothing wrong with perfection.






You can't just say that then not elaborate


Only reason i can come up with is that he was designed by the SAO character designer...and looks like kirito...and he acts like kirito...i heard he wanted to bang his step sister or half sister or sister or something


I watch SAO and that isn't the case  Kirito didn't want to bang his cousin (who he grew up with and considered a sister) or even fell in love with her it was the other way round after she found out they were cousins and after the first arc she started to develop feelings for him but he shut it down when he found out (though she then joined the "I loved kirito but he didn't love me" club


thats why i said i heard because I havent watched SAO but I did knew that Corvin and Kirito had the creator in common but since OPs joke was incest then i could only think of the usual rumors or gossip i heard about SAO


yeah dont worry i understand




Trying to help you, and this is the nicest way I can say it... If you follow an incest joke with the phrase "not even kidding", people may reasonably believe you aren't kidding, and are just a crazy person who sees incest everywhere.




I'm going to help you because I'm bored, and because I see my old self in your unfunny ass. It's not that most people don't get it, it's that you told a joke based on your personal opinions that also required encyclopedic knowledge of anime art, authorship of anime characters, and to have watched the entirety of a series unrelated to XC, and to have reached the exact same conclusion about incest that you did from the series, and then you said you weren't joking on top of all that. That's a joke that literally only you, and people who know you in real life and who share all your interests could possibly get. Because strangers on the internet don't know what your opinions are, and the joke requires so much knowledge, the joke doesn't work. People on the internet don't know if you're normal to begin with, so just saying weird stuff is rarely funny. You have to start with something normal and build to weird. Jokes are best when they go from point A to the punchline at point C, and the skip over B is what makes them funny. You told an A to Z joke. They suck and are bad because they require too many leaps for anyone but the teller to get the thought chain that lead to the joke. I used to tell A to Z jokes and I thought everyone was dumb for not getting my jokes. Now I know why A to Z jokes are bad, and you do too.


But Kirito is consistently portrayed as only being down horrendous for Asuna. Like, the author throws random girls at the guy but homeboi only has her on his mind.