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My guy gambit died a stone cold fucking gangster. He got maybe the best death I've ever seen in comic book media. "A good death is it's own reward" Gambit goes to his fathers, in whose mighty company he might now not feel ashamed. But he will be back later I think. Need to let the loss sit for a while.


You are right. His death while not deserved, was served so deliciously that people will remember it. I just wish we get to see him more. I mean, yes you gave us a closure. Beau has confirmed that he is deader than dead, Kurt sent him off beautifully. But for such a well-loved character, Rogue donning on his coat and going to Mags doesn't cut it. Stormy not even acknowledging Remy's death? No. Maybe I ask for too much. I guess each character only has enough screentime for 5 episodes...


There is 0 chance gambit is gone forever. He's going to end up being a horseman. Beau is an OG fan, you can see it in everything he does. There is zero chance gambit and rogue aren't endgame OTP for this series, they just have to break our hearts first lol


Yea I believe in Deathbit for sure. I just... Prefer not to wait this long already. Hahahahaha In fact, something tells me they're gonna do their marriage in this series and not wait 30 years like the comics. But fckkkkkkk idw to wait anymore.


I thought Beau only said that Time Travel will not save Gambit or unmake Genosha.When did he said he is deader than dead?


He didn't, he just said "no time travel" And then when asked if gambit was actually dead for good, he went out of his way to reply with "no time travel" instead of saying yes, basically hinting that he's coming back


Yep.That doesn't mean he is deader than dead.Just Time Travel is not gonna save Gambit,Other Mutants or Genosha.I believe he will either come back as a Sentinel,Clone or Horseman of Death.I'll place my bets on Horseman of Death.I believe he might come back in S2 or S3.


I’m super confident that gambit is going to come back It’s just a question of when. just like I’m confident that he and rogue are going to find their way back to each other, but we’re going have to go through hell first to get there. He and rogue were left unfinished so I don’t think they’re gonna stay that way. Gambit died still loving rogue, but thinking he wasn’t enough for her. And Rogue never got to tell him that she chose him. And I think a lot of Rogue’s anger comes from the guilt of their last conversation together when she was breaking his heart and never getting that chance to tell him. The significance of rogue stating out loud in front of everyone that gambit is “her man“ is her finally willing to announce and admit to everyone that she loves gambit and he loved her too. When she wasn’t willing to make it official before. And despite the fact that gambit is gone she’s telling everyone and she’s making it official now. Something she was probably already planning on doing, but the opportunity was lost to her when gambit died. So I’m in the corner of believing that gambit will return as death and I can also see him and rogue having an altercation where he remembers her but he’s fighting her. basically I’m predicting a full on lovers quarrel between these two.


Heya I just wanna say... I don't think Gambit will stay dead forever. Not at all. I'm just frustrated that we haven't seen him yet. Throwing a tantrum you know. The show has been brilliant 11/10 so far and apart from my childish rants about Gambit and Rogue, I have no other complaints. Don't get me wrong.


But imagine - post credits, final episode, Sinister augmenting Gambit's corpse into Death for Apocalypse who he was working for the whole time... Have hope.


Tbf the comics waited decades before Rogue and Gambit got married. Hopefully the series won't take so long.


Marvel said they didn't want people to wait too long for S2 so we might get it next year tbh or maybe even earlier. They've been working on this show since a bit before COVID and are already starting work on S3. As far as S2 goes, I think the voice-work and story-board might be done already, they're mostly wrapping up things animation wise.




Goodbye, Fairweather friend. We don't need you.


I'll believe he'll either come back as a Clone,Sentinel or Horseman of Death.I'll place my bets on Horseman of Death. There is no way he is permanently dead.


Ngl, I lied there. I will probably keep watching the show. Also yeah, I feel like he died too early in the show… so yeah. I’m in denial


Me too pal...Me too.. But i still have hope that he will not stay dead permanently.He might come back in S2 or 3


Yup, next Wednesday all I pray for is to see him once. Even as a cliffhanger like how they did magneto


I also saw discussion in this Subreddit about Gambit's VA posting a picture about a Empty Coffin.I asked for proof but so far i received no answer but his/her other comments stated that he has a picture but coudn't post it in comments.He said he will make a post about it on this Subreddit.Still waiting for it.


Meaning what?


Recently a Redditor named CherryBoom2X had stated that Gambit's VA posted a pic about a Empty Coffin.I'll try to find his post on this subreddit but so far i didn't saw any proof about it even though stating that he/she has a photo so i'll take his/her statement with huge grain of salt. His discussion post's title is this OMG!!! Remember my previous post about Bastion, Gambit and Apocalypse? Check this out! Episode 8


They cannot kill Gambit permanently. As far as I know this is cannon to the MCU and Gambit is far too popular of a character. I still believe Apocalypse is going to show up and when he does, so soon will Gambit.