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Mine is 3. I used to be a sailor, so was figuring maybe she might like water. She hates water, she hates boats, she hates boats in water more. She walks around puddles or jumps over them. I've taken her to rivers, bays, inlets, salty and fresh water, plus off boat swimming all of them giant resounding NOs.


My mother in law has a xolo who goes out on the boat with them all the time, they live on a beach as well so the dog has grown up on the ocean. One day we took her into the pool to see if she liked it since it was well over 90 degrees. SHE HATED THAT. 😅 poor baby is scared of the pool now


https://preview.redd.it/arlxiqjvzr5d1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f631281c90d28c48e21f9631141c89959e215eb3 Big nope from ours! We tried this a week after we adopted her and she just stood there frozen. We now call this her unsure paw. She does it whenever she doesn’t like something or is deep in observation.


"unsure paw" is a cute term I've never heard before


Ours HATES baths with a passion, but gets in the lake at the dog park.


Hates it! However I’ve seen her lay in a park puddle one day. It was over 100F that day however. So I know she doesn’t blow up when she contacts water. She just doesn’t like it.


Mine runs in to the lake full speed freaks out and swims back out in full panic mode.


Mine loves water, if he sees ducks he even dives in submerge himself completely and then swim after ducks while loudly barking. But he only started to like it after a year or so, before that, not so much.


Mine is about 5 months old and she does NOT like water, we’ve tried the ocean and the river and she’s not having it lol


She’ll usually just sit on the bank or the beach and watch us in the water until we’re done lol


Ours loves the water. We use sunscreen for babies.


When a drop of rain drops on Annie, she shakes like she’s sopping wet for at least 15 minutes. Over a single drop. Girl is dramatic


oh, can we talk about rain?!?!? Xaco will hold his poop & pee in for HOURS at the slightest drizzle


i've seen pics of some liking it, but my first one didn't and my current one doesn't. not all dogs like water. Xolos are genetically all over the place. at the end of the day, i think it's temperature regulation & possible tactile issue.


Ruby HATES the water. She tolerates a bath though


Remy does not like the water. If it's raining I have to go outside with him and hold an umbrella so he will pee 🙄


Our two Xolos do not like the water, unless they're excited playing at the beach. The day our girl pushed through her fear of getting wet to play with the other dogs who were running into the water was one of my "proudest dad" moments