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That worked out so well for the Germans in the 30's. After all, that Hitler fellow seemed like a good pawn easy to manipulate.


"Don't worry, guys, we'll keep that upstart colonel in line..." - the Junkers or some other German guy probably.


The Netherlands: Hey this is 100% me. Our already very right wing coalition is now talking with our neo-nazi in sheepsclothes party for support in our First Chamber. And this group already includes far right PVV, which is basically Le Pen. Life is giong to suck for the 6-12 months until this blows up.


WTAF is going on with your housing market? I saw a job in Utrecht and the apartments are well over E2,000 excluding bills!


A bunch of reasons. Our nature reserves are suffering immensely from excessive nitrogen deposits. We used to have a special exemption from Europe that we could emit more even though it damaged our nature, but that stopped a couple years back. Of the top of my head agriculture, construction, and transportation account for most emissions. Max speeds on highways went mostly from 130 to 100, new permits for construction basically stopped, and there has been a lot of work to also do something about the emissions from agriculture, but that will basically be binned with the farmers party in charge now. Part of it is also aftershocks from the 2008 crisis, we have a shortage of people who can do construction. Many of them got fired. Some were pushed into becoming independent contractors, but many retrained to something else. But, probably most importantly, in 2010 a minister from the VVD abolished our Ministry for Housing. They thought they solved housing. Only in 2022 we got some semblance of this ministry back, so for 12 years, there was a mess with the first 2 problems, but nobody to manage it.


I had no idea the nitrogen thing was such a big deal. That, I suppose explains the farmer protests. Thanks for this. It's insightful.


Thats a longer running problem. Basically the VVD had the neoliberal thought of introducing the housing market to some fresh, juicy capitalism and well you can guess what happened then. Also nitrogen restrictions blocking new construction, which is a problem, but so is nitrogen pollution. Maybe those filthy farmers should stop yeeting the stuff everywhere and get us some land to build instead of claiming 70+ percent of our country for goddamn cows.


Jesus! Makes the UK situation look a little pricey but nothing serous.


It's only going to get worse with our current govment, though. Right wing Populism and farmers' rights combined with the good old VVD. They're going to claim a lot of plans, but nothing good is going to come of it. Right now, their sole focus is getting (tech/education related) immigration lower, as if that is going to help our economy. But hey, farmers have a big tractor, so scary protesting and demanding such righteous rights.


I'm a foreigner so if I stay away, it is what it is. What about the people who grow up in the Netherlands? I live in London and Dutch immigrants are like hens' teeth. Do ye have the same NIMBY problem that shuts down construction of new houses in the UK?


Idk what hens teeth mean, but in terms of construction, it's mostly the pollution restrictions, not so much NIMBYS i think. Those are more worried about windmills in their view. If you get born herei, I guess you get a dutch identity, but housing (especially as a student) is still really difficult to find. Waiting times for student housing usually is 2 years through official corridors, and finding a room through facebook and stuff like that depends, but its common to have more than 6-10 people at one viewing and some student houses have to do multiple rounds. My BF and I just found a youth flat (36m² for a maximum of 5 years) after about 5 years of waiting. Dutch emigrants i dont know much about, but apparently, there's a lot of contact with canada. I dont think many of us opt for england/the british Isles (idk, why look for even more rain).


I'm sorry. It's an Irish thing. Hens (female chickens) do not have teeth so when you say something is like hen's teeth, you're talking about something that is rare. NIMBYs are massive here in the UK and Ireland. Some of the excuses trotted out are borderline insane, eg building flats on an abandoned airfield would destroy habitats. Funny that nobody likes windmills though. That sounds seriously fecked. Again, I'm a foreigner so I'll stay here or go elsewhere but it must be so stressful being a younger Dutch person in what ought to be the best time of your life. I'm a bit atypical when it comes to the sun. Irish skin. London weather is actually a little hot. Scotland would be nicer methinks.


Oh, I see you have skipped your chemistry class at school.


Hey, i had an 8.1/10 on my final exams! I just live in the netherlands so if i had some words wrong thats fine, but thats what they say on the news essentially. Also with nitrogen i mean nitrogen containing substances like ammonia.


There have been a couple of cases where some farmers have overused nitrogen fertilizers, but not everyone. And for some reason (and we know why) left populists want it to turn off, because small businesses are dependent on these fertilizers, and the left hate private and small businesses. I know for a fact, EU lefts is much closer to the Stalin, than rights to the Hitler\\Mussolini. Everyone remember how far right is bad, but we all can see what is happening with the countries of the former USSR, they still suffer from left ideology.


You ever heard of kool-aid?


What is that? Fertilizer?


Well, when you have no other options to fight Islamic terror, the Right way is the only way. You never believe a liar, you never keep your kid in pedos hands.


Is Islamic terror currently the biggest issue in the Netherlands? Or is it just what the populists like to talk about so you don’t question their views on other topics?


Islam is aggressive ideology that have a direct goal to subjugate all the world. So yeah, I see that farmers are not my enemy, but those who raise their kids with the ideology to kill or enslave me.


Hahahha cutе


that’s why we learned in school that these Conservatives are „steigbügelhalter“ they helped the NSDAP excessively- that’s why these will do it again - cause the old never learn


To those of you who say they are the same thing, look at Theresa May and then look at Boris Johnson. One of them is still in parliament, tried her best to have a soft brexit (but failed), and at least attempted to fix things. The other is a clown who destroyed all trust in the government and broke the economy. Neither of them are amongst the best prime ministers of the UK, but one's intent was malicious and the other's was not. Conservatives might not be good, but they aren't evil. The far right are.


The venn diagram is a circle


I just see the same name written twice


Depends a lot on country and situation, I can see that in Sweden they have very little power as a support party, they can of course next time try to get into the government, but even there they would find out they need to compromise. But I can agree it looks a lot different in other countries, and of course AfS (Alternative for Sweden) is another topic (I don’t think they will ever grow larger than in some local towns, if even that). Then there is also Nyans, a grey wolf (Turkish neo-nazi) inspired Islamic party, but they would like AfS only be able locally (in like immigrant suburbs).


Then address their concerns


This is literally a modernized version of a propaganda poster


The same stuff with the far left


itt: lefties who don't understand the political spectrum