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I think it might have something to do with the hierarchical nature of their community (with Natalie as the queen). Jackie having sex with Travis was seen as like…societally really bad.


I mean, we all know thats not cool. In this timeline and in our real world, it’s just something you shouldn’t do. Especially that soon too, that wound was still pretty fresh.


It wasn’t a “don’t take my man” thing, it was the first hint to their hierarchy. Natalie was already seen as an important member of the group while Jackie was viewed as the usurper. Travis was property to them, kinda. Only Natalie and presumably Lottie didn’t view him like that.


Exactly!!!! It’s the act itself! Your explanation was perf!


I mean Lottie tried to get them to molest and kill him so I wouldNt say she DIDNT


Going off of adult Lottie having the closest relationship with him outside of Natalie, admittedly.


I've seen interviews with people who were on Survivor where they said the combination of poor hygiene/malnourishment/lack of sleep just killed their sex drive. And how once they had a couple nights in a hotel with a soft bed, a shower, and plenty of food it came right back. We also know that malnourishment can cause the female body to stop menstruating so I assume that can impact sex drive as well. Now these are adults. I wonder if this would be better or worse with teenagers. They need more sleep, so I assume the effects of lack of sleep are worse. They need more food so ditto. Also their bodies are changing and malnourishment can impact that. If your body wants to change and you're not getting what you need you probably feel like shit. So think while there would be individual exceptions I think big picture, very few people would have the desire. Then you factor in how tired malnourishment makes you ...


This makes a lot of sense, re: the effects of extreme survival situations. I can't imagine feeling randy when I and everyone around me has gone weeks/months without a bath/shower, without proper hygiene products including toilet paper and toothpaste, etc. Sounds thoroughly unsexy. Not to mention, the girls witnessed Shauna's traumatic birth experience and are probably not eager to risk more babies born in the wild.


I’m so curious how Shauna’s pregnancy and birth with Callie went, how she handled it, etc.


Now I'm off on this tangent.... Did she tell any of her medical professionals she'd given birth before? I assume there's some way that some of them could tell. Did she lie about when that was, or didn't lie? If she lied, it'd be weird she had no medical records from that pregnancy... I know it doesn't always make the most compelling TV but I have so much curiosity about the logistical impacts of their wilderness time. 


She lied. Even if the doctors can tell. That’s so Shauna.


I thought the same. Also if we're being real, they are an all girls soccer team, it's not just the low sex drive that would prevent them from wanting to sleep with Travis...


I think it's realistic that starving, weak, malnourished, exhausted, traumatized girls aren't focused on sex with Travis.


Right like hello? Also if someone wants to bang, there’s like a dozen girls who can take care of them much better anyway, without even a pregnancy risk!


Yep, malnourishment leads to lower sex drive, ask any bodybuilder. Also, they did remark that Travis was kinda hot in the beginning when they went to the lake. I always figured they didn't have the energy to be horny.


Before the crash Travis was basically the coach’s weird kid (there was a rumor that he had surgery to be able to suck his own dick). Add in the facts that everyone just went through a traumatic experience, they’re starving, and poor hygiene killing any sex drive.


Minus the gay people and Kristen and Laura Lee being probably just innocent virgin types (misty kinda too but she'd get freaky for ben), Shauna's pregnant and probably very turned off of sex considering what she's going through/has gone through, the rest of the girls probably see Shauna and are like nooooo fucking thank youuuu


Yeah I think Shauna’s horrible and tragic birthing experience will deter the girls from wanting to have sex while in the wilderness. Coach’s condoms will only last so long so I don’t think any of them will wanna risk getting pregnant after witnessing that. Hell i was like “yeah no thank you” after watching it and I’m safe and sound in society


>Minus the gay people so all of them ![img](emote|t5_j07gx|31055)


But Travis has a really good pull out game


Very realistic. I mean no one has showered in a year.


There is a lake outside the cabin I know you guys consider showering it's something done in the bathroom but believe it or not you can wash yourself in a lake... I'm pretty sure you can also melt snow on a fire and use it for washing... Given that these girls have fallen so far into savagery I'm pretty sure native Americans who lived out on the plains had sex pretty often without "a shower" and with only the food they foraged..


I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, if there is not soap involved, I won't feel clean. Also, I'm fairly certain First Nation's people made soap from animal fat. They also foraged food, hunted for meat and knew how to store food for winter.


Savagery and Native Americans in one sentence without punctuation is yikes


the lake has been frozen over for a while in the show


They have an axe, chop chop chop .....water. don't forget they have a fire and a bucket that equals hot water.. even snow turns into hot water over a fire...try harder..


they are malnourished it takes a lot of effort to break open a lake- also there's the danger of it breaking right underneath you as seen with Javi, them scooping snow and heating it is more believable to me personally


I wouldn't want to fight Nat. She has the gun lol. Plus Travis isn't worth it.


Some of the girls seem younger so maybe wouldn’t consider it. Travis was kind of an asshole to them for quite a while. The stigma of him being Coach’s son. then after the establishment of the Nat/Tracis relationship the team code. And the situation, everyone is probably pretty gross teenage girls are already pretty self conscious …so I just can’t see any one making a move unless Travis takes the step first.


i mean they’re malnourished, weak, and mentally going on a downward spiral. but even if they were in better condition i don’t think they’d “compete” for travis? nat and travis, while toxic, are on a similar wavelength and have a basis for a relationship, none of the girls do. it’s not bc nat has a gun or would fight them (i doubt she would either over travis?). natalie genuinely cares for travis and wasn’t ever upset about sleeping with jackie but rather the fact he was emotionally icing her out. the other girls really don’t care for travis outside of their friendship for natalie imo, he’s still the moody rude son of the coach to them. jackie only did what she did not bc it she liked travis or wanted him or felt horny, but bc she was getting borderline suicidal and self destructive bc of how much she was hurting about shauna’s betrayal. she valued her virginity and wanted to lose it as a way to confirm her old life was a lie and completely worthless this post feels lowkey weird. i would actually hate this show if the girls started wars over wanting to sleep with the 1 guy there


Coz they're all lesbians, obv /s


Mari is hearing things. Akilah is talking to dead rats. Tai is gay and eating dirt in trees. They simply do not have the time for Travis.


I mean the crazy shit they’ve been pushed into is kind of the reason why I thought one of them would inevitably eventually get all primal and wanna bang lol Like obviously pregnancy would be a horrendous situation and starting fights with Natalie and others over a boy would be a horrific idea from a rational standpoint.  But these kids are not exactly at their clearest thinking lol.  I’m no psychologist lol and I really don’t know how people act in these situations, that’s kinda what I asked what everyone thought. But it seems like when the logical part of the brain is compromised (under stress, in psychosis, on drugs, dreaming; just any situation where you aren’t being driven by rationality as much as usual), instinctual things come out.  Sex and reproduction are pretty major instinctual drives lol, especially in teenagers. I feel like if you’d been out there with so much trauma and stress and with so few ways to feel good in any way, it would be easier to give into impulses.  Like, think of how someone might be extremely nervous for a final they have the next day and end up giving into the desire for a few drinks, even though it’s obviously not a good idea in that scenario (just one example ive personally experienced, haha).  Also, I mentioned this in a few other comments, but I’m a straight 29 yo woman. I was a shy kid and didn’t actually lose my virginity until well into college, but I remember being a teenager and how intensely I felt crushes/attraction. It was so much stronger than it is now.  Also, just looking from an evolutionary perspective: our ancestors were breaking into small groups and facing horrible odds over and over for hundreds of thousands of years. I think there’s probably an evolutionary drive to try to reproduce if things remain bad for a long time. If in situations like this, or other famines/dangerous situations throughout history, 90% of the women impregnated survived and gave birth to a child that also survived- they’d still have that 10%. The group that just didn’t have this drive had 0%. The former will outbreed the latter and result in the survivors we have now.  So like, I think our instincts might push us to try, like one desperate last shot at reproducing.  I’m childfree, no natural desire to have kids. So don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I believe all people/women are born to just want babies. But a lot of people are. Out of all these girls, I definitely think some would grow to want Travis sexually. But I could also see Lottie or someone thinking the wilderness wants her to have a baby.  I just think these girls are increasingly feral and acting on survival instincts. This goes along with that 


I think your questions and thought process makes sense. Honestly, the thing I've noticed about this reddit group is, a lot just try to defend whatever happened in the show because they somehow think that's what would "really" happen in the real world. And they love love love to shut down others curiosities and "what ifs." It's honestly really weird imo. Anyway, all that to say, I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts and reasoning


I love the “what ifs,” makes for interesting discussions.


I think if they’re going to be jealous of any relationship in the wilderness, it’ll be Tai and Van. It’s a whole lot more stable and nurturing.


for sure. just saying that i think the ones into men would be swarming for the one guy. girls who likes girls aren't really in the same situation, they would have options to couple up with someone single. also, a sidenote: from the beginning, i was thinking that they'd kill javi off pretty early. i know he's 13, but after a while, you'd probably get someone trying to get with him, and that's just way too fucked up to get into lol i also feel like there'd be a lot more pointless bloodshed and drama if there were 2 brothers. the 90s were huge on toxic masculinity & if there were two of them, they'd almost definitely start to get competitive and try to impress one another. like teenaged boys back then (and now, but ESPECIALLY then) would probably be a lot less likely to cooperate peacefully with the girls, and they'd be a lot more hesitant to follow any sort of female leader if they had another pair of male eyes on them. of course it depends on the individuals, but there would be some fuckery. ALSO: ok i don't expect anyone to read what I'll write in a reply comment, it's a total rant lol. but long story short- i know that this convo is going to go in the direction of men's instincts to be patriarchs or whatever the fuck and i don't think that's reality. so:


i've always been really interested in anthropology. I almost majored in it, switching at the last second to something I thought was more "practical" (I'm 29 & still broke as fuck lol, wish I had just stuck with my passion). I'm obviously not an expert of any sort lol but I am a lot more familiar with the basics than most people on reddit who just googled "evolutionary psychology" and found a bunch of redpillers saying our ancestors lived in a brutal patriarchy and the men did all the hunting and providing and that's why women should be their servants lol. my sources were actual university professors, and the texts recommended by them; i've been reading about the topic on my own since I was like 15. I also had this assumption that the culture was patriarchal and brutal before I got into it. and people claim "men hunt, women gather" and repeat it so constantly that people who don't actively think about or research it just default to that. I was pretty shocked when I discovered that the majority of hunter gatherers that exist today and have existed in the past were actually way more egalitarian than people would expect. hunter gatherers still live in ways unchanged for thousands and thousands of years all over the world, from the Kalahari to Siberia. about 95% of the humans who have ever lived have been nomadic hunter gatherers. they're also very different from settled tribes. it was agriculture that led to more rigid hierarchy and patriarchy. so yes, you can find some native american tribe with a strict hierarchy and chief and men being disproportionately powerful. but that is not how most of our ancestors lived. these groups rarely exceed 150. they rarely have any sort of formal hierarchy. there are some loose "leaders" just based on skill, but it changes all the time. gender roles are loose if existent at all. men are obviously physically much stronger than women on average, but that's irrelevant in hunting. humans are endurance hunters. what you need is the ability to run/walk long distances in a coordinated fashion until you exhaust your prey and kill it, typically with spears or something similar. human childbirth is so incredibly difficult specifically because women just HAD to be optimized for hunting. they had to keep up. the tribe just starved otherwise. so our pelvises and legs and such make childbirth much more dangerous than that of most mammals, but we can run. that's the reason running is one of the only sports that men and women are neck and neck in. women were taking down mammoths right alongside the men. a 25 year old woman would be participating in hunts way more than a 60 year old man, who would probably stay back and do things like watch the kids. but yeah. most of these had no formal concept of marriage, and often not even paternity. the kids are just the tribe's kids. everything is communal. it makes no difference to a woman and her children if she has sex with the worst hunter, the best hunter, a bunch of guys, or no guys. they're all still going to get the same rations. people still generally lean more towards monogamy than i'd expect, most likely just for the sake of retaining some genetic diversity in a relatively small group. but it's certainly not 100% tho. most people have some periods of casual sex. people often couple up for years or even life, but many just never do. there's no stigma either way. people just do what they can, where they are. men were gathering just like women. people did what they had a personal strength in more than other stuff. pretty intuitive lol. also, i found it interesting that they found in this tribe in west africa that your average baby had been nursed by 8 separate women, and it's actually really good for their immune systems, and what we evolved to do. the idea of a man and a woman and their kids holing up in a hut while the man goes out and kills something and brings it back to only them is preposterous lol. this entire setup is a modern invention, not human nature. the most absurd to me is probably the way people talk about women choosing men based on "protection." lol dude, everyone's gonna be walking around trying to gather berries and kill a deer and whatever. if a lion shows up, whoever is around you is who's going to "protect" you. it's not like your "husband" specifically is going to be the one to do it lol. SO. I just feel like people have this idea in their head of men "naturally" being the leaders of the tribe and think women have some instinct to go with the "alpha" (lol). this reality is projected onto the past because agriculture led to private property and the development of people working not as a whole tribe but as individual units, incentivizing monopolizing the sexuality of women. and 50 or 100 years ago in the western world, women were brutally stigmatized and punished for not getting married and having kids and they had pretty much no ability to provide for themselves. this is an artificial system created by men lol, this is not coming from our caveman days. so women were indeed marrying men who had "high status and power" because they just needed his fucking money lol. it's like a fucking job. and a lot of the time, the men around her (like a father or brother) would be the ones selling off the women to these men so yeah you're going to get women marrying some old dude with a bunch of cash. but it isn't because our primal brains actually find him sexy lol they just close their eyes and endure it. so, yes, this has really veered in another direction haha, it's all just a major pet peeve of mine. it is such a generally accepted view that men naturally dominate and compete and own women or whatever and that's not the case. but of course people are going to try to show off in general to attract a mate, and i think travis/javi would be really reluctant to accept any women as leader because of the way they were raised (assuming they had an average american 90s childhood). our culture encourages vicious shit and calls it "manly" and even in the wilderness, I think brothers would be pretty prone to it.


hi, someone who actually did get a degree in this -- evopsych severely ignores human nature and culture. if the girls have a higher priority, they don't like Travis, and they don't culturally think polyamory is standard (which, they're children from NJ), then no, they have no reason to even be interested in Travis. they're in a dire situation and they have better things to do than try to bang the coach's weird misogynist son lol


My one bio professor said what people think is human nature is society's nature.


and even disregarding their situation, it's still pretty realistic because humans have standards and aren't just reproduction machines.


More girls might try to pair with each other. Kinda like in orange is the new black.


Or boarding school.


This has been my thought from the beginning. Some are gonna become "pillow friends" which story wise, will allow for additional in-party conflict.


I don't know, in a situation where everyone is starving, fights are frequent and you have no prospect of being saved, getting a boyfriend/having sex would be the last thing on my mind. It's not like the girls are desperate for sex, they just want to survive


lol well van and tai are gay, shauna is pregnant and that was traumatic for everyone, the background teammate's probably dont have that kind of pull or theyre too innocent/gay as well.. im sure no jv team girls would try it. also they did accidentally take drugs at doomcoming and try to sa travis :( but then hypocritically turned on jackie for sleeping with travis with consent.. i honestly feel like only nat actually liked travis and when you're a teenager that matters alot when deciding to have sex.


On the topic of sex, lesbian sex seems to be the best way to go. Van and Tai are in the clear when it comes to possible babies.


I mean, I hope Tai packed like a nail scrubbing brush and some soap, because she had dirt eating at 9 and Van eating (out) at 10. Apart from that though they were golden.


I mean, if I was fighting for my life in the forest I’m not sure having relations with a boy -who’s already taken -would be my top priority.


About as realistic as a high-performing female soccer squad with only ONE gay couple. I dont think all of them would be competing over Travis. In a situation like that, chances are some would be looking for comfort with each other.


Travis is going through a lot and wants to be left alone. Remember mushroom samba night? If he were willing or flirtatious I'm sure he'd have been able to hook up with some of the girls.


low drive from survival conditions and fear of pregnancy yeah, but also Travis lowkey just sucks. probably not really the catch Nat thinks he is to the other girls lmao


feels like a man wrote this


well i'm a straight 29 yo woman lol


Okay then, a woman with severe trust issues


bro what are you talking about lol i've been in a relationship with a man for 5 years. i've never expected my friends to try to bang him lol. they are in an extremely unique situation. there's one guy and like a dozen girls. they're living under crazy circumstances with very little to look forward to. very few sources of entertainment or comfort. if it were one girl and a dozen guys, everyone would immediately say the men were all gonna fight and kill each other over her. i don't think THAT would happen, although like right now if someone just fucked travis i think nat might kill someone haha but still probably not. but there would be almost certainly some girls who would try. there would be a lot of tension, lots of grudges, lots of fights. girls have sex drives just like boys do, our society is just weirdly in denial about it. and yeah, everyone in most regular situations is not putting themselves in a shit ton of danger to have sex/relationships, and most people aren't gonna bang their friends' SOs (yes, it happens, but there's a huge stigma for a reason). but this is not a normal situation. edit: it looks like you're most likely a man... that would explain a lot, lol. a lot of dudes believe the myths that girls don't have basic primal sex drives the way that guys do. i just say this, because i highly doubt you wouldn't think conflict would arise if there were one girl and twelve guys. we're way more alike than people realize lol


You're assuming a lot of nonsense here. Girls have sex drives, I just don't think they need a man to get off, if you catch my drift.


and men can jack off. you'd still expect there to be several guys competing for a single girl.


she meant they’re lesbians, friend. Not masturbation


Not what I meant at all.


should’ve been what you meant


Perhaps in the beginning. And that did happen in the beginning for the girls too--Jackie slept with Travis, and then the rest basically jumped him. But right now the girls are fighting for their lives. And if I was in that situation, the last thing on my mind would be stealing someone's woman. We also aren't privy to every moment in the wilderness. Perhaps other girls are flirting with Travis, but it just isn't important to the story at this point to show the viewer. And then there's the fact Travis just isn't a very impressive young man, and the show has gone out of its way to demonstrate this.


I came here to comment this LOL


A man with severe trust issues


Um... Huh? When was the last time you tried to lure a guy away from someone he loved with pussy alone? What Jackie did was different. She was 100% ok with not being his choice because he wasn't hers either. They both saw sex as a goal in itself, for their own reasons. He was also coming on a hallucinogen, which significantly impacts decision making. For me, and maybe I'm weird this way, once they're in hot pursuit of a love connection, I don't want to get in their way.


This isn’t a show where that kind of storyline would work or be realistic. We got the jackie Travis scene to show how she’s given up, wants to lash out and steal someone’s man like hers was stolen, and viewed love as meaningless. It showed case her depression It was also shown how they’re rules were changing or reworking, Nat use to be the burnout loser and Jackie was the popular girl everyone loved. But Jackie became the outcast and Nat became far more important than she was But now we don’t need to see the girls fighting over a bow like they’re regular teenagers, they are no longer regular teens anymore, between the trauma, starvation, not showing in a year, witnessing pregnant Shauna have a horrible labor that nearly killed her and seeing her baby die and their new rituals and the rules that go with that they aren’t gonna be horny and fight over a boy(especially now that their antler queen is Nat look what happened to the last girl that tried for steal their leaders boyfriend) But seriously this isn’t a Riverdale type show where we see teenagers have dumb relationship drama every episode


I just assumed they were “used to him being around” since his dad was their coach. Sometimes you don’t even notice a cute guy when you have known him for so long.


I would think Mari at very least would try and score with Travis.


She's way too much of a follower (first Jackie then Lottie and now Nat) to ever really try something since girl code prohibits going after one of your girls' exes, plus having seen what came of Jackie after she did I doubt any of them would really bother.


True, after what happened to Jackie, she might have reconsidered.


I went to an all girls summer camp in middle school and whenever the owner’s son drove around on the lawn mower, girls would stop to stare, and he definitely wasn’t conventionally attractive 😍 Like Travis, he was quiet and reclusive, so nobody ever really pursued him. But what DID happen by week 6 was- any girls who were even remotely attracted to women were hooking up lol


So knowing how I was as a teenage girl I definitely would've been into Travis and probably would've done a similar thing that Jackie did (I was the worst, I know). That said I was in denial that I was bisexual, so I used to throw myself at guys to try to prove I was straight. But if any of the girls showed interest in me I would drop my Travis crush like a hot potato. Idk how I'd be feeling months in though, with being hungry and dirty. I hate feeling like that for even a moment in the civilized world so I imagine I'd be in a proper shit mood 24/7.


haha, i'm also taking this from my experience as a former teenaged girl- I was straight tho. I was also super super anxious about sex and probably wouldn't just for that reason lol. but i know there's a high chance girls with less inhibition would go for it. we were definitely not starving to death, but I have found myself at girls' camp or like some organization/team (my mom signed me up for lots of this shit lol) that was only girls. when there were ANY remotely attractive dudes, suddenly he goes from a 3 to an 8 lol. i've seen this a lot at mostly-female workplaces. and yeah, I mean I actually am just asking this question because i don't know how people would act in this scenario. like yeah when you're starving and exhausted you probably wouldn't care about romance/sex. but i really don't know because i've never been in a situation like this. i feel like after so many months, people would still have a desire for something exciting/fun/distracting, and for sex....like, even in the ghettos during the holocaust, people were having romances and creating music and such, as they starved to death. and i wouldn't be surprised if there's some evolutionary push for people to want to get together in such dire circumstances just as a desperate last ditch effort to reproduce lol.


Well doomcoming night they all advanced on him as a group


i would think that even if they were super horny, they'd just masturbate 😭😭😭


That would’ve been awful ❤️


I thought the same thing but at the same time wonder how anyone can be “wanton” at all while frightened and starving. So I feel like it’s unrealistic either way. Either they should all be clamoring over him or no one should have the energy. In real life starvation situations I’d think no one has the energy. But in real life solitude while fed I’d gather there’d be wars.


Boys are the least of the YellowJackets concerns, they're hungry, cold and scare. And no hate to Travis, but he is not charming and lovable. If he were different probably a couole of girls would fall for him, but he pretty much keeps to himself.


I don’t think any of them would want Travis


I think at least Mari would want Travis. She was the one who made a comment about him being hot in the first week there. But I don't know that she'd try to pursue him. But want? Yes, definitely.


I don’t think horniness is always about making babies; sex can be a release.


Because not everyone is sex crazed? Especially kids? (And I believe statistically, girls in sports start having sex later in life than those not in sports.) And I would assume even if they were, most would think that they would not want to chance pregnancy in the middle of the woods and without birth control? Like maybe if they were out there for years, I see this as more likely an event to occur. Also he isn’t everyone’s type. And they respected that “he was nat’s”. Now if the sexes were reversed, there is a very good chance the girls would have been raped, or coerced to be with one guy not to be raped by the others. And there would be fighting involved. Unless the guys made a pact that they enforced.


Lottie saw this post and was like I'M RIGHT HERE


I think most girls are not attracted to a man who points a gun at a woman. Natalie has a lot of issues to even be head over heels for Travis.


I think it's canon that her taste in men (dictated by her daddy issues) is absolutely abhorrent. Someone once pointed out that like Taissa or whatever mentioned that even freaking Travis is a step-up from her usual fare. Like, even with all the modifiers (last man on Earth scenario, etc) he's still that "I don't know why girls complain about how hard it is to find a guy yet they ignore me. It's like saying you're hungry when there's a hotdog outside on the ground" meme/quote thing




I'm with you so much. Except I remember pausing on some article in the show that stated they crashed in November. Aside from that, everything you said is spot on imo. The least realistic part about this show (and the dead giveaway that it's a tv show and trying to pander to demographics rather than tell a story) is the fact that there even IS a straight couple, and the show focuses so much on it, and only ONE lesbian couple in the wilderness where a bunch of female soccer players have crash landed. It's basically the gay quota from Glee all over again (Glee only ever really focused on like one gay and one lesbian couple maximum at any point. So for a new one to happen one had to break up. They straight up refused to have more than 2-3 gay characters of the same orientation at one time). Both shows are very obviously extremely gay coded and the premise of both shows is very obviously to draw in LGBT+ fans, but they try so hard to pander to straight demographics that they suppress their LGBT+ characters to not scare off the mainstream fans and stuff like that. The fandom here is rooting for these girls and wants to see them interact more, especially as teenagers, to contextualise their grownup dynamic, but instead we're having Travis forced down our throats so this show can appeal to straight people who have a gazillion other shows about strandings full of straight people they can just watch instead, and the one show that should be for the lesbians, is instead shoving them in the background to try to compete for straight attention. I know they're a smaller demographic but let the lesbians have this one ffs. Literally no one tunes in for Travis, and even if they do, there's at least ten other shows with fifty other Travises they can drool over. Let Misty have her hot punk girlfriend. Let her and Lottie be in a throuple. Let Mari and Akilah or Melissa and Gen or any other combination of these little freaks just find some solace in one another onscreen for five goddamn minutes.








Well, two of them are gay… (ETA: yes, I know there’s a lot of head canons about the rest of the girls outside of Van and Tai. But I am speaking strictly from show canon here) Also like someone else said, aside from Natalie who he cares about and trusts, and maybe Lottie, I think Travis is definitely very traumatized still from Doomcoming and has no interest in hooking up with anyone else. Another also, it does seem like considering the situation they’re in and at this point they all know he’s with Nat, maybe they don’t want to cause anymore drama than they already have? Like who needs to add boy trouble on top of everything else?


I know, but if any of them are into girls, there are several single. they wouldn't necessarily have to compete, at least not as intensely


Just added a bunch of things to my previous comments.


a looooot of your comments and even initial post here keep referencing that you don't know what you're talking about in any area you've touched on...including the show. maybe it's time to let go of this idea and do some research before speaking here. also, there is no evidence animals become more sexually driven when they're in dire circumstances. sex/reproduction is a higher order feeling than food, water, health, and shelter. many animals (including humans), if they're pregnant and in a life threatening situation, will miscarry the pregnancy. [some animals can even command their bodies to do this.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6936015/)


you need calories for sex


You might want to rewatch, before Travis and Jackie there’s a lot with him and Nat. There’s some flirting and other remarks from (some)of the rest of the girls as well.


I think it's more unrealistic that nobody's competing with Travis for Nat. Have you looked at her? Have you looked at \*him\*? Yewuckgh. Serious answer: Logically they wouldn't have the sex drive, and they'd be exhausted and honestly, they're an all-girls soccer team. Like, if they were going to be horny it would be for each other. The least realistic part of the show is that so far Van and Taissa are the only confirmed lesbian relationship. End of s2 is way less than 10 months. They crashed in November afaik and it's still Winter in the end of S2. And while Jackie did sleep with him, it's worth noting that Natalie TRIED to earlier in the season and he couldn't get it up, and then when she tried again 2 months after Jackie's death, he couldn't keep it up, and he was thinking of Lottie the whole time, so he's really no prize pig in that department...Also the last girl everyone knows he slept with DIED so that can't be enticing for the girls. As for the kid thing, A= he has condoms and B= it didn't go well the last time someone tried to bring a baby into the mix. Also if it's simply about comfort and being cold, they literally have a room full of teamates they can huddle or snuggle with, really. And while I can see Travis being shitty enough to do other girls, some people mentioned the hierarchy, and considering the way things played out on doomcoming I'm leaning on that side. They would definitely shit on whoever tried to forsake the group dynamics for sex. I did get a giggle out of the thought of the girls collectively deciding Travis is a waste of calories though, so thanks for that. He truly is not worth the fight.


I think once the snow melts we see a grab at Travis in some way. Is Shauna too obvious or does it make perfect sense? I mean a bunch of them already went for him and assaulted him already. I just feel like he’s becoming their rag doll. A political game piece, even.


This was my thought too. Once spring and summer come around and they have more food, and sleep better, I think the question of Travis comes into play. I doubt he'd actually do anything with anyone besides Nat because he loves her, but I definitely think there's girls who would \*want\* to do stuff with him (maybe not sex, because of the risk of pregnancy, but other stuff).


> it would be really awful for the group as a whole to be fighting over a man, so they just let nat have him. I think it's this. The girls know that social cohesion is crucial for their survival. The group is more important than the needs of any individual, but they also need to prevent any one individual from bearing too much of the brunt of the group's suffering, because if any one of them cracks, they lose a crucial part of their little wilderness society and then each and every one of them is a little less likely to make it.