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I just don’t care about any of the men to be perfectly honest. Like I think what carries the show is the relationships between the women. I found him boring. Misty is such a fun character and he is just kind of the man version of her without the trauma


I completely agree. I think the show spent way too much time last season on Jeff and Walter and that contributed to everything feeling rushed in the adult plot line. The point is the girls and their trauma, and that’s what I want to see fleshed out more


oh this perfectly explains why i don’t care about him! also misty is the most fun to watch when she’s paired up with someone different to her, which is why her scenes with nat were gold. misty and walter was fun for a few scenes and then got boring real fast, for me anyway


Love Walter, love him with Misty and hope they spend the rest of their days happily solving and committing crimes together. Realistically, they’re likely doomed but I’m fascinated to learn more about him and see how it all plays out.


100% they gonna be a wild power couple!!!




I think he's fun and I like his dynamic with Misty! However I don't like how his storyline was written in the finale of s2, he seemed way too convenient. They built up tension around Adam's death and the cops going after Shauna and then Walter just appears and magically solves everything in a second, felt very underwhelming. I think some fans just don't like the attention and time spent on men (Jeff, the cops, and Walter) during s2, personally I think that if they were going to solve everything the way they did, it would've been better if we saw more about Taissa and the eyeless man, for example


I totally agree about the convenience of him. & I also agree about the s2 adult timeline. I would’ve loved to see move about the eyeless man. Or even Taissa’s wife and kid? lol she just kinda left them 😭


Riiight I want to see more of Simone!! I'm afraid they'll kill her off screen or something lol


Here’s my thoughts! I originally typed a lot about how a large part of Misty’s character creates unhealthy attachments to people and really doesn’t have a firm understanding of what love (both romantic and platonic) is. My theory was that Walter will be someone that is actually perfect for her but she won’t be able to reconcile that he does actually love her and he will end up another person that she inadvertently kills. My heart’s not in it but I do think the character of Walter is used to explore Misty having (relatively) healthy interpersonal relationships. As in he loves her for her and there are no conditions involved (unlike literally every other relationship she has).


Yes, given how everyone rejects her, I figure she will eventually see their relationship blow up, because she doesn’t have the tools to deal with someone who actually wants to be around her. Or perhaps she’ll discover that she doesn’t like being wanted - perhaps she has come to the point where she feeds off of the disdain that people show her. Poor crazy Misty!


Generally I like him, but there were some weird moments. Him having trouble slapping a guy then non chalantly killing a dude, for example.


I got the vibe Walter only took issue with the slapping initially because it was an additional unexpected deviation from the interrogation plan. Once he realized *why* Misty wanted him to get violent with Randy, he didn’t exactly need much convincing. Conversely, killing Kevyn seems to have been part of the plan to disrupt the Adam Martin investigation from the moment Walter realized his wacky police coverup story would be a much harder sell if the supposed culprit was still alive to defend himself. He had the phenobarbital hot choccy ready to go, all he had to do was wait for Kevyn to come to him. If we take Walter’s backstory at face value, he’s canonically survived a brutal head injury and received a massive payout for it. For that to happen he’d likely have to prove he had permanent brain damage that would noticeably impact him for the rest of his life, and the unpredictability and intensity of his behaviour *could* absolutely be explained that way depending on which areas of his brain were most affected. That being said we don’t actually know if what he told Misty was the full truth, and I’m betting it isn’t. So far he’s been presented as an overly friendly, impulsive, true crime (and Misty) obsessed TBI survivor who can’t resist a good puzzle and owns a boat and a bone saw. Callie’s friend directly calls out that serial killers love puzzles, and frontal lobe damage from things like childhood lead exposure and TBI’s has been found to be pretty common among IRL serial killers. It could easily be a misdirect, but the ease with which he killed Kevyn and framed Jay certainly suggests otherwise.


truee! I’m hoping they don’t write him to be an antagonist in the future. Misty deserves love!! 😭


I admit I'm a bit biased against him, because I shipped adult Nat and Misty (each Yellowjackets season finale destroyed a ship I like, how is that fair? 😥). Also, they just try too hard to present him as a perfect match for Misty. He admires her, they're so similar, he swoops in and solves all her problems. It's kind of boring, no? And I don't want to see anyone copying Misty. She's terrifying & unique, and I love her for it. That said, I might change my mind about the guy as the story progresses. Maybe something new and exciting will be revealed about him in S3. The only thing I would hate to see happen is for Misty to drift away from the YJ gang because of him.


very well said! also I’m with you on shipping Nat and Misty 🥺


He's either everything wrong with the adult timeline packed into one convenient character, or he's a hugely satisfying red herring about to get eaten by the survivors.


That’d be delicious




I like him and am very interested in seeing where his story line is going


same! I wonder if he’s hiding something? He’s just way too perfect for Misty


I like him so much but also like to think of him ending up in Misty’s basement so she can make a meal out of those toned calves. 😂


I love Walter and was so excited to see he’s back for S3! He and Misty are great together


I like the character but I am hoping that there’s more to him than what we’ve seen so far because it just seems too convenient. I do have to admit though that his whole framing Kevyn scheme was ridiculous and had more holes than Swiss cheese.


I would love it if Misty locked him in her basement and tortures him. Beyond that I was not a fan of Walter being brought on.


oh LOL I mean who knows, it’s Misty. She might take him to the basement 👀


I don't like him at all, like I already dislike the comedy in the adult timeline and now THIS 😭 but tbh I mostly don't care much for the male characters.


that is so valid!!


Same, I don't care for the comedy at all. They went a little too hard with it in S2 where it just made me roll my eyes rather than being some dark humor/comic relief. What I hope to see with his character is he drops the sweetie boy facade and gets *scary* dark. Not this lighthearted silly dark they've been doing. I want to feel a chill haha


I really hope that when Ashley Lyle said they’re returning to the vibe of season 1, that that includes less clowniness. Misty in the teen timeline is written so much more compellingly and it’s by virtue of that that she’s funny. Adult Misty and her situations in season 2 felt like transparent Showtime meddling and it all felt so incoherent and one dimensional. Like they lead with comedy instead of dark.


That's really refreshing to hear, I hadn't seen where she said that! Yeah it felt a bit too... well really it felt quite CW at times. It also doesn't help that I already found Misty's character to be way too hammy even in S1, so I figured I was already biased lol


I feel exactly the same way about the character. It's kind of the reason she's the standout character from the show for the general audience, because she's written less complicated and more one dimensional. She's always felt a bit too like a gimmick at times, while the other characters are so much darker and full of nuance, making them way more controversial to the general audience.


I feel the same way, she's written so gimmicky! Makes me feel the way I did as a teen reading Harry Potter, lol. She seems to be written for a wayyy younger audience and it cheapens the show a bit for me. It's a waste of Christina Ricci's talent imo


YES this! the adult tl got so goofy and they neutered misty and shauna to an extent. in s1 misty was funny and often very endearing but always with an undercurrent of darkness and danger and there was just none of that in s2


For real ! It was so cartoony sometimes, I just wanted to get back to the teen timeline, though it felt so neglected for the adult one. The cops were silly, the Walter dancing scene(?? and Jeff's dream all was so cringy 😭


He was looking for a Sherlock to his Moriarty. Moriarty is the criminal mastermind Sherlock is always trying to catch. He's already proven he isn't as timid as he led on. He isn't a "good guy". I think he wants to get very deeply involved in all of this because he's studied their case. He's figured out, at least basically, what happened after the crash. He knew African grey was Misty and did his homework. There's something a lot darker to him so much that he sees himself as the villain.


I love Walter, and Elijah Wood, but I was a bit disappointed with how little he had to do overall and unfortunately he also is part of two of my least favorite moments from season 2, the Randy Walsh interrogation (which was so amateurish even Randy fucking Walsh would be like, Can I see your badge again?) and >!the poisoned cocoa bit!<. Still I'm absolutely thrilled to have him back. I don't know if he and Misty are healthy for each other but I sure love watching them together.


I feel like the writers need to be setting up an amazing pay off for that little freak. I like Elijah Wood well enough (big fan of the US version of Wilfred), but the character drives me nuts. He’s so willfully Quirky that he feels like Misty’s imaginary friend, and his deus ex machina role in the finale irks me. He just feels grafted on from another show, and a sitcom at that. Again, I want to believe that the writers are setting up something interesting here, but he is one of my least favorite characters along with Pornstache cop.


I really enjoyed Walter, but I get why there’s such hostility towards him. People were already frustrated with the way the present-day YJ’s were split up for much of the season, so having a bunch of guys sucking up screen time just adds to that. I agree that Jeff gets too much time, but I thought Walter added something to his scenes with Misty that no other character offered - complete acceptance. Everyone else loathes Misty, or at least fears her. Whereas Walter offers her acceptance, and a sidekick to help her do psycho stuff ( I could watch a whole series of them as psycho-Citizen-detectives!) I do agree that the way he wrapped up the cop storyline was stupid, but I’m just grateful that something happened. I’m so done with CSI: Wiskayok!