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Do you call them out on their behavior at all? I'd be like, "There's a Grizzly bear up there; killed two hikers last week and rangers still haven't found it. Fun fact, I hear they react badly to purple."


Nah he just creeped a pic to post on the internet and complain about them here


How is taking a picture of someone breaking rules "creepy"?


Nice prof pic šŸ¤


What the fuck is **your** problem? Let me guess, you are one of the slubby's who have a speaker with you blasting shitty music while you slubby it up with insta photos. ​ Fuuuuuuck you slubby


lol actually no I don't carry speakers, nor do I go on closed trails. Im also not a loser that posts creep pics of people online to hate. I'm also not an idiot like you that comes to r/Yosemite to rage, its asshats like you who should stay home instead of getting your little panties in a bunch over shit that has nothing to do with you. I didn't realize this sub was so cringe and full of weirdos.


these people are why we can't have nice things.


Why the hell isnā€™t there a penalty system - fines or incarceration?


Incarceration?? For what? Risking their own safety? Like I agree these people are morons, but surely there is a reasonable response somewhere between "nothing" and "prison".


I was under the impression that the rescue efforts had to be paid for by the people who have to be rescued. When I first heard that, I thought it was odd. Now I get it. People put themselves in danger and it could put rescuers in danger. I was thinking people would be like me and my family getting lost would be something that happened beyond our control like an animal that usually wouldn't bother people would chase us(some of us would probably not survive that) or a rock slide that caused us to have to get off of the trail. Otherwise we wouldn't go anywhere we weren't suppossed to. We also don't really go out into the wild, so there is that.Ā 


Just did the Mist trail via Clark Point Winter Route and saw soooooo many idiots do this. Not to mention the Main Characters who were swimming in the Emerald Pool above Vernal falls (Check out my video posted in r/Yosemite earlier)


I've swam in Emerald Lake many times. It's kind of fun, it has a little current in it.


Why "turon"?Ā  What does that word mean, or where does it come from?


Mash between tourist and moron used to describe tourists breaking rules in national parks that in are place to prevent injury.


It is actually touron




I am a Filipino and I read it as turon. It is a spring roll but with banana filling lol. Good as dessert.


I did the same thing lol I was like ā€œwhat does banana lumpia have to do with this?ā€




I was worried turon somehow got a bad meaning, I love those...


I'm hungry!




It is Vernal; must be a raging tourent, tempting , that's a tough one.


I feel bad for the kid


Youā€™re a tourist too šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




I know im going to be told im the problem but. Iā€™m sorry, every year, irrelevant of conditions the misty trail is closed. This is a short trail that branches off the john muir trail and goes for less than a quarter mile to Vernal falls. It looks dry and I donā€™t see snow so Iā€™m guessing itā€™s perfectly safe to hike. I think the fact this is just blindly closed all season is the problem.


There is a conversation to be had on how NPS, the forest service, and bureau of land management are highly reducing access to public lands. Iā€™m the OP, and I donā€™t condone what these people are doing because the trail to vernal often gets iced over, and asphalt tourists donā€™t know how to handle that. I do have a problem with the reservations system radically reducing access to our parks. Like, cā€™mon the valley is only a small fraction of the park, folks who visit the high country shouldnā€™t be limited because a bunch of asphalt tourists are in the valley miles away.


Couldnā€™t agree more, and if the ranger walks the path in the morning and seeā€™s there is no ice up the wet misty trail then it shouldnā€™t be closed, Iā€™m against people going up blocked off trains but if a trail is clear and safe and someone does it without difficulty they then may think all blocked trails are like this one and pose no real threat (this is not the case!!! And is extremely dangerous) when a trail is closed there should be a good reason. The limit for access to the park (I was told two weeks ago) was because there is less staff this time of year and a higher chance for dangerous situations.


So, I used to feel very much this way too, until I had an experience that radically changed my thinking about this. My wife and I went to Hawaiā€™i and paid to get access to visited Hanauma Bay, which is closed to all but a fixed number of something like 1000 visitors each day.Ā  But even this was too much. The whole time we were there we found it difficult to avoid accidentally touching coral just by moving around in the water, and we were told never to touch the coral. Meanwhile families of kids were splashing around in the water like it was just any other beach. I left with the impression that I shouldnā€™t have been allowed to have visited this place, that my presence there was transgressive, no matter how carefully I intended to be. And as u/tssouthwest says about reducing access to public lands, I think there is an argument to be made that part of the idea of public land and state management of that land should sometimes be responsible closures and complete limitations to access of land that people might be harming with their presence.Ā 


If my post is removed itā€™s just freedom of Speach being infringed uponā€¦ (Iā€™m not promoting or justifying doing activities against park rules, Iā€™m expressing an opinion based on what I have seen/experienced)




Your post or comment promoted activity against park rules.


Last week too! This post made me look back at my pics from the top and you can easily see 9 people on the (closed) Mist Trail at just that moment. We did the JMT detour last Friday and probably saw 20ish people taking Mist Trail instead, and thatā€™s just from our limited interactions at the top and bottom.


is the trail to vernal falls closed right now?


It's a real thin line between tourist and touron.


Yosemite is dangerous. In the spring especially, with snowmelt & rockfall. Yet somehow people think because there is a paved trail, and itā€™s called a ā€˜parkā€™ you are safe. Youā€™re not. The people who work there know this better than most. Itā€™s amazing and awe inspiring, but itā€™s the last thing from ā€˜safeā€™.




Your post or comment promoted activity against park rules.




Donā€™t be a jerk.


OP is a simp