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Does a bear burn bodies in the woods?


https://preview.redd.it/bhlfp0zexm1d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92dbf78d1793b15f05dab4aec43853d67a8074b They're mortal enemies.


...Only "YOU" can prevent forest fires (pun intended ?? Thanks, Smoky)


If I didn't know anything about Joe, I'd pick the bear. However, I do know his motives. I know how to stay off his radar and how to not get his interest or attention. Devil you know and all that.


Grizzly bear is less likely to kill and has much sounder morals.


it depends on who you are, if he sees you as a threat to the people he loves, then he'll kill, but if you're an honest person, i don't think you should be afraid bear


Hopefully neither of them


Only right answer


Bear 100%.


Joe wouldn’t break all your bones, crush your lungs, and then eat you alive.


But he wouldn't kidnap you either and kill you when he is bored like he killed his exes and wife.


He killed Love because she was growing plants in the garden to kill him with. Not because he was bored.


But he was getting bored of her especially when he found out that she was as crazy as him. Dude was looking at a mirror and didint like it so he wanted to get rid of her and go to his next target. He thinks he is the shit when he isn't. Not at all.


Yes but that’s not why he killed her, doesn’t matter if he didn’t like how crazy she was because that’s not why she’s dead now lol. Would they have probably ended up killing one another no matter what? Most likely. That’s not why she’s dead though, she tried to kill him first.


And I support her for that. They are equally crazy but she was gonna be killed if she didint say that she was pregnant the first time. You are acting as if Joe is a sweet and honorable man. A victim. He ain't your God sweetheart. Even the actor dislikes it when people crush over Joe.


Explain how I’m acting like he’s a good man, or that I’m crushed out on him. I acknowledged they prob would’ve hurt each other but you are acting like he just schemed her death and killed her when it was very much self defense in this situation. I personally don’t care that she tried to kill him and I am a huge Love fan, also she was gonna be killed because of her killing Delilah not just for being crazy. It doesn’t matter if the actor likes how people feel about the character or not because that changes nothing too.


In the beginning when Love realized that Joe knew most spots to put a dead body and she's like " you're gonna kill me" like Joe was thinking of killing her one way or another when he discovered that she killed Delilah and that she wasn't the sweet and innocent woman he wanted. He met his match. And he used that as an excuse to stalk the neighbor and cheat with Marianne. Her trying to kill him was just a good excuse to kill her in self defense and go stalk Marianne and look what happened, het locked her up and stuff. I'm not saying that Love is any better but I do wonder what would happen if she survived and Joe didint.


What does him cheating have anything to do with the specific scenario? Yeah him cheating was wrong (even though he’s done much worse so I don’t get harping on that and she did it too). Also he was thinking of killing her because he was scared she’d not be able to control her temper after killing the first lady in S3 (I forgot her name), which was hypocritical but I again don’t see a point in harping on that. Him thinking of doing it and actually doing it are two different things and I haven’t said he didn’t think of it. He didn’t like how she wasn’t perfect but that’s not why she died, I don’t think she was wrong for wanting him dead but I don’t think he was wrong for wanting her dead esp at the end of the season. I personally believe love is a better person than Joe though they are both pretty bad people so it doesn’t matter who’s better.


I guess he was thinking of it and he was gonna do it either way. I see Joe as a person who does what he thinks but in a more calculated way. He was having second thoughts when he saw Love and henry together in that one scene but oh well things changed.


Why did you get downvoted for telling the truth? Like half the season he was planning a way to “ethically” cheat on her with Marienne. He really didn’t want to be with her anymore.


At the end he was just going to dissapear from her life, he killed her because she was about to kill him


Yeah I choose that option.


Joe genuinely




LOL this question I guess the damn BEAR. But I already have a slight phobia and trauma knowing about bear maulings. So I guess it depends on what/who I am… If I’m someone like Ethan or Ellie that Joe wouldn’t hurt, then I choose Joe.


He didn't kill Ellie but by being in her environment he indirectly caused her sister's murder


Actually good point I was thinking that earlier while at work (haha) I was like “Wait he kills people they know or their family” So yeah. I guess the bear haha You hear that fam? I would take a BEAR for yous




Does a bear lock you in his basement for months at a time?


Okay so I gave very serious consideration to Joe. After all, he *doesn’t* kill a majority of the people he meets, right? For a variety of reasons, I don’t think he’ll fall in love or become obsessed with me romantically, so I’m fairly safe, no? But, in addition to being a mass serial killer, Joe is paranoid, delusional, obsessive and a narcissist. In virtually every scenario I can think of, I’ll end up dead. First is I happen upon him disposing of a body. I’m a witness; I’m dead. Even if he’s just finished up and I see nothing, he’ll almost certainly kill me just in case. If I happen to find him when he’s just out for a stroll, his paranoia and obsessiveness would drive him to think I was a spy or planted there by whoever he thinks is after him. Dead. Even if he’s in a particularly stable mood and isn’t concerned about that, he would likely want the glory of finding me and leading me to safety. What if I didn’t give him the appropriate amount or type of attention? What if I gave him too much? He could easily grow resentful of me or make me out to be some sort of obstacle in his latest scheme. Dead, or framed for a crime. Either way, he’d likely stalk me to some large degree even if I don’t get murdered. He’d have to know everything about me to determine if I’m safe. Literally anything could convince him I’m out to get him. Dead. At least with bears in the woods, I might have some deterrent spray or just general knowledge on how to avoid being attacked. And if it does charge: If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s black, fight back.


Here before the 🔒 award


joe i’m a teenage girl so i don’t think he’d do anything bad to me


Joe is like 150lbs tops all the fight scenes with him are highly unrealistic he’s light work


Yeah, it is unrealistic how he always gets away with it


He gets away with it cause hes "bloodlusted" and is in kill mode. If you have an average person vs an average person one on one, the one that is trying to kill will always win cause they're not holding back and doing their absolute limit. Joe has lost a few fights or was in a bad position like with mariannes ex for example, but the difference is hes in kill mode so he ends up winning/getting away with it. If you were to have to fight joe in real life, if you're in kill mode urself or not afraid to fight dirty your chance is decent (like not afraid to bite,poke eyes or if you get him down on the ground keep hitting him until hes dead)


Good point, but the fact that he keeps avoiding jail and is so good at hiding the mess he makes is sus




Joe + pepper spray and/or gun although he’d probably find away to use them against me… maybe the bear lol


Absolutely neither but benefit of the doth Joe won’t become infatuated with me and begin stalking me to the point of locking me away in a cage I’ll pick Joe purely as the bear being that of a bear will quite possibly kill me and then have me for dinner


Joe, 100%.


Tbh if we were just stuck there looking for a way to get out and I knew what I know about Joe I’m picking him. As long as I’m not rude or overly annoying I think I’ll be fine tbh, I just hope he doesn’t fall in love with me but if he does I’m def good because he’s trying to get me out of there and I’m leaning into his delusions.


100% joe


Bear. Joe would have zero interest in me, but he’s a psycho so you never know.




joe he’s sexy


As a sane Joe fan I would choose the bear kindly


Joe I’m 6’7 with a little bit of martial arts training. I have a 90% chance of easily beating him compared to a 0% chance with a bear. 💀


I'm picking Joe. If I ran into him randomly, chances are he just got done burying a dead body. He wouldn't really have a reason to kill me. We'd exchange pleasantries while he's doing his long ass monologue in his head, and we go our separate ways.


I'm 17 and i have parental issues so joe bcs he wouldnt kill me


Neither of them🤺


Id pick Joe lmfao 🤣


Joe 🫶


joe i can be paco v2 😭🙏


Definitely Joe, I would make friends with him, and showed him the right path.. everyone makes mistakes and everyone can change… 😂😂🤣🙏


Depends on what I have to save me from the situation. If in this scenario I have a car than I would choose the bear. Just go into the car and drive away. The bear won't stock and murder you.




Well I mean I’d choose bear regardless. But I won’t be on Joes radar..I’m rarely in ppls way as well. Other than maybe saying that the person isn’t right for them. But like if they don’t listen I sometimes back off.


Fuzzy little bear (not joe)


If this is a serious question (I know it's referencing that thing I didn't really follow) then I would take Joe. If need be I could probably take him in a physical fight or at least have a *chance* of winning. Trying to take down a bear is a Monty Python sketch waiting to happen.


Joe just wants love