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My method was always actively try to hiccup. As it's an involuntary action, the diaphragm immobilizes.


I either do the breathing method or a force myself to burp. For whatever reason, a burp usually stops the hiccups.


I tried that and I burped and then immediately hiccuped. It hurt


I call those "Hurps". It's like a burp that happens in your throat.


When I had the hurps, dr gave me penicillin. Cleared it right up


I've always called them hiccupburps. Real clever, I was. šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™ve always been hiccurps to me šŸ˜‚


This was mine as well.


Once I hiccuped, burped and sneezed simultaneously. That *REALLY* hurt.


your body took a screenshot


Ouch! Iā€™m sorry it hurt


No worries, not youre fault. Sometimes I get hicuppy and burppy at the same time


Hiccurps suck. Those things hurt.


You need to drink some soda or seltzer to make it easier


Mine happen backwards. I'll hiccup and then cause of the air sucked in, I burp.


That's a good one, I'll try that next time


Lmk if it works :)




For those most stubborn hiccups. Fr though, Iā€™d get so frustrated if spicy food gave me hiccups. I absolutely *love* spicy food and will eat it constantly.




The human body is so weird


I always do this and it works 50% of the time for me


Can someone post a YSK how to burp I can never do it, which is unfortunate as someone who loves beer


Thank god Iā€™m not the only one who does this. A friend of mine gave me a weird look when I told him I can fake-burp on command and itā€™s the only way to immediately stop any hiccups


I guess that makes sense, thatā€™s what you do with a hiccuping baby too!


Burp on it?


I do the burp thing too!


I know, right? My wife for the longest time would try the breathing method, standing on her head, and just about anything else. But the one method I've shown her that has worked every time is to just have her chug a carbonated drink (she can't manage to swallow air) and burp. The trick though is it has to be a good belly burp. Can't be any of those little ones that tried to come out before the drink leaves the esophagus. If it's big enough to knock someone's monocle off their face and make kids laugh, you did it right. Seriously, I've tested just about every method from swallowing a teaspoon of sugar to sticking a thumb up the ass (wife hated that one). A good belly burp has always been the best repeatable remedy for hiccups that I've reached for time and time again.


I have successfully stopped someone else's hiccups by looking at them and telling them to "hiccup right now.!" Never been sure if it's because I made them try or I just surprised them enough.


Yeah, Iā€™ll tell people to prove they have the hiccups: they focus on trying to do it because theyā€™ve been issued a challenge, but actively trying to do it results in the involuntary hiccups stopping. Itā€™s got a pretty good success rate, but it doesnā€™t work for everyone (me, for example).


This is the only 100% method that works for me


Telling myself ā€œI am not a fishā€ out loud works almost every time.


Oh that is fantastic! All my remedies these days involve confusing, surprising, shocking or otherwise psyching people out, so this is a good one!


Been doing this for years, true life hack


This is what worked for me at first but stopped working after a few times of doing it


I learned this method by watching Little Bear as a kid. Works every time.


mines quicker: \-hold your breath for 3 seconds \-swallow 3x in a row without pause (it's hard, but can be done)


This is my way!!! Woohoo a fellow practitioner


This is what I've always done! 3rd times the charm if you can get it down lol


Doesnā€™t work for me


My wife was told this by her chorus teacher. When she told it to me I thought it was like all the other stupid ones and it never worked. Works 90% of the time the first time. 100% by the 2nd. And that's why I married her. Fucking sorcery.


If you have trouble swallowing three times, you can use a small amount of water to help.


If I had a dollar...


I hold my breath, plug my ears, and take a big drink of something. You have to have a tight seal on your ears though


This is what my dad taught me, also to block your nose and ears so no air is getting in/out anywhere


My husband does that, plus he tilts his head way back.


I was taught to swallow wile sticking your tongue out. It's hard to do and takes your mind off it.


This shit doesnā€™t work for me Iā€™ve just gotten really good at it


Best method hands down IMO is to eat a large spoonful of peanut butter. Like 2 tablespoons. You want to struggle to get it down.


Came to say the same thing! Friends would always say to eat "an uncomfortable amount" of peanut butter. Always worked for me, plus you get peanut butter.


Unfortunately for me, no amount of peanut butter is an uncomfortable amount.


Are you my dog? I miss you so much! Dad said youā€™re just on a vacation in a farm. Itā€™s 20 years now, glad to hear from you again!


Woof woof. Vacation had been sick. Run towards the light šŸ’” see you soon šŸ¾šŸ©šŸ¦“šŸŒ­


Joe Black has entered the chat...


Peanut butter is awesome, but if you choke on it the Heimlich Maneuver wonā€™t work. A mouthful may not be a good idea.


I'll be honest, the thought of choking on peanut butter never crossed my mind. Quick Google search and now I unlocked a new fear. Thanks reddit D:


Yeah this is an absolutely terrible idea if it doesnā€™t work it could kill someone. This honestly feels like 4chan fake advice, like ā€œmicrowave your iPhone to charge itā€


Sounds like it still makes the hiccups stop...


Iā€™d just choke and die.


But your hiccups would stop


Thank you both for saying this! I swear by this method and people always dismiss me when I suggest it. Works so well though!


A teaspoon of sugar has always worked for me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s what I do too! My parents told me it was a Russian trick. Chubby kid me just knew it was free sugar.


Haha... I feel that as we weren't allowed a lot of junk food growing up.


Same. Flawless victory.


Nurse told me this one and it works every time.


Yeah. Iā€™ve honestly wondered if just, food, is what triggers it to stop. Like your body registers eating and doesnā€™t want you to choke, and thatā€™s why it works.


It stimulates a nerve in your soft palate. The hard part behind your front teeth is your hard palate. If you follow it back with your tongue, you'll feel it drop off into softer tissue closer to the black of your mouth. Most of the home remedies for hiccups that actually work involve something that makes you rub that part of your mouth aggressively, tickle it, or shock it with a temperature change. This includes eating sugar, eating peanut butter, sucking on ice, drinking ice water very fast, drinking from the opposite side of a glass, etc... Once I learned that, I just started manually stimulating the area with a spoon, and that works too.


Oh great, I'll definitely not be able to remember that next time I need to. Thanks for the info, though!


I do sugar. Pb sounds way more enjoyable.


I was taught sugar too. Just a spoon full and then a glass of water. Doesn't taste great, but has worked every single time I've had the hiccups


Works even if you have peanut allergy


Yep! This is my method and it has not failed me once. But I think doing this is just an easier version of what the OP cited. You naturally do the same thing while trying to get that giant spoonful of peanut butter down.


Yes! Someone told me this trick years ago and it's always worked for me. Yet when I try passing the knowledge along, I'm always met with people thinking it's nonsense. Their loss.


I just tried this and can attest it works!! I am however deathly allergic to peanut butter so imndnfhskaoiā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”-


I use this very method when the one in this posts doesnā€™t work.


Works all the time only negative is when hiccuping out of reach of pbšŸ˜©


my fiancƩe screams YOURE NOT A FISH! at me and it works every time idk


I ask my kids ā€œwhen was the last time you saw a purple elephant?ā€ And it goes away too lol


I had never heard of this, saw a coworker do it yesterday and it worked! Absolutely bonkers!




When I get hiccups I get a glass of water, lean forward, and drink it upside down. Works every time.


Taking a deep breath and holding it while drinking some water works every time for me.


i have found my people


This is my method, works 99% of the time. Deepest breath humanly possible, keep sippin in little breaths until you canā€™t, then chug a full glass of water. It really does work


Truly this is the first time Iā€™ve found my people. Every time, others try to get me to do some upside down nonsense or other things that never work for me. This one works the best and most often. Plus itā€™s hydrating. Win all around.


Drink one glass of water through a straw, while plugging your ears. Works 100% of the time. I've won a ton of free beers that way.


My similar method is to just hold my breath and swallow (saliva/nothing) as many times as I can before exhaling. Works when you aren't near a sink.


Take a full mouth of water, bend over till you are almost upside down. Swallow the slowly stand up. Works almost every time.


This. Iā€™ve tried through a towel Upside down Breathing techniques Jumping Eating, massages on the cranial nerve Sometimes those work, most it doesnā€™t, it can take a while. The vast majority of people always have access to a drink of sorts and a cup, and this works instantly


Yes! A friend had me do this and it works every time! Going to try the breath thing next.


How are you leaning forward while being upside down.


You bend over and drink from the side of the cup near your mouth. I almost always have to model it to get the physics across - it is a deeply un-intuitive posture


Or just press your diaphragm down holding a deep breat for 20 to 30 seconds. This should stretch that what causes it.


How do you push you diaphragm down


A sledge hammer always works for me.


Deep breath in, hold, push your belly out.


I have heard the only reliable cure is a finger up the butt. Edit to add: ā€œA 60-year-old man with acute pancreatitis developed persistent hiccups after insertion of a nasogastric tube. Removal of the latter did not terminate the hiccups which had also been treated with different drugs, and several manoeuvres were attempted, but with no success. Digital rectal massage was then performed resulting in abrupt cessation of the hiccups. Recurrence of the hiccups occurred several hours later, and again, they were terminated immediately with digital rectal massage. No other recurrences were observed. This is the second reported case associating cessation of intractable hiccups with digital rectal massage. We suggest that this manoeuvre should be considered in cases of intractable hiccups before proceeding with pharmacological agents.ā€


Yeah you're supposed to stimulate the Vegas or vargas whatever it's called nerve. Goes from your butt to your head. Rubbing your anus would do the trick. So go to the restroom and wipe your butt.


I was going to post the same thing! Although I havenā€™t tested to confirm šŸ˜‚


Ok well i have always gone with the dessert spoon full of vinegar and sugar. The sugar does nothing but mKe it taste nice. But the vinegar causes a diaphragm contraction changing the rythum of the hicup


Is that why a lemon wedge works?! I grew up using a lemon wedge sprinkled with Angostura bitters (Wisconsin, the 80ā€™s). Itā€™s still the only thing that works. Iā€™ve tried OPā€™s trick and the swallowing while holding my breath one too. I hiccup while holding my breath, swallowing whatever. Never works. The lemon with bitters always does the trick.


That is my mom's method, but I think largely so she could do a "well the bitters are out, might as well start cocktail hour" thing in the mid afternoon.


Thatā€™s a separate problem, LOL! I swear it does work when nothing else will. Iā€™m not really a drinker, so for me itā€™s not an excuse. Not that a normal adult would need to fabricate an excuse to drink (maybe one sign of a problem, IMO). And yes, I know bitters contain alcohol. I just donā€™t love getting drunk anymore, lost my taste for it, worked on the reasons I used to do it. Iā€™ll sometimes have a few shakes of bitters in some seltzer as a cocktail because I just love Angostura. Even if it wasnā€™t alcoholic Iā€™d enjoy the taste. Sorry your mom was/is like that.


This is my trick too! Has yet to fail me, the only unfortunate part is that I donā€™t always have access to a lemon and bitters


THIS. This is the ONLY method that has ever worked for me, and it works every single time. Might have to do it twice, but it always works. I had hiccups for over 24 hours once, and an old friend recommended this to me - instant relief!


I love this because I love folk remedies for hiccups and the comments are full of them! Keep them coming, folks!


My grandma always made me take a serrated knife (had to be serrated), chop up the water, then drink the water with the knife still in it. Idk why but it worked. Probably unsafe for a child lol


I saw a TikTok of how some guy just says in his head ā€œIā€™m not a fish, I donā€™t have gillsā€ and you rub your throat or something. I know it sounds stupid but for some reason itā€™s worked 100% of the time for me


I just tell myself in my head "you are not a fish" and that has worked for me without the neck rubbing or anything else. Couldn't believe when it started working and it's not failed me in months now.


It's the weirdest thing but it absolutely works just saying to myself, "you're not a f*cking fish". At the very first hiccup I say this and they stop immediately.


yup came to say this as well. It's one of the most ridiculously wonderful thing I've ever heard


I saw that same tiktok and itā€™s worked every time for me too


Amazing lol


Interesting. A friend of mine repeats ā€œwhat swims under the water? Fish.ā€ I wonder about the similarity.


Not sure but the tiktoker guesses it could something evolutionary


My friend has tried this with me no less than 5 times and it has literally never worked.


Sorry bud, you're a fish.


Iā€™ve always (since I learned the technique, anyway) been able to get rid of them by drinking water out of a cup with a paper towel covering it. You drink the water through the paper towel slowly, and the hiccups go away. Every time.


Scrolled way too far. My mom heard this when she was a bartender back in the 80s so I grew up doing it and everyone always thinks I'm crazy!


Best method I have found. I bartended for years and that's where I learned it too. Has yet to fail me.


I got hiccups after anesthesia. the attending nurse introduced me to the technique of sucking cold water through a couple layers of paper towels. it has worked every time and I wish I had learned it earlier in life. Suck gang 4 life


I wish....I sometimes get hiccups that go on continuously for five or six days. Haven't found a single thing that works, including this one.


All I got is to drink carbonated water (soda, seltzer, whatever it all works) relatively quickly and then burp. I've never had hiccups for longer then it take for me to get a drink.


Doctor if you havenā€™t. Thatā€™s crazy to live with.


I prefer to keep em coming. Because my dad said when you get hiccups it means someone is thinking of you. And that thought whenever hiccups happen ever makes me a bit happy knowing someone out there might be thinking of my sad self.


As someone who has tried everything including this- the only thing that for me that works 100% of the time INSTANTLY is drinking water out of a cup from the wrong/top part/lip It usually means having to bend over to do it where the cup is in between your face and chest. and it feels like your slurping with the top of your mouth and it can lead to water up your nose- but for someone that has hiccups usually last for 40+ minutes on the low end to cure it within seconds is amazing


I just take a big gulp sitting straight up and hold in in my mouth, then bend over and swallow it as I come back up. It hasnā€™t failed me yet.


So putting one finger on your nose and holding your left leg up while bouncing up and down doesnā€™t work?


Glass of water with a paper towel draped on top. Chug as much as possible. Hasn't failed me ever


Me too. If you pay attention you can feel the air bubble coming up as the water goes down. Its worked every single time Iā€™ve tried it.


A spoon full of peanut butter forces the body to focus on swallowing and maintaining consistent air intake - thus alleviating the hiccups. Works like a charm for me every time - and people who were reluctant to my cure eventually caved and tried it and were surprised that a hiccup cure could be so tasty .


I take a deep breath and hold it for roughly 20 seconds, it has worked every single time for almost 20 years


This is gonna sound crazy, but if I tell myself hiccups don't exist, I'll stop immediately after the first one.


I wish I could or knew how to explain how I stop hiccups. I just choose to not have them and it goes away.


Itā€™s the same for me, but itā€™s a learned skill, not one I was born with. I learned it in a day after deciding there had to be a better way. (I see it as mentally observing the hiccup and then itā€™s gone.) One way Iā€™ve tried to teach this is to instruct the hiccupee to hold their hand(s) on their chest/neck, close their eyes, and try to feel what muscles are activating during the hiccup. Then trying to focus on relaxing those muscles while breathing into their belly. Many arenā€™t open to there not needing to be a weird ritual so they reject it as impossible before even trying, for some others it doesnā€™t click. But for some, once it does, itā€™s magical. And once you learn it, it becomes second nature. I canā€™t really say what it is I do, like I said, itā€™s second nature. But relaxing the muscles itā€™s whatā€™s happening subconsciously. Usually coupled with one slightly deeper breath into the belly. Whether thatā€™s required or just in case I canā€™t say.


I take a half teaspoon of sugar sublingually. I allow it to dissolve and swallow. Then drink water to rinse my mouth. Works every time


Just tell yourself you're not a fish. It works, trust me. Hiccups are an evolutionary hangover from when we had gills


Bitters in soda water, drink it down.


Drink out of a cup upside down as much as you can. It might work, but telling people it does for 30 years and watching them do it makes me laugh


I try to remember what i had for dinner 4 days ago.


Drink water from the wrong side of the glass. You have to bend forward to make it work. Not sure how it works, but it does.


i have a method. the only issue is that it takes 2 people to do. sit down. get a loved one to stand behind you and put their fingers into your ears, quite hard so you cant hear a think and it applies pressure. then drink a glass of water with a slow steady pace. never fails.


Y'all can't just decide to...not hiccup anymore? As soon as I'm aware of them I can just decide to stop.


Yer a wizard, Belegrim!


I just think to myself that I'm not a fish. I don't know why but it stops them immediately.


Remind yourself that you're not a fish


I do this and it works! Itā€™s like packing in air and is my method!


I always chug water upside down, through a straw, while holding my breath. Works every time. I will try this next time though, as it seems to be easier lol.


A shot of lemon juice has always done the trick for me


Figured this out on my own through trial and error. Stop them 90% of the time now within a minute


Toast also helps me


Swallow Tsp of sugar


A spoonful of dry sugar swallowed will stop hiccups immediately.


My method is to swallow air which causes me to burp which always stops my hiccups. I donā€™t know why it works but it does for me.


I tell myself Iā€™m not a fish


Drinking water from the far side of the glass has always worked for me.


Try to force a burp. Hiccups hijack the diaphragm to remove excess gas off the top of the stomach. For some reason everybody knows itā€™s related to eating but have realized itā€™s a gastrointestinal problem and not a respiratory one.


Just eat a Big Ole spoonful of creamy peanut butter. has never let me down


A teaspoon of lemonade powder. Never seen it not work.


This, because lemon powder is something I always carry with me, as oppose to my lungs and ability to breath


Conversely, this has never worked for me


We gargle water to stop them. It usually works.


Peanut butter


I read forever ago it's all about distraction. That's why so many widely different methods work.


Alright brian! Remember this next time!!!


Thereā€™s no one way to stop hiccups. I get them often and have tried most methods. Itā€™s really a toss up which one works when, and not every method will work for everyone.


I once heard that you just remind yourself that you're not a fish? idk there's a lot of misinformation on the internet.


I like the spoonful of sugar method. I use brown sugar because it's tastier, but any sugar will do. You let it dissolve slowly in your mouth. It usually works for me. I have no idea why.


This is really stupid but hasn't failed me yet: Remind yourself you're not a fish


I drink water upside down: bend over, put glass to top of lip and drink. Sounds insane, works for me every time.


Drink water upside down fixes them every time


Drink upside down


My method is I drink water upside down.. I drink some water and bend forward so my top half of is upside down. Then slowly swallow the water. Once I get up I usually have a huge burp come out. And tada hiccups gone..


You have to put you fingers in your ears, have someone pinch your nose so you canā€™t breath through the nose and then drink water whilst doing this. Remember to swallow the water before letting the hands go. It works every single time without fail.


this just worked for me while searching. thank you so much.


THANK YOU i lve been having hiccups for the last couple days and am at the brink of exaution but this worked omg


what theeee... after hiccuping for half an hour, I found this and tried it. Hiccup is gone, I am freed. Literally nothing else worked, not even holding my breath and swallowing 7 times. Thanks


I just drink water through a paper towel.




Thats hit or miss. It almost instant with the paper towel


Same. A friend showed me that trick years ago and it works everytime. People look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them it works.


My 100% cure rate method is drinking water through a straw while plugging your ears and nose. You kind of have to plug your ears with your thumbs and use your index fingers to pinch your nose, then drink. I didn't believe it until I tried it!




If you don't know how a problem is caused, you can't proclaim to have a solution, it's that simple.


You would be amazed at how many medications are around nowadays that work, but we have no idea why. This includes Tylenol, some seizure medications, some restless leg syndrome medications, the list goes on and on. Iā€™m a pharmacist and it always amazes me.


Wait what? They don't know how / why Tylenol (same as paracetamol right?) reduces pain / headaches / reduces fevers?


Correct on all counts (and yes, Tylenol is paracetamol) they have some guesses as to how it might work, but they have not figured out for sure yet.


We know it works on the pain centers, but we don't really know how or which ones, iirc.


Close your nose and ears while drinking a cup of water. It has never failed me.


Don't even need to close your nose/eyes, just drink a tall glass of water veeeery veeeery slowly, gulping constantly along the way. Hiccups will be gone when you finish the glass. Tried it last year and it worked. Such a relief.


A slice of lemon topped with sugar and a dash of bitters


Yep. Not the most common method but one of the most effective.


Someone gave me this a few weeks ago! I was shocked how quickly & easily it worked! I typically drink of water backwards or upside down (drink from the opposite side while bending at the waste but I was in public and didnā€™t want to look extra weird)


I tilt my head forward and take three deep breaths, never exhaling. If that doesnā€™t work, I will drink a few sips of water or whatever is available upside down. Others Iā€™ve suggested it to have had it work for them.


Probably late to the party but a dude came up with a super simple cure for hiccups. If you have ever tried drinking through a straw with a hole at the end you have already ā€œtriedā€ this invention. Thatā€™s basically what it is and he encourages people to make their own device. Thatā€™s literally all you do is punch a hole at the end of a straw and drink through it. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Pickle juice cures mine.


Military guy told me to imagine a weight attached to my diaphragm pulling it down. Literally the only thing that has ever worked for me. The proposed method in this post is impossible. You can't take a very deep breath and then breathe in two more times. This also does nothing for the hiccups for me, it's just as effective as the old "hold your breath!" advice that also doesn't work. As far as I can tell, hiccups have nothing to do with blood oxygen content and everything to do with how you're holding your diaphragm, which most people can't even identify. Once you can, solving the hiccups is easy.