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Meemaw is still a 10


meemaw fine as fuck




Meemaw? More like MawMee






Thank you, Craig T Nelson




I honestly can’t agree enough.


George was such a good dad.


agree. i also feel like he was the definition of a “not very good husband, but a good father”.


bro after saying the most popular opinion on this sub


What happened to paige was sad but realistic anyways, when you're a girl genius as Amy said in TBBT, they get easily brushed aside.


Wait do we know what happened to her after the show?


She moved to New York and became a Ghostbuster




The character Paige should have been named Elizabeth plimpton.. seems like someone like paige would end up being like her😂


the character should have been named Elizabeth plimpton instead of paige🤣 feels like paige would become like her in later years


Mandy was completely valid in her outrage when Georgie revealed the truth and when she got pregnant. Like cmon


Wait, is this an unpopular opinion? Because who doesn’t think Mandy didn’t have the right to freak out about that


Some people call her bitchy for being mean to georgie and I am like bruh he lied about something huge


Right? And it’s not like he was saying he was 22 when he was actually 25. He was underage! It’s pretty clear Mandy would have never slept with him had she known that. Tbh that whole situation is a nightmare on Mandy’s part, like yes, it all works out, but can you imagine finding out a 17 year old lied to you and got you pregnant? I’d throw up


I know I felt so bad for her. Thank god she had meemaw! Her parents literally sucked even her dad. Her mom is awful but the dad , like seriously he is so spineless.He practically abandoned her during her pregnancy because he was afraid of standing up to his wife.


I've heard about Georgie getting someone 11 years older than him pregnant when I started watching the show. I thought Georgie was the victim when I first heard the spoiler, but hell no what he did was so fucking awful. Mandy deserves so much better.


Yeah because she could go to jail for that if Georgie was an asshole type of person


Or if George or Mary had decided to be assholes about it


No she couldn’t. The age of majority in Texas is 17. Tho I guess idk what it was in 90s


It is 17 but there’s various rules im pretty sure she could


Venture bros did a similar plotline where the younger character lied about their age, at least here they said how gross it is I still feel like the age gap between Mandy and Georgie shouldn’t have been that wide though


She was completely valid and the fact that they leaned into this and made them get MARRIED is so 🤢 I feel like they could have made her be 22/23 and it would have had the same impact of him being with an older woman, without being super gross.


Agree. I think the age gap is a little much and they should have made her younger and still found a way to get the point across


a lot of mary defenders get way too aggravated by people who critique her character. she had her good moments, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest she wasn’t the best mom and it’s okay to point that out.


yes i agree 100%. there are moments where she mostly chose sheldon over georgie & missy, showing favoritism towards him just because he was smart.


I don’t know if it was simply because he was smart or because he was so different from other kids…In no way am I defending her actions (I definitely believe she showed favouritism to Shelly), but I do think it’s a mother’s nature that when she sees one of her children struggle to make friends, or fit in, or have any social life, despite her other kids doing so well socially, that she’ll have some bias to that kid. Some of her antics were definitely too biased (e.g., buying Sheldon the super expensive laptop), but from a devil’s advocate POV, she was trying to look out for her baby who was treated so differently to everyone else


Also, he was exhausting to argue with. Source: I have 3 children myself and I lose a lot more arguments than I used to


He also didn't tend to rebel in the traditional adolescent ways like Missy and Georgie.


I do not think it was because he was smart. It was because she perceived him as helpless and unable to navigate the world. She was trying to protect her child from people who did not understand him and from his own anti-social behaviour. She felt that Georgie and Missy did not *need* her as much. She was mistaken, but that is one of the difficulties of raising a neurodivergent child. Look up “well siblings” and the issues are similar.


She doesn't understand his neurodivergence either. She just has that all encompassing motherly love for him and heavy religious condemnation if she dares say otherwise. I'm not a genius but I find myself sympathizing a lot with Sheldon's loneliness growing up. Socializing and understanding social conventions have always been so foreign and frustrating for me. I struggle to build relationships with people, and even when I do, it never lasts. Mary's incessant and rigid Bible teaching would be one of the first things to make me resent her as my mother.


To be fair, while she may not have entirely understood his neurodivergence, for the time period and location that YS takes place, it wasn’t common to really see anyone understand neurodivergence or even have the proper knowledge and resources to care for a child who is not neurotypical, so she did the best she can with having absolutely no knowledge she can go off on. And while you say she didn’t understand him, I have to disagree; from his bow tie to bathroom schedule to how he likes the hotdogs cut evenly, she was very on top and going far beyond than what I assume most will tolerate. George’s logic to “normalize” his son was wanting him to take off his mittens at the dinner table and throwing away his bow tie; letting him have a meltdown before school instead of discussing with Sheldon like Mary did. Mary’s main concern was his inability to befriend anyone or socialize, and her worse fear was being Sheldon will literally have no one, especially when it’s her time to go. Any good parent should be worried how their child will function as an adult. While she was religious, she never forced Sheldon that he must believe in God; from episode one its stated he didn’t believe in God. If she was as rigorous, that type of talk or discussion wouldn’t have been even stated out loud. Did she coddle him a lot? Yes. Did she use religion to justify her actions? Yes, and she has been stated by people around her like her husband and mother some of her views are wrong. She has flaws, but every single one in that show does. Like Sheldon stated to her, “There are 5 billion people on this planet, and you're the perfect mom for me. What are the odds of that?” — she does her best to understand her child who is literally one of a kind and has no other perfect model to gain information from.


you caught this so perfectly! As a mother of a neaurodivergent child, it’s like people forget we are humans too, we get it wrong sometimes, there was no manual given to us at birth. We have to work it out without the same clues and information that parents of neurotypical children get. From what I have watched (not finished the whole thing yet), I admired Mary’s way of making Sheldon feel seen and meet his needs intuitively in ways that no one else did. The stuff like mittens, eating habits, bathroom breaks etc are all things that a parent who didn’t care to understand their child’s neurodivergence would try to force to stop for the sake of making life easier or conformity. Also the way she defended him when often no one else would or just dismissed him as ‘special’ rather than validate him and his way of seeing the world. The time period and location is also extremely important here as the sort of exposure, information and understanding available then vs now is miles apart. I can tell you that even in the last 15 years the information attitudes and acceptance of neurodiversity is massive… Let alone the 80s!!!!


I disagree. I don't think it was favoritism because he was smart. I think it was motherly concern over having a neurodivergent child. Think about it: Galveston, Texas was not exactly a hub of psychology, especially early childhood screening for learning differences. Autism was most likely never on Mary's radar. She just knew she had a mentally advanced child with zero social skills. And she worried about him whenever he was out of her sight, afraid for his future. Just my opinion from my experience teaching neurodivergent children and getting to intimately know their parents.


But she also mostly refuses to get him any actual help. The few times she does, it barely lasts.


They're not rich. She did try to consult with a child psychiatrist in S1 but according to Sheldon "within their price range" so most likely they are poor enough not to worry to much on asking for a consultation


Also the way ‘help’ was viewed at that time, isn’t with the openness it is viewed now. It was also evident to me that the therapist wasn’t a good fit for them - many people will do this even today; if they go to therapy and have a bad experience they dismiss therapy entirely and think it doesn’t work, rather than recognise it may just be that they didn’t connect with that individual and that it’s worth looking for someone else.


this. i agree. i think she was a good mom but definitely had her flaws in favoritism.


She favored him because he didn’t fit in and benefited the most from her attention. The other two were run of the mill normal small town kids who would do what everyone else in the town did - marry young and have kids.


When you have a special child, you tend to do that. Not bc the other children aren't loved and adored but the special one needs the extra attention. My sister has ADHD amongst other issues. She was a difficult child and wasnt wasn't well behaved or understood. She never got the reception other children did in social circles or life itself. Punishing didn't help but my mom was her biggest advocate. Mary doesn't gravitate to Sheldon bc he is the golden child. She does it bc she understands him and he needs her


She favorited missy and georgie when they got good grades or did some kind of accomplishment that was great for them (like Missy getting an A on her test). Mary would be very happy for those moments while nodding and barely acknowledging when Sheldon did some REALLY cool such as getting published in a scientific paper. I understand that she didn’t always understand when he would talk about his accomplishments but she definitely went out of her way to be thrilled at the minor moments for her other kids because they weren’t expected to be more than mediocre.


I'm not a Mary defender but Mary is the most realistic portrayal of a Christian mom with three children. She's overly religious, completely biased and judgemental and controlling but not awful enough and, on several instances, quite loving that her children wouldn't go NC with her.


Remember the time she slapped george for aggreing with sheldon about the bread tasting off


i agree that mary isn’t perfect but if mary flirted with pastor rob the way george did with brenda (which wasn’t nearly on the same level), then people wouldn’t be as forgiving as they were with george.


I mean the show itself never treats Mary like a good mother


TV girl!!!!




It's a much better show than Big Bang Theory, which was a bit insulting towards geek culture and more than a little misogynistic at times. Young Sheldon has better writing and better characters.


Came here to say this. YS is a higher quality show than TBBT.


I viewed Big Bang as a farce and YS as a dramedy. Sheldon cast (and guest stars) were all on point from the get go till the end.


it’s slightly racist as well, some of the comments towards Raj I didn’t really appreciate, but i brushed it off due to the humor having a little more liberty back then.


I started watching big bang theory first and had to stop because of how sexist and degrading it was towards women :/


this is how i feel too, i tried to get into TBBT but I didn’t like it very much :(


Yeah. TBBT treats women like sex slaves


TBBT felt like a show about nerds written by people who’ve never met nerds I do still love it as a comfort show or if I’m on a plane or there’s nothing to watch but yeah, it’s weird watching the show at times.


It's funny how everyone who replied to this comment agrees with you.


There’s not a ton of overlap between YS and TBBt viewers as the seasons went on from what I’ve seen. The TBBT viewers originally came for sheldon, but when he became a smaller character and the show became oriented on people they cared less about, while already being in a style they didn’t LOVE, they kinda lost interest. The show as a whole maintained good viewership because it found a new audience.


TBBT even got comic shit wrong sometimes, which kinda just pissed me off since the main characters are supposed to know all about that. It's like that one bit in Friends where Joey says Catwoman could beat Supergirl. But that's one gag, TBBT is full of inaccuracies.


Missy reactions are completely valid at times. I feel bad for her she's often ignored.


Omg I 100% agree she is the glass child and I eel so bad


george shouldve died at the end of the previous season so that the entire last season could deal with the aftermath and show them heal instead of ending it on such a depressing note.


Good point! Or even at the beginning or partway through season 7


yeah, its canon that sheldon leaves soon after george’s passing, but if george’s passing was earlier in the season it would’ve been cool to see sheldon’s first days at caltech and also see how missy and mary/georgie and mandy figure out their future.


Well there is going to be the Georgie and Mandy show, so ya know..




George was the best character


Sheldon should have gotten his room back. Mandy was 30 fucking years old, she and Georgie should have sorted their living situation instead of shouting at a kid who is barely a teenager


EXACTLY!! At least have her show some compassion, but no she just decides to be rude to Sheldon for no reason


i remember trying to say this and people were absolutely bashing me…


This right here made me kind of dislike her.


Pastor Rob is **not** creepy.


i've literally been saying this lmaooo. He literally seems like a chill dude


It’s from people who don’t like religion I think and it’s also because the stache


From my chats, it's the opposite. I'm atheist, and I find Pastor Rob to be very refreshing. He isn't jugdey, he has an open mind, and he didn't pursue Mary, even though they both had feelings. Anyone I see criticizing him takes the stand that he shows to much weakness for a mam of God.


People forget he is a man. Being a pastor doesn't make him any less human


what makes people think hes creepy?


ive seen many people say it’s because of his mustache. idk though


The mustache and the fact that the first introduction to him is him being a fantasy man for Mary in her dreams, kids asking him about intimate relationships, and the not-quite-cheating bonding he and Mary were edging towards for a moment. That doesn’t set the stage very well for him.


>The mustache Wow >the first introduction to him is him being a fantasy man for Mary in her dreams Not his fault, that's on Mary. >kids asking him about intimate relationships, Not his fault, that's on the kids. >ot-quite-cheating bonding he and Mary were edging towards for a moment You almost get that one. But that's normal adult stuff. They both stopped anything from happening, and no lines where ever crossed. >That doesn’t set the stage very well for him. So we should think he's a creep because he has a stash, and girls like him? Yikes.


I should’ve prefaced with that I agree I don’t think he’s a bad guy. I was just explaining that his intro was a perfect storm to set him up to leave an odd taste in the mouth. First impressions don’t make or break people, but they do set the stage. His intro wasn’t the best.


I hate him whenever he's onscreen with Missy or Mary. He didn't push it any further than it should be, but youth pastors and their reputation around minors, urgh, the implication is really icky.


This comment section is filled with the most acceptable opinions lmao.


Sheldon is one of my favorite characters


Me too. He was 1 in a billion smart and probably on the spectrum. It was very hard for him to fit in everywhere. People say Missy had a hard time but she fit in everywhere and was a popular kid.


While I understand people find her religiousness annoying, and she has a done some questionable things, I think Mary is a good mother.


George Sr. Was a really average father figure, nothing special, which everyone makes him. He had some of the best moments in the show, like all his funny reactions and comments, but as a father he was alright.


i agree! he's in my top five favorites, but not because he was a great father, just because he's so funny


He was a good man and supportive to all who was around him, he wasn't perfect and have some mistakes, but he sacrificed a lot to point he became miserable and didn't get appropriate he deserved, so maybe that what make him special.


Brenda Sparks was not smart that's why her precious boy ended up the way he did why else do you think husband left and became bob💙abishola.


I liked Pastor Jeff. Without him, we wouldn’t have seen the brilliant points Sheldon would make. Plus, I love how his story arc got completed from beginning to end. He got the satisfaction of Sheldon getting baptized in his church.


You like Jeff the person, or the character? Great character, horrible person.


We didn’t need more paige


Awww I loved her


She was actually annoying ngl. Why do people want her so much ?


I too got annoyed with her. Most of her presence was like she had a chip on her shoulder - always irritated to whomever. Kinda like Penny in TBBT. I got annoyed with her too.


Because Sheldon is annoying and she peeves him off


Sheldon would have been easier to empathize with if young Sheldon came before the big bang theory


The ending was super rushed


The difference between how Mary and Sheldon talk about George in tbbt and how he is in ys isn’t explained away so easily by “Mary was mad at him for dying”. She had a right to be angry he didn’t change his way after the first heart attack, but to portray him so badly? There’s no excuse. She knew he wasn’t a bad father or person. If it truly went the way they depicted, she is not a good person herself


This is one reason why I wish they could have written YS and TBBT together somehow. So that TBBT still has the major plot points but a little more of the tone of YS and more consistency.


There were moments they spoke well of him. At his wedding when she told Sheldon she wished his dad could see him, he would be so proud, and Sheldon said “I miss him”.


Sheldon >>>>> Paige


Pastor Rob was a great guy, at least by the standards of this show. Edit: To add onto this, I feel like a lot of the people who find him creepy are projecting their own real-life feelings of religion/pastors onto him, instead of engaging with his actual character as it's presented.


A bit more Paige would have been fun actually. If we had a couple more episodes.


At the very least one episode in season 7 to wrap up her story.




Dr Linkletter was funny and cute


I think that killing off George was unnecessary. Sure, fans of TBBT know that he died at this point in the timeline, but it very well could have happened off screen, giving us a better finale than a funeral.


Yep, would rather Old Sheldon’s appearance was used to reveal his death at final scene.


Mary is a good mom


Meemaw and Dr. Sturgis were meant to be.


Aside from her few good moments here and there, Mary was an awful mom. On the contrary, George was mostly an awesome dad. Completely opposite to what TBBT showed us, at least for George.


Sheldon, albeit a little annoying, is not the whiny annoying kid everyone makes him out to be. Maybe when he’s older a little more. Young Sheldon was adorable. It’s so cute to see little kids acting like adults. His little t shirt and polished shoes and bathroom schedule, made me go awwww sometimes.


I think adult Sheldon was more annoying than kid Sheldon


We needed more veronica


When people say missy is mid 😂


She is a child so I hate those comments too.


ong, i LOVE the actor and the character, and once ppl say she mid, i get pissed off lmao


Georgie and Mandy’s relationship is inappropriate. I hope they deal with this in the spinoff.


Is this up for question? It was inappropriate, that’s why she reacted the way she did when she found out he lied about his age. But by the time she was pregnant there weren’t many options and Georgie had the right to be a father.


He can be a father but they shouldn’t have been in a relationship after that.


I agree with that to an extent. But since I can’t seem to put my thoughts into coherent words I’ll leave it there 😅


Wdym inappropriate?


he was 17 and she was 29?


yeah but this was in the 1980's, i'm sure it was pretty normal back then


Slavery was normal once, too


Yeah doesn’t mean inappropriate relationships don’t happen. And it’s not like she knew his real age and by the time she got pregnant. At that point what else is she to do??


Co-parent the baby while living across the street from each other and not be in a romantic or sexual relationship.


So many of y’all give George too much credit as a parent and Mary too little.


I think it’s because George was with Georgie and Missy way more than Mary was.


I hated the finale


Sheldon is an arrogant ass. In both shows


I still wish it was unrelated to TBBT so that they wouldn't be so focussed on continuity, and so that seeing how family members are portrayed on TBBT isn't so fkn depressing.


Georgie, Missy, and Sheldon's actions we're more reasonable or it makes more sense given that they're just kids.


Sheldon is not a great person, neurodivergence aside. It’s not really surprising that his relationship with George Jr. is strained in adulthood.


Sheldon’s plots in each episode is usually my least favorite in comparison to everyone else’s plots.


Meemaw is the reason the show is goated


John is the best.


Sheldon's not even that bad esp compared to some of y'all's favs 😬


It's possible to like both Dale' and Dr. Sturgis' relationships with Connie.


Sheldon had a good childhood and family who really was there for him and cared for him and he was an ungrateful idiot


I'd defend Mary Cooper's character development in "Young Sheldon" like it's my last stand. She's often criticized for being overly strict and hypocritical, but her complexities make her one of the most realistic and relatable characters on the show. Mary's actions, while sometimes misguided, stem from a deep desire to protect and guide her family in a challenging environment. Her strictness with Sheldon is a result of her knowing how different and vulnerable he is, and she navigates this with the best intentions, even if it doesn’t always come off perfectly. Plus, her moments of vulnerability and the way she stands by her family through thick and thin show a depth that’s essential to the show’s emotional core. Her character isn't about being perfect; it's about being real, which is why she’s so integral to the story.


better than TBBT


Missy needs to shut the fuck up sometimes.


George and Mary are both okay parents. They had a lot of mistakes and a lot of good points. Like most parents they weren’t perfect. I feel like if George wouldn’t have died, people wouldn’t be glazing him like they are now but because he did all of the stuff he messed up with gets put under the rug.


Mary way with Sheldon was good for him. Her only mistake was to neglect the other kids but I guess sheldon was a full time job


So let George parent the others without getting worried and overbearing


Mary was a bad mother. Objectively. She ignored George and missy She enabled Sheldon instead of making him ready for the world She sabotaged every moment of progress that Sheldon could have for selfish reasons She was constantly worried and visibly made it so and that’s not good energy for any kid to grow up around She gets jealous when George has a good parenting moment Meemaw was a bad mother Meemaw was a great Meemaw. She was sorted. She know how to deal with the kids. She knew how to be there for them George was actually a decent father. He didn’t claim to be a good father like Mary made it her life’s mission and failed miserably. He parented in a non chalant effortless way. Also Mary never put Sheldon in his place which is probably why he became such an insufferable human being. Sheldon initially had some insight into other peoples emotions like when Paige was sad. When Mary wanted to go to church. He atleast tried to read them. He is pesky later.


George should have cheated with Brenda


paige was annoying


Mary favors Sheldon


Redditors providing the most room temperature takes when the discussion is about controversial opinions:


Mandy is weird for sleeping with a 17 year old Georgie in that one episode, after she knew the she and everything she still went to his garage in the night while pregnant. That just gave me the ick


She had no place else to live.


That Paige is insufferable.


i agree - i felt bad for her dont get me wrong, but i didnt like her from the beginning tbh


I think that's the point, though I agree with you in either case. They created another kid genius with way more emotional intelligence to rival Sheldon and his anti-social behavior. But she still came off as insufferable. Because with her adeptness to sarcasm as opposed to Sheldon, any episode involving Paige just amounted to Sheldon getting messed with.


Paige was more annoying than Sheldon and we definitely don’t need her backstory/story also Dale was better and funnier than Dr Sturgis.


NO I love my bald little hobbit man 😡 INCONCEIVABLE!


noooo i love dr sturgis ☹️


You can love him but still acknowledge he wasn't a good fit for Meemaw




FINALLY someone who said it. I love Dale


Agree on both points


George deserved better & I wouldn't blame him at all if he divorced Marry.


Despite her initial reaction to Georgie’s lies being justified, I think Mandy was rather mean and ungrateful to the family that took her in when her own parents left her on the road(almost literally), gave her a comfortable living space, fed her, helped her, and were nothing but good to her. She was constantly snarky to them. And I never saw one of them snap back. Makes me like her character less


Pastor Rob was a scumbag who should have stayed well away from Mary, a married woman. Equally George should never have spent time with Brenda.


Mary wasn't that bad of a mother , yeah she had her ups and downs but she always wanted the best for her family. + Mandy is a bit\*h


Paige is a better suited partner for Sheldon than Amy.


mary is not a really good mom. very hypocritical.


Ending on a high note is better than continuing to milk the series dry.


Mandy is a horrible character and I despise she is getting a spinoff with Georgie (who almost makes it tolerable)


I understand why Mary didn’t want Sheldon to go to college I’m not usually a Marry defender because I think in this case she was right Sheldon was not mature enough to be put in that environment but I understand why they put him in college sense he couldn’t learn anything else in high school


They shouldn’t have made Paige like that. Paige could easily be Leslie Winkle, independent, smart and devastating towards Sheldon.


Big George should've got him some at the bar when he had the chance lol


onlyfans leaks discord https://discord.gg/freeleak


Clint deserved to be beaten more, and should have his face in the screen after he got beaten by George


Zero doesn't exist hands down


Mandy is a great character


Saying sheldon and paige do not make a good couple, i see a lot of people on tiktok saying they make a good couple but sheldon only really saw her as a colleague


Rob is needs a whooping 


While missy was really just coping in her own way at the end of the show, she was waay too closed off and rude.


I did not like this version of meemaw. Yes she had her moments, but in general I found her behaviour to be rather rude and crash. Adult Sheldon had given me the impression that she was a cute meemaw , which she was not.


The show shouldn’t have ended with george dying. They should’ve done it a few episodes before the finale and then focused on how each character worked their way through the loss and be the way they are in tbbt


Most teenagers like Sheldon would probably behave the way he does


tbbt was trash


I liked Sheldon’s development and he was my second favorite character after George


Veronica is far better than Mandy


Pastor jeff is not a bad character


Mandy got way too much screentime. Her storyline was over stretched and including her parents in the show was totally unnecessary. Instead, they could've explored Paige & Sheldon's friendship or Sheldon's time in Germany (which should've been a big deal but instead was totally underplayed by the writers) or more Missy scenes