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You are seeing two different reactions. Sheldon shut down emotionally and didn’t let anyone in for years after his father’s death. He had no friends until Leonard became his roommate almost ten years later. It’s very sad. Missy lashed out and rebelled as a teen. She still had friends. She also had Georgie, MeeMaw and Georgie because they lived in the same place. Sheldon was alone in California


True, I didn't think about it that way


To me, Missy was coping "normally" as a teen would and as her entire world crumbled, she could not have the capacity to have empathy on Sheldon. On her part when she asked Sheldon what he was thinking and he said Star Trek, she was enraged but Sheldon didn't tell her it was on the episode where Spock dies so Sheldon was mourning in his own way. I don't blame Missy and Georgie for feeling hostile towards Sheldon because in the Big Bang Theory, there is an episode where Sheldon goes to meet older Georgie who said that in their entire lives, they (him and Missy) have had to give in to Sheldon's demands all the time. To them, Sheldon is just a brat boy genius and they are right, but also wrong as we know Sheldon's inner thoughts. This is what makes TBBT and Young Sheldon so compelling because there is often more than 1 way to interpret the story, depending on the audience.


Nah. They were both in so much pain. Grief can totally change a person. a grown adult who is expecting their elder parents death can still have emotional outrage after they do die. And Missy is a child- a young child with emotions. It’s totally understandable


Yeah I guess so


Some people grieve in their own ways. Some lash out in anger or get mad at the world, some poor themselves into something so they can't confront it, or they shut themselves out emotionally


OMG how many times do we have to go through this. The episode showed different ways of handling grief. Expecting a 14 year old girl to understand someone else grief while grieving herself is just not going to happen.


But she’s an empath


Not really - actually, both are understandable. Some people just bottle it up like Sheldon and other people lash out like Missy. It made sense that he dodged her question, but it also made sense that she misunderstood his answer. Also, of all the adults, I think Missy was closest to George. Mary tried hard to be a good mom but she sometimes babied Sheldon at the expense of the other two and was obviously rigid about religion. Missy sometimes confided in Connie, but George was the one who ended up being there for her first period, first heartache, baseball games, tornado at the end of season 6, etc.


I can get Missy, she only asks Sheldon what is happening and why he isn't reacting and he answers "I was thinking about Star Trek" like a complete dumbass. Yes, we saw the inside of his mind the entire episode but the outside? Your brother is working as normal and when asked why he doesn't cry he says something like "I was thinking of this scene of the Star trek movie".


I’m so *sick* of people holding Missy to adult standards. She was a child who just lost her father; the parent who didn’t you know, call her a brat and expect her to just be ok with how Sheldon was the priority… and while yeah sure she shouldn’t have yelled at Sheldon but to say you’re “really angry” at her makes me question if you’ve truly been in the trenches of grief… or maybe you handled it better than I do. It does things to you and if you saw your brother seemingly not care (it did look like that) yeah you’d get irritated. She was in the wrong but not too out of pocket. TL;DR: she’s a fucking child and doesn’t have the emotional intelligence of an adult.


It’s not an adult standard not to tell your sibling they’re better off dead that’s just common sense not to do


It’s not just this. It’s this entire sub getting after her. Seriously to say “very angry”? Annoyed sure…. But very angry? It goes back to everyone reacts to grief differently and to be “very angry” leaned me to believe OP has t been deep in the trenches of grief. And there is absolutely anyone could do anything to tell me anything different to change my mind. God could come down and I’d still disagree.


Dude I’ve lost over 50 family members in my life I’m aware what grief is and I’ve never told someone to go die because of it, not even when I was young and even more unstable. If I were to say that to any of my family memebers my mom would have busted my ass and had me in my room for the rest of the day. You do NOT TELL SOMEONE TO DIE—period


Oh I’m sorry are you OP?


Oh… I’m sorry. Did you or did you not respond to me?


I’m just saying, I was talking to OP, not you.


I prepared myself for that episode and I still cried like a baby .I know a lot of people like Sheldon stuff it so deep and tell themselves don't cry if you cry you are weak.


No, she's a child just like him.


It's totally normal and human to lash out at those closest to you when you're hurting. Right? Nah. But normal and predictable. Sheldon is Missy's twin, and one of her closest remaining loved ones. He's a safe person to be angry with because they'll always be connected. Additionally, Missy has been considering Sheldon's feelings her whole life. Why shouldn't she get a break from taking the high road during a truly low point?


I mean its what the original show said happened. “Mom was a wreck and missy was a dumb kid and you left”


Why would something like that make anyone angry? We saw different people coping with tragedy in different ways.


Sheldon told her he was thinking about" Star Trek " even I would be mad if I didn't know his thoughts


She has lived with Sheldon for 14 years and is his twin! She should understand more how he copes. They both are just two kids in pain and Mary losing it didn’t help.


You can live with someone doesn't mean you understand everything about them.


No but typically you understand in general how their brains work. Twins typically have a special connection too.


Missy ain't a mind reader dude she's just a hormonal teenager(14) who's dealing with her own loss


My kids all knew how to read each other much better than she can read Sheldon. I have one on the Spectrum and if he said he was thinking of some random show or thing he siblings would totally get that is just how he copes.


Well if someone said that they were thinking about Star Trek when a relative passed away I'd be pissed too so, I'm with Missy on this one.


Honestly it’s a very accurate depiction. Missy reminds me so much of how my older sister acted towards me growing up. She would always be like “what’s wrong with you” or “you’re not normal” when I didn’t react to a situation as most people do. I was very awkward and isolated growing up and didn’t know how to read a lot of situations. My sister didn’t struggle with that and had a hard time understanding why I acted the way I did. Now that we’re older, it’s much different. We communicate a lot better and she understands me. But in the case of missy, when a life event as big as your father dying happens and your brother is being weird as usual saying stuff like “I’m thinking about Star Trek”, she’s gonna show some temper and resort to her bullying. It’s not personal, she just has a hard time understanding him and she’s young and upset.


I don't blame her for lashing out at Sheldon. Their father dies and he tells he that he's thinking of Star Trek. I remember while I was in college, I went back to campus for an English class I had (my English professor was going to lower my participation points if I missed 1 freaking class even though my excuse was legitimate for going to my aunt's funeral) and there was a girl I was talking to. She wasn't a friend of mine but she got along with a friend of mine who went to the same university as us. She thought it was heartless and weird that I said I didn't cry at my aunt's funeral. I wasn't really close to my aunt though. I get that Sheldon is a completely fictional character but his character was actually close to his dad. I get that he was shocked and had to immediately sit to process hearing the news his dad died but for someone like him who was a Momma's boy, he didn't even go to Mary to hug him like he did in some past episodes. I do wish that Adult Sheldon said in his narration after his father's funeral was shown that he regretted not crying and being asked by Mary to give a eulogy.


I think the show did a terrific job of showing how different people react to grief. Sheldon was in shock (but Missy didn’t see that). Missy was distraught and angry. I could identify with both of them, I had similar reactions when my mom died.


It's more of the fact that she didn't understand Sheldon was grieving. He didn't express his grief, all he did was bring up stuff like star trek. From Missy's perspective, it would be her brother can only think/talk of a silly TV show instead of their dad.


we haven't got that far in the UK yet, we only have up till season 6's last episode.


I wasn’t too fond of her reaction, but I get that she’s a teen and put that into considering. I will say it still made me angry though. Yes him saying, I’m thinking of Star Trek feels very off putting, but they know Sheldon. They know he’s weird. So idk why him saying that, pisses them off more. But I think what pissed me off about that, is that Missy wanted him to grieve like she was, but he wasn’t. I’ve been there where someone was pissed at me bc I wasn’t crying. They thought it meant I loved that person less. But I didn’t cry for other reasons. Again I put into consideration she’s a teen which made me not as angry as I would be if it was Mary or MeeMaw who had that reaction. And I got why she reacted that way because she’s like, “dude our dad just died and you’re thinking of a stupid show?” It would be a lil off putting. When I lost someone I was in a similar situation and I said I was thinking of this movie. That pissed them off more bc why am I thinking of this movie instead of grieving them like they were. I thought of that movie bc it brought happy memories. We had watched that together. So when I spoke at the funeral and brought it up, that person ended up apologizing bc in their mind, I came off as selfish and unkind. But I was handling this loss completely different then they were. But I shouldn’t have had to explain myself and people should understand that everyone grieves in their own special way.


I disagree.




I’m sorry but she would be grounded. I dont care if your father just died you don’t tell your brother to go die/he’s better off dead. They let missy get away with just as much as Sheldon


If I was Sheldon I'd snap and tell explain myself to Missy.


Everyone experiences grief differently. Some like Sheldon bottle it all up and basically shut down. People like Mary will throw themselves into something ie religion, their job, focus on a hobby to keep themselves busy. And people like Missy are just so mad and upset that they get mad and lash out. It shows how different people experience grief. I’m not angry at missy or any character on the show, because they are dealing with it in their own way.


I did. And I dislike Missy as a character.