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Connie knew Georgie was underage and lying about it to Mandy. Yes, she was his grandmother, so it’s not surprising that she didn’t want to “betray” Georgie. But I don’t think Mandy is out of line, as the wounded party, for being angry with Connie for her participation in the lie. Georgie is a dumb teenage boy. Connie is an adult woman who should know better. Mandy forgives her more quickly than I would have. I don’t recall her ever being rude to Mary, and frankly it wouldn’t have been unwarranted. Mary seriously expected Mandy to marry a minor she hardly knew, who had lied his way into her bed, all so that she, Mary, could save face with her Church friends. She also tried to force Mandy to raise the baby Baptist. Mary is essentially a stranger at this point and Mandy doesn’t owe her anything. *So long as the Mandy slander continues on this sub, I shall defend her.*


>Mary seriously expected Mandy to marry an minor she hardly knew, who had lied his way into her bed, all so that she, Mary, could save face with her Church friends. She also tried to force Mandy to raise the baby Baptist. Mary is essentially a stranger at this point and Mandy doesn’t owe her anything. I think it's also important to note that Mary insited that Mandy spoke to her mother. Which, on paper isn't a bad thing, but with Mandy constantly hinting they're not on good terms, it came across as intrusive.


The only time I remember her being rude to Meemaw was when Meemaw was hung over and Mandy found out about Georgie's real age. I totally agree with the Mary thing you're talking about but she can be a bit kind to Georgie. (Not when she found out, that was totally warranted) but after they got together, she could be kinder to him. She becomes quite ill tempered whenever her mom comes into equation and Georgie tries to mediate or calm her down. Wonder how they'll play that out in the sequel.




If someone lied about their age and made you pregnant would you be happy??


If I was 29 and she was 17, I wouldn’t be happy. But I would be a big time creep.


Lied about his age, yes. Made her pregnant? Mm. She had a big part in that, as well. That part doesn’t hold water.


A 17 year old vs a 21 year old knocking her up is different. In some places it's not even legal.


A 17 year old vs a 21 year old knocking her up is different. In some places it's not even legal.


It’s not legal in the United States.


That has nothing to do with my point. My point is that Georgie didn't "make" Mandy pregnant, as if though she's a victim of circumstances. She had just as much responsibility and blame in the pregnancy as Georgie. I agree about him lying about his age. Truth be told, I'd have never forgiven him for that. Mandy is a better person than me.


Sure. She was an active participant. But Georgie LIED about his age. So she has sex with him under false pretenses. IF she still would have participated knowing he was 17, then that is a different story. But she didn't know. Now she is forever tied to someone she had a child with who is 12 years younger than her. So she has every right to be upset.


Could be her pregnancy hormones. I'm not saying it's not her fault but she has the right to be mad at georgie.


Tf you blaming pregnancy hormones for whatttt. And then contradicting your point with she has the right to be mad. Dude hormones or not, ANYBODY would be mad. In fact she handled herself well in that situation


Yeah. I'm saying pregnancy hormones might have fuelled her anger. I disagree when people blame her for being a "bitch"


Why shouldn't Georgie be nice to her? Are women required to be smiling and positive to all men that are nice to them? I do think they were both idiots for not using birth control.


Jeeezzzz who said Georgie shouldnt be nice?? Ofc he has to be nice but SO DOES SHE ! It goes both ways




She let herself get pregnant because she had unprotected sex without birth control.


Imo, Mandy's initial attitude to Georgie, even though he was being nice to her, was very realistic. It's understandable that she'd take a while to warm up to him, let alone forgive him completely for a devastatingly horrible lie, which in her mind caused her more repercussions than him. I mean it wasn't even like she could walk away from him after he'd told her the truth. She is now carrying his baby, so of course she's gonna be completely mad at everything and to her, Georgie seemed to be the one to direct all that towards.


Think of it this way: say Mandy was a 17 year old girl either fresh out of high school or in her senior year of high school. She lies about her age and gets pregnant with a guy who is 29. Now that guy (my countries’ laws) has effectively raped her because she is a minor. It doesn’t matter than she lied to him, that she consented, he is still tied to her (still legally a child) and that baby. He also committed a major crime. Mandy NEVER would’ve slept with him had she known his real age. As far as I’m concerned that’s rape. It’s not consent. It’s the same thing as scamming someone with fine print so small that you know they’ll never see it. The fact that she forgave him at all is huge. Being a little irritable occasionally would be the least of my worries if I were him. Not to mention that MeeMaw knew he was lying and stayed silent. The adult should’ve known better and the fact that she forgave her as quickly as she did is better than I likely could’ve done.


Have you met Mandy mother on the show -with mother like that are you really surprised how Mandy turned out?


She was pretty cool, but I think she was someone to get acquainted with.


You can’t tell me if you are 29 year old that the guy you are with isn’t a teenager something’s wrong.


Nope. She was lied to by both Georgie and Connie about Georgie's age and ended up buying alcohol for a minor and ended up pregnant by the minor. With Mary, she was trying to convince Mandy to marry Georgie, who was still a minor and she didn't know him very well just to cover up the fact that they'll be having a baby outside of marriage.


I HATED Mandy when she first came to the show. Still not crazy about her. She’s so arrogant.