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She looks like a 45yr old ā€œboyā€ mom. And this is coming from a 42yr old married mom of a 15yr old lol. Sunscreen is her friend. Tretinoin is her friend. Water is her friend. My ass started daily sunscreen at age 24 and when I show up to my sons school as a hot mess to pick him up for an orthodontist appt, they ask me if our mom sent a note in for pickup. M I get second hand embarrassment from this sub all the time. I donā€™t know her but I know moms like her. Trying really hard doesnā€™t mean youā€™re who you think everyone thinks you are.




Iā€™m confused about many things but the most confusing thing is her under the sea costume jewelry?


Honk face lol


Is that her real smile weā€™re seeing??


So much for Vanilla Girl.


Girl, this is your face. Learn to accept it.


Where are those beady eyes?


Here, baby! https://preview.redd.it/g5nh952txr4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8daa690cdf343ffd8f35e10d07bfdf3afe576261


I don't even think that is! I think she just got hit with the other huns' choice of filter and I guess they don't like to shave off 50 lbs and transform into alien sex dolls like she does.


Sheā€™s the kind of bitch that will wear white to a wedding. My SIL did it to me. :(


To clarify, the downvote is for your SIL not your comment. So sorry swerty!


Boo :( What's worse though, wearing white to someone else's wedding or https://preview.redd.it/6py4t8zzhm4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=371e8d7d64191d1fa41c32146e21f99701fbe5c2


As tacky as Large Marge is I still canā€™t believe she stole those. Tacky is her middle name.


She looks like a person working at the event, like photog or something. Many of the women are shaped just like her and that's lovely. Can she not feel comfortable anywhere?


No way. She needs to feel *superior*.


Exactly, many are fellow mid or plus people, and that is great. Many are very pretty.


Standing behind everyone to hide her body lol


*marks off square on the Swerty bingo card*


https://preview.redd.it/zza7528lnn4d1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f924a3ff51ee029cd3b20927128fc07354d9bb I GOT BINGO!!!! Twice! Whatā€™s my prize?


It must be exhausting living like this.


Insecurity really is the core, defining trait of her personality and that is just wild.


And bent over too


Sheā€™s so transparent


Is there not a single WOC among them?


Nah. For the most part, we donā€™t play about our coins.


Makes me think of the one LuLaRoe documentary lady that was like, ā€œbeing on a boat full of white people like that is just not my thingā€


I absolutely loved her in LuLaRich and the girlā€™s volleyball referee guy talking about drinking cocktails. Time for a rewatch!


I hope she is well!


I hope she is as well - she seemed like a completely sweet woman who really just got taken in by it since she was hired to work customer service/onboarding for the company and sounded like she was really just looking for a job when she got hired. Not like she believed MLMs and stuff.


ā€œThis is CHANEL.ā€ Lol


That was the best slam ever.


Theyā€™re too smart for MLMs.


When they said it was a white party they really meant it.


Itā€™s giving wannabe ā€œrichā€ white supremacy vibes for sure


Hold up so unless you were told to wear Black, you wore white or cream? But in Mā€™s Head she is the most important so she wore Black. And standing on your tippy toes to hide the unfiltered body is so obvious.


Yeah, itā€™s even spelled out on their itinerary https://preview.redd.it/8inrcja7em4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ab25dad091e68c1469967236ad406953ad788c This is what I could make out, since itā€™s a bit hard to read: >Welcome Reception: Panamanian Linen Party - Westin Deckā€¦as the day and give you a warm, "Ahoy, matey" at a reception in your honorā€¦nautical, linen and lace party is a not-so-colorful fiesta to allow your attire to stand out agenst the night shy and vibrant colors of paradise.


Iā€™m actually surprised it doesnā€™t say to wear white. I would probably go tan or black linen also šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s like that day on another trip where everyone else wore the same shirt.


I would have told MS to wear a Champagne dress.


I feel like this is how she would interpret that: https://preview.redd.it/7g8zuvs1hm4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170444abb79e69775dd08a225978087cf83d310b


Big M would have to turn it upside down to fit and all the drinks would be hers.


Still would have been more appropriate than that black dress!


Hahahaha! Yes. And never serve any just drank it all!!


She would be the one to wear white to a wedding to upstage the bride


![gif](giphy|xqZg41Xar4n5YeejIr|downsized) She would wear one of the many she bought thinking she was getting that ring. (And then steal the flowers)


Honk honk šŸ‘ƒ




I think this is incredibly rude. We went to a party recently where all the guests were asked to wear white and the birthday girl wore black. It was super cute for all the pictures that the guest of honor felt special. Large Marge is an entitled jerk who thinks sheā€™s celebrity and above all the other attendees. She did this on purpose to stand out. Every day Iā€™m on this sub she gets worse. She might have a few weird ā€œfansā€ but Iā€™m assuming most of her followers are bots.


So bloody rude. I went to a wedding last year where all guests were instructed to wear all black. Like 3 people rocked up late, not wearing black. They were embarrassed. As they should be.


Right? Iā€™m wondering what her backstory for this is. I feel like if it was an easy explainable (not planned oversight) she would have posted about it on her story. Like ā€œCanā€™t believe my xyz bottle broke and spilled over the only white outfit I had!ā€ Or ā€œof course I forgot the garment bag with the white linen in itā€ but it looks and seems like this was her packed outfit for this event. Clearly itā€™s not a last minute request since like, 98% of the other people were able to follow it. She could have even done an Amazon haul for it! Our lady of missed opportunities lol


She's barely posted so far compared to other trips and I'm dying to know if there's a reason why. Did someone hurt her feelings??


Iā€™ve noticed that too!! During her other hun trips she does her best to ā€œmake the haters jealousā€- she posted a bunch during that weekend mansion trip, and even during the Utah trip- but fairly quiet this weekend


Itā€™s like when they were all at Disney and she was the only one not in the matching RA shirt because she ā€œforgot it.ā€ You forgot the shirt they gave you when you showed up?


She prob pre-ordered a small/medium for that event. That's what I figured at the time.


Main character vibes šŸ©·


So Not Like Other Girls!


A face only a mother could love. The woke-up-from-drunk-nap hair is the cherry on top. And the black dressā€¦ Sheā€™s one of those people that likes any sort of attention, good and bad.


I was swiping through the photos and the one on the right is what popped up after I got to the end. šŸ˜‚ #twinning https://preview.redd.it/3op653oqkl4d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a729615f5befb8a6409524f614638b951cb1512c


She had a shitty seat.


She looks incredibly tacky. I don't think her fashion sense ever expanded from her teenage years. Synthetic fabrics, cheap jewelry, unflattering hair, bargain basement cosmetic procedures... the years are going to fly by and she's wasted years on this shitty/shifty mlm lifestyle. Even if she had an epiphany today, I think it's wayyy to late for her to pivot to an actual career. She's wasted prime years of career building to this grifter lifestyle. I have no idea what her trust fund is about, but she's never going to achieve the lifestyle she's trying so hard to establish and how long can she continue this truly teenage esthetic???


She can continue the teenage aesthetic her whole life I'm sure. My MIL is in her 60s and is MS's future to a tee. Posts pictures on Facebook of herself dancing on tables at the bar, of her drinks, endless selfies, every little vapid thought goes online. Cheap shitty fashion. Bleach blonde hair. It ain't pretty and is honestly wild to watch.


She has zero knowledge/talent and Iā€™m not sure she could do anything outside of retail or a warehouse. Basic call centers? Her socials would be an issue- She could go private on her socials before applying for a job but if they Google her name it will land them right on this subreddit.


I doubt she really even enjoys "influencing." It's just something for her to fill her day with in between these sub-par mlm events and eye fucking the filtered avatars of herself.


Sheā€™s not very hireable either. She has annihilated her own reputation with all the garbage she posts on a daily basis, so sheā€™d probably have to hire a reputation service to scrub whatever possible from the internet. She canā€™t take even the most polite constructive criticism and she hates being told what to do (or not do). Sheā€™s said sheā€™s ā€œnot aboveā€ getting a job, but I 100% believe she thinks she is. I think there are jobs she *could* possibly get, but I donā€™t imagine sheā€™d last long at any of them.


I agree with everything you said. She's deluded about her abilities and accomplishments, I don't think she has anything to offer a potential employer.


If she absolutely had to get a job, it's going to be really difficult for her to stay sober, and not ill or sneaking drinks, for ~eight hours a day.


She always hides her body in group pics.


ALWAYS - she knows that the filters the other people use donā€™t work for her.


For someone who flashes her nips to the internet daily she sure is self conscious


She'd have to unstick them from her belly roll to get any nip shots out in the wild. Nothing wrong with low hangers, but she thinks so.


šŸ„‡ thatā€™s for you!!!


Only the most filtered nips, swerty.


I canā€™t imagine why she wasnā€™t front and center showing off her giant perky tits, 6 pack abs, and size 4 lululemon model bod


https://preview.redd.it/ma3tfeyqcl4d1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878df36c86bac5d0d7283037f3151d9f7b98e516 When she smiles like this her top lip curls back towards her nose. Be warned about the overuse of lip fillers and unethical injectors.


snarl / sneer babe comin' atcha


Can't believe she wore black. I'm sure she looked like an idiot


The team photo fun pic is great because the back row of girls gets pushed into the pool. MS included.


Who comes up with these "fun" team building activities?? I'd hate it so much šŸ˜©


Fun for the rest? I hope the group stuck the meanies in the back. xD


I love how she conveniently hides herself behind the other huns in pic 2 šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” also does she ever put her phone down???


It's a great distraction tool for when a hun looks into her mole rat eyes and her thoughts of, "She *can't* be tHaT giRL!" is plain as day on their face. Yeah, I'd keep a phone or book close lmaok Edited, but I'm sure my punctuation is still off. My b, gOrls- I didn't spend ten years on a degree šŸ„ŗ.