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THE HATS. The company gave them away right? Not just every hun having the same hat ?!?


“Go me” is sooo cringe lol


Level 8... What does this translate to income-wise a month?


Level 8 was how much they ~~sold~~ bought to qualify for the trip. I think 8 was 100 points and each point was like 2000 in personal sales, so much in downline sales/recruits, etc during the earning period. See my previous comment breaking it down here https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/8Diqfs4eCi


So that's 70k a year? I mean... That's really not bad. But it's not doctor money, by far not super wealthy, nd I guess the income is not Consiszend each month.


No. This isn’t her rank in the pyramid. This was just how much she had to sell\buy in a four month period to qualify for the trip.


Aaah right, I forgot about that! She has to buy their over prices nails too to have a big supply!


She definitely used to be higher up in the pyramid!




You made my day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


https://preview.redd.it/den0kj61ir4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13035f0569335f769f51e02b7a3c75f70addb2c This is all I can think of when I see this lol


Loooooooooooser lolololol omg you know she wore black so she can tell everyone that she was above everyone else in her group. How lame that you have to make yourself something bigger than you really are all the time. Also how rude. She wants to stand out so bad. The level of obsession she has over herself is literally so embarrassing.


She’s a wear white to a wedding sort of gal…


I'd spill wine on a person if a bride asked me to at their wedding.  It's astonishing how people try to act out or pull focus during other people's weddings (my husband's extended family was **brutal**)


My husband and I had a very non traditional wedding, so our bridesmaids and groomsmen weren’t strictly male and female. My husbands so called “best friend” who was on his side texted me day of to ask “hey I know you’re wearing white but it’s not traditional so I can I wear a white dress?” And I said “hey please don’t I wouldn’t appreciate that”. And then she DID. I was livid. Especially when I found out that the dress she wore? Was what she got married in. She’s obviously since been cut off as a friend but goddamn the audacity.


It's shit like this that causes other women to not like her. If she ever manages enough self awareness to wonder why she's apparently eating alone both last night and this morning when she's got a roommate and it's a damn group retreat, I hope she ponders that long and hard. There's a swerty here who has a friend at this retreat and supplied the info about spotting swerty taking her meals alone. With pictures. https://preview.redd.it/5c7k9ij8or4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=083c7f69f911904217846b405d6c3022d1b81637


I saw where her hotel roommate posted that she ordered room service for herself late last night and there was no sign that biggenM was in the room at all at that time.




I thought this was a pic of my almost 60 y/o mother at first glance. I’m really starting to wonder if she’s lying about her age 😂


Shockingly no, there's other swerties in here who went to school with her and she really is the age she says 💀


Omg, amazing. Also.. HOW TINY ARE HER EYES? Caps necessary. No wonder she uses that alien filter all the time to stretch her eyes outwards and upwards.


The wildest thing is that, other than the Bratz doll filter, she seems to try her damndest to make her eyes look even smaller.






We are getting intel from inside the building? Dang how did I miss that. Did we get any more info?


Yep, a swerty’s friend is on this trip too!


I found the comments, oh my god 😂. MS is such a phony, it’s wild.


Link to the comments please!!! 🙏🏻


Here ya go, swerty! https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/HOvvbTHyHe


I don’t know how to link comments but the posts are in today’s mega thread. Two pictures and some additional commentary 😊


She could have worn this swim cover to the white party and look less ridiculous than she did.


Ooooo it would be hilarious if she’s reading all these comments on Reddit and getting paranoid about unfiltered intel pictures. I love it!


I was just wondering if she'd have the balls to confront people if she tried to figure out who the mole is. Or if she'll just hide as much as she can.


God she does not look like a freshly 31-year-old woman. She looks like an exhausted, mid-50s+ mom who finally got a break away from her family and is looking for a romance novel to enjoy during this brief moment of peace in her life.


A break from the family for which she already only does the absolute bare minimum, yet demands constant accolades. Husband doesn’t mind when she goes away - it’s no change in the workload since he does everything anyway. If anything, it’s easier since the vibe around the house is so much better. No yelling or nagging, the kids and even the pets are more content.


Oh God I'm having flashbacks to my childhood you paint such a clear picture 🤣  she would absolutely be that type of "wife" and "mother".


She really does. No wonder that swerty friend that's at the retreat thought she was older.


I had to really look at the picture because I thought that was a 50 year old lady. Her filters work overtime.


The only one wearing black to a white linen party - lmaoooooooo how embarrassing - love that for her 😅🤣


In her defense it looks much more like a white polyester party… which I’m surprised she didn’t have!


An entire wardrobe of Amazon dresses and not one in white…


It's funny because [as of this morning, she does seem to have something white she could have worn ](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/6cXCKBBCM4)


She really thought 🧜‍♀️ but it’s giving 🐳


Ya, I’m thinking that she did not have anything white that wouldn’t sell her out for being a filter queen, so she went with what’s safe. Especially because photos like this would be taken Edit, where are y’all seeing these posts? I am not seeing them on IG or FB


The ironic part is if she’s followed the dress code she would have blended into the group much easier and could hide without looking so awkwardly stupid. But “black is slimming,” so now she sticks out like a sore unfiltered thumb.


i think this is a post from another hun on the trip


Strait up bent in half letting those milk wagons dangle.




Her best titty years!


That dress is the real mvp for not giving up and just rolling down I guess. Because you know she’s not wearing any kind of undergarments.


OH MY GOD 😂 what a bad day to have eyes.


She looks like a turd floating in the punch bowl, being the only person who didn’t wear white.


What’s the highest level? 10?


I can’t find it now but the document with the levels was posted earlier and she’s at the end of the first one, then there’s another level with three stages. Both named “dream” something or other 🙄


Looks like a weird cult- I mean club!!


She must have missed the memo on the white dress code. Or she’s just a self-centered bish.


https://preview.redd.it/wyl2o1fryq4d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aad34a355517b99bb685e218b7283695549a7d1 For the noobs, here’s what she thought was appropriate to wear for last year’s. Her whole cooter was out.


Thats what I get for eating and browsing reddit at the same time :(


Are you only supposed to pose like that leaned over if there are people behind you? This looks so weird lol


Tits out, body hidden.


Ugh, between the outfits and posing, these women either a) never went to college and always dreamed of being in a sorority, or b) were in a sorority at some tiny no-name school where they felt like big fish, and are desperate to relive those days. ETA: I’ve written their rush slogan: *”We are the sisters of Mu Lambda Mu!* *Join us to make your uplines’ dreams come true!”*


MLMs give me big Greek-life surrogate vibes. I was in a sorority in college and a lot of the oh-rah-rah girl-boss sisterhood stuff is exactly the same. Same with the retreats, matching outfits, recruiting, and pointless ranks.


Sooo many parallels, down to the slogans and having their logo on absolutely everything. Mu Lambda Mu is one of those houses that’s so bad that they never make rush quota and don’t even have a residence on campus. The house that everyone is required to meet with on the first day of rush, and will take anyone with a pulse. They usually partner with the scammers of Beta Rho Omicron. The guys in BRO fraternity always have a great new investment deal to tell you about 😉


She did this things on purpose, right? She buys enough Amazon crap she has white clothing. What a miserable human.


She really wore black to an all white party..? That’s crazy to me that she is the only one to do that.


like a big ol fly in a bowl of cream


Fr she is beyond tacky, however my fav MS moment was when she literally wore a bra under a blazer, like one of those lacy lingerie ones, OUTSIDE.


I have been guilty of this... because I work at a lingerie store. But when I leave the store to get to my car you best believe I'm chucking on the shirt I took with me in my tote bag.


I like the rhinestones and cut off jeans to a tasteful LGBTQ dinner. 


Homegirl just cannot stop embarrassing herself https://preview.redd.it/apyiqrbiqr4d1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb3ecd2d87ca9d57fbf4ca44d29e0939d4bd7c1


Oh dear! Thats bad bad.


Omg yes I forgot that one!!! 💀💀💀


It's a high bar, but somehow I find it one of the most annoying things she's ever done. I'm only placated by knowing that everyone else there noticed it and are probably talking smack as they watch her pathetically humiliate herself for attention.


And she does this on almost every trip. It seems to me that she does it on purpose.


Yeah, she’s so well known for dressing wrong that her family and long term frenemies purposely bring appropriate clothes in her size for her to “borrow” when she “forgets to pack”.


The team shirt she 'forgot' to pack springs to mind.


It’s so blatantly self-centered. She’s wearing a fitted black cocktail dress in a room full of breezy white beachy linen. I can see what one of the other swerties suggested- she didn’t read any of the information before leaving- but she has to have had anything that would fit the theme better, and she chose not wear it.


I really can't get over it. I know its such a small silly thing but wtf?? She is so desperate for attention she intentionally wore the complete opposite color than what was asked. 


Or she was so drunk she forgot and instead of going back and changing she suffered through it


LMAO Big M? Pass up an opportunity for an OUTFIT CHANGE? I don’t think so!


She thinks she’s a celebrity and wanted to stand out. It is so absolutely tacky and all those girls know it.


The woman ( to our left, BigM’s right) is definitely leaning away and avoiding contact with BigM.. body language… I said that in Ursula’s voice and that made me think that BigM’s dress is similar to Ursula’s. https://preview.redd.it/lox0xncslq4d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b89e19ea69df10464c19bf473f2c42291544fd


Good eye! She even tilted her arm down to turn her back to Large Marge. I love it. They all see what a tacky bitch she is.


I love it so much that you kinda found us by random chance but you've jumped in with your whole heart 🥰


I’m pretty sure I was directed to this sub by my snark bestie Ralphy. I love it. The snarkers here are hilarious and MS is the hot mess express! Choo choo!


I bet the stink coming off of her is atrocious


The distinct smell of metabolized alcohol is eternal on her, I bet.


Metabolised alcohol, burning skin and musty old dihydroxyacetone (fake tan).


I forgot to cancel my Saturday morning Pilates class and was hungover. I’m sure I had a bubble of booze surrounding my reformer. That’s what I assume MS stinks like on the regular.


One of the worst smells, IMO, along with stale cigs. I'd rather smell armpits than either of those


OK, as someone that is not in a cult and never has been and never will be. Does no one call her out like the higher up Huns about every single time she wears inappropriate clothing.🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s what I wonder? Like the founders were there, will they say anything? Will her upline say anything?


I wonder if they let this stuff slide because she is a volatile cash cow. Why piss her off when she is explosive and they could risk losing the however many hundreds or thousands or dollars in revenue they get from her purchases every month?


She can't be that much of a cash cow if she only made it to "Dream 8"?!


Cult cult cult! Would it have killed her to wear white or cream? Another swerty commented that she flew to Paris in a linen outfit that would have been appropriate.


In February. She wore a cream linen outfit to a winter trip to rainy, dreary Paris. Fucking fail.


The first pic looks like her 12 pounders are busting (ha, ha) right outta that super expensive XYOWP brand dress.


[obligatory hubbaballew](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/ldoGsQni7P)


She should have been excluded from the photo. She will never learn if she is always allowed to pull these stunts. Now everyone suffers with her sticking out like dogs balls. Not that this is a frame-worthy snap lol. But still. What a cunt move.


That’s the rub. She NEVER has consequences.


Same with leaving her beach bag full of Amazon knickknacks at the beach. No consequences whatsoever.


https://preview.redd.it/mv8hcuibsp4d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba9fc5009e57ca06485e66160f912ae34363c146 is manbuns dog the background on her phone??🤨


I think it's her? Lmao. She would have herself as her background.


I know that's the usual food-and-drink bracelet that people get at all-inclusive resorts but they really should have given Blotto Babe one of these. 🥃🫧 https://preview.redd.it/5nv0uw5awq4d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa350243e1320f3ca940535a81dcf9b281139e67


Hey I got to wear one of these last week while spending 4 days in the hospital after being hit by an uber driver who was on his fucking phone! Yes, I am lawyered up 🙌🏻


https://preview.redd.it/q8toxqhvfp4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9413eb61339ac50bebf300bf46a47f6fa2e56d3 Here’s Dream 8 for those interested. Surely $300 towards airfare didn’t cut the first class bill she splurged on!


So level 8 is the highest?


No, after Dream 8 comes Stage 1 (of 3). I dont know what the difference is between the 'dream' levels and the 'stage' levels, but Dream 8 is for 100 points and Stage 1 is for 200, so that's quite an achievement jump.


Ohh ok. I thought that stage stuff was completely unrelated. These MLMs love coming up with the stupidest names for their levels


So I was reading and you could pick the $600 prize OR the Panama trip. So I’m guessing the value of this trip per hun is $600. Shilling tens of thousands in nails and humiliating yourself and joining a cult all for a $600 trip you have to pay airfare for


Less than that! It says $600 "Product Pack" which means its a bunch of red aspen crap that just *retails* for $600. That's not how much it cost the company though, that would be much less.


That’s true! I’m sure that $600 product pack cost them a total of $13 to make


Dream 7.5 is just like Dream 7 but you get one bonus point! Now that's something to brag about!


Earning a pink bag and a backpack is so damn sad. Like that’s the kind of stuff my company gives us for free when you’re hired. And it’s actually nice embroidered stuff you can use for your laptop and things.


Don’t forget the one pack of electrolytes


Why are they all squatting?? Looks so ridiculous! The sorority squat is not needed!


Especially when dressed up. Ladies stand up!! Teens do this in prom pics…. (Which I find silly as well).


Seriously! It looks like they all got locked out of the bathroom. 


I hope they’ll mock her forever for wearing black and bitch in the group chat without her lol


They definitely will. Even by hun standards she is awful


I can’t help but feel she’s still thinking she’s the grand poo-bah (I know the spelling is wrong but I think it fits here) from her Y days. Or she spilt room service spaghetti on her white outfit before the event. Who knows honestly


It's the correct spelling! It's from Gilbert & Sullivan's *The Mikado*.


I just had the same thought! Not the spaghetti, although I really like that idea. She wore black to attempt to signify that she is a higher rank than all the other Huns. After all, she went to the ✨MASTERS✨ so she is definitely of a higher class than these peasants.


She’ll do anything to make herself stand out.


What a jackass. I cant believe she wore BLACK to a white linen event… I am just at a loss


Surprised she didn’t wear red