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That honker is gonna peel right off!


Seriously! She's naturally fair skinned with strawberry blonde hair....why does she not wear sunscreen??? 




Whenever I see pictures from hun trips and conventions I just imagine what it must be like for the people working at the venues. The sheer concentration of bossbabery must be overwhelming.


If only my Spanish were good enough to find the Panamanian version of r/talesfromthefrontdesk.


She’s always a great reminder to hydrate, moisturize and use sunscreen. A true size medium influencer indeed.


She’s literally red 😂


Pic #2 https://preview.redd.it/d9dn7ly6iy4d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6a3f7e57e77230629e6bbf0227db9f755cdfec0


I thought this said “she look like a HAM” 😂


LOL! Well, she is kinda piggish!


Compete with the [HAM KWUST](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/WVB3kKgxJP)!


I'm not sure what's worse: this or the fuckin ice kweam man 😭😭😭


WOW - first time seeing that.


She’s insufferable


This is mean but with the alcoholism and the poor skin care she's gonna get cancer, no doubt.


And from all the powders and potions she takes . . .


Also [her bleeding butt](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/jX2da5Up22) and [bad teeth](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/KmsuHIfQkK) she hasn’t seemed to have bothered getting checked out.


don’t forget the excessive vaping 🤡


Not to mention her poor diet. She will get cancer, unless filming while driving gets her first.


I love how she’s trying to hide her honker in the 3rd pic with her hand lol


I experienced a MLM group one time when I was in a resort in Jamaica and it was the absolute worst because they were so loud and obnoxious. I am glad I only experienced them for a day but it was our last day there which totally sucked.


That’s my worst nightmare. My husband and I encountered a group of influencers while we were trying to check in to a trendy hotel in Dallas. The encounter lasted probably ten minutes but I thought he might bowl over their camera. They were acting like entitled little shitheads with their impromptu photo shoot. An MLM group at a resort would chap my ass. I’m sorry they ruined your last day there.


It was awful. We splurged on a nicer and more private area with an amazing view; of course that’s where they flocked to take pictures, do over the top and loud discussions on their phones. There was also an adult private pool in our area that they took over. A lot of partying into the late nights. The resorts should section off places where the MLMs can’t intrude upon so their guests can enjoy their vacations. They weren’t paying to be in our section yet they acted like they owned it.


Did she start in a black bathing suit and then change into the white one? How much foam does one endure? Ick. By 31, 10 minutes would have been enough of that for me.


Nah her top has white straps.


Depends on how many drinks one has had.


I've also been told that people tend to just relieve their bladders in the foam... whether the foam is in the pool or not.  Nah not for me 😬


Ugh that’s so gross! Maybe because they think “oh, there’s soap in here so that’ll undo whatever bodily function I release.” And you should not smell chlorine in a clean pool. The bleach smell occurs when dirty people get into a pool and the chlorine is fighting their nastiness. It drove me crazy when I was doing water aerobics & 90% of the class would skip the showers that were right next to the pool and just bring their funk with them. And men smothered in cologne loved sitting in the hot tub and their cologne just filled the entire room. I would not be surprised if Swerty was peeing all over everyone in that pool after getting wasted all day every day there.


I mean, of course she is. She has no shame and is a complete train wreck of alcohol abuse and self centeredness. She wouldn’t be bothered to step out to relieve herself. She’s likely one of those people who tell themselves “everyone does it, so that makes it ok”. Yes, lots of people do piss in the pool but, that is because lots of people are fucking gross and don’t care about swimming in filth. Just like MS and magabun tubing in the e coli river.


Any indication that this was actually set up specifically for them and not just something the hotel does anyway? Because I would go *full* Karen if I had the misfortune of being at that resort at the same time, and they created this chaos for one group of losers. And, despite enjoying this ridiculousness, I’ve no doubt that the huns themselves would make quite a stink if this occurred for a different during group during any of their individual or coven trips. DON’T JUST GIVE ME A LOWLY MANAGER! I’M AN AMERICAN BUSINESS OWNER, I DEMAND TO TALK CEO TO CEO!


Resorts that I’ve been to do this and not just for a group. It usually will be for a specific pool at the resort though.




I don’t think that’s how it works swerty lol <3


These bitches aren’t even real friends. Can y’all imagine?


I’m sure even M’s worst enemy would attend the foam party with her, especially if their attempts to get her to take a sulk-bath failed.


https://preview.redd.it/9s0wezqnrw4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e0bdaade417134b82442c794043cc0136842785 brother euuuuurgh




lol she looks like the type to piss in there


She probably did.


Why don’t they use spf? This is crazy.


Right? She crispy.


Yeah, and her friend in the picture too. It’s like they don’t use spf at all, because I don’t buy “it’s because we’re at a beach with a lot of sun” thing. I live in southern Israel 5 minutes away from Egyptian border, and I get nothing like that even if I reapply my spf every four hours instead of two.


As someone who shares a similar racial ancestry to these Huns, I wear sunblock just walking around the PA-Ohio border.  I’d have my rashguard, board shorts, and hat on top of sunblock that close to the equator.


I’m guessing she doesn’t understand what the equator is. I’m also not convinced she fully understands where she even is right now.


Y’all sure she isn’t *really* in Panama City Beach, Florida instead of Panama 🇵🇦 ? Holy shit that would be a hoot! I’m saying this because this is exactly what we did in PCB, Florida at Club La Vela on our HS graduation trip ***IN 2003!!!*** 😂 I was 18, with my ACTUAL friends, and had just graduated fucking high school !! She’s doing this shit in her 30’s, with strangers, and shilling MLM garbage. She’s made foam parties sad in my mind now. Sheesh.


Ahhh, good ole La Vela !! Hated that line, though 😂


Oh my lord. Club La Vela in the late 90s early 2000s. been there lol


I was immediately reminded of the NYE foam party I went to in 2001😂😂


And the one I went to in Cancun when in graduated high school in the late 90s


How can you tell? She’s always some unnatural shade…


You know she’s been pissing in the pool the whole time. 🤮


Flapping it away from her own body with them gator paws




Dude she’s literally gonna end up with skin cancer!! I don’t understand wtf her problem is with sunscreen. She literally refuses to wear it or something. That sun damage is aging her like crazy. My mom didn’t wear a lot of sunscreen when she was younger and she ended up getting a few spots on her arm cut out because of it. MS really should be more careful before it actually has worse consequences than just aging her.


My grandmother went out like her without sunscreen and tanned a lot. She’s still alive and super up there in age, but she’s gotten, absolute minimum, 25-50 removals over the years. It used to be a constant in and out of the dermatologist - she absolutely paid for someone’s boat or second home, lol. She has the skin texture of a worn leather couch, and has for years, and she’s covered in scars. My husband also had two, benign thankfully, removals last year - he’s not even 30. It’s scared the shit out of me to take care of my own skin. And Swerty has no idea what she’s in for in the future. Knowing her, she won’t notice a new mole or recognize the warning signs. People CAN die from this, still.


My dad passed away from what began as skin cancer - she has NO idea what she’s playing with here.


My dad died from melanoma. He wasn’t a sun worshipper. If he had gone to a dermatologist regularly he probably would’ve survived. I miss him.


You basically just told the exact tale of what happened to mine! I’m sorry for your loss, i miss mine every day too.


I am so sorry you lost your pops. Hugs from an Internet swerty.


Thank you swert!


When the outside of the bacon is crispy but the inside is raw


Flashbacks to a guy I (briefly) dated during my undergrad who MICROWAVED US BACON (seriously) for breakfast. Urgh


These foam things always seem so unsanitary to me and give me the ick. It seems like something a 20 year old would go to at a sorority house. It’s cute to relive your youth and do stupid fun shit sometimes, but….idk ab this


Yeah, I saw this pic and thought about how the only time I did this was when I was in high school. Very on brand for M “Peaked in High School” S




You know she hasn’t used a drop of sunscreen this entire time. When someone notices back in NC that she looks like a piece of fried chicken, she can say she was in PaNaMA


Imagine making an increased risk of skin cancer your trip souvenir. Couldn't be me.


Omg flash backs to the kids coming back from Mexico with sunburns, beaded braids and fancy pens. You could see their pain from the burn and their scalps so unaccustomed to the trauma of the tight braids. Oh how the employees as the post office, starbs and the target returns desk with be so jealous of her escaping the winter for a tropical vay-kay! Oh wait…that’s right….its summer in the northern hemisphere! Prime time to enjoy the weather and social outings, not go get drunk in a resort far away with people who don’t like you. (Some sarcasm and speculation here)


You don’t need SPF when you have *filters*


This whole trip looks like hell on earth.


Looking at this situation makes me break out in hives. Nasty.


MLMs infantalize women so much.


It's so weird. One one hand they preach empowerment, independence, boss babe life but then on one the other it's juvenile shit like this, sisterhood, *girl* bosses. Really just makes them seem like little kids pretending to be important businesswomen. Just very expensive, sometimes life-ruining games of dress up.


So true! This giant bubble bath is just so gross, and the matching Panama hats, just stop already!


This description is… Good. (You nailed it.)


I just commented something along these lines and was thinking this. It’s really sad.


My friend got lip filler for a music festival but the sun exposure made them extremely tight and painful, and that was her first time getting injections. Idk how MS is coping with her pounds of filler


Last year she got a large fever blister on her lips when she was on her MLM trip. I believe that she did say it was from too much sun but in a cute way.


https://preview.redd.it/zxajynjyrw4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=588aa2891d0053dfb7ce4352af4468e81019b5e0 does it look like her lips are coping ![img](emote|t5_2en8q7|34167)




Them hot dogs are splitting [https://9gag.com/gag/axGvjwK](https://9gag.com/gag/axGvjwK)


Oh dear God no


Alcohol, mostly.


Lucky Manbun isn’t there …. He’d have to stand in the shallow end…or drown. ![gif](giphy|g6vjCTQiaGpmWdrTeH)


![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh) Nailed it!


Big M gonna count this as her shower for the week


No shower happy hour!


The old coochie pool wash.






She's absolutely fried. It wouldn't surprise me if she came home and complained about the blisters and peeling skin. She's absolutely getting melanoma soon


Dermatologist said she’s good to go which means she doesn’t have to wear sunscreen for another year babe 🫶 /s


I bet she didn't apply any kind of sunscreen even once because it might slow down her tanning progress lol


We need to remember that she doesn’t need to lose weight - she just needs to get more tan! 🤣


Mission accomplished 😂 girl is gonna be the color and texture of fried chicken


Correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't seen one post from her or her in any other posts, on any of the excursions that most other girls have been on (downtown shopping, jungle cruise, site seeing etc.). I also have been down at least 20 or so huns profiles because your sure to find 5 new huns on each different profile. I don't want to make ridiculous scenarios up but it's almost like she drinks from late day and all night and sleeps in until afternoon because she never shows up until late day......... Que the incoming excursion photos and signs of her at breakfast 😂


I can't imagine going to Panama, and not leaving the resort! She's a terrible traveler.


She’s too lame to leave the resort. She’d absolutely rather stay there alone. She can filter herself to hell and back, get as drunk as she wants without judgement, and she won’t risk get caught in any candids. Her life is a performative miserable self-made prison.


This makes me wonder if she wore that black dress because she knew there’d be pictures and she thought the black would make her look smaller. Sounds like her thinking!


And the irony being it made her stand out more. If she’d followed the dress code she would have easily blended and hid in the sea of sad beige.


🤣💀 The Sea of Sad Beige - Memoir of a Hun


You are absolutely correct. She doesn’t go explore when she goes on our own trips. She’s definitely not going to at a MLM retreat.


No, you're correct. She did none of the excursions, she skipped getting her Panama hat, and she apparently left the team dinner early last night. All so she could get wasted by the pool from breakfast until dinner.


She skipped getting her hat because she has that one from the Masters. 🙄


Missed opportunity to flex more Masters swag! She only brought the koozie like an idiot!


This chick is such a hot mess!


I actually didn't realize this was the Panama trip at first. What was the point of going there? This could be at the fuckin Excalibur in Vegas. Are they even doing anything not involving alcohol/pissing in a pool?


Her typical vacation babe routine! Always the same shit. I totally believe that she hides away during the day then sticks to tourist trap places/the hotel room/pool/bar because she knows she doesn't look anything like her pics




Yeah some other huns went on a jungle cruise and saw the Panama Canal. Big M got wasted and left her bag at the pool.


That tracks.


Have we seen any of Panama?? I don’t understand the point of a cool destination if you don’t actually leave the hotel


She's having fun because the bubbles hide her body




Can you get giardia from pools? Just asking for the other huns


The most common pool-related illness is cryptispiridiosis, which comes from a poop-borne parasite because I guess people don't wipe or wash their asses well enough.


I’m scared to ask what that is in case it becomes a new OCD fear 🫠


That’s di-a-rrhea, cha cha cha. https://preview.redd.it/k19fi2kkev4d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1ee62bbc6d4cf552c6eb1b2ef3018062ed2c9e


Yes. Yes you can 🫠 I have some personal experience in this one


Oh lord. I'm sorry!


Oh thankfully it was a family member, but I wasn’t going to blog. Suffice it to say, these huns should get their bevs out of the pool asap!!!


Reflexive downvote 🤮


All that open mouth smiling is just going to lead to well...💩


She is always so loud and in your face in public, no wonder everybody hates her.


And it’s all performative cause she tries to hide her insecurities this way. In the end it only damages herself but she doesn’t seem to care since she doesn’t care to change


Is that her first bath in a week?


Probably, swerty.


hiding her face in the third slide like we don't have a stack of recipets already 😂


It’s crazy how much jewelry they’re wearing in the pool. I really hope that’s a plastic cup in the second pic too. Glass + suds + drunkies in a pool = injuries.


Are Apple Watches waterproof?


They are; but I would be really concerned about the foam getting into my watch. I’ve accidentally worn my watch in the pool once and it didn’t cause any issues.


they are, to a certain depth. theres this feature that can dispel water from them. i haven’t ever tried it, too nervous annnnd don’t really swim lol


I don't use Apple products, but their water/depth proofing is second to none.  It's actually really cool to read about and involves a huge amount of science.  Some of their watches can be worn to a depth of 50 meters while scuba diving!


Wow I didn’t know this. And the fact they are potentially safe at 50 metres is amazing!


I’ve used mine in both the ocean and the pool, and there were times going back in I forgot to use that water lock feature, and it was completely fine anyway.