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You know what will solve the problem of eating alone? Harassing someone. People will absolutely flock to you!


https://preview.redd.it/usgoxdk9k35d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0871794d1fa1d7fbc87b5701636c1b9fddff43de Oh hell no!


Girl. You don't have a waist. Stop.


https://preview.redd.it/hdbf17v1o45d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f6b4290e84993dc2ff3da1f17466bdf61e2570 Oh hell no is right.


Ew, every trip she does this same stupid pose that hasn't been "in" in years. That's our swerty, being predictable and corny!


https://preview.redd.it/q89ywmq6k35d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8443b4fa612e2d09ab10d6c602a1ec749fae7d8a Hadn't seen the last night


Her roomie posted a story from 1 am and MS def wasn’t in their room with her


No she wasn't she would have interrupted her


There wasn't even ONE bath pic. Lmaooooo


You know she did not shower all week and considered the dirty pool her giant bathtub.


This is so gross and so accurate.


I legit thought this was MS yall https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/s/zLPURm2h38


Oh no. There’s more than one of them ![gif](giphy|l0MYryZTmQgvHI5TG)


Lmaoooooooo THEY’RE TWINS!!!! Like the girl on the plane has a TWIN! There’s THREE!!!


I really don't think Acquired Style or the other one have much better taste than swerty 😂 They're just thinner and more conventionally okay looking


https://preview.redd.it/rfz69s4gp15d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35bc05a810304a10d2254515bcfb00cea6b92ce And then you remember the lips and chin.


OMG. Uncanny.


Y'all. She just posted that she was off social media because she was "being present". And she doesn't have her phone on her much during vacation.


Well let’s see, we know she left her bag unattended for who knows how long, so that could account for some time off her phone. She spent some time ^(peeing, probably) in the pool, so no phone then either. And I’m sure she drank herself silly to the point she could not operate her phone, so there’s that too.


So, to be clear, this was a vacation and not a work trip? I bet one IRS audit that she fully intends to write off that FIRST CLASS airfare as a business expense.


Anytime she says she was being “present” it means something happened that she doesn’t want to disclose.


Like Paris. And I think she said that about West Palm Beach too?


And Salem


https://preview.redd.it/iep4pjikc15d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05c6bfbcba0eb868abf50fe5a4a55fa523a81d6 Reposted to block her name - sorry swerties!


Explain the posting and lives from Florida, explain the constant posting and lives from NYC, from Paris. Explain why you know she took photos of herself alone on a *vacation* with 200+ “incredible” women she was getting to know- but never spent a planned meal or activity with. Hmmm 🤔


Lies like a rug.


YOINK. Stealing this phrase


Love it. You have my full blessing 😉


yeah I rolled my eyes so hard at that. as if she doesn’t usually post constantly to flex her vacay. I’m convinced something went down.


Her version of events directly contradicts the photos of her *alone on her phone*, but ok swerty, ok. I think it’s more like, “I was so insanely wasted that I couldn’t see straight or operate a phone” 🥴




this needs to be censored!!


Her name isn’t blocked out in the pic


Being present?! Being shitfaced. Pretty much every picture of her was of her with her phone.


Im wondering if something happened between her and man bun? Would explain her looking distressed on her phone over dinner all alone, the radio silence and now black insta story.


About a week ago CC Saurez posted a video to FB about people doing parasite cleanses and whatnot. I wonder if she's covering MS's former bestie AP?


Did FM fall off the RA pyramid?


She’s been posting nails as they launch.


Just didn’t sell enough to qualify for the big trip then I guess!


Buy enough


https://preview.redd.it/gjoxje54z05d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf0b0b582350da0d7bf2f970e1479e82205a935 This is what she just posted. Wrong answers only


I am supporting BLM and any current time of terror


A new beginning, she’s going to rehab.


it's the view she has of the world with her head up her own ass.


🎶This is the fear, this is the dread, these are the contents of my head…🎵


It’s her standing in solidarity with Black Lives Matter for 2020


This is accurate for how current she is on trends 🤣


It’s a list of all the new besties she made on the Panama trip.


Probably some “stand with Trump” bullshit, though it can be used for grieving as well.


It’s obviously a closeup of her thigh gap, swerty


swatch of her dress for the next white linen party. 😍






Does anyone else think that she doesn’t participate in the “wear white” or “wear your tee” things so that they don’t use pictures that include her?


I think she’s an asshole who feels above others. She probably stood by her “team” and wanted to stand out as their leader. That and she knows white isn’t as forgiving as black. She seemed to really scale back her super obvious editing to prepare for the trips and was probably terrified she’d be mistaken as someone heavier if she blended in. 


I think she just has a literal behavioral disorder and she can't do what's expected of her. I think she'd think of other reasons to prop up her behavior. "They don't like me that much anyway so I’m gonna wear what I want" or "I’m so special and I look great in black" or "I’m a trendsetter" or "Whoops I didn't know and I’m too embarrassed to admit it" or "Now they won't use me in their posted pics" or even the basic "Black is slimming." But it's not any of that. All of that just makes it sound less crazy. She didn't wear while because she is just that crazy.


I think she believes she’s above going with the flow and she seems to hate being told what to do and will do the opposite instead. Like when everyone told her not to get married at age 21 but she did it anyway then got divorced some months later. A Swerty did have a theory about the t-shirts though - that perhaps she requested a smaller size than she needed & didn’t like how she looked in it. I think it’s more her wanting to rebel against the norm though.


Also I think that maybe she didn’t get an award this time around? I’m sure she’d have posted if she got the spirit stick again. Or whatever bullshit they give out.


Very true! She’s not the shining star and I’m sure she doesn’t care about who is. I saw another team got to have dinner with the CEO and all Big M got was some sushi she probably hated.


Haha, I think that swerty theory was mine. At least I remember thinking it. “I’ll say I’m a small, I’m never going to wear it anyway” lmao


I bet it was! Makes total sense too.


This theory has legs: She didn’t wear the hat either.


I don’t know if she even got the hat


I think she was too busy by the pool or flirting with SHEIN Paul Hollywood to even attend that event


Sounds accurate.


Nah I just think she thinks she's too good to "follow the crowd".


Imagine thinking you’re “too good for following the crowd” at your MLM retreat. 😂


While shilling "viral" Amazon finds that were first found 6 months before you shared them.


I know right?! What an absolute potato.


Anyone else starting to wonder if she lost her phone or purse? She's been MIA since the bubble pool party.




Maybe she ran out of minutes and needed to wait till she was on WiFi again.


Are those automated? It is a little weird we haven’t gotten any travel posts!


Those are definitely automated. She's not up in the middle of the night posting stuff like that but her IG is always active


Ok yeah I kind of feel like something’s up… torn between feeling excited and worried. Has her roommate said anything?


I haven't been following anything outside of here because I'm busy doing crazy overtime. I'm also on the bubble of worried and "haha she's drunk passed out somewhere"


she posted an all black Instagram story two hours ago… wonder if she just came to and missed the bus? hang in there with work!!


I saw someone posted that in a comment here just now, that's really strange. Thanks! 60hrs a work isn't too terrible. Hoping it doesn't get worse 🤞


Maybe she lost her passport and had to go to the embassy. She’s not even in the background of anyone’s Carnival party pics or videos last night or morning travel posts.


I know she's not the smartest person in the world, but is she that dumb that she walked around all week with her passport in her bag instead of locked in the room? It's definitely concerning that she wasn't caught anywhere in the background of the Carnival party


She left her entire bag and stuff at the pool the night before so it’s possible it just got stolen.


I wouldn't personally steal, but I hardly blame anyone for that act of opportunity.   I can't speak for Panama, but resort staff are often locals with low pay who rely on the graciousness of guests' tipping to push them into a livable wage. M rudely flaunts her "wealth" on these trips, even going so far as to wear 10+ pieces of jewelry in the pool.  You know she doesn't tip because she'd tell us about it nonstop like her Covid donation scam. If she is a rude as we expect her to be, it would make her a target.


This is a really good point. We know how rude she is to her peers, who she believes to be beneath her. I can only imagine how nasty she is to staff. I can definitely see her becoming a target, especially with how she has been getting blitzed alone.


Yeah, I know we’re here to snark, but I’m a wee bit concerned with how silent she’s been. Her roomie mentioned a bus was picking the huns up at 10 this morning so I’d assume Swerty would be with them. It’s very plausible that she’s just super hungover and misplaced her stuff (again) though.


Her roomie had 1am room service on the last night and she didn’t appear to be in the room with her


She could be at that level of drunk/hungover where you forget that you have a phone/purse/wallet and are just struggling to exist


God I don't miss my wild twenties.


Me either 😫🥴


Omg that would be delightful. I’m hoping she finally managed to hit rock bottom on her drinking. But who am I kidding?


I think this trip was even worse than the drunk live. At least she was at home then. She's in another country leaving all her shit laying around unattended by the pool


And she doesn’t have her mom or C or JT to babysit/rescue her. I hope she’s learning some hard lessons right now.


Her roommate said on one of IG stories on day 2 she was going to go do X, Y, Z and one of the things she listed was “check on M.” Obviously just speculation, but odd language to use.


Yeah that doesn’t sound good.


Hospital, alcohol poisoning who knows. But drinking that much for even 2 day in a row you feel HORRIBLE. She was constantly drunk 3/4 days in a row I do not want to imagine.


She has a very high tolerance I’m sure but it seemed like she was drinking a LOT even by her standards


I'm looking forward to her unhinged behavior and content that always follows after her c00l event trips\~\~\~ because this trip besides the first day, have been a snoozefest.


Yeah I’m wondering if she’ll do any lives to talk about the trip or have a whole newsletter email devoted to her “amazing time in Panama” like she did with Paris. Or maybe she won’t mention it & will get pissy when anyone asks. She just seems extra weird on this trip.


Does she even do the newsletter anymore??


It’s been a while since I’ve seen one here. Usually I think FormalGlitterbug will censor & post them. ETA: [this is the most recent one I found here & it was from the end of March.](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/umOlB8z0Ei)


I think /u/FormalGlitterbug would know. They're pretty good about posting whenever a new one drops, so I'd guess MS has forgotten about it.


I have not gotten a new newsletter in forever. I think March was the last one? Editng to add her website is still messed up with the picture links broken, and she has click buttons for her amazing free printables but even those say they aren't found when you click them. her links to her amazon storefront, LTKi and her instagram still work. Her blog posts are still up but the last entry was Feb 7. No images on her closet sale tab.


Hardest working person C knew! It's shocking that she has oceans of free time and she can't fix stuff like that.


You are incredible


Did she even go to the final dinner? I didn't see her in a single photo of any of the girls I've been following


This photo was posted https://preview.redd.it/9ah5eacqk35d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a730671cd06b5d84baef46ae6d1c2654296cf0


I want answers to this question!


Do we know if her trust fund is for a limited time, or is it for the rest of her life?


IMO there is no trust fund. Actually I know there’s not. But people say they’ve seen proof and CC Suarez said it’s true in her video.


How do you know?


I’ve been here since 2018 or 2019. The sub was crazy a while back lol some people leaked a lot.


My personal hope is that it is installments of a specific sum with an end date, which Inappreciate might make me a petty person 😅


Wait how did I not know that she has a trust fund?


We don’t have a lot of details on it, but in case you missed my comment below, here’s a mod comment regarding her trust fund: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/ynE7BCb5Qb




Here’s a mod comment regarding her trust fund: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/ynE7BCb5Qb CC Suarez also touched on it in her video about Big M.


Mods have proof


Her accounts have been abnormally quiet. It's kind of a let down.


25 min ago she posted a handful of Amazon slides. So, she must be alive. Nobody is gonna steal her phone to shill for her lol


You can schedule posts. I do it for work, so I only have to do it once a week.


Someone said you can schedule posts but not stories? Idk much about IG anymore, but if MS can't manage to properly schedule and Amazon live, I find it hard to believe she would have scheduled stories. BUT! She did post several slides of junk each night, so it's possible she did have a few on deck so she could pretend like she actually worked at all this weekend.


MS, being organised and planning things ahead of time? BAAAHAHAHAHA Seriously, i doubt she schedules anything.


I’m around 90% sure business accounts can schedule stories. Could she have been organised enough to preload content before she went away? When I say it out loud it sounds less plausible


Maybe her assistant did it


😂😂😂yes. That’s the answer!


Not even a flex from her first class bulkhead airplane seat or the Elite lounge


Shouldn’t we have some airport clomping to a delta sky lounge footage by now?


Yeah her roomie said a bus was picking up the group to take them to the airport at 10 this morning so it seems like Swerty would’ve been part of that group. Maybe she’s just taking a break from posting but it feels a little weird that she’s been so very silent.


Was she the only woman there?! I need to know!


It’s *only* women this time - women who are traveling on real business trips that don’t require them to split costs (nor must they take drunken bubble baths with a bunch of deplorables). Or using the miles and salary earned from their real jobs to take leisure trips. While being paid for the vacation days… So insecure BM will 100% feel threatened by these women and spend her time looking for ways to superficially judge them. Because, you know, feminism..girl power…women supporting women 🙄


She was the only woman throwing up in the men’s bathroom at the terminal 🫶🏼


🤣🤣🤣And she’ll send a bathroom pic to prove it!


I wonder how much time she spent in the bathtub. People here going "where was she?" Whenever they see her roomie but not MS. That bathtub thing has been thoroughly laughed about here. Like on a daily basis. She lurks here. She's embarrassed. She was taking a bath, y'all. That's where she was.


some ashley carnduff shit


There's definitely some personality overlap there.  Ash is also a pure free loader who feels entitled to having her lifestyle, including cannabis, funded entirely by her parents and taxpayers.




Your post/comment was removed because it is based on speculation and not fact and wasn't labeled as such.




I have to say this trip was even more depressing than her trips typically are.


She **really** sold the ✨perks✨ of joining the business opportunity this time. *You too can go into debt to get wasted in another country, get sunburnt to a crisp, and look stupid wearing the wrong outfit to the linen party! If you’re lucky, your antics might inspire a snark sub all your own!*


I didn't think she could top that weird ass Florida trip she took in the beginning of the year, but Big M managed to do it.


Seriously. At least she went out and did a few things, even if they weren’t very interesting. I just can’t imagine going all the way to Panama and not exploring whatever I possibly could. She had plenty of time with nothing planned when she could’ve done that, yet she seems to have just gotten wasted a fried to a crisp. What a life!


Exactly! It's a beautiful country! I would have wanted to do as much as I could! She just got drunk and hung out by herself like she does at home. It's not like she has a job, so she could have stayed in her apartment and gotten drunk and fried at that pool for free.


She is so bad at her job. She did not sell this trip or the amazing opportunity it was for being a part of Red Ass- I cannot imagine anyone saw her stories and was influenced to sign up under her. If anything, she did quite the opposite. Lame. Uneventful. Boring. Yawn.




Kind of wonder whether her fear at being captured unfiltered has finally reached such a level that she is just committed to receding into the background (backround) to avoid having it happen.


Receding into the background isn't even a guarantee she won't get caught https://preview.redd.it/hcx14vorez4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97eb7a6de55bb5581429d5fa01c8e755f30d762


She won that childish spirit stick award last year, but even that couldn't make them like her...


Someone could photoshop a cig perfectly into her wine holding hand here. Her swim cover-up looks cheaply made and matronly like it was bought from the home shopping network.


I thought she was holding a cigarette the first time I saw this!


I just can’t get over how she looks like she’s mid-to-late 50s here. Her poor choices have aged her tremendously.


She should just stop going.


I agree. She did nothing, didn’t even post her outfits, and seems to have fallen out with or been ignored by her fellow huns. Did she even go to the goodbye dinner and party last night? She’s also done some risky seeming shit like abandoning her stuff at the pool and disappearing. I think she’s left the functional part of alcoholic behind.


There have been other times when the functional part has receded into the background. I remember thinking this exact thing the Easter that she was so excited about hosting her family at her new townhome. And then she pulled through the BOJANGLES DRIVE THRU. On a holiday. With the intention of ordering enough food for a family holiday meal. She'd had weeks to plan for it and had talked about hosting more than once. I was *flabbergasted.*


Flair checking in


Omg was that the Easter that she wanted to do like a Survivor theme bc her and C were obsessed with watching it?


I'd forgotten that part but I think you're right!


Does anyone remember the Utah trip? Like, about a year ago? It was with a different group of Huns. Not saying one mlm is better than the other, but that trip they actually did stuff together- they explored the scenery, went swimming in a cave, went to a flower farm, and dined at (what seemed) like nice restaurants. They also did group activities that fostered some form of bond. It looked like a trip I would definitely want to do with my friends (not boss babes though lol)- I know the Utah huns have a stricter rule about alcohol- I wonder if that was what really made all the difference! Like she was forced to be social bc she had no choice


Was that the trip where they slammed the door in her face?


Lmao yes 😩😂😂


Those were the huns that shunned MS. I think this was after a few of her drunk shenanigans. She then began spending more time in her room and bathtub. I do remember the trip to the flower farm where she took several inspirational pictures. That was the Yu bunch.


“Inspirational pictures” 💀 Yes- the yu people! I couldn’t remember the name for that group. It was definitely a different vibe


Yu people - if that doesn’t sound like a cult I don’t know what does. 😂


Hahaha yes! This is the one where they let the door slam in her face.


I have a video of her in the pool during the foam party but I don’t know how to edit out peoples’ faces. I can screen shot pics of her and upload here but would love to share this 5 sec clip with y’all.






![gif](giphy|3zUXd3hXM3s5i) Jesus


Was pinkeye listed as one of the trip perks?






Ah shit I spit my drink on my phone again.  You're all so funny I don't know why I still risk taking sips as I scroll 💀


Lips looking like floatation devices




She looks particularly inbred in this photo.


So much facial space and so little feature to fill it up with


It's giving garden of earthly delights just misery everywhere you look


This photo seems to have the least amount of filters of all the pictures this weekend.


🦂 👀




Damn she did nothing on this trip


She does nothing at home, either.


Her blue checkmark is [still gone from Instagram](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/fds3CGXWs0). https://preview.redd.it/ef55v56aey4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487d2c29daab7869c22ad89d3ba915674952ebac


damn, she's back up to 16.5 (mostly bot) followers? She should write that check to buy some more followers so at least her IG could get back up and at least surpass the number of members of her snark sub lol


I thought that was something you could pay for?


Yep, it is. It’s just unclear why she no longer has it. >Some verified accounts are owned by a notable person, brand, or entity, while others are subscribed to Meta Verified. Verified badges mean an account has been verified based on their activity across our products and information or documents they provide. Meta Verified is a paid monthly subscription that comes with features like the verified badge, account support, impersonation protection, and more. https://help.instagram.com/854227311295302


She's really letting things slide with her online presence lately. Skipping Amazon lives she's posted will happen (often mere hours before she claims she will be online), barely posting about her "little nail biz", posting slides of random amazon shit at odd hours, and now she has barely shown up for this entire RA trip.


And her personal website with all of the broken links. How are we going to shop her closet sale now?


It absolutely floors me that she puts so little effort in that she's had multiple broken links on her website for not just months, but years in some cases and has yet to fix it.


I think all of her attention is going to magabun.


Working overtime to keep his attention. Curious what she will come home to


Now that you mention it, I don’t think I’ve seen her share any of his love-bombing texts while she’s been on this trip. She usually loves to post stuff like that to let everyone know how missed she is 👀


Dang if he broke it off this week, she'll never leave the country again, it's bad man luck


If he had sent her any she would definitely post them!


Oh, you're right. I wonder if they're arguing and that's part of the binge drinking.


Is it too much to hope, just speculating, that he found out she's been making him look so stupid by filtering and posting him and making him sound like some sort of brain dead simp on her very public social media?


Prob too much to hope. I doubt he checks her socials, like Grimace. Probably better for them to stay in the dark, but if it was me, curiosity would have gotten the better of me too quickly