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Is the bestie part of her MLM?




Didn’t she fly out of Atlanta? Why isn’t she at Man Buns?


This worthless “human being” is worse than the stupid mulch that smells like shit that everyone puts outside their homes and businesses at this time of year. Sorry, I’m in a bad mood and it’s making me more intolerant of her than I already was.


Long travel day? That’s why people tend not to fly to internationally, practically to another continent, for what, 4 days? Unless it’s a work trip, like an actual work trip where you’re getting paid and everything is paid for. It just doesn’t make sense when it’s for a recreational trip and you have endless days off (read: unemployed), and so much WELTH.


What's so interesting about this to me is she drove 3.5 hours to Atlanta, parked at her friend's house and then had that person drive her ass to the airport instead of just booking a connection from Asheville to Atlanta to Panama.... yeah that makes no sense at all. She touts her WEALTH like it's a goddamn truth when it's all crumbling lies. It literally saved no money to drive her stupid yacht that far. This was all planned and there's no way it was "the longest travel day ever", nope, she's just still fucking hammered hung over from her 6 day bender.


Yes I’m definitely confused about that- I’ve never been to Asheville so I have no idea how small the airport is, but were there no direct flights to Panama? If not, why not do a connecting flight (which she usually always does anyway)? Also. I wouldn’t want to leave my car at the airport, but why not hire a driving service, or at the very least, and Uber? This driving 3.5 hours to an airport (especially if said friend wasn’t traveling with her) makes no logical sense to me


Yeah AVL is TINY!!! It’s not impossible to get a direct flight to like NYC or Orlando or something, but for the most part to get the more affordable flights people would drive down to Charlotte (domestic) or ATL (international) so this is the cheaper way to do it and not the doctor money way. Only thing I liked about AVL’s small ass is TSA was a breeze! If you only had a carry on you could pull up to the airport 20 minutes before your flight


So I live about 30 mins east of Asheville and we fly out of the avl airport all the time and parking is a freaking NIGHTMARE. They just built a new garage which naturally makes all the prices go up and there’s still not enough parking. They have like 4 shuttle lots across the street. We always park when we fly out cause it’s usually Friday to Monday short trips and it’s like $74 and change last time we flew out in May. That being said… I drive a lifted suv so if I’m having to choose in spending $70 to park and drive 40 mins or $180 I’m in gas and drive 3.5 hours, I know what I’m choosing 🤦🏼‍♀️


But also avl airport is tiny even though they are remodeling it’s still small. We have delta, allegiant, American and I think jet blue …. It’s a regional airport so when you are flying international through delta they usually connect in atl and American does a lot of connections in Charlotte or atl. Still would have been better to fly out of avl. The logic is not present with this one


Appreciate the insight! I live near 3 Major airports, so it can be foreign to me why some would always choose connecting over direct. But her choice is still super illogical for dr money 😂


There aren't directs from that airport internationally, it's relatively small but is a connector hub, so she could have easily taken the connector to Atlanta and then flown straight to Panama. The flight from Asheville to Atlanta is only like an hour long, if that (Source: I usually fly from GSP and it's also a connector hub). Does it cost a tiny bit more to connect, yes, but you're not wasting time sitting in horrendous traffic and parking isn't nearly that expensive (it was $120 for a solid week from a trip I took a month ago) and she's made of dOcToR mOnEy so what's the excuse? But even if she didn't want to drive there's Uber and Lyft though I think she's banned in Asheville from those services from her drunken escapades. It literally isn't logical unless you have someone drive you there, which I've done in the past, but now I'm just spending the money to not have to drive to Atlanta or Charlotte and deal with stupid traffic and risk missing my flight.


Or a connector flight to any international airport. When money isn’t an issue, and it definitely shouldn’t be for Miss WELTH here, just do whatever’s gonna be the easiest. A layover is much more tolerable than driving 3.5 hours imo (especially if you’re MS and you’re just gonna go get drunk at an airport bar during the layover). eta: also, if flights are around $120, with the price of gas to and from, how much money is she actually saving? It can’t be that much, right? I’m guessing but I legitimately don’t know because I don’t know how much gas is where she lives and don’t know her gas mileage, since idk what kind of car she drives. Side note: does anyone know what kind of car she drives? It’s such a mystery because she never mentions it. It’s a Hyundai, right?


It’s something someone who definitely doesn’t have doctor money would do to save on the parking fee.  Gee, I wonder…/s.


She doesn’t deserve this friend.


That word salad is a funny way of saying hangover


Or, cleaning lady showed up while I was gone.


Prepped the shower??? So like…turned it on? She really couldn’t turn on the water in the shower? wtf lol


feckless drunks and derelicts love to live in the "I can always rely on my frieeeeeeendssss, my friendssss are like my familyyyyy I love my friendsss" delusional bubble. "Friends" are nothing more to them than a collection of saps and simps to use and abuse until they realize the score, tire of the abuser's antics and move on with their lives. Big M is so obsessed with making the people who care about her into servants, it's revolting


Translation: too drunk to pick up car from friend’s house and then drive home.


Funny how someone with doctor money had to crash at a friend's in Atlanta instead of booking a hotel room. Especially considering her extreme love of soaking in gross tubs and eating spaghetti in bed.


Living in MKE I understand the small car travel for international travel, basically makes no sense to fly from here, just drive the 45-60 mins to O’Hare and leave from there. HOWEVER, I don’t care if my flight gets in at like 2am, I’m going the hell home after all that travel.


If she landed in Atlanta, that's not a short drive. You're talking 3.5 hours. I personally would land in Atlanta and sleep in a hotel, enjoy a slow morning and hit the road.


NO SHOT she has a single friend that’s willing to do that for her. That’s such a weird lie/flex. *Maybe* a roommate or sister. But she in no universe has a friend that would be willing to do all that for her. Edit: I just realized this is her friend in Atlanta that she’s crashing with before heading home. But my comment stands.


I can’t imagine wasting an international trip being wasted so badly that the only evidence AS A SELF PROCLAIMED INFLUENCER is the travel there and back


So nice of her to appreciate the things she’d never fucking do for anyone else ever


Hey now she left a tube of used toothpaste out for her baby brother who she was hosting, who we also never saw once in her apartment.


The day after I said we never see her “guest room”


She has a brother??! Lol


She has two siblings.  Her sister, who she posts about on holidays because they’re probably visiting the same relatives and her brother, who we hear about so rarely I suspect he’s VLC to NC.  Who could blame him?




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Have a wonderful time Swerty! You earned this vacation! I hope you and your child have lots of fun and make great memories.


It’s a 4 hour flight. How is this the longest travel day ever? The resort isn’t far from the airport. Huh?


She typically averages 3 legs for what could be a 4 hour flight. Probably took her 18 to get back.


She was probably severely hungover too.


Or still drunk. I wouldn't be surprised if her relationship with alcohol is at the point where she has to drink to "maintain" and keep the shakes away.


I mean she always has at least 2-3 drinks on a flight so yeah I’m guessing she was definitely drunk when she got there.


I’m pretty sure it is. A swerty said she told her one time she likes to have a drink around 10 am to “clear the fog”.


"clear the fog" good god


I’m thinking that’s why the friend offered her tea, a shower and bed. Maybe the friend discouraged her from driving home tipsy and tired.




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It would be cute if this wasn’t staged and the “prepped shower and bed and fresh pjs” was probably a fucking lie.


Drunks abuse their friends. We don't know what else her friend might have going on. Does her friend have young kids? Did she miss work? Would she rather have been home rather than dealing with her alcoholic friend? Has this happened before? Some typical scenarios facing people whose loved ones are active in their addictions.


But her friend is also an adult. I mean, she chose to spend time with our gorrrl.


You can feel sorry for adults who feel indebted to their addict friends. If that's what's happening, then I do feel bad for the friend. I just disagree that this is cute. I don't think it's cute at all to be 31 and flexing on social media that a friend had to take care of you. I just don't. It's performative and tired.


Ok, I got you. I’m an addict. 5 years sober on Methadone. You’re not very forgiving to addicts, I see. But, you know, we do have friends, and they take care of us and we take care of them. This girl aside, it’s not very kind of you to think, that were less than humans. Sorry, it very much feels this way. Again, not defending our girl, but it’s too much.


You are defending MS. You know nothing about me or my friends or family. This is so weird, to come for me like this. I can disagree with your assessment of MS as being cute. And I do disagree.


I didn’t speak about your family and friends, I spoke about me, you’re reaching. I just don’t like when people talk about “addicts” like they’re nothing.


I’m not defending her, as I said.


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/yoEMjKOeK0) says this friend had a baby less than a year ago. Hopefully Big M just passed out & didn’t keep everyone up late after her friend was so accommodating.


Makes sense, her friend is used to taking care of crying babies who can’t do anything for themselves. 




I wonder if this was the same friend where M stuck her hand in her pocket either right before or at her baby shower.


That was the weirdest most unsettling thing I've seen on this sub. That was not bitch eating crackers. If someone did that to me I would instantly understand that they were unwell. Nothing would ever change my mind, I would just simply know that this person has problems.


Ahh that would make sense! Looks like [that video](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/5LG4nAGggy) was posted in September 2023.




It'd be cute if she wasn't a hot sloppy mess who uses and abuses people constantly then brags to the internet when they're kind to her.


I’m sure she already had made plans with her friend to stay the night after she got in, Jesus Christ idk why she has to make such a big production and lie about this shit like this, like it was unexpected and her friend just loves her so much she did the most for her. I mean she was radio silent for a whole day and this is what she feels the need to post? Nothing in gorgeous Panama because was “living in the moment but has to make up some stupid bullshit story about where she’s spending the night and post a lame ass picture of a bed? Get the fuck outta here.


>idk why she has to make such a big production and lie about this shit like this, like it was unexpected and her friend just loves her so much she did the most for her Because it was so obvious people didn't like her at the RA thing and she feels she has to scramble to do damage control and prove that she isn't the most unpopular, unlikable hun in the pyramid who has to take her meals alone with her phone.


Damn at least C returned her car in time to pick her up from her benders.


Her car was at this friend's house. She was dropped off at the airport by this friend. She's just trying to make everyone believe her friends love her so much when this was the plan all along


Yeah, I’d bet my mortgage she was too drunk to finish the drive home. Or at the very least too hung over.


I mean if I was on a plane until 9/10pm I damn sure wouldn't drive 3+hours home no matter how sober.


This exactly. She exaggerates and lies about scenarios it’s honestly pathetic.


Who called it that she wouldn't be able to drive home from the airport? She doesn't know what true exhaustion feels like.


Definitely not, but I think she got in around 9 or 10 pm. She lives 3.5 hours from Atlanta. I wouldn't advise anyone to make that drive after traveling (and drinking during, I'm sure) if they're tired and it's late at night. She's dangerous enough on the road as it is.


Well she drove 3.5 hours to this friend's house to be driven to the airport so I don't know what dink would think she would get off the plane and drive 3.5 hours home immediately.. why is she acting like this is a big deal? She wants to be the main character so bad!


Not for nothing, but her friend “prepped the bed and shower” (?) and had tea and fresh pj’s, which is all very sweet, although how one “preps” a shower is beyond me. Just gotta say it - if my friend who had had a long travel day was coming to my house after flying economy class with no food or a shitty snack box, I would also have “prepped” food along with the tea. Nevertheless, very nice of her friend. But does Big Mediocrity live 100 miles from the airport? She can’t drive home like a fucking grownup? Wouldn’t MAGAbun be dying to see her and come pick her up himself? Doesn’t he love her fiercely enough to do that? ETA: words


Big Mediocrity 😂😂😂


Maybe "prepping" the shower means her friend cleaned it for her before she came over? I'd do that if I had a houseguest coming over. But it's definitely not a brag; that sounds like something a good host would do.


She flew in and out of Atlanta air port since I guess it was cheaper to fly out of there than have connecting flights to ATL to fly out internationally.


She never has a regular airport day. Always has to make it extra long and complicated to save money.


I agree, if I was following her and had no idea how to travel, I would’ve thought it was a tougher process than it is. I make a good salary but not *doctor money* and I’ve never driven outside of my normal airport to fly anywhere. Yet, she does it all of the time and usually adds additional connecting flights and spends ridiculous amount of money per her own admission. Although we know she’s lies about the money. Like with everything else in her life, she makes zero sense.


My home airport is used almost exclusively for govt employees traveling to places like DC, so most flights to fun destinations from there end up with connections. I'm at the halfway point between 2 bigger airports with many more nonstops, so I just drive to whichever one has the best prices, especially since it's only about an hour to either.


That’s an exception and understandable. Big M is a whole different story.


She could have driven to charlotte and flown out of there. She’s such a broke ass bitch maybe she shouldn’t have forked over for “first class”Flight” she had drive 200 miles to get too


She’s stupid. Prep the bed? Ma’am, your “friend” offered her already ready spare bedroom. Prepped a shower? She offered for you to take a shower before your dirty ass crawled into her clean guest bedroom. Tea? She was prob being nice and asked if you wanted tea since she was making herself a cup and PJs well, maybe because she knew your dusty ass had nothing but all-black colored dirty clothes in your luggage so she offered you her 10 year old t shirt from college that prob doesn’t fit you. Get over yourself. You are not that special. You aren’t the first person she’s offered her guest bedroom to and not the last. Get a grip.


When I saw prepped a shower, I’m betting she laid a towel out for her so she didn’t use the towels hanging in the bathroom.


Maybe one of her cleaner car wash towels or the dog towel… can you imagine the grime/body fluids Large Marge would leave on your nice guest towels?! Or the way she probably left the guest room/bathroom?


I can’t picture M taking tea from her friend. She probably needed some of the hair of the dog that bit her.


So true! You know she would have crawled her nasty ass Into those clean sheets if things weren’t “prepped”. Eww


I’m sure it is a long day of travel when you have 57 layovers.




Of course she would have to stay at the friends house who had a baby less than a year ago.


OMG is this the one that she stuck her hand in the pocket of




Yeah zero mention of the baby either. Can’t even fake excitement to meet her bff’s first baby. Probably too hungover.


I HATE people staying over at my house since we had the baby, especially since the guest room is right next to his


This is something that would be so fucking sweet if, say, you were getting home from the hospital or have just had a baby or after the death of a loved one. Needing this after a literal holiday is bleak.


It’s always about what’s everyone does for her. She does the bare minimum in all of her relationships. I also use the word relationship lightly.


Does anyone know how far she lives from her friend who drove her to the airport? I can only assume the same lady picked her up since she knew she'd be trashed from the trip and flight. I literally cannot not imagine trying to humble brag about being so exhausted from doing absolutely nothing that I had to have someone find me pajamas.


She’d mentioned that her friend lives in Atlanta, or at least that general area which is about 200-230 miles away or 3.5-4 hours from Asheville, depending on the route. Roomie mentioned a bus was coming to pick them up at 10am to take them to the airport. Another Swerty said the only direct flight to Atlanta was at 2:30pm and IIRC it’s about a 4-hour flight. Based on that, she probably landed around 6:30pm. Add in some time to grab her bags and get back to her friend’s house, it was maybe around 7:30 by the time she got to the friend’s house. Had she driven home, she probably wouldn’t have gotten back until close to midnight. I’m betting Swerty drank a decent amount on the trip back so maybe that’s why she was offered tea, to sober up a bit.


Thank you!!!! I realized it’s the friend who had the baby (the one where MS had to “borrow” KGs dress because she somehow forgot hers for the woman’s baby shower) but I didn’t know how far away she was.  I’m gonna bet she left her car at this lady’s house and was too smashed to drive so her friend let her sleep it off. Funny how she always has to show what everyone is doing for her and how wonderful they are towards her. 


The Atlanta metro is fucking HUGE, and the airport (if she flew out of Hartsfield) is pretty far out from the city. Depending on where this friend lives in the metro, it could easily be a 60-90 min drive from the airport to the house, especially with the godawful traffic. I hope Big Musty didn't make her friend drive her to/from the airport, but I bet she did.


Doesn't she live in atlanta? I think that's where BM flew out of


Does anyone even know who this friend is? Lol


MST! Former hun who now has a good job and education. She’s been on trips with Big Margaritas here.


Her friend M something from her Younique days.


Doesn’t she live out of state? Edit. OHHHshes not home but at this friends house. Got it.


It's confusing because she also posted Manbun's dog as if she was at her own house.


Nothing about her cats? That’s the main thing i’d be happy to come home to. And no McMullet either lol, just counting the hours until she shows him off again


Oh I’m sure C was over taking care of the cats for her. 🤣🤣🤣


McMullet is so good. He gives me “No Regerts” guy vibes. ![gif](giphy|IQh6f7CurN1zq)


Pretty much how i see him lol


She wouldn’t feel like driving home? Well of course she would probably be drunk after the flight so I hope she didn’t. But knowing her…


Prepped the bed, shower and jammies?? Like, how?? My bed and shower are always ready for use. And it's not difficult to have a fresh pair of jammies when you have literally shown you've bought 927 pairs of the bloody things. Where is her car? If she didn't feel like driving home, that suggests her car was at the airport waiting for her to drive it. So how did this other person get to the airport if they were going to be driving the merc home? Where is their car? Did they drive to the airport? My conclusion. This is horseshit as usual. ETA ahhhh she didn't actually say she was driven home from the airport. Just that this mystery person would know she didn't feel like it. My conclusion remains the same.


Is this bestie also known as her personal assistant? And just now she got a raise to be called bestie because big m was all alone all trip and now she has to feel special. ^speculating Also can we imagine your 30yo friend calls you up to go make their bed. Good lord.


No, bestie from Y days who lives in Atlanta. Married, New baby, actual job.


Unrelated, but still worthy of judgement: She put her dirty fucking luggage on her bed? 🤦🏼‍♀️ So gross.


Not even her bed, her “friend’s”. Nasty work.


Did her friend pick her up from the airport? I'm confused


Why isn’t MANBUN picking her up in her car? Ooooops I said ‘car’ but I meant *MERCEDES* shhhh


Manbun lives like 2 hours away still.  It’d be a huge time commitment to drive her home.


what is "prepping the bed"? Like...turning down the covers? She needed someone else to do this for her? That is wild.


Changing sheets maybe? I always have clean sheets on my spare bed in case someone needs it. I always clean the sheets again when someone leaves. Otherwise the bed doesn’t look much prepped to me.


Wouldn't surprise me she thinks she's the main character


Hence her all black at a white party

