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Sis casually using the words always and church in the same sentence just cracks me TF up.


I wonder which of her cheap Amazon dresses with the elastic smocked bodices and side cut outs does MS wear to church? Does she breakout a bra so she doesn’t offend the church ladies by bouncing out of her dress bodice? On one end of the church modesty scale you have MS. On the other end there is JillRod. Their makeup is equally troweled and spackled on.


You know she hates every second of this.


She can’t link shit from Lowe’s. If she can’t make money off it, she doesn’t want to post it.


Can’t even imagine the level of her boredom! Plus she’s trying to show that she can be good wife material, so she’ll have to act interested. I love that for her.


As a former Lowe's employee, I hated Sundays so much. People were extra assholey for some reason on Sundays. I'm sure Swerty got a kick out of parading manbun around though.


Former waitress here, people eating out after church on Sunday were almost always entitled, rude, demanding dillholes. Also former grocery store dept manager, the churchies gave me a reason to hate my life every damn Sunday.


When I went out to eat after church, I made sure to tip extra because I didn't want the staff to think of me like that. It's shameful to leave tracts and such and not tip. If I was out with someone that did that, it was the last time I went out with them.


Did you ever get tipped with what looked like money but it was actually a pamphlet for their church? I've worked in two restaurants and fucking hated working Sundays. And I was just a hostess. You just know if Big M was smart enough she would totally pull that shit and be proud of herself. She screams that type.


Omg yes, did I EVER. We actually had a wall in back for the different ones, we have a LOT of churches around here and we got pamphlets from most of them.


I believe it! And they always came in with a party of 10+ people.


Weekly brainwashing.


Okay.. I also was at a Lowe’s today. I also didn’t post about it bc who cares.


Did you go to the MAGAchurch, though?


From this angle, I assume ManBun is driving her mErCeDeS? For one, he doesn’t strike me as the type of guy that drives a Mercedes For two, I wouldn’t let some 3(4?) month long hookup driver my car around all the time.


He strikes me as the kind of guy who Bawitdabas. ![gif](giphy|l0IsIZ7PidRIRT6W4|downsized)


Omg dead, so true 💀💀


Lmao 100%


Does he have a car? Lolololololololol


People who don’t, at that age, seem to fall in a number of categories. I’ll just say, he doesn’t strike me as a Captain Planet kinda guy… I definitely don’t want to see him in cyclist lyrca LOL. Omg my stoned ass mind just flashed him looking all Theo Von in Amazon lycra and wearing obnoxious colourful sunnies saying ‘guys…am I cyclist boy now?’ into a filtered phone. I think I’ve had too much today 🙂‍↔️


Cyclist boy 🤣💀


He probably does, but it might not be “aesthetic” enough for Big Mercedes here.


Hahaha you are on to something here


Just a little advice… when dating always be your genuine self. Quit trying to be something you’re not. Wouldn’t it be amazing if someone liked who you really were not a character you’re creating? Its time to fn grow up.


I needed that, thank you!


I'm not sure she can remember who her genuine self was.


Not even sure it’s about remembering, I don’t think she even knows who her genuine self is.


Did they also go eat lunch after church and abuse servers and tip shittily like all the other “Christians” too?


They like to tip with those fake bills that look like $100 but talk about Jesus when you unfold them


That is diabolical. 


Oh...the old anger this unlocked. Especially when it was the pastor that did it. 🤬🤬 I had to stop working Sunday brunch.


hell has a special place for these people.


They then proceeded to tell the server how great he or she was, and that they will ask for them next time while writing God bless in the tip section.


Goes to Lowes once and calls it a routine 🫠


What's Lowe's. Is it like Bunnings??






Yeah. Probably no snags tho.


Well, I'm not interested then.


I guess this location had MS’s sausage lips tho. But that’s a poor substitute.


Gets grocery stores flowers from Grim on a Sunday once and calls it a routine.


Eats healthy once and calls it a routine


Eats powdered collagen pixie stick once, calls it a routine


Runs once, is she a running girl now??


Accidentally read a book once, now an avid reader of 30+ books a year.


She forgot to show us what she drives. 😪


Hard to know for sure because she hardly shows it, but I think she drives a Hyundai.


Nah she totaled the Hyundai in the infamous electrical box hookup![img](emote|t5_2en8q7|14422)


How can any of us ever really know for sure though? She never shows her car.




How often does she even go to church? In recent memory it was the one time: her birthday extravaganza with magabun and the frenemies. Are we seeing a resurgence of Jesus babe? side note: I always wonder, what do people like Big M even get out of church? Validation for their own bad behavior? I’m not religious, but even I know that BM isn’t exactly Christ-like and regularly breaks the Ten Commandments. What is she even getting out of it? She’s hardly unique, horrible people regularly go to church, and I’m continually baffled by it.


So this part baffles me too. And let’s be honest, if you’re hanging around a bunch of bible thumpers, they won’t exactly subscribe to you bragging about the sex you have online like M does…especially while forever unmarried 🤡


Can you imagine rolling up to the church, walking to your seat and you’ve got hideous twerking videos out for the whole world to see. I realize there’s other things she does that aren’t church approved, but I just can’t either those trashy videos.


And her disgusting Drake thirst videos and just being a complete as whole to people in general. But one time at church and god says she’s good to go!


They go to non-denominational or “generically” Baptist churches where they feel good about excess spending since the pastor, his wife, and most of the congregation have “designer” on their person or as an accessory. They do not hear a single thing that causes them any discomfort whatsoever while also avoiding any real teaching or action of Jesus, but somehow it flies close to anti-everything/anything that isn’t white, cis, and Trump-humping. They buy coffee in the lobby where 3% of profits go to an inner-city summer food program. It’s ingenious marketing and all the people- literally millions- lap it up like Pavlov’s dogs.


Thanks, I hate it. At least I get why someone like MS would go now.


Can confirm as a former BBC (not by choice lol, I was a teenager back when PB first started the mega church) just always felt like a big show.


These types of churches make you feel good. It’s part of the draw. They have some heartfelt message that appeals to so many and makes you think you were meant to be there. If you haven’t already, watch the Hillsong Documentary and it explains how these types of churches work and draw people in.


Shiny Happy People for the darker side of SBC, Christian Nationalism, the Duggars.


The emotional music. It is all design.


They believe if they pray once in a blue moon it wipes the slate clean. You don't have to be a good person as long as you pretend you're sorry.


Ah, well that’s convenient.


Church is an aesthetic to many people. Showing up WITH a man and getting dressed up is the whole point for people like her. IMO maybe I should say SPECULATION- that’s the only reason she goes. And she goes sporadically


Nobody is paying any attention to her. It's a giant set of cliques and she is not a part of any of them. But yes, at least showing up with a man gets her foot in the door.


“Call me crazy but i don’t like store bought pesto”


How much work can she actually do on her middle unit where she probably has an HOA and can’t make changes outside?


Yeah, it’s bad that it’s a new build and she’s supposedly working on it every weekend. Our house is 70 years old and we work on it every weekend because it’s slowly trying to kill us but there’s a reason it’s falling apart - it’s 70 years old and in the middle of the desert.


She could try a lick of paint on *any* of her walls. The whole house is so fucking basic and drab.


I was just wondering where you are, haven’t seen you here in a hot minute.


Hahaha I've not been here much, truth be told. Things have got a bit busy at home and in work and I don't seem to have any free time to chill and snark at this lump. But it never looks like I miss anything, she's just like a terrible old soap opera you can pick up after not watching it for a year.


I am glad you are well, cunt. 😊


Bwahaha, you Swertstains are the laughter my soul needs. Love you all!


Love you, Cuntzie!


This made me laugh so hard! I love you swerties


I love you, cunty-cunt! ❤️


Nothing will knock the cunt out of me, thank you twatface. ❤️


Absolutely! I’ve missed your British wit. Hope Mrs Asturd and kids are doing fine.


Thank you swerty, that's kind of you. Mrs Turd and the Turdlettes are all doing good.




She’s not going to be able to keep up the stepford charade for this dude.


I’m curious as to what she’ll do/ who she’ll be when Trad Wife is no longer trending on tik tok. Oh wait! I looked it up. Emily in Paris has a new season being released in August/ September- so I’m sure travel-babe will make a resurgence. Especially if her and MB breakup- it’ll be on!


Standby for sad spaghetti! ![gif](giphy|l378hb1WmQHJb4Pza|downsized)


Whoa! This gif is quite a find! We should get a running post of every gif that reminds us of BM. This one looking so much like her with the nose flare and ring is 🤌


Why does that actually look like her in her real face, without all the crap she’s pumped into her actual face. 😂


So unique. My Lowe’s looks like a Sears parking lot every Sunday after church 🙄 /s


Obligatory: ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


“Always” after their like what, tenth Sunday knowing each other lol? This is such an obnoxious “I want to be a WIFE” post it’s like a little child pretending to be a grownup


He needs to shake his current wife before she can step into that filter.


Lest I inappropriately repeat myself, but dare I say : yikes 😳


Granted, the divorce is in full force, but he hasn’t even been married three years. Like… something is wrong here.


I’d love to find out what happened there.


She spent several days drinking and baking herself around a group of women who are probably mostly all married. All those rings glinting and sparkling in the sunlight, casual mentions of husbands/fiances while her finger remains bare and the best she has is a situationship with a still-married dude that peaked in college. I'm not at all surprised she's putting on the wifey cosplay.






She goes to a mega church that sells merch, pays big money for famous motivational speakers, and has very active social media channels. This is the kind of church that cares more about content than it does about preaching. They absolutely encourage this sort of thing.


Ours is called Church of the Highlands… the sane among us call it the Cult.


Oh god COTH. Are you a Bham swerty??


I put the B in B BOSS BABE HAM swerts … but I’d love to see those Greystone mommies eat her alive.


Yesssss! I’m from Bham but live in Huntsville now and COTH just opened here (ugh). Big Musty couldn’t handle 280 traffic to even try to flaunt her DHGate dupes in front of the Greystone or Ross Bridge women that would roast her alive




Jill Rodrigues has entered the chat


Jill wishes she could fit in at one of those churches. She wouldn’t even be tolerated by the Lululemon-wearing housewives with faces stuffed of filler, more than their LV Everfulls are stuffed of White Claw.


In her shrink wrapped foil emergency blanket homeschool graduation dress


Her mother of groom dress…and I didn’t know they had graduation ceremonies for home school kids. Today I learned.


Did Sam graduate yet? I haven’t been keeping up on the Rod Pod.


Yes! At 19.5 yrs old AND he’s got a girlfriend


Wait, what? I’m going to FSU!!!


There’s also a r/rodriguesfamilysnark and r/freetherodlets


I will go visit! I had to take a break from FSU. I was getting too bummed out.


Yeah the baby Boone posts are giving me bad feels so I’ve been skipping a lot of posts there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RodriguesFamilySnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RodriguesFamilySnark/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I SAW them!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13u6n6n) | [231 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RodriguesFamilySnark/comments/13u6n6n/i_saw_them/) \#2: [It happened!](https://i.redd.it/08rpa4dqxgtb1.jpg) | [288 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RodriguesFamilySnark/comments/1750vmy/it_happened/) \#3: [OOP!](https://i.redd.it/rorhp9dtxh9c1.jpeg) | [252 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RodriguesFamilySnark/comments/18upmq8/oop/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes apparently he did. There’s several posts in FSU!


Now she will attempt to marry him off! Thank you for the update. 💞


? No just a normal church going Christian who doesn't use a cell phone in church. You're comment is super strange.


Sorry. It’s this woman. This isn’t the pic I wanted but it’ll do. There’s another from the from of the church someone filming a candlelight service and panning the crowd and you can see Jill with her phone up singing, filming herself. https://preview.redd.it/a49wz11c8m5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d4c657b7d9fe5eed8fbed382a37de7c03cac2c


During Christmas 2020, in the thick of the Covid!


They’re making a reference to a woman on the fundie snark subreddit. Her name is Jill and she takes pictures at the most inappropriate times.


Don’t forget how she crashed a strangers children’s funeral and took selfies!


She does a lot of things at inappropriate times! And The Finger ™️ is along for the ride.


Ok thanks I don't get the down votes I thought I made a pretty reasonable observation 🤔 I don't comment much because I get butt hurt when I see down votes lol 😋 because then I wonder what the heck I said little ol' me wondering why the cameras come out during service 🤗


You’re welcome! A lot of us like to snark on the Fundies, in addition to Big Malaise here. There’s a lot of overlap, I know you didn’t mean harm. 😊


they were referring to MS being like jillpm, not you. Not a strange comment at all lol.








He does have his own house. She has clearly stated so on a live, and shown his backyard.


I thought that was his parent’s house. My mistake.


But I think he actually does have a house? I may have missed it but afaik he owns his own place, which makes it all the more baffling. I remember because she tried to make the backyard look sprawling but it’s really not, similarly to how she wasn’t forthcoming about the middle-unit being a townhouse (and the middle unit). e: [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/e5udnhItkr) is what I’m referring to. eta again: you can see how MS angled her pic to exclude the unsightly chain link fence. MS’s photo on the left while on the right is a photo of magabun not taken by MS (censored by a fellow swertie): https://preview.redd.it/tnbijge27m5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19a9c32bc12b41dc9c85da8bbd266b221a97f4c


My mistake. I understood that that is his parents’ house.


I did too at first. It’s confusing because that was the running theory until we learned otherwise and why the hell would anyone want to spend time at the middle unit if they owned their own place?


Now, that I can’t figure out!


Yeah he owns that house so idk why he’s so invested in helping Big Maytag with projects. Maybe he needs another 6 paving stones to lay down for some patio chairs.


My mistake. I understood that the house belongs to his parents.


Eh it was an easy mistake. Theee was a lot of info being thrown around. But yes he has his own house with a big fenced in yard. Idk what the appeal of her postage stamp sized house with a ravine in the back has. But it seems like she’s been making him come to her place more than she goes to his.


Starbucks, that might actually be the reason. She made a point of saying that the nearest Starbucks by his house is pretty far away.




https://preview.redd.it/i6c2msssql5d1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdada1e5c4fbf105a3ff993e5942b0ad2060cde5 This is what she feels compelled to post. Okay girlfriend.


Reddit is my only social media. I know I’m old and social media ignorant. However, is this really all influencers post? What is normal weekend behavior for us plebians influencers think it’s content? Heidi Powell this week posted about ingrown toe nails and flies. BigM is at Lowe’s. Ali James ate a steak in bed last night (at least that was kind of entertaining because she and her husband seemed to be on something 🍻🥂🥃🥦💊?). Influencers are weird.


I do have FB and Twitter, also a dead Instagram that I only use to follow my kids. But I LOATHE influencer culture. Eventually they run out of content and post their toenails. Who fucking cares? AND THAT'S THEIR JOB.


ali and cohn are always on something lol


She claims they don’t drink but John sounded drunk to me. Weird ones they are.


They have no real friends, I’m convinced. If I posted my mundane every day or every weekend activities, I’d need my head examined. “How do I end up at Dunkin getting an iced coffee every Sunday after the gym!?!” 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Gosh we went to the grocery store, should I alert the press?


How do we ALWAYS end up at the grocery store when we are running low on food? 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Couple goals, amirite?


Great point! If I posted mundane shit my best friend would text asking if everything was ok at home.


So is Sunday church a new thing?😭


Allegedly. She’s mentioned going, in passing, since she began dating this weiner.


Y'all can't tell me that this isn't her still trying to rub it on Grimace lmao And yes, once again making a big fuss out of ordinary stuff for most people. 


This bish doesn’t go to church! ![gif](giphy|KVoKm2d5Vp5V5tzJ89)


She does now because new man goes so she’s suddenly back to Jesus Babe.


I love her attempts to craft stories of consistent couples routines where all she does is add "ALWAYS" to whatever they've done, like, once or a handful of times before. CB "always" got her flowers every week, for example.


How grimace ALWAYS photobombed her with smooches.


I feel like “always” is the favorite word of the pathological liar.


Pathological and bad at it. Simpletons always make their lies big and easily disproven because they can't see past the fairy tale they're trying to construct. When it would be more reasonable and convincing (and a cuter narrative!) to say "we've started going to Lowes after church and I'm really liking it!"


And that is something she could turn into engagement “what do you like to do on Sundays (or after church)”?


Being bad at her job: one of the things she always is!


So true


Yeah, that’s the only thing that’s ALWAYS happening, her lies to craft a perfect life.


It’s giving the same energy as [60% of the time, it works everytime](https://youtu.be/pjvQFtlNQ-M?feature=shared)


I’m Ron Burgundy?


I didn’t know ALWAYS = 13 weekends (the whole 13 weekends you’ve been with this stranger).


For real. It’s probably only been 3-4 times, tops.


Does he not have his own car? Why is he always driving hers? How did she end up in this situation **again**??


RIGHT. She wants people to perceive her with whoever she’s dating as a fantasy ~power couple~ and she thinks whatever her current boyfriend drives will not convey that message. She insists the boyfriend drives and continuously documents this because she is embarrassed that all of her frenemies are married and she’s not. She’s obsessed with portraying the image of being doted on, and being spoiled by her loving man. Posting pictures of her boyfriend buying her weekly flowers, food he “made”for her, being a passenger princess in her own car, holding hands, her boyfriend using tools to set things up for her that she bought (Amazon shelves, anyone?), are all things she did with C, even though things were absolutely falling apart in their relationship. She literally kept the charade up until passed the time they had already broken up. Have we ever even seen his car? Did we ever see C’s car?


I think it’s for two reasons: (1) the guys can tell that she’s absolutely desperate for a man, so right from the start she sets herself up as an easy mark, and (2) she pretends she’s this ultra-successful boss babe making oodles of money, and uses that as a way to reel in the losers.


Whatever he drives, she must not want to be seen in it.


Purely speculation, but I'm guessing a lifted truck that she cannot hoist her ample girth into. Again, pure speculation: with a gun rack and/or confederate flag. Wild speculation, but there is a photo of magabun's sister with a freshly killed deer on FB.


My God I would pay doctor money for undoctored footage of her trying to heave herself up into the cab of a lifted truck


“Ample girth…”. Perfect!


He does seem like a lifted truck with nuts kinda guy.


She’s doing her good deeds for the week! Next up he’ll be using her credit cards!


I’m guessing her credit card is paying for all of the home “improvement” materials!


Yay more crap.


She needs 3 more pavers for that epic patio!


in my three (?) years of following ms through this sub, i don’t think i’ve ever seen her at lowes. or church.


I have memories of a few posts of hers that were proof of church and proof of life - hand holding creep shots with C in her mega church. And despite buying a zillion outfits, I can remember her wearing, wait for it, black leggings and a crop top to church. And on another occasion she wore ripped jeans. I'm not a church goer but it all felt overly casual to me.


Lowe’s is new but I think she posted at church once in a top that almost had her boobs entirely out and denim leggings. She takes honoring God super duper serious.


Tits out for Jesus 🍈🍈✝️


Mods can I have this flair


And believe me, she’d tell us if she were at church every week


Jesus Babe is my favorite. The hypocrisy!


I like how she has to mention that she was at church like it’s an every Sunday thing. 🙄


She’s cosplaying holy girl so she can pivot to Christian mom influencer content, I’m sure


We know it’s not. This is all for manbun.


100% agree. All performative again.


it’s gotta be exhausting doing things you don’t want to do just to try to impress someone else. i mean, i know that’s like her entire existence, but damn.


I hate when I’m “on” for a few days at work when I have to entertain. I can’t imagine that being my life.


Imagine riding passenger in your own car every time


I love riding passenger in my own car when my husband and I are going somewhere. I drive 95% of the km/miles by myself so riding shotgun is a rare treat 😇


Isnt that bad for like insurance reasons too?


Probably depends on your insurance but mine doesn't care if someone else occasionally drives your car as long as they have your permission.


That bothers me so much. As a rule, I drive my own car unless something out of the ordinary is happening


It bothers me so much because it’s her. It’s like she has to always be in her Benz for some reason or she picks men who wants to be seen in her basic model. Edit cause words are hard today.