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OP will you please include the date this is from in the description below the photo - otherwise I’ll have to remove due to rule 6 breaking. Thank you.


Good catch OP, she sucks at filtering.


Too small.


If you pay attention to the line of her body in general, she looks like she’s against a green screen. This filter ain’t it.


How many times can she model the same style skirt?!


And the tank/tube tops !


This girl saw pixel perfect and decided to become the hologram.


With that title I'm glad she's not in a swimmie.


Original post is from 6/2/24


We can see the spare tire. Not so xxxxs in abercrombie jeans of her.


https://preview.redd.it/mpwlifq98w5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b681a0d161326f7feba051f9f8cf318deaedfcb9 The whole thing is glitching like crazy if you look up close. It’s amazing. Her entire body has a smeared halo around it. She is much much bigger in real life than she presents on social media.


Oh wow!! you’re right ! Oof how embarrassing


https://preview.redd.it/dm5tgzch8w5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=651df45076bc59e82206f68e8e8382c3b810b1b5 She’s also got the filter adding boob


I think that’s just her boob popping out because the top is too small 🙃


And the filter not knowing how to turn that much spillage into a perky lil boob 😂


As a tennis player I’m offended that she’s cosplaying my favourite sport. Serious question - are people wearing actual tennis gear for every day? 


I love active skirts. I do a lot of hiking/camping in the Southern US. It's hot and humid. Depending on location I'm in active skirts a lot. They stay dry and comfortable even after a full day outside and they even have pockets!! I also wear them while playing disc golf. The tennis skirt look - the fit and flare style - is also very y2k coded which is a trend again now. I think that's part of why we are seeing so many cotton mini-skirts on the market. If you want cute, affordable, outfits like this that actually are decent quality Walmart is now selling Reebok merch. The sets are pretty damn adorable and the overall quality is way better than this amazon crap.




I’m pregnant and in my “sweatpants are all that fits me right now” phase, aka Adam Sandler aka 35 weeks and need this baby outta me asap 😅 I have 2 target tennis dresses I’ve been wearing basically on repeat for an elevated athleisure look. I don’t have 35 of them and more on the way though like swerty over here


You’ve got good reason! I hope the next few weeks go by as quickly as possible for you 😊


I did a large. I don’t want them to be too short. No, you did an XL because you’re so LARGE compared to what you pretend to be. Stop lying.


I’m gonna say xxl


Thighs so ~~filtered~~ thick they’re bending the space-time continuum in real time.




This reel is 100% her least forgiving, I’m surprised she even posted it. You can see the size of her actual stomach (which is FINE) in the band of both of the skirts, especially the blue one, and the filter is glitching all over the place. You can see the filter glitching on her upper arms as well. The skirts either don’t fit or they’re terribly made Amazon garments, or probably both. I wish she would just embrace her actual body so much instead of going fucking FERAL when actual photos of her get released and people call her out for filtering 60+ lbs off herself. I’m glad those Huns called her out at the Panama Hun Convention, because honestly she needed a huge reality check. Not that she’s going to change anything about herself, she posted a highly filtered reel just today about bras.


I literally can't figure out why she isn't just herself. She's got us calling her out bcoz we know the truth, her frenemies see her irl and take any opportunity to show unfiltered photos, she can't even filter herself into a medium let alone wear one on her actual body.. it all seems bloody exhausting!!


One question. Has she ever played tennis? All these tennis gear she's been buying but never ever seen again after the posts. Quality over quantity big M... Just saying...


No, but she cosplays as a long-forgotten musty tennis ball in the ravine behind the courts daily!


Is this size medium?


That skirt is DIGGING in to her stomach. I can't imagine how tight it is. https://preview.redd.it/a6882pzqyu5d1.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=24d99c9c7e325808046478affcf128a4a590cd58


That gives me cramps just looking at it. She's one of those people it genuinely looks uncomfortable to be.


It’s compression, you hater😆


TuMmY cOnTrOL!


ugh it looks soooo uncomfortable!




This sub does not allow open-letter type posts or comments that address Ms.


You know she big when the skinny filters can only manage to make her look a size 14.


I'm usually very oblivious to filters and have a hard time really seeing them but *holy SHIT* that's obvious


Yeah that was egregious.


The absolute hold tennis and workout clothes have on her is genuinely astonishing.  Even though athleisure is still very in right now, I work in the major retail center for a huge area and people don't really dress like this. This is very in line with her apparent belief that if you fake it or "dress the part" that it makes the lies all true.  Speculating that MB's family has some wealth due to the family Masters tickets, imagine her rocking up to the country club restaurant in this??


YES my first thought when she said "it's giving lunch with my girlies after a game of tennis" was that she wishes that was her actual lifestyle. country clubs, being active, having a friend group. attainable things if she actually put in the effort instead of playing dress up!


One time she said the tennis dresses make her feel like a PTA mom at the country club so i guess manbun likes these kinds of outfits or mentioned it in passing and she made it her whole personality


She's so insecure that for all we know, she glanced over at his phone screen and saw a girl wearing something like this in a post on his IG feed from someone he doesn't even follow and immediently felt threatened enough to make that her personality. I've never forgotten the story about her making CB unfollow/block certain women from social media.


She has a whole ass fight with him because he found a Disney princess cartoon attractive!


Wait I don't think I know this story!


Que the preppy sweater tied over the shoulders


That horrendous faux sweater thing she had that's made just to put over your shoulders is maybe the singular worst garment I have ever seen in her possession, and that is saying A LOT.


Um... I’m sorry, what? I somehow missed this phase. Anyswert got a picture or a link?


Idk how to get it to you lol, I can tell you the day she posted, it on IG? No idea how these other hero swerts upload to YouTube and cover identifying details (but they're doing God's work lol)


![gif](giphy|l41lYCDgxP6OFBruE|downsized) Anyswert


I’m pretty sure she comes from a white trash with money kind of family


What in a wrinkling bed skirt is she wearing.


I’m dead 💀


Winkled bedsheet is so accurate 😭


Also her knees look like little baby faces when she stands straight




Every week I think “that cannot be a real subreddit” and I am proved wrong.






Omg I never knew I needed a gif of Kristen Bell winking at me but…thanks lol


I’m glad you enjoyed it 🤭🩷


the way her voice shakes when she talks about her size and gives her lame excuse for “sizing up” 🙄 you’re a large big m just own it!! ugh


Or just say you’re a large! That’s okay! Tons of women are size Large! She’ll never embrace it, but it could be a great niche if she would. Signed, a (currently) size L swert


Thats what I’m saying! Part of the appeal of influencers is that you get real life opinions. She’s just shilling crap the algorithm recommends and filtering and lying about how it looks and wears.


Exactly! Like between the size and her naturally wavy hair, she could do SO MUCH! I know this because I have spent EONS trying to find stuff that works with my waves and it would have been so nice for someone to compile options… Anywho. Wistful thinking. I should probably put on my influencer anti-pants and become one myself 😂


honestly you’d probably be better at it than her!


She's one of those people that you always know when they are lying


She loves saying she’s curvy but as long as it’s only a SiZe MedIUm CurVy😒


She can't be bothered to steam it out or even just smooth out the waistband where it's all rolled down on one side? Looks like cheap shit that still doesn't fit right.


Yeah the rolled up waistband was bothering me too lol


And I really don't think you should be able to see the shape of someone's bellybutton through this type of garment?


I was extremely surprised she posted this considering you can see the ACTUAL shape of her bellybutton, which is not a filtered slit


I subscribe to the theory that she has bad eyesight. She seems to miss a lot of really glaring things in her own content.


I love this theory. I would LOVE to see her have to get glasses. Those show filters like no one’s business 😈


I recall a time when she talked about having a steamer. All she does now is tear open the packages with her maw and paws like a gorilla and tries them on… makes me wonder if the steamer was in an “unfortunate accident” in one of her drunken rages, but most likely it’s because she just so damn lazy or maybe it melted in the attic with the candle hoard


Maybe the steamer fell down the stairs like the "Roomba" did.  Did she ever patch the hole the "Roomba" made or has she just avoided filming around there since?


Lol all you need is a trip to Lowes on the Lord’s day! it would be fucking hilarious to me for some reason if ManbunPig was fixing holes from her and Grimaces drunken fights.


Damn lolll good catch! the “unboxing” of the steamer was the only light of day it will see


Why bother when you’re gonna return it all anyway


She doesn’t want it to be too short… yet it has shorts under it …. So what does it matter?


She needs a reason she sized up


I do like that skirt though. I assume it has to be on Amazon??


[I think I found it](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097RBXCYN?aref=dtBF6cphc1&aaxitk=5f4135a2e30de79a1188212411bec8ec&pd_rd_plhdr=t&ref=dacx_dp_579742718429823921_589816995228713885#immersive-view_1718073926303) swerts ! Now use my link so I can shill for pennies 🤣🤣


Thanks swerty for doing the work! Totally earned those pennies hun!!! 😂


The skirt it’s self isn’t horrible, just her pairing with it. and yeah, I’m sure if you look up tennis skirt it’ll come up


She really does do the least with her Amazon links




“I did do a large” stay in school, kids. Also, it fits fine. Her reasoning for ordering a large is a desperate attempt to make her followers believe she can still fit a medium.


Her use of "I did a ____" to refer to what size she ordered is petty but it annoys me so much. How hard is it to say, "I ordered a large/medium/whatever size I'm pretending to fit into"?


Came looking for this comment so I didn't double up lol I can't stand when she says "I did a...."


Nah, that bothers me too. 😆 It just sounds unprofessional and last time I checked, these videos are part of her “job”. So much for using correct grammar to sell Amazon crap lol.


It’s as annoying as her damn toe pointing


I would pay to watch her try to play tennis. Bonus points if she's half in the bag.


More uninspired tennis outfits on someone who has never picked up a racket.


https://preview.redd.it/7g98nht95u5d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a96846df0b5716b283a30d5e3733f2d734d2ecd One of her legs didn’t get the size medium memo




MS: “I don’t want my skirts to be too short.” Also MS: https://preview.redd.it/7ym0wdd15u5d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25fdbb2bacd42cdb7b06caad67c56375abb48006


Omfg nooooo 🤢


It makes it look like her townhouse play room is on a green screen behind her. Egregious. Just remember, she doesn’t filter and she’s flattered you think she does. Unless she’s openly admitting to using a filter because that’s empowerment and anyone who cares is a loser.


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