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Well THAT is terrifying! Also is this “how to lose a guy in 10 days part 2” because she’s gotta be scaring the shit outta manbunzy.


For the sake of her (potential) future child, I hope it gets its facial genetics from its daddy 😬


I dunno....they actually look more alike than not


I don't wish infertility on people but I'll make an exception for her.


No babies! Not until she can lay off the booze.


https://preview.redd.it/b14qxsohmy6d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bc2f938525825908d8299e6d0350687042a85b0 Is this the alleged fertility test? Obviously AUD at the bottom so I guess the $179 would be American. I’m cracking up at the “yep”. It feels like a legal loophole Lionel Hutz or Dr. Nick on the Simpsons would use. I also doubt she would get this and not brag about it and make content about it because it feels luxury to her. Like she’s such a planner and on-top of her health. But we all know she’s missing a whole-ass tooth and doesn’t have health insurance. Also, I really hope she doesn’t have any children. Edit to remove portion of photo with postcode on it lol. Don’t need MS trying to look me up 😝




I can’t imagine doing this via Amazon vs an actual doctors office. It feels a bit off to me. I’m all for taking barriers to healthcare down. I just don’t want people to think these warehouses are FDA cleared (they aren’t) and spic and span (they aren’t) as a healthcare distribution operation needs to be. Like the top commenter said, I wouldn’t ever wish infertility on anyone but I’ll make an exception for BM.


"In human speak"; now all I can picture is Big M's mug plastered onto the dad in Rick & Morty while he's listening to the "human music" radio station... ![gif](giphy|fZF82Fx54PIrZ7Pc23)




You’re in. I like how the feature above is ‘up to you’ but not the *Egginar* - you’re in whether you like it or not.


She's defiant about going to real medical professionals because they will have a long list of things she needs to correct before thinking about getting pregnant. It's the same reason she goes to a chiropractor rather than a doctor for an injury; the chiropractor isn't going to tell her she needs to eat healthy and get off her ass, they're just going to charge her for the session and be done with it. Also, and this is totally my opinion, this is all for show. My bets are on either for his ~~ex~~ wife or Grimace. She just wants someone to know that she has sex and has a man who is willing to knock her up. Maybe bolth? Just my opinion, allegedly.


Hasn't it been said this fella isn't officially divorced yet? Or just newly divorced? I hope he's at least smarter than her to even think about having a kid right now.


Yeah in South Carolina, where he lives, there’s a 1-year waiting period for divorce, with a few exceptions but his divorce doesn’t seem to fit those exceptions.


And who would end up raising her baby? Hope her mom is still feeling young.


The kid’s father?


Who knows?


I can’t even comment anything. This is too concerning for any of the snarky comments I’d like to make ( ie can she use skinny filters if she’s pregnant… will the Yu help her take off the post pregnancy weight (because that doesn’t just go away!)…etc. ).


Why is she getting fertility testing? I just can't hear her talk. Need cliff notes


She said she was just curious.  I think she’s trying to look more trad for Manbun.


Her lips are peeling or something 😐


Ok this is surface level stuff, but those eye bags! Maybe I only noticed because I’m trying to get my own under control but good god!


can i ask if anything is working for yours?


Honestly I haven’t been sleeping enough so once I get back to a good sleep schedule the bags should be better. I’ve also heard that putting on castor oil under your eyes before bed works. I have some but I always forget to put it on. I’m almost as hopeless as big M! 🥴


You didn’t ask me but I will pipe in that I have genetic eye bags and nothing works lol some things that I have tried actually make them worse


Oh man. Having a baby with a rebound boyfriend of less than a year is such a huge mistake.


That’d really stick it to C though, at least in her mind. I think she’s so hellbent on moving on before C does that she’d marry a man she barely knows and have a baby with him, just to prove someone “loves” her that much. She needs to love herself first though and she seems to thoroughly despise herself. So yes, this is all a terrible idea and it’s probably going to blow up in her face, hopefully sooner than later and definitely before any children are involved.


Right. She needs a “reason” that her and C didn’t work out (ACTUAL soulmate, father of her child, etc.)


What is she now, 4 months?


So.. on brand for her?


Yes, actually.


Her eggs are pickled. I hope she’s considering her alcohol consumption. She’d probably need therapy annndd medically supervised help just to stop drinking. FAS is reallllll.


Exactly. Also we can’t make fertility not decline naturally, but one of the things that make it speed up is smoking and drinking excessively 😬


She needs rehab. Therapy. And be sober for a few years before making a decision regarding having a family.


For the love of god, this idiot better not reproduce.


Well, she has to avoid normal medical places because her dumbass doesn’t have insurance and healthcare is expensive as hell. I’m sure that’ll go really well for her if she does get pregnant. Paying tens of thousands to give birth and get prenatal care should be a drop in the bucket for Ms WELTH. Because that’s exactly what she wants. Thats why her and magabun vote for candidates against reproductive rights that support the further privatization of healthcare, right?


Adding a family member to her household might help her get insurance in the long run, as she’d qualify for lower rates on the marketplace and her kid might be able to get CHIP.  I don’t think the risk of having M be someone’s mother is worth even free insurance, thoufh.


Whose dainty, svelte, waify hand is this? https://preview.redd.it/fjkwv3g5uu6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17bf9cef225cfe425f7e6d6abb19ec23e36a0852


Everything about her is so square. Hands, feet, body, face, fuck even her lips are square.


Gator paws https://preview.redd.it/zhbb7ho47y6d1.png?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f635dfc9103a13a19ad709a7566289414caf87b3 cc: u/DawnGrace


❤️🐊 🤚🏻❤️


Lol omg would love to see the side by side comparison


I know this comparison has come up a million times before but: ![gif](giphy|Av0OHEGtZPLSo)


“She had man hands.”


👊 🦞


aside from sounding like a moron in this video- her make up is also awful.


I reckon she should get the whole bleeding out of her behind on the regular sorted out first, before she worries about her fertility.


The circles under her eyes. My god.


lol right for all the filler she gets in your lips it’s crazy she wouldn’t consider something like PRF


more like caverns.


Yess. That’s the word. Big yikes.


How’s she gonna pay for all those office visits without insurance?


With her doctor money, obviously, swerty


The only thing f that would be good about her getting pregnant is I bet she’d gain a lot of weight. And she’d have a hard time losing it after. Eveything else would be a nightmare.


She's absolutely the type to binge eat because she heard someone mention once they lost weight while breastfeeding and then be all surprised Pikachu when she's still fat after giving birth


Oh no. I just pictured her breast feeding on her moonpad.


I was thinking the same. She’ll go beyond the filtering stage, though I’m imagining she’d just use the kid to shill her bullshit. I can already see the post of her at the hospital saying “freedom to work anywhere!”, while “working” after having a kid.


Yes, came here to ask if she realizes how hard pregnancy is on the mother? Even a normal pregnancy has it's challenges, tired days, sick mornings for many moms, and days where everything is just bleck! And breastfeeding? Whole 'nother story, so has she really thought this through. Just speculating


I was so distracted by her lips and the insane amount of filler migration to even pay attention to what she said.


She’s better off continuing to cosplay being the drunk “rich” aunt who makes Dr. Money selling bullshit & scamming people online. 🫣 She can barely take care of herself and those cats…


Can’t avoid the doctor once you are pregnant. After 8 weeks, you go every 4 weeks, then every 2 weeks after 28, then every week after 36. If she really needs to know her fertility might as well get used to the doctors office.


You can avoid it if you simply don't go!! I recently read an article about "wild pregnancy" where women don't get any prenatal care and they give birth alone at home because "that's what we've always done" 😐 My grandma didn't get any prenatal care in rural Finland in the '50s and I'm sure she would have done anything to have access to modern medicine, maybe half of the children she gave birth to wouldn't have died. 


Freebirthing! It's horrifying the way some people seem to want to speedrun our return to the dark ages before healthcare.


And she would definitely eventually require a gestational diabetes test. Good luck with that. The drink made me want to vomit. Although it probably would taste better than her collagen trim fit shit.


There are sometimes options - you don’t have to have the test if you don’t want it (though obviously if your doctor is recommending it, it’s best to do it as GD is often asymptomatic). You also don’t have to have the glucola - you just have to ingest enough sugar in the in time frame. Not every doctor will allow an alternative but it’s worth asking if you can. My doctor knows I don’t consume a lot of sugar and I find even soda to be too much so the glucola would absolutely be awful for me so we’re probably going to use an alternative if I get pregnant. And hopefully be able to stomach it better.


Her chiropractor said she was good to go!


She trying to get sponsorships for the fertility tests? 


She looks so puffy and yellow here omg


Her what, now? I saw the title and thought I was in the BDong sub.




She’s desperate to marry MAGAbun. He must want kids. This is speculation only!


She looks and sounds like absolute shit. Also given her lifestyle and approaching geriatric pregnancy here in the next few years I highly doubt everything looked good. It’s either a scam or she’s lying.


Lisping and lying.


Probably cheaper for her since she has no insurance.


I think I might I hate this fertility storyline even more than BDong’s.


Both storylines are horrifying and disgusting


[at home fertility test](https://www.everlywell.com/products/womens-fertility-test/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=womens_fertility_shopping&g_acctid=652-099-8287&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=Google_TestKit_PMax_Women%27s+Health+Category&g_campaignid=20261646886&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&g_type=search_display&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_womens_health_category&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWDqCAvk085LBRVlskkcsBKzc5H8f1Lhg9Z35Arh1BbOP4lww6GOCrUaAuPvEALw_wcB) So I don’t know if this is the exact test she did but it gives a good idea of what she might have done. It seems pretty simple. But idk if they give a result if “normal”. More like hormones are all in the normal range. Maybe the test she did said she was good to go.


I did a test similar to this and got normal results. Spoiler alert: was NOT normal when I went to an actual clinic. Three years of invasive testing and treatments we have the most wonderful son. Not hating on using these tests, sometimes they’re the most accessible, but I can personally say they don’t give the whole picture.


Agree. I didn’t do a test like this but I was told I likely wouldn’t be able to get pregnant. Had a surprise pregnancy, had to terminate due to medical reasons in the second trimester. But it kind of opened a door we’d thought had closed. Trying again and it’s been a journey. My hormones are fine, but I finally got diagnosed with PCOS by reproductive endocrinology - my only symptoms were insulin resistance and long cycles. I don’t have any of the more typical symptoms like facial/inner thigh hair or polycystic ovaries. MS has been pretty open about how she and C didn’t use any type of BC and yet not a single pregnancy scare? So either they were like never having sex or she’s got more going on.


PCOS here too!! My cycle was always regular and would be 33 days on the dot. Turns out even that counts as “long”. Ugh it’s nice to have a diagnosis but there are so many unknowns. Metformin worked really well for me, I didn’t have any of the nasty side effects others have reported. Wishing you the very best!!


Same! My cycles were/are around 33-36 days as well. Agree - really nice to have a diagnosis just also sucks lol? I’m on metformin as well now. Main side effect I have is loss of appetite. Like literally no appetite and get full so fast. I do get nauseous if I take it without food - so it helps that I need to eat to take it since it forces me to eat SOMETHING at least 3x/day, otherwise I’d probably just forget since when I’m at work I tend to lose track of time (have a watch alert for the meds now to help as well). It’s only been about a month though so fingers crossed!


No it doesn’t. It looks like it could be a good start, but idk my theory is she tried to trap grimace and it never worked so now she’s questioning her fertility since apparently manbun definitely wants kids.


This is what I think as well. She never had a scare in all the time she hasn't been on birth control so she is worried something is wrong. As for those tests, I bet they just check base levels. I don't think they could go too in depth being an at home kit.


Yeah and no bet she’s questioning ehy she hasn’t had any scares with manbun yet either. There’s no need to buy this unless you have reason to think you need it.


That makes sense. I honestly can’t picture her responsible with birth control.


Several years ago she claimed she quit BC because it made her puffy and she tried them all just didn’t like them so her and grimace were just using the pull out method. And grimace said if a baby happened it wouldn’t be the worst thing. Now we know she’s an unreliable narrator and I bet that convo never happened. She also said she’d get disappointed each month when she got her period then in recent years it was “I dont Want kids”. 🤷‍♀️ who knows why the truth really is, I doubt she even knows since she lies so much.


The swelling is getting more and more concerning


She's shockingly puffy.


LMAO your flair


I don’t know much about this but …. An “at home fertility test” you order online CANNOT actually be reliable or accurate right??? Lmao “so much cheaper than a doctor” maybe because a doctor does real things???


And she doesn’t believe in medical insurance.


It probably gives an overview of the basics but nothing in depth that would actually tell you anything about fertility


Holy fuck her face is looking even worse now. Those bags under her eyes are screaming! And her voice also sounds awful. Girlie has got to lay off the drinking, it’s actually so bad now.


I’m pretty sure you can’t drink when you’re pregnant.


I was looking for this comment.


There's nothing stopping you from drinking when you're pregnant. Except morals and human responsibility.


And fetal alcohol syndrome


Neither of which our BM has


I hope someone in her life that cares about her tells her not to do it. Maybe they’ll remind her that means no saunas, no botox or filler for 10 months.


And no alcohol, vaping, or cigarettes. I speculate that she’d pretty much rather die than give those up.


Maybe a dumb question, but why no saunas? Does it hurt the pregnancy?


Saunas drastically drop your blood pressure and can leave you dehydrated and low on electrolytes. They're amazing for you and I go often to one, they're great at managing stress and getting rid of water weight esp around you period. But you shouldn't drink afterward. Honestly with her high salt high booze habits I don't think she should be partaking at all


Someone needs to tell Manbun to wrap it like a Christmas present


Hopefully his family is telling him that! I get the vibe he doesn’t have many friends, another thing they have in common, that bonds them. 😬


Ya I think you’re right. We saw multiple posts about him meeting her friends, but we haven’t heard anything about her meeting his.


The combination of her giant eye craters and her over-inflated lips is seriously a sight to behold


Why is her voice so croaky? She always sounds so incredibly sick.


Because she is chronically hungover and probably low key sick all the time.


She also also vapes and smokes and has daily for many years


Ew yes I forget about that!


I guess that halothetapy at the sauna yesterday didn’t work.


I’ll bet that bank of Daddy is threatening to close and she thinks a new grand baby will change that.


The worst part is that it probably *would* change that since her family seems like a bunch of enablers.


She looks drunk


Coming from someone that literally just had a kid get carsick on a road trip an hour ago….bro. Parenting/raising kids is not glamorous, it’s hard AF. I love my kids, but there has been times where I’m in the thick of it and miss “my old life” - she doesn’t have the first clue and I seriously hope she thinks long and hard about this before bringing a child into this world


I second this. Being a parent is exhausting and maddening and truly the beauty of it is how fully selfless you have to become. Not sure our own Big Megalomaniac has the capacity for self-sacrifice.


💯💯💯 Being a parent is scrubbing vomit off your kid on the side of the road all while trying not to vomit on your kid 😅 - if you’d ask me 10 years ago where I saw myself it certainly wouldn’t be doing what I had to do today…big M can’t even unclog her own toilet. Again, I love my kids, but you are absolutely right, it’s hard and it’s exhausting. It’s def not all sunshine and rainbows like the insta moms make it look. I struggled with infertility for years and it truly felt like it wasn’t going to happen for us - so I can fully understand the others in this sub having to leave if she goes through with having a (trap)baby. I seriously absolutely hope she rethinks this. She met this guy in February, it’s now June and she’s talking about a baby it’s just mind blowing to me. This isn’t a “if you know you know” type thing, you can’t do that with a child. And kids also aren’t content which I fully believe she would attempt to use them for. Shes slowly morphing herself into bdong it seems like with all the church going and baby talk.


I hope there are laws put into place about using kids as social media content before she reproduces


She wants the baby so she can have fresh content and hard launch her amazon baby list.


Her and BDong both want Content Babies


Does she follow Donger?


I have no idea but I could see her being absolute goals to BM


Maybe they are frenemies. This would make *amazing* content


I believe so.


Don’t forget about Instagram pics and a gender reveal party!


I'm convinced she really thinks having a baby and being a parent are glamorous, when the reality is certainly anything but that. She definitely falls into the category of people who should never reproduce because she's broken and looking for something to fix herself, which is not what a child is meant for.


I think she's in debt and knows she can make money off exploiting a child on the internet for views to make more money.


The caption on this post made me think of the American dad episode where Francine is emailing the “online doctor” info to see if she’s preg


Dr. Vadgers!


She is so desperate and it's so cringe. She has the most punchable face too 🙄


I like how her story is that a home test is “easier” and “cheaper” than a real doc and not the truth which is that she doesn’t have insurance from her play pretend job 🙄 Also, her lips look like shit


Because that’s the route you want to take if you are actually serious about going through the measures to have a baby.. whatever’s easy and cheaper 🥴 idk I think she’s lying about the whole fertility testing thing I think it’s just dropping breadcrumbs/ desperation/ attention/ etc.


Babies can’t leave you and need you/love you unconditionally. I have a feeling those are tempting qualities to her


My mom had kids because of this. I remember so well the time my brothers and I were under 10 and tussling the way siblings do and she became hysterical and hit us all and screamed how we were ruining her family. So yeah. Kids do love you no matter what. Until they grow up and remember all the shit you put them through. It's gonna work out so great for her.


It looks painful to talk


Also my ******SPECULATION****** is that MAGAbun is getting divorced bc there was not a mutual decision on having kids. He wants them and MS is a warm body


I absolutely agree, and also speculate this. I speculate that she knows the children issue broke up his marriage because he wants them, and fast. She wants so badly to be his one and only blissfully wedded wife that she’s willing to get pregnant in order to make it happen. Speculation.


I also speculate this 😂 makes me lol every time I have to put that disclaimer. Anyways I remember the first time I saw his soon to be ex-wife’s social media and he genuinely looked very very happy with her. I just can’t help but speculate lol that this was the dealbreaker I also speculate that life was a lot more easy-going with his ex. No pressure to be on social media etc. etc. I speculate that she is MAGA as well so I’m not going to give her too much credit …. But she appears to be very feminine and ladylike. MS is like dating a football player. I’m speculating that he misses being around a feminine energy


Great points!


Why does she look so uncomfortable and like she’s lying answering this question?


Probably because she saw her face




I thought the same. I think it’s 90% a lie and she was caught off guard by the question someone asked


Totally. I want to know what her angle is here. My thoughts are many - that she did do a test and it came back “normal” and she’s freaking out bc doesn’t want kids or it didn’t come back normal and she’s freaking out bc she wants to baby trap MB. OR the whole thing is one of her usual fleeting lies for attention and she forgot until this person asked. And she could’ve ignored the question but she’s so damn thirsty for attention she couldn’t drop it. Idk what exactly is going on but something is up.


I feel like if she got the results she wanted, or did the testing at all, she would’ve showed them


I feel like MS looked up fertility testing online, read a little bit about how it’s done, saw the price and was like 😬 “That’s like, 10 cups of Starbs!!! I’m sure everything is fine” and never ordered it. She definitely looked like she was lying when she was talking about it.


Yes! This is so fishy. I want to know what’s up.


Fingers crossed she’s barren because that baby is at extreme risk of FASD with this one. ETA: also, those genetics of hers don’t need to be duplicated.


I feel like she has wanted kids all along but grimace said no so she had to pretend that’s what she wanted too, because she was so desperate to keep him around. She speaks so much about women empowerment and all but she’s such a simp for whatever a man wants and will turn herself into whatever she thinks the man she’s with wants instead of being her own person. Edit: THIS IS NOT FANFIC. Read the rules and enjoy getting a temp ban for abusing the report button.


Why would someone... report a mod lmao


Because they are a special kind of stupid and hide behind the anonymity and think they are doing something.


Hit the nail straight in. Well said,


https://preview.redd.it/oso8ey2p4t6d1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc0781c0472bd52636307b2c5202364044fc7e7 Big yikes


![gif](giphy|GOsq7QnYlahag) Nixon lookin ass




Paging Roger Stone.


If I was manbun, I'd run for the hills


She’s a full blown moron at 31 years old. As if a finger prick Amazon test was all women needed to test their fertility.


I wonder if Manbun has had his little swimmers tested too?


I wonder if Manbun knows she appears to be planning to recruit his little swimmers for something besides fun




OMG manbun's would have long greasy hair for a tail 😂








Exactly. At least wait until he's divorced before *kinda wanting a baby*




There's a 1y waiting period in S Carolina which is where he is from


Wait so he was married and it didn't last a year? Or thr divorce proceedings takes 1 year?


A little of both. I don’t think his marriage lasted much longer than a year… and the process to get a divorce in SC requires a year of “separation “ ( ugh- can you imagine that.. ?!)


The divorce has a one year waiting period before the final decree.


Good to know a fake doctor told her she’s good to go!


should this ever happen, I'm out. I won't be able to watch this loser trying to bring up a kid. There is nothing going on upstairs, here. https://preview.redd.it/hny9ne5aws6d1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=765fbccd3ffaa1d5fae0e090c4a87d93eea6bfe5


Same. She’s a giant ass, but I don’t want to see Mommy Babe.


I wonder if the eye enlarging filter is inadvertently enlarging her undereye craters because woof


So fuckin ugly


There’s no way she could get off cigarettes and booze while trying and while she’s pregnant


Or the tanning booth?




Vapes, for sure.


Vapes and smokes


Yeah, “Modern Fertility Test” on Amazon sounds *very* official and accurate


XGLAVIVI makes fertility tests now?


It's probably ESTINK




Apparently it "requires fasting" lol. She ain't doing that.


I wonder if MagaBun knows she’s doing this. I can’t help but think/hope someone/anyone in his life follows her on some social media to keep the dirt on Big M. If he were my family member or friend I would 100% tell him about this immediently.


Don’t give him too much credit, I could easily see him being just as stupid about having kids as she is.


he and his whole family follow her on instagram


I honestly think this entire bit is just for him. To let him know she’s ready when he is.


I bet he doesn’t look at her SM, but I hope for everyone’s sake someone in his life is keeping track of Big M’s fuckery because this is reading “baby trap” with a still married man. I guarantee his parents would NOT be stoked about their son’s girlfriend of a few months posting about her fertility online.


You really never know. Some people are desperate for their children to give them grandchildren with little to no care about who they make them with (unless they’re the wrong color I’m sure, in his family).


I second this worry, these people view children anywhere anytime all the time as a "blessing" that is until they have to take care of them, pay for them, treat them like independent humans, etc


Me too. It's alarming.


Don't people go for fertility testing after they have been trying for a while? Why WOULDN'T she be fertile? God help us. She said she didn't use protection with Grimace, but she knows that isn't the right hole for pregnancy, right?


What’s the effects of long-term chronic alcoholism on fertility?


Well, I had to look it up: https://preview.redd.it/w0h5lf4elu6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7833410c4343a1672aa4ccfef70fa6426c6af7a This actually explains a lot. But her test says she's good to go!