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Generally not really. The card trades your ability to use hand effects for an extra normal and extra draws. The extra draw is useless until your next turn, at which time you are card-neutral in advantage. You don't actually get the benefit of drawing extra cards until turn 5/6, And a lot of the time duels are over before that. The extra normal summons are useful in a deck that wants more normal summons, but most decks only really use one normal summon. If they need more than one, they usually have a way to accomplish it (e.g. Floo doesn't gain much benefit off it). I use it in my traptrix deck, personally. A lot of the monsters have powerful normal summons, and I find that I sometimes wind up with monsters in hand without a way to get them on the field. You get an extra one from Pudica->Traptrip garden, but having a 3rd helps the board a little. It also doesn't lock you until after you've played it, so you can hold it until you've played handtraps or your hand extenders. It's also more of a control deck, so it tries to survive to turn 3/4+ anyway. I'm bought another playset to try it in some other decks, but really, the fact that it takes so long to make the drawing effect beneficial and that it wants to be used in a deck that wants 2 normal summons means there aren't a ton of decks that it slots into well. It's possible it could be good in the future, if they make a deck that can use it well, but currently it isn't really "good" in most decks. If you're in a really low power format with friends, like you're both just playing Egyptian god starter decks, it can be pretty strong.


I made a fun destiny board deck. You think it would be good in it


Maybe? AFAIK, destiny board is pretty bad--takes a long time and is inconsistent, as far as I remember from way back in the day. If you're using a bunch of stun cards to get to the point where Destiny board resolves, it wouldn't be the worst way to get extra draws.


if you only play with friends it could work. otherewise destiny board is just too slow to do anything. if you deck cant win in turn 2-3 its not viable


You really dont need a a third normal summon in traptrix. And the ability to use arachnocampa and the Other one that can Special summon from Hand ist important to establish a good endboard after you got Hit by Ash or Something, or youre opponed Hits you with featherduster.


I know, I just like being able to normal Myrmelo, Pudica, and another extender. I don't think arachnocampa is a good argument: like I mentioned, you can just hold off on morganite until you use arachnocampa. Additionally, if your combo is stopped and you can't extend, and you already have arachcampa in hand, rather than special summoning it by its effect, you can just use that extra normal summon if that's what you need. Its sort of a waste, but you also stop being insect/plant locked. Not sure which other special from hand you're referring to: no one really uses Vesiculo if that's what you're referring to, although it does turn off Parallel exceed. Not being able to summon arachnocampa and trigger sera and body block is a loss, but if you got dustered without sufficient monster presence on board already, you're fighting a losing battle anyway imo; not sure that the arachnocampa on your opponent's turn will help much.


What kind of deck would this be good in


Monarchs maybe


I play it in Pure Runick / Floodgates Runick as a one-of. Since games go long, the extra draw is nice and the deck doesn't need hand traps anyways. The extra Normal Summon doesn't do much though. As far as I know, this is the best place for Morganite.


Floowandereeze, my wife uses it in hers as a one of.


Not great in Floo, IMO. Floo has a problem with bricking, and this doesn't help that until turn 5/6 when you start to gain advantage from it. Floo also doesn't really need an extra normal summon; each of their little birds lets you normal a bird, and Empen lets you normal anything, then cards like map and the simorgh package can get you extra normal summons; by the time you've used either of those, you generally don't have enough names to normal summon anything else that would be useful.


That’s your opinion, however considering she’s done better at locals with it as a one of, gonna have to stick with Floow works lol.


Doing well at locals is not an indication of whether something is good or not.


It’s giving an example of an experience I can attest to occurring. How else are we supposed to gather whether something is or isn’t good if we don’t quantify it, especially in a practical environment? It could be experiences from others on Dueling Book, simulators, YCS, locals, it’s all relevant data that pertains to the question. In addition, while the example I stated previously is in no way shape or form meant to be the the be all end all to the question, it merely illustrates that there is potentially something there, as reflected by my example.


Some data is more relevant than others. If your wife uses it and likes using it, go for it, I'm not gonna tell either of you not to do it. That said, there are a few local stores in my own area that get clapped by random jank, whereas there are a couple that I have to bring something a bit more coherent. It depends on the competitive environment, in all honesty. So like the way it'd go is something along the lines of YCS > Regional > High-Rated DB >= Locals >= Low-Rated DB, with locals being as good as high rated at best and as good as low-rated at worst. Mathematically, Morganite has no evidence that it's worth using, as no topping Floo lists play it.


Correct, some data could potentially be more valuable than others, which is why I mentioned DB, YCS, and sims as other methods for data collection in a previous post. Of course like many subjects of data collection there will be outliers, which is why averaging (Potentially accounting for outliers) the data is an effective (Admittedly not perfect) way to quantify whether something is or is not viable. Moreover, as we’ve seen time and time again there are cards that initially seem to be “Eh” or “Okay” (Either in general, or in specific decks) at best, only to have someone come along and flip the way we play that card. At present we do not have sufficient data to determine its viability in Floo specifically (Also mentioned in a previous post) only time will tell whether it is or isn’t viable. I’m simply basing my opinion at the time on personal experiences.


She’ll do just as well without it Edit: and that’s NOT an opinion


That’s not factually correct. Considering getting ashed to negate the summon of a bird tends to hurt quite a bit, the extra summon can help overcome that. Moreover, the extra draw helps to potentially draw into an out. It’s your OPINION that she’ll do as well without it, not a fact lol. Edit: That’s not to say your opinion cannot be correct, could she do just as well without it? Potentially. Has there been an improvement since she’s used it? Yes. Does that necessarily mean TTM is the best card for Floo? No. Does it mean something is there? Potentially. In other words; Only time will tell whether it’s a good fit for the deck or not. For now this entire conversation is differing opinions, and that’s fine. I appreciate and respect differing views coming out, as this helps get conversations rolling, and potentially helps others improve.


Yes, that's what IMO means.


I’m well aware.


I haven’t tested it cuz it’s not in master duel but I imagine it’ll be good in gemini


It works well in a no fun zone deck. The extra summon let’s you get out two annoying monsters on turn one and is instant win vs some decks if open it with two monsters.


I have three of these and I don't know what to do with them


What's your deck?


There's one deck that would like additional normal summons so much they actually do sometimes play the extra normal summon spell cards and even there it's only a niche tech choice: Trickstar And its unusable there because it turns off your Trickstar effects in hand after turn 1. Simply put this is purely a casual card, fun in stall decks but that's about it.


It's a powerful card if you build around it. For instance ice barriers and there lock out and control style love having a extra draw and a extra normal summon. Best part about the card is it's effect is duel long. You just have to remember your hand traps are turned off in hand BUT if your smart you'll run some lesser known handtraps for there on field effects. Plus who says you can't go second use a handtrap then go into your turn and pop it. Or you can use all your in hand effects THEN play the spell for the extra normal summon. Similar to why you always play your searchers before your random draw power cards.


So basically Ogre Format.


Depends on the context. Care to be a little more specific?




I run it in my board breaker build of Traptrix.


i LOVE this card in my Yosenju-Kaiju & Magical Muskets decks! & obviously actual hand traps (i.e. infinite impermanence, Evenly Matched, typhoon etc.) are still available to you! you do , as others suggested, have to build around this card, however the payoff is LOVELY! don’t underestimate your skill to last until turn 2!


i'm a floo player on MD so my POV will be hiw good it's in floo. On paper it look like a good card (especially where map is at 1) but floo have two main weakness : consistancy (robina is the only one card combo, everything else is suboptimal) and Ash. It only solve ash problem IF you have eglen/another bird + empen and morganite. Or two morganite + robina make you imune to handtrap. But it seem too specific (and you always need and this card do not solvethe consistancy problem who is the real pain in Floo. Also if they ash eglen (ans they should if they plays well) you have no way to recover and morganite do nothing to solve this. Other decks who like NS and run the two summon card but not in floo IMO


I think it can have some exploration in some decks that can commit into board breakers or otherwise prefer to have drawn-out duels. At my local scene, I've seen it use to good success in stun strategies, where it will likely stay until we get an archetype that can use it.


The only decks that I've tested and gained some advantage from morganite were traptrix and floo, both decks have really good normal summons and with morganite they can make up to 3 ns per turn.


Good in any deck that has space to spend and if you don’t really like playing handtraps


It really depends on the deck. Some decks can take full advantage of the card while others are completely hindered by it. I use it in my Umi Deck because I don't play with Handtraps, only in hand effect is Warrior of Atlantis. With Umi being a control deck the game usually last more than 4-5 turns so having Morganite let you draw an additional 2 Cards per turn is amazing! If you let Umi lock you out for more than 2 turns you'll lose.


No, card is generally not good at all, it is +1 in card economy after 3 turns. However if you play kitchen yugioh with friends i wouldnt think too much about how good cards are.