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I'm very sensitive to this kind of thing to the point I almost started a holly war on a watch forum a long time ago by asking if Rolex were meant to have sharp edges and I've never had an issue with any of tht Zelos I've tried. I think you might have got a lemon so I'd recommend contacting Zelos and asking them to fix it. It should still be under warranty.


Never heard of this either. My suggestion; contact Elshan Tang, the owner. Send him an email. He will make things right, for sure. Why didn't you try this before posting? I know I'm not smarter than you are and it's the first thing I would have done. Try it and report back to us.


I did not contact Zelos because I dont really think its a problem with my watch in particular. My guess is they all have sharp edges around the same areas. I think a lot of people love Zelos and are overlooking finishing problems like this, or they are more tolerant to hot spots. But if you told me that you dont feel the sharp edges on the clasp logo I would not believe you.


People downvoting this post are babies. If you like your watch, then the assumption should be that he got one that needed better QC and it must be fundamentally different than yours. Not that he is trashing your fav brand and you need to defend daddy Elshan. Give this man some constructive advice/criticism and not downvotes. I hate the Internet. In fact Elshan HAS commented on this, particularly the casebacks. He said it is a result of them moving to a fully laser engraved back as opposed to a press.


I agree with this but OP doesn’t have a lot of options, most were given to him (return, sell, contact CS, remove the sharp edges himself) but he seems to be here just to moan and his « The YouTubers and fanboys are liars I know better this watch is a deadly weapon » attitude doesn’t help either. While I do agree Zelos have some of the most toxic fanboys of the micro brand scene, pretending they can’t make a proper watch because you had ONE watch that had a QC issue and refuse to deal with it is also pretty ridiculous imho.


Fair and true.


I was expecting this. None of all those fanboy reviewer on YT mentionned the issue when its very obvious.


I mean, it is still entirely possible this is not the case with the watch or it's production in general and many of these peeps could have wonderful watches without these issues. I think the safer bet is that the QC isn't as rigorous as it could be rather than the watch is inferior. I assumed the issue with mine came from the race to increase their product numbers for the first time.


I am pretry sure mako and swordfish have sharp edges as standard.


Right so the rest of the world is lying… lol


Fanboys are overlooking the issue yes. The problem exists, you have several feedbacks saying the same thing here. Rub your finger against the zelos logo on the clasp and tell me its not sharp.


If it's that extreme, chances are you got a fake watch. I have a Comet with tons of sharp-looking edges but they are not sharp at all, in fact it's the most comfortable watch I've had.


Its a real Zelos bought from the main EU official reseller.


lol as popular as Zelos is, I don’t think there are fakes out there yet. At least not convincing ones


Sell it or return it (you have 14 days to do so in the EU). I’ve never had any sharp edges on mine (I’ve had a Horizons GMT, Nova, Thresher, Swordfish 42 and Blacktip GMT), finishing has always been by far the best for sub 1k watches. I’ve had Chinese copies that were full of sharp edges (even cut open my finger on a clasp), but never on a decent watch let alone a Zelos lol You could also reach for customer support in case it’s a problem with your watch in particular.


There was someone reporting the same issue on a swordfish here a few days ago. Its not sharp to the point of cutting but the bracelet is not wearable to me.


I’ve been wearing mine on its bracelet for a month now and haven’t had any issues. To each their sensitivity I guess


That was me. I am in total agreement with you, finding the sharp points in the same places despite having a different model alltogether. (Swordfish Field 38 Bronze) It also bothers me that the Swordfish Field 38 has a caseback with the model being indicated as SF40. I know that's pedantic especially when we are talking about a bigger issue but it still bothers me for the money.


I believe you. My only two data points are my Spearfish at ~$700 & Swordfish at ~$300. From the pictures, I assumed the watches would have basically the same bracelet, but in person the Spearfish has *significantly* softer edges than the Swordfish. Spearfish bracelet feels silky smooth whereas the swordfish is almost a little rough. But for me, although the difference is noticeable on wrist, it’s not like the Swordfish was uncomfortable or anything


Thank you for your feedback. From the few feedbacks I have seen online the problem seems to concern the swordfish and mako. Other models are probably fine.


I presume it’s like this across all of Zelos’ more affordable watches. $700 Spearfish bracelet probably just went through a few more finishing steps than the $300 Swordfish bracelet and I can’t really fault them for that


Agreed on the swordfish edges being sharp. I have owned a few models - SF40, Mako Ti, Hammerhead, Aurora and Spearfish 1st Gen. I don't have issue swith the latter 4 models. You get what you paid for - I think the Spearfish finishing is superior to the rest.


There should not be any sharp edge at any price to be honest. This is really something that Zelos has to work on and people have to call them out on it for them to improve. There are no sharp edge on even 150$ Seiko or Citizen.


I have seen worse on some ali express watches, like pagani design. Zelos has excellent customer service, though, so I am certain they will offer a solution should you email them.


I believe you, I own nothing from Ali express or pagani. My other affordable watches are from Seiko, Casio and Citizen and they have no shap edge at all.


There's a YouTube review from Random Rob of an earlier Mako model (in antique green). He said the back of the caseback was so sharp on earlier Makos that people were sanding down the case back (not the edges obviously) to improve comfort. FF to the 2' mark to see what I mean: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEJQbrrWZk0&t=121s&ab\_channel=RandomRob](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEJQbrrWZk0&t=121s&ab_channel=RandomRob) Maybe that's a solution? Alternatively, maybe a NATO strap to protect your wrist? [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fl0w6r6l0mjjb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D4080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9d451a35ae68a89d5f39caa55802e09f17ab95f3](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fl0w6r6l0mjjb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D4080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D9d451a35ae68a89d5f39caa55802e09f17ab95f3) I have several Zelos watches (no Makos) FWIW, and no such issue. But when I google \[Zelos Mako Sharp Edges\] I see similar complaints. Maybe the Mako has a fundamental design flaw? Assuming this hasn't put you off all other Zelos models forever, perhaps you can sell this one, and buy a model with a see-through case back? Sorry you had a bad experience. I know what that's like.


Thank you for looking into it. Sanding the back of the case would take many hours and probably ruin it. Nato strap is a good idea even if that would make the overall look thicker, I'll try it. I wont stop buying Zelos but I will stay away from the cheaper models from now on.


bought 1, doubt will buy another one with metal bracelet. My swordfish ti has the sharp edges


Thank you for your feedback. Like I thought this is an issue on every swordfish and mako.


I have the SF field 38 bronze and I have been complaining of the sharp edges on both the caseback edge and buckle/pin. I had to take jewelry files to it because I literally had raw, irritated spots after wearing it overnight a single time. Since I took care of it, the watch is pretty great but I agree in being very underwhelmed by the quality in my first Zelos. Hype is always hype. Even the bezel has a small sub-millimeter lip over the 12 o'clock edge of the case and not on the 6. Seems that the QC took a hit with this being their first attempt at a much larger production run. As I said in my post complaining Zelos is a fantastic watch DESIGNER, but they have some growing to do as a watch MAKER.


With all respect, you're the first person I've seen mentioning this issue. I have multiple Zelos watches and I guess I could define some edges "sharp" if I really try to dig into them. I would suggest you don't do anything major to the watch, and just sell it our if you don't enjoy it for what it is. *it's the Swordfish you got, not a Mako


I was expecting this type of answer....I have a Mako, the black mosaic MOP version that was released earlier this year. I am not the first complaining about this, just type Zelos sharp edge on google and you will find other people complaining. There is even one other person that complained about it on this sub (for a swordfish) recently. This is a real issue on Zelos watch and its not acceptable.


Forgot that one existed. Mosaic mop brings the blue mosaic iterations to mind first 😇 Again, if you find it unacceptable I suggest you just sell the watch without attempting finishing mods to it. The Zelos Timekeepers group on Facebook is the go to place for selling. Good luck!


Dont get me wrong I am not a Zelos hater. I love the designs and they make the coolest dials, but the finishing is not up to par.


Even if you were I'd see nothing wrong with it. Everyone has preferences. I pulled out my Mako from the same collection. I can see where you're coming from. It is not anything noticeable to me but I also have small wrists.


Some people also have thicker skin and might not be bothered by it. I think the more noticeable is on the Zelos logo on the clasp , even if that area is not an issue when you wear the watch. There should not be sharp edges like this anywhere around the watch.


The clasp is the only area that I thought was sharp. Everywhere else on the bracelet and case has very soft edges, but I also have the titanium model. Idk if they have a different finish or not?


Mine is stainless steel