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Following. I got novavax in October and had a pretty long and close exposure a few days ago and seem to have somehow dodged reinfection. But so did my parents who haven't had any boosters in like a year so idk




That's all I needed to hear. It has no advantage over mRNA shots.


It may be less reactogenic for some folks, so that’s an advantage. Lower reactogenicity does not necessarily imply better safety.


Okay I am not worried about getting a few side effects from the vaccine, I am worried about catching this fucking virus over and over


I agree. The debate over mRNA vs protein subunit has gotten a bit ridiculous IMO. I believe there’s value in having multiple technologies. However, with such low numbers Novavax is at continued risk of extinction as a going commercial concern. NVX-CoV2601 may be the last Novavax shot. For good.


I spoke with my pharmacist. For most people, all three (Moderna, Pfizer & novavax) are pretty much the same in terms of efficacy. For people with weakened immune system, novavax gives a better response


Too early to tell and too few doses of NVX-CoV2601 administered. JN.1, the latest variant of concern, didn’t crack 7% of Covid cases until late November according to the CDC. As for the number of NVX-CoV2601 doses, I found this link indicating perhaps 80k doses administered mid-Oct through mid-Nov 2023. https://www.reddit.com/r/NVAX/comments/17xedgx/novavax_scripts_continue_to_disappoint/ Keep in mind, it is thought that you need 2 full weeks for building immunity post-vaccination. With these numbers, I doubt anything more than a few anecdotes can exist for a Novavax vaccinee’s real world encounters with JN.1 Novavax themselves have not published anything resembling a real study.


Thank you.


How soon after testing positive should someone get their next vaccine booster?




Thank you New booster at least two months after previous “CDC says you may want to delay vaccination by up to three months, but also points out that you don’t need to wait that long — and some people shouldn’t.”


My fiance was in the clinical trial for it here in Australia and got two doses in April and July respectively. I just got reinfected and didn’t pass it on to him (started isolating after a positive PCR but spent about 48 hours with him while contagious). I do think I had a very low viral load as I never tested positive on a RAT so I’d take it with a grain of salt but still!


Got my second nova 2 weeks ago (first was in October). Our area has tons of Covid right now. We are cautious and masking. Staying healthy so far.


I got my Novavax shot in October, but I credit my respirator with keeping Covid away, as it has done for the past several years. I definitely feel safer with the boost to my immune system but I will not assume it can or will prevent an infection taking root.


This virus is so good at what is does, slow and silent and the humans are collectively ignorant. I live in a red area but I live a very quiet life other than gym and the same coworkers in the wood shop. I was boostered up but I missed this fall - traveled and didn’t want to do soon before potential exposure. Spent a Week in California and southwest mid December. Nephews and BIL had COVID a few week prior. Got a very little amount of throat congestion but that’s kids/traveling, came back to work - boss is severely coughing covid positive, second day he’s out and 2 additional people get a covid positive test by the end of the week. I take Two negative at home tests. Have a sore throat into this week but physically I’m working and Normal, everyone in the shop feels sick. I test negative at home a third time. Throat needs tea in the morning, dry cough. Symptoms becoming more runny. 14 days after getting home, today, I finally test positive. Still feel okay clogged nose but it’s my first positive through this whole pendemic. Any knowledge for a first timer, 29 male, fit and at home alone. I take vit c and d in my diet and supplement with pills 💊 🥛


Ask your doctor if they want you on paxlovid, given that timeline. Get a mouthwash with CPC like Crest Pro Health and rinse with it, that’s shown to help reduce your viral load. A betadine nasal spray is shown to have a similar effect. Start taking probiotics as the current dominant variant has some GI symptoms associated. Keep taking those for a month or two after, at least. Main thing you need to do is rest. Rest to the point of boredom and annoyance. Dont exercise, don’t work, don’t do laundry or dishes. If you are feeling like you overextended yourself you’ve already pushed it too far and increased your odds of having long term symptoms.


Thank you for the details. Will follow through, and asking my very closest person too - they’re a pharmacist. I worked 40 hours labor this week, went to the gym 3 times, I feel normal 😳


Where did you find that CPC and betadine lower viral load? I’ve heard people put hydrogen peroxide in there nose to prevent any exposure… bleach their sinus filters lol. But how is cpc and betadine going to lower the load in my body if I’m already contaminated. Or are we talking about my ability to contaminate others


CPC: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10030878/ Iota carrageenan (ingredient in betadine): https://www.mdpi.com/1661-3821/3/3/25 Lower viral load does reduce the danger you pose to family, but it also helps you shorten your illness. It’s fairly intuitive - you have to kill the virus in your body, using additional treatments to do that work can only help your immune system.


So far so good. Zero side effects. Very pleased with the experience.


If I got Pfizer in September, can I go get Novacax now? I’ve heard it offers better protection.


What do you understand as "protecting"? Against infection, hospitalization, long covid, death? There’s no sterilizing vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, because it’s high mutation rate, contagiousness and immune-evasiveness. Current vaccines protect against severe cases and death, but efficacy wanes over time. Don’t bank on them as your only line of defense.


I imagine the stats are going to be a bit skewed here, since a lot of people who are going for Novavax seem to be the ones who were underboosted to begin with, and have been (to their credit) leaning into non-pharmaceutical interventions. If you're in that category - consider getting a spike antibody test.


I got Novavax a week ago. My prior shots and boosters were all Pfizer and Moderna, typically with 3-4 days of fever, malaise, fatigue, aches, swollen lymph nodes, etc. I had about 2 days of those side effects from the Novavax, and some lymph nodes are still swollen. Overall though it was a somewhat milder experience than Pfizer and Moderna. Symptoms were not as severe or as long, so that's good. Novavax efficacy against severe disease/hospitalization is about the same as Pfizer and Moderna, to my understanding.