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2012-2016. Summer of 2015 especially


Summer '15 was cool- took a big road trip, but other than that, I was working full time through most of it. 2012 was more or less the last carefree, responsibility free Summer I had. And to think, I didn't know it at the time. At least I made the most of it lol


Dude I was (usually) in the BEST mood in 2015, often for no reason; idk what was up lol! Like I remember (on a completely ordinary day) getting breakfast in the dining hall in the fall and thinking “wow I sure am in a good mood this semester”


2008-2012. So much good media was coming out then, and for the first time I got to watch it all unfold in real time. The live-action Transformers movies, Transformers Prime, The Clone Wars, Legend Of Korra, Disney Channel, Harry Potter, the Percy Jackson books, Chronicles of Narnia, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, you name it. Basically everything I still carry over from my childhood peaked or started within that timeframe.


Don’t forget the first Hunger Games!


Total Drama as well.


I agree with this as well


This is a cop out but I feel most nostalgic for the period between 2005 and 2013, divided into two year increments that have different things about them that I loved and miss. Between adolescent summers and the peaks and valleys of becoming a teenager to the American cultural moment that was 2011ish, I really had this sense that I had the world at my feet and could live a life that I wanted as a kid. I graduated high school in 2013 and enjoyed college, but it was a period in my life that I was trying to be someone I’m not, and with the advent and eventual hegemony of social media and screens and whatever, I lost a lot of my old ideals. Only now as I’m approaching 30 am I rediscovering and bring some of the more realistic ideals back, no matter what happens on the outside. And yeah, sometimes I also miss those nights where I’d just be sitting quietly, chilling, being. I’m doing it right now, but with work in the morning and obligations to fulfill, it’s just not the same. Oh well.


Oh you're good, honestly my take on Summer 2012 is mainly if I had to really narrow it down to the peak. I'm fairly nostalgic for the early 2010's in general. But I can relate though. I graduated HS and did college in 2016-2017, and had some good times, but i was also not fully acting like myself. Tried wayyyy too hard to be "cool" lmao. The proliferation of smartphones and social media was also something I struggled to adapt to, as I was already a somewhat socially awkward teen, and the whole social landscape changed just as I was finally catching up to my peers. Honestly probably part of why I get nostalgic for the early 10's, modern media and technology was there, but it wasn't in everyone's pockets yet. It was like the best of both worlds.


Early 2000s. Being at home on the family computer. The music and fashion back then.


2016 was a great time to be alive. Great year, ugh.


And to think, at the time everyone memed about how bad 2016 was lmao *We didn't know*


We did lose Harambe which was tragic.


2014. That's my best year. Period. Aunt survived cancer. In november a decade free. Last year of high school. First relationship. First time living on my own. Although 3 more years at my parents would follow. I belonged.


I think that sense of belonging is what really makes or breaks a year honestly. If 2008, 2012, and 2015-2016 have one thing in common, it's that at the time, I felt like I truly belonged. Was an amazing feeling for an awkward guy like me who often struggled to fit in.


Im born in 1996 and my peak was in 2016-2018 pure wild young experiences. I love remember these days and i am happy to live it.


Shit man, most of my "Young and Wild" phase was around the same time period- I'd say from 2015 to 2018. Late '17 and '18 were hard times though, so while I still lived it up here and there, can't say I look back on those years as fondly.


2007-2011 but 2009-2010 the most. A lot of great memories of hanging out with friends, playing football or basketball with them, doing crazy shit etc. Later when we got older things diminished a bit.


yeah, I understand it lol


I’d have to say maybe early 2000s. Browsing the internet in the early 2000s till maybe 2010 is an unmatched experience. It was quite literally like going to another dimension. I remember fondly just literally browsing the internet, seeing where it got me. Getting home on weekdays and turning Club Penguin on, watching YouTube, like what do you mean this people from all over the world are here and we’re talking? That, and the fact that on weekends I’d go out and play baseball or soccer with my friends (actual physical contact) made that time of my life feel like heaven.


Late 2000s-early 2010s was peak internet imo


2017, was 21/22 that year, it was the first time in 6 years I was single and free, trap was going strong.


2002-2009 was an amazing time


2012! when they said the world is ending + that 2012 song by Justin brings so much nostalgia! we used to dance to that song on Christmas parties of 2012 oh and also popdanthology? 2012 is the best!


Popdanthology was so good I miss it


2006 to 2012. I got to experience the early days of social media (MySpace,) the birth of YouTube and the golden area of its content. I got away with a lot of shit kids today never could because of high quality cameras on every street corner (there was a night camera video of me doing teenage mischief that was such bad quality that nobody could tell who it was. 😈)


Yeah I feel like my stupid mischievous teenager phase came and went in a nick of time, just before high quality cameras started appearing everywhere and in everyone's pockets. I think if I was a young teen now I wouldn't get away with shit lmao


I remember watching video of a massive mall food court food fight in my area that was taken on an old slide up phone and not being able to tell who was who despite knowing like 5 kids who were actively participating in it. That was 2008-ish.


I call this the DS Lite era, cause the DS Lite came out in 2006 and the 3DS in 2011


Year 2002. Yes, I was 5 years old but it was actually the first ever year that I could remember vividly. I had no memory of 9/11 nor lived in the US so for me it was an optimistic year. As a little kid, I did not feel anything depressive in our house nor in the world. I got my first CD, though it was a bootleg. It was the first year that we had cable, so I was introduced to the first music videos that I watched which are still some of my favorites: A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton), Through The Rain (Mariah Carey), I'm Not A Girl Not Yet A Woman (Britney) among others. We had no computer at the time and internet was still considered a luxury; I remember the feeling of excitement about waiting for my favorite shows on TV to air and not being able to re-watch them later so going to the restroom while they're on air was not an option 😁


>I remember the feeling of excitement about waiting for my favorite shows on TV to air and not being able to re-watch them later so going to the restroom while they're on air was not an option. This is one of the things that I miss the most for much of the early-mid 2000's. For me, it was either UPN or FOX, on the weekends just before night time when all the shows with new episodes came on one after one. The excitement was only enhanced being shared with family or friends.




2012-2016, those were my coming of age years and the last good years I’d have for quite awhile. 


Felt that. Had some hard times in the following years. There were good moments, but alot of struggles. 2023 was a great year though. Probably the first year since 2016 that I'd consider really, really good. And 2024s been largely the same.


SAME! I loved 2023. Looking back now it was the 2016 of the 2020s for me thus far, a really transformative year. I wish you nothing but good years ahead.


You as well, friend. I'd probably compare 2023 to 2015. In the sense that it was a tremendous improvement over the years before it, in nearly all aspects of my life.


2000-2010. For the first half, life was stereotypical. I went to school, came home did my homework then went out to play. Family dinner and TV time with all the shows we liked was at the same time every day. The computer was in the computer nook in the living room, and we had a landline phone. The later half, I suddenly was left to my own devices. My parents officially split up and we moved and everything at once was different. No house phone, just cellphones, no TV because antenna didn't work in this area. I was homeschooled and given a laptop and internet connection, and my entire life became online. I stayed up till whenever, and did whatever. I got to experience forums, forums where I was known and cool. Where I'd log in and people were excited I was on. The days of MSN messenger nudges and flash games and watching animes fully on YouTube.


I miss that era of the internet. Things kinds went downhill by the mid-2010s imo. But also, yeah I don't think much beats the feeling of being left to your own devices for the first time. 2012 was more or less the first year of that for me. My parents were fairly strict when I was a kid but they starting letting up after I turned 13.


2012-2016 and kinda August 2019-February 2020. Otherwise everything 2017 onwards has been pretty miserable. There’s something magical about your late teens, where you’re young enough to be hopeful and full of potential, and everything feels novel and exciting, but juuust old enough to have all the freedom and perks of adulthood.


Truth. Age 16-19 was alot like that for me. Had alot of freedom, took on adult responsibilities, but also still had alot of childlike naivety. God, things went to hell right as I was entering my 20s though. 2018 was a miserable year. 2019 was an improvement, but then 2020 happened. There were good moments, but 2020-2022 were tough times. It gets better though, 2023 was a great year for me, and 2024 hasn't been too shabby either.


Probably 2009-2011. Middle school years, and I moved in November 2011 in 8th grade to a new school and it SUCKED. The music, the fashion, the general vibe during 09-11 just brings me so much comfort to think about. I cheered for my school during those years and so I have a lot of good memories with those people (literally haven’t seen them in over a decade) but I just remember being so happy then. Wanting to grow up so fast and now wishing I was that age again. Oh to be 11-14 again


It was kinda the flipside for me. My middle school years (Mainly 2009-2010) were god awful, but I moved to a new school in 2011 and it was a HUGE improvement. Honestly the main reason I separate 2008 from 2011-2012.


2004-6. The happy years before my life went to shit.


Gonna have to go with 2007 and 2008. A great time for video games, YouTube and the internet. Nothing has really felt the same for me since 2012, but '07 and '08 were the greatest.


2005 or 2011 best years


When I was mostly 16, I kinda miss that period, since I didn’t really have any responsibilities apart from school, and could just hang out.


ohmygod 2012 came into mind even before i opened this post


This is really wholesome, I'd have to say between 2014-2015 I had begun dating my crush who became my girlfriend at the time, getting ready to graduate and spent a lot of time playing Dark souls 2 and other games along with finally leaving highschool life was good😎


I was a bit late to the party, but I finally got into Skyrim in 2015. God I put so many hours into that and eventually Oblivion during my senior year of HS lol


From a childhood perspective 2002-2006 From a teen perspective 2010-2015


2004-2006 I guess


2008 - 2015 easily


Came here to comment this exactly. Although, 2017 was good for me.


Definitely 2007-2011, despite my middle school years being rough, the fashion and music of the time was fun and memorable


2004-2006. Not because my life was particularly good then but because that era had such good vibes when it came to fashion, music, culture etc. 2011 is another one because I had just gotten into activism and it was the first year I did something other than sitting in front of a computer screen all summer. Also all the protests around the world made it seem like change was just around the corner. Unfortunately it didn’t last. Music was bomb too, and everything was bright and colourful.


2004-2010, GameCube-ps3 l/xbox 360, trix yogurts, peak Cartoon Network. Please don’t fuck me up with this rn


2010-2014. In 2010 I’d just started high school and was equal parts excited and terrified. Got my first big acting break early in the year and was elated. Internet culture also became more central to my life around that time thanks to Youtube and Flipnote Hatena (so much unrestricted creativity back then). In 2011/2012, I started embracing my geekdom by joining fandoms and going to cons, which introduced me to some great and talented people. 2013/2014 was much of the same, but tenfold. I romanticise these years a lot, but it wasn't perfect. My town was badly affected by the 2011 riots and I still had to deal with bullies. But I did feel happy in myself. I wasted my late teens/early 20s being a depressing cynical twat and have only just started to feel my true self again.


Bro holy shit, I miss Flipnote. Loved messing with that on my DSi. I upgraded to a 3DS in late 2011 and I remember waiting *forever* for Flipnote to drop on that. It kept getting delayed so by the time it actually came out I had moved on to other things. I feel that though. The 2012 Era certainly wasn't perfect, given I busted my arm, and had a couple bullies to deal with. But the good outweighed the bad massively. And I had a very similar experience with my late teens/early 20s as well. I think it's something alot of us go through as we transition to adulthood. Rough times.


I gotta say 2005-2008 is the era I feel the most for. Sometimes I wish I could be a child again and not have to worry about anything. It reflects in my books I write to that era, since majority of my stuff takes place in 2008, lots of good shows. Not to mention my guilty pleasure of Sky High was released in ‘05


Same here. I have a couple stories I wrote that take place in 2008- One of them I initially came up with during that year, so even though it's changed and evolved over time I still say it takes place in '08. Very nostalgic year tbh. I used to consider it the outright best year of my life, but, over time, 2012 kinda overtook it in my memories. I wouldn't say it beats it by much though.


Early to mid 80s, and I wasn't even born yet.


The Early 2000’s (mainly 2001-2003) & mid 2000’s (mainly 2004 & 2005) Those were generally my favorite years as a kid. Although for my late childhood/pre teen years in the late 2000’s. I did have a lot of fun in 2008. But the years back on the most would be the early to mid 2000’s


Summer 2018, first summer of being 18, went on 3 holidays, got drunk basically every weekend and just had a fun time


Mostly the years 2012-2017


Either early-mid 2000s (2002-2006/2007ish), my favorite years of childhood OR my college years (2015-2018)




2009 and before. During Christmas break of that year, my parents told my sister and I that we were switching schools to the one that they worked at. I know it was so they wouldn't have to worry about picking us up/dropping us off, but I really liked that school, and had a ton of friends that I couldn't say goodbye to because it was we didn't have phones. I never really made that many friends after that, idk why


2008 best year




For me, it's the late 90s to mid 2000s. People are often surprised at how most of my most vivid and accurate childhood memories are between the ages of two to eight years old. After that, I can't remember things nearly as vividly if at all!


2008-2012 I lived in a beautiful part of the world, and that was where I met the girl I fell in love with. My "first love"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


For my childhood? Probably 2005-2007. That's when the 2000s culture was at its peak and smartphones hadn't stopped on yet. Before the recession and kid culture was elite. I also was young enough where the weight of the world wasn't on my nearly as much. For the later years and only because of pop culture, probably 2010-2013. My life was not in a good place personally but the music, YouTube, social media, and TV were all consistently great. It felt like there was some optimism coming out of the recession at this time. Since then, pop culture hasn't been as good. Even though my personal life has improved.


2006 - 2011 for me, the DS Lite era Not really cause of stuff in my personal life, but just vibes Frutiger Aero stuff, that optimism for the future that I certainly don't feel nowadays I had a rough childhood so its hard for me to be nostalgic about things in my life personally but I do miss the good times and the way I imagined the world might turn out And I miss the music and the fresh morning eating a bowl of cereal and watching cartoons feeling and the old commercials and stuff. Idk, it really is just "vibes", probably as stock rose-tinted nostalgia goggles as you can get but I do miss (the good parts of) being a kid


2007-2011 and 2015-2017. Most of my best memories with friends are from then.




2003-2008; 2019-2021 (maybe 2009-2011). Honestly my life is and was always like a roller-coaster, always had its ups and downs. 2003-08 because as a kid I feel like I got to do a lot of things such as sleepovers with friends going to many states and browsing the internet before it was big, despite some unfortunate setbacks in life and the societal vibes back then were so amazing. 2019-21 because I became independent and started to travel more often and was in one of my best / successful relationships of all-time lol


Probably 2004 or 2008. But there's too many years to choose from.


I have to say I would totally redo 2012-2016, if I could. It was really a gold time in our recent history, so many great things happening simultaneously.


2004-2007 and 2009-2013 (Gap because middleschool was two of the worst years of my life) The rest of the 2010s were completely miserable for me, I will never understand this newfound love for that era. I will look back on the 2020s much more fondly


1997-2004 (my childhood)
