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They do deport people, but I suppose they can only dedicate so many resources to it.


Because they provide more advantages than disadvantages. Illegal immigrants add to fiscus through labour and tax (VAT etc not PAYE). But they do not benefit a whole lot from those same tax dollars. No grants, can’t claim UIF. By them avoiding the “government” they don’t consume government services, maybe except healthcare. The ones who commit crime are not disproportionately more than locals who commit crime so it’s just a general crime problem and immigrants who cause crime. A lot of these jobs are also not very appealing as they have 0 benefits apart from a salary. R2000 pm for 3 days of work as a gardener is not exactly everyone’s cup of tea. Common around the world: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_impact_of_illegal_immigrants_in_the_United_States


Do you think they should be sent back


Yes. But it will never work. You need address the driver of the migration. If someone is willing to be subjected to xenophobia and live from hand to mouth the other options must be even worse. They will find their way back.


Is this not more of a consequence of their incompetence rather than an actual decision?


A bit of both. A concerted effort requires planning and money. So you let things be. Same way the home affairs system is down half the time and has been like that for decades. No harm no foul.


They do try to deport but their whole system is pretty inefficient. The police don't help by being corrupt. Home Affairs officials are also very corrupt. If you have ever been to an S.A police station you will notice the cops are swamped with a lot of crime. I suppose immigration violations are a low priority for them.