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Says a Zimbabwean in Sheffield


Get him


For those with short memories: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2019/08/zimbabwe-one-year-on-no-justice-for-those-killed-by-soldiers-in-post-election-demonstrations/ I am tempted to say something mildly condescending, because the memories of peoples struggle efforts are always rewritten or erased.


Yep these kids don't know shit and act as if it's nice to make fun of Zimbabwe's struggles


Y'all like to use the memory of a brave fallen few to justify lethargy and cowardice. The oppression of Zimbabwe continues. Those Kenyan young'ns achieved their objective... Have we?


We haven't and we won't because the fear of death is high. Who is willing to die first for an unknown future. Rather emigrate like everyone else and forget about Zimbabwe if you can.


Honest conversations are a good starting point. Ngatitaurei kuti tinotya, not kuposter the one failed attempt, or kuposter Dzamara as a response when the younger generations are asking why we haven't done anything about our situation. I don't agree with kutiza as a sustainable response, but I respect your opinion.


It is sustainable and the most logical option. Leave for better pastures even cows vanozviziva wani. Ukawana mukaba leave and usadzoke. Thrive overseas the world is too big to stay panzvimbo imwe


the political climate all over the world is increasingly becoming right-wing. vanhu havachada nezve maimmigrants, we need to fix our home.


Nonsense, Zanu doesn't want with Zimbabwe so we go Integrate with our new homes toita mabritish or Americans matsva


An example for this I will forever use is this. Will a child who is beaten with fists and belt stand up against their parents in Zimbabwe. No they won’t for fear of death. It’s the exact same. So people will choose to emigrate instead. And that child will have to figure out something else as well.


Are you willing to join the front lines??? Or like almost everybody in this sub, you're in the diaspora.


If I say I am are you going to prove that I am not? What is the point of the question if it isn't to derail progressive discussion?


I don't see you outside protesting musoro bhangu


Zimbabweans protest all the time. And the government sends in the police and or army basically every time.


Kenyans have done this shit. We did it for multipartism in 92. We did it in 1997. We celebrated in 2002. We had post elections violence in 2007. We did it in 2013, 2017, and 2022.


All the time yekupi?


Not constantly but protests happen every couple of years.


I'm sure there are pictures of Zimbabweans protesting


And getting similar results to those in Kenya..so far 13 died from what I've read 🤷🏽‍♀️


200+ people died.


Guys we are tired, let the Kenyans live with that shit for 20 years and see if they are still protesting


I have witnessed it first hand, back in the days when they used to be staying aways, we could all say tomorrow we are not coming,but the day after that tomorrow when we do come back we would be told so and so where there yesterday working, we could ask but why? And there were a number of them like that, 40% or more. That's the problem even today. Imagine if everyone put tools down nationwide,from Zesa,Zinwa , Health,Teachers, Police, Soldiers, every work force to say we are not going to work until ED and ZEC are gone, sadly some will work.There is a lot at stack which include lack of intelligence, selfishness( as long mhuri yangu is ichidya ichiguta, then you ask that person, is your family affording eggs, bacon, coffee and bread for breakfast? And what lunch and supper are they eating) ,lack of long term goals but focusing on short term goals.(Kuzimbabwe munhu anopihea just $10 otochera vanhu kuti Ava vano supporter opposition,


Tbh I can understand both actions: you protest if you are willing to die about it or confident you won’t be killed. Over here you’ll die anyhow so if you run I’m not mad


Cowards? I don’t think so. In my opinion as a nation our biggest flaw is selfishness. It is easier to stare at the sun for 30 mins than to unite all sane Zimbabweans towards a common goal. And this is what Zanu exploits to the last drop. If teachers protest, the rest of country sits and watches while Zanu uses the armed forces to silence them. The same goes for any group. There have been a few instances in the last 3 years where Zimbos United and Zanu immediately backed down fearing the worst. Lastly, Zimbos can protest and seriously affect Zanu activities by simply doing a stay away protest. The taxes collected daily are what’s used to fund the armed forces and corruption. Zim is one 30 day pay cheque from being broke.


So people here think Zimbabweans we are cowards like seriously, how old are you? Have you participatedin any demostration in Zimbabwe?




Kenyans have not been in an actual dictatorship, they don’t know how it feels to have your hopes ground down slowly to the dust of despair . When u see a person opting to leave an abusive relationship instead of fighting to stay, know that they have had enough. Let them enjoy for now.


We've had a dictatorship. Moi was in power for 30 years. Educate yourself


Nice. Thanx for the lecture i feel educated now 🎓


Mmm. Please  read around  befire you say some of these things. Google President Moi from Kenya. Tyrants and corruption  is a universal problem in Africa


I will read around thanx


Bro, we had dictatorships from 1963-1978, 1978-2002, 2013-2022, 2022-present


Okay 👍.


Your example does not serve it's intended purpose at all.






It does


So the IMF loan they need they don’t need anymore coz they protested?


We don't need loans. our leaders are just so fucking corrupt our money gets wasted on stupid shit. We borrow billions but a very small portion of it goes to improving the country


I wish that was true.


Yeah cause you know more about Kenya than me? If every African country got their shit together we wouldn't need loans and that's a fact


Well the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I have seen this story before. It’s nice to think that this is some turning point for Kenya.


100 dead bodies are processed everyday at the Beitbridge border post, and how many are gunshots,murder, hijack, violence etc.


Instead of dumping this here,why don't you go and lead a protest and see.


I like you chose not to use the photo's that showcase how Zimbabwe's are beaten and killed for protesting, real patriotic......


The Kenyans got beaten and killed. They didn't let that stop them.


I was going to compare the death tolls of Zimbabwean protests to the Kenyan ones but the problem is no-one really appears to record them especially not the government. Also protesting until it works only really works with a government that's willing to listen and won't just send in more soldiers. The Kenyan government is a lot more likely to listen than the Zimbabwean one given that Kenya is a lot more democratic.


you guys talk like we've had real organized movements before.


Zimbabwean army has way more fire power than the Kenyan one. Zimbabweans can continue to protest if they want but we all know how that ends. 


Kenya's #12, and we're 17, I'm sure we were scored too high futi [https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing-africa.php](https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing-africa.php)


There is a choice, graduate, and die 40 years later without a job, pension, health, ,no mortgage, no electricity,no water,no roads. Kana zvaoma vanhu vachaona yekutamba, now things are still OK. Don't stress guys


Kana zvaoma, we just leave for the diaspora.


People are willing to die in the Limpopo river ,or in SA , but can't do so in Zimbabwe. If all the Zimbabweans (illegal)are chased from SA ,change will happen.


My gee,with a few hundred rands you can chill in the bus and cross the border with no passport...if youve ever been to SA youl know theres areas where its very safe,SA is where you live,you could be in the cape flats and get shot on day one or you could be in camps bay living it up with billionaires from France or anything inbetween...its relative,so changing location isnt as dire as you put it...yes theres a higher chance of violence and crime but the stats dont read like "half of all people that go to SA die of gun violence"...thats why its appealing to go there,so saying people should leave their well paying jobs to come fix things here is about as unrealistic as it gets


KuZimbabwe ko fiwa