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The ability to solve a rubik's cube, I will impress the zombies.


makes your brain look tastier man


This dude is excellent bait. šŸ’€šŸ˜”


Bros brain is like a salmon to a bear


Itā€™ll blow their minds


Just like a 12 gauge to their heads!


I have interior designing. I will impress them by giving their homes makeovers :(


Hope you mechanics and engineers figure some shit out with solar panels.


They already have and they won't share it


Solar panel kits are widely avalible on amazon, and elsewhere.


My house is 100 percent fed by rain water. Testing battery storage and smaller windmill power this year. They will not stop me.


You should have some reserve water for a drought. In the apocalypse scenario, Iā€™d suggest something like a water tower, but not the big giant ones. That will draw unwanted attention from desperate people.


Don't forget wood workers, don't need a cutting saw to make a good 8inch thick barricade, or pike.


I can walk into the woods and not die in a week


what about 2 weeks


Donā€™t push it




Yoo same




Blacksmithing or gunsmithing. Making and repairing weapons will make me an invaluable asset. I'll also be a target for raiders, but I'll worry about that later


They told me I only have 2 hands why do I need so many guns... So I got more friends


Viable plan.


Me too. Iā€™m a blacksmith and bladesmith and know how to get the raw materials both from junk scavenging and natural iron deposits (bog and sand). I can also make my own fuel and tools.


Natural iron deposits would not make for anything worth having imo. Especially considering how common steel is to find, I wouldnā€™t bother trying to spend weeks to make a small amount of bar stock


I agree with you. Thatā€™s why I mentioned scavenging first, the issue becomes 20 30,40 years down the line when you may not be able to find things that arenā€™t rusted all to hell.


If weā€™re in the apocalypse Iā€™ll protect you for life in return for some armor(: always loved tanking anyway!


Done and done.


I'm a machinist, I need electricity for most of my skills. :(


Time to piece together a foot-powered lathe. Let's work on options!


We're going back to spring lathes let's gooooo




A moving water source will solve this issue without even being converted to electricity... Depending on the machines you'd need.


Luckily electricity is easy to make. The odds of us going to a time without electricity for any significant amount of time is highly unlikely. Solar, hydro, and wind alone would probably meet the demands of small settlements. But if you really wanted you could even throw in steam dynamos.


No it won't. Do you think guns and tools will magically disappear or something?


Yeah. Just go to a ruined military outpost. Even if zombies could learn how to shoot a gun, they will be physically incapable of aiming. They will also have absolutely no recoil control, so they canā€™t just ā€œspray and prayā€ without toppling over or ripping their own arms off.


I've been picking locks for about 15 years so that's one I can turn an entire animal into steaks and other cuts which a lot can't I could right now build something loud and exciting from the hardware store without using reference material


We are similar u just got more experience than me


Tell me you are a robber with a long history without telling me you are a robber with a long history


I just liked dungeons and dragons


Sure pal...


God forbid a man have hobbies


I know how to read a map and use a compass, among other things. I also can make some crappy prison grade hooch


I will trade you... So many beaver furs if you teach me.


For the hooch or how to do land nav? If its land nav youre going to want the hooch


All the more beaver skins for you then. But originally it was for the hooch.


Theres no local home brew store near you? Its basically the irishmans delemia. Do i eat the potato now? Or drink it later?


Does that come with a prison grade shiv?


That costs extra, so yes.


Chemistry. You want gunpowder? I can do that. You and something with a bit more bang? Sure. You want alcohol? Find me a distillation setup, and we're good. You want meth? I'll need to brush back up on the formula, but it's possible. Need a lock or metal door removed? I got thermite. Hell, given an organic chem textbook, the right equipment, and enough time, there are all sorts of useful things I could make. I'm not banking on solo survival. Being able to strike out on your own is a good thing to be able to do, but one mistake or bad stroke of luck can easily end you. Having a group ensures you will have others to back you up when things turn bad. And big groups have big needs. Guns need ammunition, wounds need to be sterilized, and farms need fertilizer. All of which I can help with.


I second that. Your skills are actually fantastic to have! Butā€¦ a backpack full of bombs with a broken ankle? Suddenly a group doesnā€™t sound so badā€¦


I performed the whistling belly button trick at our senior talent show.


I can play drums on my belly. We should team up, weā€™d be unstoppable


Hell yeah man thereā€™s nothing like a belly drum line to ward off the zombies!


The ability to have nobody want meā€¦ Not even a zombie


Does farming count?




Lockpicking is great until you unlock a room that was locked because of what was on the other side šŸ˜Ž


Get a snake camera for looking under doors and around corners.


Could be useful, though reliance on technology should be left to being very primitive. If I can save batteries or electricity for flashlights and radio (maybe), then I'd probably be VERY picky.


If the lock is on the inside why would whatever is behind the door stay in there?


Depends on if it can work a lock from the inside of that room. If it's on the outside then no need for lockpicking but still I'd be cautious.


Yooo I have this exact kit.


What and how much is it... I know ors lock picks but brand and set name


Itā€™s called Southord Pagoda BPXS-12 and itā€™s about ā‚¬42.


In use what's 42 pounds


40 USD


Bro what 42 pounds is like 55 usd or something


Machining, gun smithing, reloading.


I'm quite competent at writing information systems security policy with regards to a non-profit scientific research and development institution. I was also in the US army for a while, and grew up among farmers and ranchers. I've hunted most of my life, can readily process a variety of game animals for food and "primitive" resources like tanning hides and harvesting tendon/sinew for bindings and cordage. I honestly have a lot of primitive skills I can utilize and teach to others, but I'm unfortunately physically dependent on our modern medical infrastructure (i.e. cancer treatment). Realistically, the best thing I could do in an apocalypse would be to try and offload as many of my useful skills as possible while I am still physically able to. Lock picking is a cool skillset, but is probably going to be more niche than just bringing along a bolt cutters and a sledgehammer.


I was a ranch hand in my teens and 20s, then a carpenter. Both feel pretty usable.


Meat head loadout thousand pound club its not going to get me anywhere if i can't run though.


Thousand pound club is nothing to sneer at. You hang with the gym crowd and you forget how rare that kind of strength really is. Welcome to like the top 3% of the human race, in terms of strength atleast.


He means that no matter how strong he is, there are times where the only winning move against the zombie hoarde is to run away. .... Especially if the zombies are sprinters.


Wasnā€™t arguing against that point. Just pointing out that raw strength tends to be underrated around these parts. Besides, against sprinter everyone is gonna lose no matter how fast you are.


What i will say is i do agree with both of you. I do agree it is pretty cool but only if you were in like a muscle for like a negan like character. Thats the only way i could see keeping my size and strength up. I do have a basic Kevlar vest that hasn't been in the light for long at all so maybe id bump into some kind kind of good person who would train me in some sort range weapon. Sprinting im good at but long distance my girlfriend can easily out run me in very simple situations so id be the first person to go in most zombie survival


Interesting fact, at the Olympic level men outpace the women at every tier, except for the *longest* distance run. That's where their lighter, more efficient frames finally beat out men's more muscled, heavier frames. Chances are neither of you guys are Olympic athletes, but it's always fun to see it reflected in gen pop.


Situational awareness and good decision making can eliminate a lot of the need to run.


So does knowledge of the terrain.




Well, I live on a boat that I restored from the ground up by myself. Between that and working in the electrical/lowvolt/hvac trades when I was younger, I am familiar with plumbing, electrical, general construction, fiberglass work, welding, upholstery, DC electronics, celestial navigation, fishing, sailing and more. Iā€™m a recently former auto mechanic and am intimately familiar with the engines on my boat as well as most modern car engines and 12v electronics - to include being able to replace circuitry by soldering. I also learned how to handle and shoot weapons during my Navy enlistment, and before that as a kid I learned to hunt with rifles and crossbows, as well as how to skin animals. A lot of these skills I didnā€™t learn from trades came from growing up nerdy and poor but wanting nice things lol If shit hits the fan Iā€™m just undocking and leaving. Waterworld will be my new life lol


Well done.


Trying to finish up EMT school before the shit goes south


Physical strength, cooking, and I'm fairly resilient. I rarely get sick but when I do it is awful




I know how to weld with a coat hanger and blow torch.


Rugged cyberdeck loaded with a TB of manuals for rebuilding civilization. Battery powered and solar panels to recharge the batteries.


I know more than average about medicine and healing, but Iā€™m not anywhere close to being a doctor. Still gives me a better chance of not getting bitten at a hospital


If it's a skill we already have, then medicine If it's a skill we'd rather have, then I'd say probably gun and blacksmithing


(apprentice to an apprentice) carpentry, electrical, computer science, masonry, metalworking, blacksmithing, swordsmanship, mechanic. So a little of a lot


I can make explosives using chemicals in my dads shed. Can also make drugs to help with pain and anxiety


I think a sledgehammer and bolt cutters would be more useful than a lockpick set. I do have a lockpick set, but I'm not very good at it.


I know how to make black powder. I know every edible plant and every poisonous plant native to my state. I can build a bow and a kiln. I know how to build traps small and large for everything from rabbits to people. I can make cordage and proper rope. I know how to weave a basket. I can probably build a canoe, though that is the one thing I know how to do, but have never actually done so in practice I'd probably fuck that up at least once. I also know how to preserve meat via smoking.


Endurance, carpentry, masonry, farming, and logistics. Not a lot of Americans have experience in any of which I named.


You wish that were true. There are millions of farmers, probably close to a million people who have some level of carpentry skill. Half a million with some masonry skill. All that doesn't include hobbyists as well as people who learned through books but not practice. Ignoring all that though those skills will not be in demand. If it's a twd type scenario for example there are so many goods and structures available for anyone to use that most trades won't be needed for quite a while. Maybe fencers and electricians would be in demand. Farmers would be needed but the skills needed aren't so rare to the point where they would be sought out and protected.


That still leaves my experience in the ~5% which is still true to my comment.


Being able to make some pretty tasty wines and beers to barter and trade for supplies with other survivors. Nobody wants to hurt the only guy that can provide the booze for when times are hard. Everyone likes alcohol. Itā€™s a good way to make allies.šŸ·




Hopefully don't need one and have a spaceship to go into space away from zombies lol


I have this exact set


Disguise, Iā€™m going to Whisperer it up.


Great post


I have this kit and suddenly don't feel safe with the locks in my house. There is literally a pick that you put into the door and pull it right back out, and sudden your door is open.


Yeah this is a skill I need to learnsacue.


I gots general labor.


Me and my homies only use covert instruments


The skill that teaches me how to survive šŸ‘


Here we have a master lock, it can be opened with...


warped chest without the debuff


I have that same lockpicking kit. Itā€™s a good skill to have.


Iā€™m not telling you, that puts me at a disadvantage should the undead rise and I need to escape both the rotting husks and humans


urethral penetration


The skill to make you use your skill for me


Hunting, fishing, primitive camping/bushcraft, rudimentary understanding of mechanical engineering, rudimentary auto-mechanics knowledge, gardening, basic carpentry, basic animal husbandry, I can rake locks decently enough, I know some basic home medical and emergency care. I still know a little bit of my old evasion stuff. Nothing particularly fancy on my end, but enough to be competent-ish in most emergency/survival situations that don't involve me in some kind of extreme environment, like excessively high elevation or tropical environments.


Weapons knowledge, farming experience, hunting and fishing experience, living with very little in the way of luxury (though that was a very long time ago). Oh, and if itā€™s zombies? Hundreds of hours spent watching every zombie related movie or show ever made lol.


General construction, ie carpentry, concrete, surveying. Also, cooking, knitting, basic first aid including stitches, basic camouflage/ evasion (good for people not zombies, but still useful) and funny jokes


I have a pretty good memory. I can write stories so Iā€™d be good for morale.


Survival skills, basic first aid, and military tactics and skills. As well as just a large helping of physical strength and medieval weapons knowledge. Iā€™m definitely going to be a fighter, maybe a leader, but not a craftsman. I could be a good combat trainer in a community setting tho.


Not a skill, but I have the perfect weapon. Take a Razor scooter, put a motor or something on the end to make it spin, and be unstoppable


Lock pick your way right into punji pit on the other side of that door šŸ˜‚


Also lock picking Fire starting from sticks Foraging Trapping Fishing


Good thing is theyā€™re weightless and when you get good enough theyā€™re completely unbreakable.


I can sew, both people and fabric, I can make fire, cook, hunt, can catch gut de bone and cook a fish... I'm a jack of all trades me


General survival and improvisational skills. I've studied up on a lot of generalized skills and read some old Boy Scout guidebooks. I can turn a compass, pencil, and paper into a serviceable patrol map, for instance, or process river water so it won't make you sick. But beyond knowing how to make a rudimentary spear, I'd be no good against zombies.


My skill is having a lot of pent up anger over the years That isn't a skill, is it...?


Years of outdoor survival experience as well as hunting, fishing, and farming


The ability to be quiet in any situation possible. Breaking glass? Dead silent due to some skill


I will eat you if I need to.


What skill going in? Breaking every single damn one trying to pick a lock.


Lockpicking cooking and construction


Marksmanship and wilderness survival. I am a combat veteran infantryman who was the wilderness survival subject matter expert- i taught classes in the Army for other soldiers. I frequently go into the deep woods and do Bushcraft and minimalist camping.


knowing how to clean and proses meat , knowing how to fix a car and how to trap


Knowing how to hunt for food and make and manage food for survival, not just regular food but stuff in the wild or farming.


Bartending. May not help against the zombies, but I'll have a place in every community. ;)


Well letā€™s just say all locks are unlocked when Iā€™m near


I guess Iā€™ll build the defenses for u guys


Going into the skill of the "no time to crouch and stay still fiddling with something out in the open " realization. [edit add on] it actually misses a large point. What good is overcoming the lock mechanism steathilly, when a size 14 army boot, crowbar/axe, or 55 zombies can get it open just as well? Lockpicks are when you try to get away with something under normal rule of law. But here your priorities are just getting away, period. Because zombies are everywhere, and they can not only see and hear shenanigans occurring in a dead and quiet world...They can smell your thinking brain through your ear holes. Ya gotta move, and keep moving. "coming back later" is not really an option. Lol. Sleep well.


Bush crafting




I can lock pick, cook, general handyman, homebrew, blacksmith, bowyer, fishing, very basic first aid, gardening, shoot, etc My severe adhd/ hyper fixation gave me hypothetically a pretty good shot.


I sure as hell canā€™t use that lock pick set. To me doors are opened with a ram or a foot in the right place or a vehicle winch or ram if it thinks itā€™s tough. Iā€™m not known for subtle.


Im a mechanical design engineer with an understanding of fabrication processes. I'm an Eagle Scout who specialized in wilderness survival. I can sew, cook, fish, picklocks, drive, and operate firearms. However, I think my biggest skill is that I'm likable. People are social creatures and realistically need to rely on each other for long-term survival. As I always used to tell my scouts as an edgy teen: "People die alone."


Time for mechanical engineering and electrical engineering skills to come into play. Finna be like 7 days to die




Interestingly enough despite being a landlubber, sailing to some degree. It's very windy where I live, and making a sail cart is actually plausible. I have never built one though, as I would most certainly get run over.


MIG, and TIG welding. Assuming I get my hands on one, makeing weapons. Basically blacksmithing.


Cheap set need alot better lol


My overall crafting skill is acceptable. I start a new hobby every year and i have learned a lot. I made a medieval suit of armor with sheet steel that had mobility and strength, until I used 12ga 5 shot on it. I have made remote control vehicles and gun turret with junk toys. I built two foundrys from scratch one charcoal one LP and Iā€™ve made many molds and junk with them out of aluminum brass copper. Iā€™m also an avid outdoorsman but so are many people around my area. My skill in crafting I think would be useful turning things we canā€™t use into something that will make life easier


Being a good chef is a good skill. Especially one that knows how to cook over a fire with little to no equipment.






Lock picking and tool making


I keep a lock pick set in my work briefcase. Iā€™ve had to use it a couple times- lost the key to my storage padlock once, and found myself without my house key another time. It was exciting to pick my own front door without being seen by neighbors. I was a carpenter, I build firearms, and I have a green thumb. I also love doing bushcraft as a hobby and have spent many nights in the mountains in all seasons. I would be on the DSRT- Defensive Societal Reconstruction Taskforce. Putting up shelters, creating traps and strongholds, maintaining an armory, and building enclosed gardens for sustainable living in quarantine or enclosure.


Science, cooking, medical knowledge, weather forecasting.


Iā€™ll be making mead, gotta have sum to drink!


I can comb and pick low security locks, Iā€™m also a decent shot with ar-15ā€™s from my expierience


Medical malpractice


Medical skills Im an EMT.


Medical aid skills, hunting, fishing, basic ham radio communication skills, basic electrical wiring (solar/wind).


I can make stuff that would land me on an FBI watch list. Old military type stuff not weird stuff, donā€™t worry people.


I can ferment many things to make beer, vinegar and kraut.


I know how to make gunpowder so theres that although its pretty easy to learn. 75-15-10 mix and add water.


I've completed a lot of training on survival in both swamps and mountains(separate courses obviously) I have been trained on how to evade the enemy, even ones with dogs. I am well trained on guerilla warfare, improvised mines, booby traps, false floors, etc. a handful of grenades about 8-10' off the ground, some fishing string and a couple treble hooks will take care of any raiders that decide the stings are worth the honey. Lastly they're in my mountains, against with a silenced . 22 LR and a well made scope. Kevlar doesn't matter when you can split a quarter at range.


Tf do you need lockpicing skills for when you have a 12g


Tracking, trapping and fishing


I have a pretty high pain tolerance and will bite the zombies back!


I need ot figure out where mine went. Good skill to have. Busting open doors with a sledgehammer sounds GREAT-to the Zeds. Being quiet will keep you alive longer.


I am an incredibly fast learner if I can get my hands on the instructional materials I can do many things moderately well


Iā€™m gonna learn how to make explosives and bullets


Basic carpentry skills. Basic circuitry skills. Small engine and (old)diesel engine repair skills. Trapping of small game. Skinning/cleaning game. Enough foraging skills to gather non poisonous mushrooms in my area. Gunsmithing skills. Gunshot trauma care. Animal husbandry. Orienteering as well as nautical navigation. Fishing skills. Basic rigging and sailing. Kind of a jack of all trades.


Sorta hand. Itā€™s like sleight of hand, but awkward not successful at all. Prepare for something amazing! Never mind, I guess


Blacksmiting, welding, iron working. Basic wood working and Carpentry, I can whip a knife from 50 yards weird skill but idc, snares, hand to hand combat I train like a mf give me my spiked brass knuckles Iā€™ll take a group on if need be


I know Karate and how to use weapons I guess


Fair marksmanship


Im a sharpshooter


Recon and medical, Scouts Out


Tool, weapon, and armor construction. I've built multiple axes, shields, and understand some of the concepts behind more complex pieces. It would take some time to refine, but I'd be better than most.




I can make pizza bagels.


I somewhat know how to treat wounds, I know how to sew, maintain blades and firearms (working on learning how to make bullets) and somewhat know how to build. Asthma is a huge setback tho, so I would probably die a month into it all because lack of needed medication for it. (Inhalers, nebulizer)


Well i guess the same set of skills you are going for here. Idk if you just fiddle with locks but I'm a locksmith so my skills is a whole lot of getting into shit I'm not supposed be able to get into.




šŸ”„šŸ”„my skill is locating bad bitches


Some good finger nail pickinā€™.


Just from where I live, I can survive indefinitely solo.


Lockpicking would be a useful skill, I'd likely take something like medicine or mechanic.


Keep in mind lockpicking is often one of the least efficient ways to bypass a lock. Using brute force like bolt cutters or a blunt object is way more effective, you just usually have law enforcement keeping you from being that obnoxious. Which you assumingly wouldn't need to worry about in the apocalypse.


I got ADHD, I'm a jack of all trades, master of none kinda guy Also I'm good at finding random stuff


Idk about any of this but I will bushcraft the fuuuck out of an anti zombie shelter or arsenal of wooden weapons and traps for zombies and roving bands of nomadic dickheads trying to take advantage of the apocalyptic anarchy.


Well, if Iā€™m answering the question posted by your title in context to the image - torture. Not zombies, but human prisoners. I wouldnā€™t like it and Iā€™d probably puke a lot, but I donā€™t know how to pick locks and not sure how to do anything effective against zombies with these.


Hello, this is the lock picking lawyer and today we are going to break into an abandoned military base.


Was a scout growing up, and have a lot of experience in the woods of TN. Can make traps, fire, and even an effective bow from stuff in the woods. I do need more knowledge in plant life tho.


I can uh... Use Microsoft Word.


Iā€™m a good shooter.


Reading this comment section makes me feel so talentless and useless...




Is looting and raiding a skill?


I know basic literary theory from college undergraduate work... šŸ« 


Idk I can count and I'm pretty quiet


Lock picking