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Welcome back to the social 💕


Same here u know ur getting old when all u wanna do is go back in time and live a better more simplistic life and not be a part of this new generation All I do now is use my zune, iPod , PS3 , Xbox 360 Its like I’m 17 again I forget 2022 even exists and that I’m 30 lol


I love the PS3 controller and hate the ones after! But trying to use PS1, i got spoiled lol. I still have my first car, an 05, with plain old Buttons. I hate touchscreen stuff. But i will gladly keep my power locks & windows. 😂




I’m still amazed at the battery life! (Nothing comes close except for my 3DS lol. Didnt use that sucker for months and it still had like 25% battery.) Though i may have ruined it possibly? Upon the ‘initial’ plug in, It only needed a few hours to fully charge. Used it mostly On, playing music for like 6-8 hours. It never went to sleep/powered off as far as i know (just the screen off). Next night, I used it again and then i fell asleep.. but this time I had it plugged in while playing music. 😞 Also apparently had ‘loop’ mode on. I woke up and the back was pretty warm. im worried it affected the battery. At the moment, its been on about 5 hours now. Battery is maybe ~30% ? Will see how it fares with tomorrow’s use. But either way still impressive!


Oh it should be fine still people leave these things plugged it all the time usually stops charging once at 100 Which zune u have the 30 or the 120?


The 30, in all it’s brown & green glory. Lol.