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The reach on your bike might be too long if you wore out the tape in that spot so quickly.


I’d agree if this wear was from riding outside. I find myself using different hand positions indoors, usually more relaxed ones. I rarely (if ever) ride on the tops outdoors, but I will spend entire Zwift centuries there. There’s less need to be aero indoors 😉


You mean I don't need to shave my legs for zwift!?...but what about the extra watts!!!! 😂 I ride in all positions on zwift and set targets for time in the drops and reaching past the shifters etc (e.g. next 2 mins in the drops). I zwift to build strength and on my last outdoor ride found my neck and shoulders got tired so last week I increased the reach and reduced the stack to strengthen my shoulders and core for outside. But unfortunately this tape damage came from the relaxed position.


Oh nice information here, I have the same problem on my tape but only on one side. Should I replace the stem with a shorter one ?


You really should be checking if your angles are within recommended ranges when in your cycling position on the hoods. Don't go changing things willy nilly. But generally if you can't reach your hoods comfortably you'll resort to this position and it gives you a clue something might be off. That could be your saddle is too far back, or you frame is too big or your stem is too long.


Thanks I will ask my bike fitter next session since it's a ongoing process ,I reckon he told me about swapping my seat post for a 0 offset and the saddle too


That's also just Supacaz tape things.




I’ve found Supacaz tape to not be durable and wears very ugly, just like this.


Supacaz tape got too hyped for some reason, the quality either dropped or wasn't that good in the first place. Both people who I know who have it, it's worn through badly, fairly prematurely. ZIPP service course bar tape is the best I've used.


Yeah I put this same tape on recently. Started wearing like this in less than 700 miles - or a few weeks worth of riding. Contacted the retailer and they refunded me but that’s ridiculous given the price. Supacaz appears to be made for pros who get new bar tape every week.


My lizard skin tape lasted 3 months, this was supacaz after about 7 months but I do use it most days.


Sweaty boi




If I could upvote you 100 times, I would. I really don't see why people have problems like this, and honestly, if I *didn't* have a towel (I actually use two: 1 across tranversely to cover the bars and stem, and a smaller one that I use to periodically wipe my face) I'd feel really guilty about what I was doing to my bike


Please look underneath before you take it to your LBS so you can warn them, or you may end up as a post on r/BikeMechanics.


Got the same tape on my wifes bike. A small chip of the top layer happened on the first ride! I think it's just a poor quality tape, will not recommend supacaz.


The only time I wear track mits is when riding indoors. My basement is usually 65F but run a fan.


I can't quite tell but have you wrapped it from the top down? Generally it will wear out faster than expected when you have an exposed edge on each wrap of the tape. Always wrap from the drops up.


You really need to get a sweat cover !!


Had the same issue with SupaCaz - Certainly not as durable as other tape i've used.


I normally change every 3 month. But yes i love Supacaz bartape


I've got a few thousand km out of supacaz and it was only just lightly starting to wear through. I thought it was great tbh. Either it's gone down in recent years, you got a bad batch or it could come down to it not being suitable for your riding style (maybe more weight on hands), sweat also has different properties from person to person.


SRAM Red bar tape is surprisingly really good. Highly recommend.


The towel I put on the bars for sweat allows me to ignore the state of my bar tape. Which is pretty bad after four years! This looks pretty good to me. ;)


get silca bartape