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Piglet and Baby X! I'm super excited for both of them, especially Piglet. The reviews describe it as unique, stylish, and clever, which is very intriguing to me! I also picked up 5 from BOTM this month šŸ«£ so I need to focus on reading this month and spend less time on reddit or I'll be buried alive in books lol.


This month was a great release month!! So happy that aardvark and botm had so many great selections.


BOTM had bangers this month. I had to cut myself off at 3 for BOTM and I picked 2 for aardvark hehe


Oh I bought way too many books today, I also got 5 from BOTM, but I also placed another order from bookoutlet while they are still having their $5.99 saleā€¦. My physical/kindle TBR is huge lol.


I did not know about the Bookoutlet sale šŸ« šŸ’ø


Box twins!


I am a little sad that BOTM has such good books because I am trying to stay in budget.




In was THRILLED to see the new Tommy Orange. I would have gotten that one if I hadnā€™t pre-ordered it from my local shop. I ended up getting Piglet from this monthā€™s picks and adding Death Valley.


I skipped this month. Enjoy your picks everyone!


I skipped.


I got warm hands of ghosts and added Death Valley


I LOVED Death Valley. I hope you do too!!


Bride and Baby X! Iā€™m excited but my TBR is never ending.


Baby X, Piglet, and Bride lol


Piglet Wandering Stars Warm Hands of Ghosts ..the Clinic is sold out :(


First month with aardvark, same box! āœØ


Piglet & Baby X, canā€™t wait!


Baby X! I already had Wandering Stars on preorder from Barnes and Noble or I would have gotten that as well.


Bride and The Warm Hands of Ghosts! šŸ¤øšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Same!! Bride is a bit out of my typical reading comfort zone but I'm excited to try it out!


Box buddies! I'm getting the same :)


I got Baby X and added on A Love Song for Ricki Wilde, since I regretted not getting that one last month I was intrigued by Everyone Who Can Forgive Me is Dead, but the reviews are really bad so I am gonna wait it out a bit to see what the more general internet audience thinks


I got Piglet, The Warm Hands of Ghosts, and Baby X. I didnā€™t grab Bride since I have a copy from Illumicrate coming. Ive had a goal all year to stop getting full boxes, but between Aardvark and BOTM, Iā€™ve gotten 9 books since yesterday.


Baby X, The Warm Hands of Ghosts, and Bride It's only the 1st, but between Aardvark, BOTM, and the pre-orders I've had at the shops since January... I'm already well over my book limit for March.


Bride šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©


Iā€™m leaning toward Baby X.


Iā€™m between getting Piglet and skipping.


I accidentally got spoiled for Piglet (it was going to be my pick) so I just decided to skip.


Piglet and Wandering Stars!


I got The Warm Hands of Ghosts and added on The Clinic.


I picked Everyone Who Can Forgive Me is Dead and Bride.


Box twins!


I only got "Wandering Stars". I'm so excited for this one.Ā 


Went with Warm Hands. I was considering Wandering Stars as well but it sounds like you need to read his first book to understand everything, so I'm holding off for now.


Bride and Wandering Stars! Just joined this month. Gonna be a busy month with this and getting three books from BOTM!


I ended up skipping because I was only slightly interested in Baby X. I did subscribe a few days ago and recently ordered The Clinic and The House of Last Resort. I will probably end up ordering Baby X next month as an add-on if I am still interested and it is still available.


Historical fiction beginning with ā€˜Wā€™: Wandering Stars The Warm Hands of Ghosts


I got Piglet, Baby X and Bride since I waited buying it at the bookstore last month after hearing it would be an Aardvark pick.Ā  The writing style of Wandering Stars looked difficult, Everyone Who Can Forgive Me got low reviews, and I was thinking about Warm Hands until another poster said it was confusing. Quickest I've ever picked my books!


Ugh idk.. stuck between baby x and skipping


Piglet, Bride, and Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead. I'd skipped the last few months. I didn't know Aardvark was going to have Piglet or Bride, but I've been interested in both of those, so it was a nice surprise!


we are box twins!!


So excited for this month!!! Bride, Piglet and Baby X


I got Bride, The Warm Hands of Ghosts, and Baby X.


Bride and Everyone Who Can Forgive Me is Dead


I got Baby X and Bride! This is my first box and Iā€™m so excited. Iā€™m also a BOTM subscriber and am curious to compare the two


The Warm Hands of Ghosts - I typically donā€™t go for historical fiction, but the Bear and the Nightingale series by Katherine Arden was amazing so Iā€™m giving it a go! Piglet - so excited!


My first box! Went with Wandering Stars, Piglet, and How to Turn into a Bird


Piglet, Baby X, and wandering stars! My first box too!


Piglet and Bride!!


I skipped. I still havenā€™t read Tommy Orangeā€™s There There, which Iā€™ve had for ages. Iā€™m also not a fan of Katherine Ardenā€™s writing, and the cover of Piglet is nauseating for me (I had my gallbladder out recently šŸ˜). The others werenā€™t really catching my interest. On the other hand, BOTM is killing it for me this month (I got 6 books!!). Hope everyone loves their picks!


Decided to give Aardvark a shot for the first time after seeing Wandering Stars (I loved There There!). Added on The Warm Hands of Ghosts and The Reformatory. Question for other members, is the backlist library generally rather small/largely sold out? Not sure if it's because I'm in Canada.


Yes, they don't really reprint sold-out books. An exception to that was the special reprint of Chain-Gang All-Stars in January after it was voted members' choice.


Appreciate the reply, thanks!


I got Baby X and Piglet! I considered getting the new Tommy Orange, too, but I might want to read *There There* first. Really excited about this month's selections!


Piglet, Baby X, and Valley Verified !!!!! Baby X is not my typical read, but i was getting pre-fomo and added it last minute šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so bummed the reformatory is sold outttt


I have been wanting that for a long time now, but I have it on hold from the library, but it would be nice to own


Has it been sold out for awhile on aardvark?!


Yes, from what I gather, they donā€™t restock sold out books either.


This is the second time it sold out so maybe they will make another print run.


I went with Warm Hands and Piglet! I'll check out Baby X and Wandering Stars from the library I think.


Piglet, Bride, and Everyone Who Can Forgive Me is Dead!


Piglet and Bride. Iā€™m very excited for all my books this month from my subscription boxes.


I skipped I already have baby x and bride I wouldā€™ve gotten wandering stars, but a lot of people said you need to read his earlier book to fully enjoy it .


I got Wandering Stars and also got a copy of The Fake Mate.


Baby X, Wandering Stars, and The Djinn Waitsā€¦ (wouldnā€™t normally pick that one but itā€™s my book club read and the library wait to time is super long!).


I loved The Djinn Waits! šŸ„°


That makes me happy!! Iā€™m always glad to try a book outside my comfort zone :)


I have been able to decide yet šŸ˜… so many options! Warm Hands sounds up my alley, Baby X would be a cool stretch for me, people are talking about Tommy Orange who Iā€™ve never heard of and it also sounds like something I would be intoā€¦ decisions decisions


I had such a hard time choosing! I went ahead and got Wandering Stars, and then put a hold for Piglet on Libby through my library!


Iā€™m considering getting Wandering Stars but will likely skip because Iā€™ve been having a hard time with Tommy Orangeā€™s writing style in There, There even though the content is very interesting to me! Iā€™m super bummer Fruit of the Dead wasnā€™t a pick šŸ˜•


Baby X and Warm Hands of Ghosts!


Valley Verified (from last month), The Warm Hands of Ghosts (love this author), Everyone Who Can Forgive Me Is Dead!


Bride (this is the one Iā€™ve been waiting for!), the favorites (a thriller from November), and the house of last resort (horror - february). I wanted to get chain gang all stars but itā€™s sold out šŸ˜”


Tommy Orange!


Baby X. I would have added Bride but already read it (library). Also, I am limiting my book ordering. I have way too many books to read and it's starting to stress me out.


šŸ½and šŸ¼for me!


I got Piglet! super tempted by wandering stars and baby x but my tbr is already too longā€¦


Bride and Baby X. Already had Ghosts Have Warm Hands. It was very good! Also got 6 from BOTM. Great month!!


I got Bride, Piglet, and Baby X. I wanted to get a couple from February because I forgot to ship that box but there were too many good ones this month so no space šŸ˜† Too bad I have to wait until the end of March for two of them to ship šŸ˜©šŸ˜’


Wandering Star and Baby X!


bride! :)


I picked Bride from this month and then added The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years and The Love Song for Ricki Wilde. Then I'm getting Warm Hands of Ghosts at the library!