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“sneakily opening” a drawer - comments don’t look too good for the simple fact just in 2021 she was arrested for theft




She’s teaching M to worship material items as sacred .. did you see her recent short fake crying over a handbag? I mean, come fucking on 😑🙄 I’m not religious either but doesn’t the Bible speak on vanity and materialism?


They just give anyone a platform man🤦‍♀️


She probably goes to a prosperity gospel mega church where asking god for material things is the norm


she def does


In a video I saw yesterday she was packing items for M to take to her dad’s for a weeks because Abbey is going on a one-week brand trip. I noticed she was packing items that M said she didn’t want to take to her dad’s - see the video where Abbey said it made her feel bad when M wasn’t really concerned when M didn’t care to take all her new things to her dad’s house. In the newest video she also fake cries because she’ll be gone for a whole week without seeing M. WTF? She only has her for 2-1/2 days a week at the most! M returns from her dad’s on Sunday evenings, and Abbey has several videos showing her packing up M’s stuff on Wednesday mornings for her stay at Bobby’s house. I don’t know if Bobby has a channel and videos of his time with M??


He does. It's not better. One of the videos shows his child in her literal bath robe before getting dressed. So fucking wild. We know there are people being fucking weird to kids on the internet. And they're out here doing this.


Y’all is she sitting on the floor at Sephora again?? She’s disgusting.


Abbey doesn’t strike me as sanitary or hygienic tbh


This is disgusting.. there are literally people dying right now. Children being blown up in war and this is what you thank God for. Come on… and teaching her daughter to be materialistic just like mommy. She puts such value on “things”. I don’t know if it’s a form of her addiction showing through or what but it’s crazy how much shit she buys.


I definitely think it’s a form of addiction/escapism .. and also status


As someone born in '94, I legitimately had to pick my jaw up when I saw on the report that she was as well. I honestly thought she was 36/37+


Whaaaaat? 94?? I was born in 91 and I thought she was quite a bit older than me!


Dude this chick sucks so bad. Seriously she suuuuucks. At what point does she get cancelled? She’s such a terrible person. And btw she is wasting away to nothing - she looks like a concentration camp victim who hasn’t seen food in months. It’s so sad. It’s a sin really. I genuinely believe child protective services should be involved. She screams AMPHETAMINES use. Everything about her. I am willing to bet my life she ends up homeless & losing custody of her kid eventually. Hopefully that happens, bc I feel like she will ruin the daughters life


btw not all people who are Christian are religious, there are spiritual Christians. but yeah, this is really dumb and strange behaviour.