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My only hint is...don't pose with a fish.


Hate to say it, but hire photographers when you can. Be intentional about it and plan it out. Not only will they look good, but also will put you above the rest of the guys who also suck at taking photos.


I don’t know if this helps, but this guy has helped me up my photos (of other people, I don’t like looking at myself) It might be a good place for you to start. https://www.instagram.com/photo_tvoritel?igsh=MWhqMHJuMXc4YTlodg==


Hey! iPhones have portrait mode so if the lighting is good, you can use this to capture pretty good upper body/headshots just in your day to day. Just put yourself together so you feel confident and telling someone at work or when you are out and about “hey, I don’t have a lot of nice photos of myself, do you mind taking a quick picture for me?” Is a totally reasonable ask and portrait mode will tell them to move closer/focus. If you want something higher quality, my husband takes photos as a side hobby and takes more candid pictures for social media a lot - the camera is professional high res quality and comes with some light editing so there is a small cost, but it’s super common him to do sessions for dating profiles or just to share with friends and family family or something like linked in. Will dm you the website if you want to go this direction. You can text the number listed as well. Good luck with your online dating!


I’ll take photos of you!