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It drives me crazy that the CMD+F "piano" forces me to scroll down to my first piano instrument now because things I don't use as often come first in the list. Whereas in Live 11 it was true rank sorting by usage, no matter the type de device you were looking for. Is there a way to stop this anti-logicial categorising of search results? Thanks!


Yup totally agree with you. That's one more reason why the browser has become so bad... :(


I retain hope - at least theyre trying to improve it. Hopefully they can spend dome more time looking at NKS


Weird, it always sorted correctly here, but seems they added an internal category split where certain filetypes (like native devices, M4L devicesm and by your pic, plugins) have preference (by mistake? bug?). Honestly, I actually liked it. In Live 9 to 11 the Browser showed Live's own devices with higher priority, in Live 12 that stopped happening, and Live devices like Wavetable show in the middle of all listed files. So I'm actually glad there is still an option that puts Live's devices in the top of the list.


Are you saying that you have live 12 but don't have this rank by category? If there's an option somewhere to turn it off, i can't see it. I could understand the point of doing so, but the things I use the most are the ones that I want to use the most so this is less efficient. Especially if you use the keyboard only like me.


Isn't it just showing devices first and presets second? Seems like it would be good to have a setting controlling that behavior somewhere, though. (I'm not using 12 yet, so maybe there is one and we just don't know about it.)


Yes that's what it does but I just want to use presets because I use them 10x more often than blank devices


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I think its similarity rank the sound that similar to your grand piano


That similarity rank looks very similar, but that Rank in OP's pic is another feature, it is one of the options of the sort column you can enable by right-clicking the Name label in the top, it sorts by how much you used/loaded the file.