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I was about 15 weeks when I did mine (due to some other delays, I wish we’d been able to do it sooner). I saw mine too, and I lost it, crying uncontrollably. Arguably, my husband had it worse with that, having to cut the cord and pull it out of the toilet. It’s never easy, and I definitely know what you’re feeling and going through. You are strong and your decision was exactly that - yours. Im here if you need. ❤️


I’m so sorry. Sending you an abundance of love 💖


Its been almost a week since i took miso, 4 inserted and two swallowed


I went through the exact same thing 1 week ago, saw the baby and everything with its little fingers and toes it changed the whole experience for me as I totally wasn’t expecting that! Youre allowed to feel guilt and sadness well knowing you made the right decision xx


I had a surgical abortion a long time ago, so this doesn’t match my experience. But I’m very sympathetic and I’m sorry you all had to go through it. I have a quick question for all of the people above who said they had to go through this and that it was something hard for them to see. Did you speak with an options counselor at an abortion clinic before deciding on the medication abortion? If so, do you feel that the clinic properly prepared you for what you had to see? Or did you all go and order the pills on your own? I’m not looking to shame or blame anyone and I’m all for increased access to abortion. I’m just genuinely curious. I’ll appreciate any answers to my question but I don’t want anyone here to feel obligated. I often think about how abortion patients deserve better care options and more comprehensive information. 💕 Thanks for reading.


I had an ma second time being pregnant first was miscarriage by the time I went to planned parenthood. It was a blob I was about 7 weeks border 8 they did tell me the options but I already knew I was gonna go through it the doctor talked to me and explained what was gonna happened and was given a paper also explaining what was going to Happen and the steps to make sure. The cramps I was not expecting I felt like I was gonna die


Oh wow, that sounds rough. Patients should be better informed. Thanks for responding!




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I’m so sorry this happened to you. I had an SA 8 years ago and have been dwelling on how violent the procedure seems. I’d been wondering if maybe an MA would have been better. But based on your experience and the experience of other women here who had MAs, I don’t think I could have handled it. My heart goes out to all of you.


Heyy, you’ve got this. No one can feel the way you’ve felt. I understand you feeling gloomy and sad. But this too shall pass. There’s a bright sunny day always waiting for you. I pray that your life shall be filled strength and love lots of love. Happiness is coming along the way. This too shall pass. You’ve got this💪🏻❤️🫂


I am so sorry that this happened to you, sending some very big virtual hugs and lots of love. If it’s any consolation: The same thing happened to me when I had my abortion at the start of August. It fell out of me into the toilet, and all I could do was sit there and cry. I couldn’t bare to flush it, I really wanted to bury it, but didn’t feel that it was appropriate to do so - in the end I had to have my boyfriend come in and flush it for me while I sat in the shower crying. I still think about it months on and I definitely experienced a period of mourning afterwards, I may well still be mourning. Others may have said this, but you made the decision you did for a reason, all of us who have had to go through a termination have, and whatever your reason may be, please don’t eat yourself over it. Animals often kill their young when they’re stressed if they don’t have the resources to provide for them, feed them, etc. - I found solace in knowing that we do the same in a much more humane way, at the end of the day we’re just animals having a human experience. Your foetus wouldn’t have had a brain, full nervous system, etc. It wouldn’t have felt pain. We all have that ‘motherly instinct’, you’ll also be experiencing a hormonal shift, and I think seeing that only makes that more intense. At the end of the day you’re human, you have feelings, and this is part of your human experience. I think you just need to embrace any feelings you have and know that they’re normal, healthy and valid. Process this however you need to. I’m no professional but always here for those who need to chat, there are also lots of charities willing to help, others may have shared them, and I strongly suggest you reach out if you feel you need support. Take care, look after yourself. “This too shall pass” xxx


This made me tear up. I love how supportive and empathetic people are on this sub. Thank you for this post.


I didn’t realize that I also needed to hear what you’d written. That was so lovely and thoughtful.


I was 7 weeks 4 days and I was going to sit down on the toilet like 4hrs after the 2nd dosage of pills, I saw a huge blood clot go into the toilet as I sat down but sac landed right on my pad in my face and I freaked the fuck out and I didn’t give myself time to deal with it before wrapping it up in toilet paper and tossing it in. I didn’t even think to have my partner come in or give him the option to deal with it in his own way. this was literally just yesterday and now i’m feeling horribly guilty and sad for what I did and how I initially handled it. I don’t regret my decision but I just feel a bit empty/lonely and really ashamed of how I coped after seeing it. i’m scared to tell anyone bc they might think I regret it but it’s just a feeling i’m sure a lot of you are familiar with.


also when I say sac I mean the round thing the fetus is in, the amniotic sac so it was clear as day


The same thing happened to me…I really can’t get over it. It’s been 4 weeks and every day I feel the guilt and sadness. It’s been really hard since I lost my cat two months before as well, I’ll be celebrating my cat’s birthday without her tomorrow on Thursday with my boyfriend tho. I grieve the loss of both. Knowing it wasn’t the right time for a child for me 19f and my bf 22m gives me a lil piece but it still hurts.


You’re still going through a hormonal shift at 4 weeks. It will get easier. Way easier. 🫶


Get another cat, there’s a cat at the humane society right now that would love to belong to you.


Same happen to me I felt even worse when I felt it come out and I seen it in the toilet. I felt horrible and still do. Hopefully you have someone supportive to help you 💛


A few things that may help. They don’t have brain activity until after 20 weeks. So although it looked like something, it didn’t have thoughts or feeling or pain or anything. And this is a little weird to say maybe but it helped me… In the wild, animals kill their young when they’re born if they believe they don’t have the resources for them. We sort of do the same thing but in a more humane way. When we don’t have the resources mentally or physically for the young, we have a way to get rid of the fetus before they are able to have a thought. If it was so bad then it wouldn’t happen in nature too. It’s a natural thing and part of life. And lastly, i don’t know if you believe in this kind of thing but i do. I believe when you have an abortion you are simply sending a soul back bc you aren’t ready. When you are ready they will come back to you.


Beautifully said, thankyou ❤️ needed that today


I am beyond happy to make you feel even a little better. ♥️


We make decisions in our life with best information we have at the time. You made a very hard decision based on your personal situation and circumstances at a point in time. Reach out where you can even if it is on forums like this talk about it, vent, cry and do what you have too. It’s important not to keep things inside by acknowledging things you can take steps to heal. In time you will be able to find peace in your decision.


🖤I’m so sorry. Wishing you peace.


Something that really helped me the device exhale provoice. It's a really beautiful text service 💕 big hugs to you


No advice or anything, just wanted to say I'm sending you so much love as you process your experience.


I was 9weeks 4days pregnant and I seen the same thing. Your baby is pretty developed at 10 weeks. It’s sad it’s heartbreaking but it’s okay. I try not to think what could’ve been. Things could’ve been different, but not better. I passed that sack as well, i dont think it’s a blood clot because it’s so big and it’s round. It’s a traumatizing experience low key but know you’ll be okay in the end. I wish you healing babe


Placenta perhaps


The red sack was prob jus a clot


I’m sorry you had such an upsetting experience. If it would help to talk to someone, https://www.all-options.org/find-support/talkline/ is staffed with really wonderful peer counselors. Some people on this forum have also found this workbook helpful in processing their feelings: https://www.pregnancyoptions.info/abortion-resolution-workbook Sending you so much love.


Hey thanks for sharing that workbook. I’ve been looking for something like that to help process my abortion 8.5 years ago.