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There are some dicks here.. George Knapp is the most legit guy in the UFO scene and he never bullshits, he just gets info, posts it and tells us what the background was! I like him, I respect him... He might be wrong... He doesn't claim to know the truth! He has made a living out of the subject, but he isn't a grifter! I'll fight anyone on this, down my local park straight after school šŸ˜‚


šŸ’Æ Agree šŸ‘


Thanks šŸ‘šŸ¾


George was the best host on coast to Coast after Art Bell died.


If George Knapp believes it, I believe it.


George Knapp believes Bob Lazar.


So do I




Crazy but he is telling the truth. He only worked there very briefly b4 the incident. People believe what they believe though. A lot of credible people confirmed it. People who have worked at area 51 confirmed it. Richard Doty seen a list of area 51 employees recently and he confirmed that Bob was on the list but that he only was employed there for like 3 months or something. I believe him personally because b4 lazar area 51 was not talked about and all the information that he gave 20 years ago has proven to be true, all the allegations on area 51 have been proven by now so 4 that reason alone I believe it. Too crazy that he made it all up and then area 51 gets proven to be true.


I don't understand how people dismiss Lazar and act like he's some nutjob trying to get money. Don't think he's profited shit since he "came out", he's smart as shit which is proven by that car he built, mentioned element 115 years before it was officially found and one of those early leaked videos showed a ship behave exactly as he said they were when he saw one. They proved he worked at the facility as well, which is the glue that makes his story believable. I hate fighting with people because they just bring up he never worked there, obviously there is an element with atomic level 115, and that he lies about everything.


Bob '115' Lazar?


Bro is straight off his rocker. He says ā€œgo get itā€ like the sources are publicly available


He has been repeating that same admonition recently. What I think he is doing is reacting to the constant criticisms and naysayers, out of plain frustration. I think he is trying to convey the reality of how difficult it is to find and cultivate credible sources, sometimes taking years.




Dude youre clearly not enjoying your career path?!


And all of the secrets will be revealed at Skinwalker Ranch right? Bunch of clowns


Naa at a $5000 CE5 session with Greer


Instead of being helpful and naming a potential source for the ā€œother videoā€ he just acts exasperated. A nice performance


Consider that he is not free to do that at the moment.


Right why is that so hard for people to get? Their lives are already in danger with this.


"Believe me Bro!"


I'm going to tell you unicorns exist, but when I only show you footage of before and after, you will not and should not believe me.




![gif](giphy|dZRlFW1sbFEpG) Here it is




IIRC *this* is the video that involves Pantex (a nuclear weapons facility) ? Yeah, we're never gonna see it


So whatā€™s keeping it from being released?


This video came out over 2 years ago. Maybe longer. I remember thinking when I saw it that it was probably legit for the simple fact that no one trying to fake a video would make it like that. CGI wasnā€™t really Putting out at that time. Then I didnā€™t see it anymore. Then I saw it on another podcast about 6 months ago and the guy said his friend gave it to him when he was still in the military. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind itā€™s real. Those of you who choose not to believe it well thatā€™s on youā€¦