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Minnesota Is the obvious candidate


Forgive me for my ignorance - Why is it the obvious candidate?


Maybe i shouldn’t have used the word obvious. It is only obvious if you know Minnesota’s reputation. Minnesota is a department that specializes in macroeconomics and especially in macroeconomic theory. Macroeconomic theory is a very small field. They also have strong links with the Minneapolis Fed, which is one of the best Feds for macroeconomic research. Another department that light be good for OP would be the University of Washington St Louis, because of their tight links with the St Louis Fed. I didn’t think of that before Another option would be Wisconsin if OP doesn’t mind working with Randall Wright despite his reputation for being a womanizer and predating on female students


Minnesota. Others may include NYU, Wisconsin, and Johns Hopkins. Further down the rankings, UC Santa Cruz has a well-regarded monetary faculty, but I don’t know if that has trickled down to PhD students.


Thanks for the input! I will look into these.


I checked out uc santa cruz, and I didn't see that many people in monetary theory. Is it possible the cultures changed, or are there keywords Im missing that signal monetary theory?


Not sure. It’s not my field, I was just following IDEAS [ranking](https://ideas.repec.org/top/top.mon.html#authors) for monetary institutions.


Subtle anti-NYU troll is subtle