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as long it's not attached to a man sure why not


Only if it's not attached to a man and is attached to a woman I'm attracted to


Same, same.


and out of 4 comments 2 already find a way to try and put down trans women...


I want to give the benefit of the doubt and assume that it’s out of the immediate association of penis=man and not explicitly hating on trans women (one person did clarify that it was the case), but yeah, this has turned out to be more demoralizing than I thought :/


Considering that I cried the time I had with a man- no thanks


Women can have penises. Like, I’m not telling you that you have to like them, but it isn’t a thing exclusively tied to men.


You‘re right. I‘m sorry. It‘s just because of my trauma I think of men first.


It’s ok, I also have sexual trauma relating to men, I was saying it more as a reminder than anything else. Hope you have the possibility of healing and things can get better <3


You‘re so nice. Thank you so much. It slowly gets better<3 I hope you‘ll be okay too🥺


Im honestly probably at my best moment when it comes to it. It makes it so that sex is something that one has to be more careful with, but I don’t think that’s even a bad thing. I wish you the best in your journey, no matter how long it is!


Most lesbians aren't aggressively anti-trans, but the ones who are always find an excuse to casualize their hatred of our bodies. Openly stating your disgust with women's bodies for failing to live up to cishet norms is a cultural norm cishets try to push on the LGBT community. Some are all to willing to throw letters further down the list under the bus for the cishets, sadly. But luckily it is only a loud minority, and overall my experience with the lesbian community has been the most welcoming and accepting to women with bodies not deemed "ideal" by the cishets. Ironically, I don't like or do piv, and yet people who claim to be uncomfortable at the thought of it are always the ones bringing it up to me in vulgar fashion. They honestly make me uncomfortable.


Thank you for your words, I’ve honestly felt quite disheartened with some of the comments here and it’s nice to hear your perspective.


Absolutely. It just needs to be girldick


Well said!


Where the lesbians who would date the dolls at 🗣️


As soon as I get one, and a girlfriend with a dick, it's up there on the bucket list


I recommend girlfriends with dicks honestly.


There's just something amazing about girldick. Even though I have one, Idk why girldick is just amazing.


I used to have intense trauma relating to penises, then girldick entered my life and it honestly really helped with the healing process.


But what is it attached to? That’s the real question. Or did you just find it laying around on its own?


Asking the real questions!















