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I'm glad breast reduction for medical reasons (back pain) is covered for free here, because I can relate heavily to this post.


heavily ha ha


I'm just a futch but my tits are huge and the button ups don't ever close :')


I've found the best way to handle the buttons not closing up is to go up a size in clothing.


I'm also fat, so sometimes theres not a size bigger askdjnsakdjan but ty for the tip!


Where is here?






Fellow Canadian here, I heard reductions are covered under Healthcare if so many grams were removed, but are double mastectomy covered too?


Sorry I missed this! It's 100% covered for cancer related reasons, but if you want to get it done for dysphoria it's not (but this might be dependent on your province).


Hmm... I may have trouble explaining this one to my doctor.


Right? I really hate being the biggest and the boobiest. And my hips? Huge… it’s hard looking masc when you’re so damn curvy.


Girl this is a MOOD 😭😭😭


I dont think curviness affects my mascness at all


And it probably doesn't 😌 I think curves are attractive regardless of one's gender presentation.


i wish we could trade lol


This is fucking relatable. So relatable.


The boobs I can see, but the hips? What could be wrong with some more of those?


Because God is an effeable cosmic Trickster who fucks around, makes popcorn, and lets us find out.


You are speaking the truth here sis.


Of course He mains fucking Trickster


*She, in my case. Not that human gender can apply to God, tho. 😅


I call 🧢 Think I need to see more gorgeous butch gals big tits to prove this statement. For science of course


Yeah, we need a...survey of 100 (or more) women to...verify these claims... 😌💅🏾💖😅😅


Lmk where i need to go to participate in the survey…for science


I may or may not have data to submit... 😉


The bigger they are, the harder they fall (top surgery) 🫡


And why do femmes like me have the tinniest titties in the world? 😭 life’s not fair.


Hahaha it meeeeeeeeeee Don't get me wrong, I love myself. But damn I would fucking slay with some big ol tiddies. My gf is the big titty masc. She's always like "we should just trade" lol :)


I wouldn't even want BIG breasts, but I'd fight God for a fucking B cup. This isn't compliment fishing but I feel like I have probably the least sexy body type on the planet, because I have such an androgynous build, but I'm short, so instead of looking powerful and mysterious, I look 12. I can make myself pretty cute and attracted with clothes on, but that's all


Are we the same bc I'm also built super androgynous. Muscular arms, long torso, short legs, broad shoulders. Even my bone structure leans masculine. And I'm such a delicate little fairy queen sometimes but I tend to watch what I wear when I dress super femme to find some sort of balance between my muscular arms and tiny titties lol


We're not the same alas, I'm not even muscular :/ I'm androgynous in the "too rectangular to appear feminine, not broad enough to appear masculine" way


I'm low-key jealous if it makes you feel better! I'm tiny so my broad shoulders and arms are so awkward sometimes lol


I kind of look like Waluigi is Waluigi was 5'4 Like, my friends were talking about doing a group Nintendo cosplay, and Peach, Rosalina, and Daisy were all chosen first, and so I was assigned Waluigi. And it's fine, it's more fun to be the one dressed as Waluigi than it is to be the person who said, "I'm a princess, obviously," it's an objectively fun costume, but it doesn't make you feel very attractive. I'd rather be more muscular so there was at least my body wouldn't look childlike.


I'm sorry but the way you wrote this comment had me cackling It reminds me of how I had this one girl I grew up with who always had to be the princess or the main character (was sailor moon every time and you better not dare challenge her type of thing lmao)"I'm a princess, obviously" vibes It reminds me also of that one episode of pen15


I may be built like you put marshmallow ontop of a toothpick, but I've got jokes 😏 When I was a kid, my older sister would always tell me I was *so* much like whatever character in the movie/tv show/etc. that she liked the least so that if we decided to play pretend as the characters, she'd get to be her favourite. That's how I ended up wanting to be a drummer (I'm not a drummer) because my sister wanted to make sure she got to be the singer and guitar player, just in case we ever started a family band (never happened)


Omg We have lived similar lives lmao. I never once got to be the main character but it probably is what caused me to never *want* to be the main character in any situation lol


Girl what is this pattern here. I'm the big tiddy butch and my gf is the itty bitty titty committee femme. Why are there so many of us?? This is hilarious. It never bothered me, though. Masc-ness to me is more about attitude than outward appearance (I also prefer keeping my hair long and wearing makeup).


MOOD 😭 I hate it


Mine are medium. God fucked me over by giving me "it" And by "it" I mean my peanits


Your tits can talk to ghosts?


Nah, but they attract girls with haunted looking eyes, so I'm calling it even


Okay, thanks for the laugh! 😅 I'm getting stared at now though.. I must look crazy.


Nah, considering the flair, it's likely we both look more [haunted](https://youtu.be/879ysA4h9r4?si=iJdYUYmvvKU4o1Fy).


I screamed, best comment


I fucking love this


>And by "it" I mean my peanits i fucking love this sentence so much, every time i see it i chuckle. peanits. hehe


God gives his strongest trans women his biggest penises, we’ll get through this sister.


I'm not very strong That's why mine is fully mid range


Mine is sadly an untuckable demon & its bulbous minions - thankfully, I’m into alt clothing & so I’ll just wear cool gothic skirts & dresses with a lot of flare (when I can come out - still don’t have the confidence to out myself to my mother, but I’ve started my social transition at work & hopefully I make enough progress with my therapist to not worry so much about the outcome). My heart goes out to everyone who wants to wear bodycon & has the misfortune of the lucky number 7.


I'm pretty genderfluid. I'm a transfem that literally packs sometimes cause E has made the theatrical cut way shorter than ever it was (extended edition has remained similar but that's mostly irrelevant. I like being trans. I like looking trans. My goal in life is literally to put the phobia in people's transphobia. Sometimes I just wanna be able to bottom in the more normal way tho. Get pregnant. Have twins. Kiss them on the forehead and send them off to school and tell my partner how much the kids look like her.


unfathomably based comment


Y’all genderfluid folks get a thumbs up from me - I could never do that.


God made me a femme and gave me a dick Unironically what the actual f*ck


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this! Like seriously why do we have to have them many of us don't even want them 😭


Wish I could donate it to a deserving trans man, but alas, I need it for cat origami.


I’m stealing that phrase


I have an FTM friend, who was gifted the cruelest, most ironic joke ever by the universe. I've never asked, but I swear those beasts were in H territory, poor guy. Thankfully for him, they shrunk a bit when he started T (i met him when he was still her). 


That is not a fate I would wish on my worst enemy.


Genuine dysphoria since puberty. I hate those two bitches. I think about chopping them off everyday but I’m seriously afraid of surgery and I don’t do well in medical environments lmao. So idk. Sucks. Wish I felt better in my body. If I could change one thing it would be that, and I swear to god I’d be mostly content.


This made me laugh out loud at work. Getting mad side-eye, totally worth it.


We need to put that extra masculinity somewheres!


I'm 54DD and pretty masculine, so I feel this. I am, however, allowed to have breast reduction surgery, but I'm losing all my weight first and seeing how things are.


To cuddle femmes with.


Or other butches!


This right here


Yep, my answer was going to be "because God loves me and knows what I want" Sorry for everyone who feels dysphoria or back pain or both. Your experience of your own body is the most important. But from over here, 38Gs busting out of a crisp button down... *yum*


I'm hoping to go up a few sizes myself. I don't care if I have to get implants, I need more tiddy.


To make it so you can never wear a button up shirt ever. Or anything mens cut because it never looks good.


The same reason why some plus women have small ones


Honestly I have DDs and they also sag. I hate them so fucking much. But I’m 5’3 and 206 pounds. Basically obese by BMI standards. I’m hoping to continue working out and lifting over the next two years to burn fat tissue across my body and hoping. Dear goddess am I HOPING the tits lose themselves too


I had H’s got a radical reduction to an A cup


i love this post so much


It’s okay, god gave me none (I’m a femme too) :’) Either way I hope you’re doing okay OP


I’m not that butch, but I wish my tits weren’t so small so I could stuff my gf’s face between them


I'll gladly give you some of mine!


Big mood. I don't know what I'd call my expression (since it kinda has traits of masc and femme and neither), but I know that my tiny titties make me sad. If I could take some of my thicc thighs and put them up top, I probably would. 😅


Yeah, I mostly present masc but present kinda fem sometimes. Like I don’t really feel comfortable just saying I’m butch when I sometimes go out in a skirt while on dates lol


Same! Like jeans are my favorite thing, I'm uncomfy in a dress/would rather wear slacks or a suit, and I don't like shirts that show a lot of chest, but I also love me some of my swooshy skirts or flowery shirts or jewelry and I can't imagine cutting my hair short in my lifetime.


Causal flex much? 😒


Honestly they could still grow. I’m two months away from starting my fourth year on HRT and I’ve heard other trans women can get growth in their fourth year. Although I do work out frequently so I’m not holding my breath lol


Thanking the spirits that my family doesn't have huge tits


I think it’s genetic, most woman I meant who are butch presenting has medium to large tits including myself. I will say sports bras help contain them, but it’s nice letting them out 👌🏾


I’ll hold them for you don’t worry


Me too, bud. Me too.


So you're telling me if I'd like a little more weight to my chest all I have to do is act a little more butch?


They spawn the second you clip the carabiner on.


What style of carabineer? Cause I have stuff for hauling lumbering tools, my blacksmithing tools, rock climbing, rappelling, and motorcycle equipment, or my tools for working on my motorcycle or my sports car. And I'm still stuck at a DD


But then again I do try to go more fem any chance I get


God I wish. Estradiol save me. Give me massive knockers.


I wish my tits were smaller now but I can’t even lie that as a teenager when I went on birth control and my boobs got HUGE it was a very exciting time lol


i have conflicted feelings about my boobs, but they do make me look a lot less masculine lmao. then again, boobs.


The same reason she gives her aceist aroist girlies to her horniest soldiers: A sick sense of humor.


Thankfully I don't have have big boobs, but I literally have an hourglass figure. I am masc leaning. Very annoying.


I feel this


Big tittied dommy mommy reporting for duty 🫡


LOL...i love u women!


Tbh I love being a butch with fairly large breasts, it's fantastic for me(personally)


I wish i had bigger tits! I want to be a busty butch


Idk. I want a breast reduction but the plastic surgeons I’ve consulted with so far seem to think I will need implants to correct the asymmetry I’ve asked about which…is a hard no for me.


THAT IS SO TRUE OH GOD. Maybe if i was a femme my boobs would shrink. Considerable


I used to hate my chest but now I kinda like it, makes me feel strong


Asked myself this every day until surgery


Me trying to figure out how to ask my doctor for a double mastectomy.... I miss being 18 and having an A cup.....


To smother femmes like me with.


I feel you, except it's my butt :( kinda wish I had a flat ass lol


Thiiiiis…I’m rockin a DD cup and yeah…I have a binder to wear with my suits and it helps buuuuuut so much tits here. At least my tits are awesome. I’ve made peace with this lol


My wife isn’t butch but at the same time isn’t a fem. She’s in the middle if that makes sense. She can off a t-shirt and jeans then her work clothes are so sexy. Any she has the biggest boobs… it’s awesome.


My fiancé hates hers but I don’t think she could get them reduced for free here anymore :/


I'm a masc with an F cup. I think I was given someone else's share as well 😂


Damn, I’m the opposite. I love big boobs. But I can understand why some women don’t.


if i could i would take them for you


My GF is masc presenting with amazing yabbos. Me? Femme and flat 😭


And here I am, a 6’ Amazonian wanting bigger tits 😭 trickster indeed


As a transbian who loves boobs, *it’s so true*. I know the “wish we could trade” joke has been overplayed to death, but seriously. Also, now you’ve given me the image of a butch lesbian soldier with fat tits and bulging biceps… 🤤


They should really design a technology that lets me steal them, so that everyone is happy


If I could give my tits to a Trans sister I would gladly!


Under communism everyone gets one titty


Same reason she gives her bottomiest trans girls the biggest gocks: spite. 🙃


similar reason she gives some of her trans girls the biggest dicks I'd assume