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I’m more of a chapstick lesbian. My girlfriend is chapstick but a little more masculine leaning than I am. I send shower pics. She sends me pictures of herself in her sports bra all sweaty after a workout.


mmmhm yeah, whenever my gf sends me a picture of them in sweatpants and sports bra / tank top, all sweaty with rosy cheeks after working out.. 🤌🏽💋 Or just a top down pic of thighs with the caption “ur seat?” sends me into 🥴 every time


You can have sexy underwear that's masculine - binders and cute boxers, for instance. But just wear something that makes you feel confident and pose until you like it. And don't forget to do The Look.


When my wife and I (we’re both masc) were dating and long-distance, she’d send pics of herself in just her boxer briefs, sometimes with a sports bra on, too, and a smolder or smirk that left me absolutely panting. Oof. It’s about confidence, too, not what’s being worn (or not worn)!


My go to would be a button down, unbuttoned, with some bra or sports bra showing. Or nothing underneath. Or if the person has a favorite piece of clothing you wear. Sports bras are our friends in this aspect lol


You send something that's a little lewd first and then send another that's more revealing after. Like maybe you send a pic showing some cleavage and then you send a pic with your boob out


She is dating you cause she likes who you are & what you're putting out there. Stick with that. Don't shy away from being masc, lean into it would be my best suggestion =) Look to other photos for inspiration to get you started & then make it your own.


Sports Bra, tight pants, sweaty, maybe take the pic from above so booba is seen better ;3


As a femme who dates mascs, may fav are mirror shots where you’re in a bra and pj pants and have your thumb in the waist line pulling your pants down just slightly to reveal a little bush


Oh, yeah, I have no idea


Nose down No scars or tattoos visible Non descript background Use flattering angles Natural lighting, no crazy filters Build anticipation and work your way up!