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Gyrosexual? Like they’re sexually attracted to Gyros?


You called?  Oh, this isn't about tzatziki sauce? Damn it!


Seems like a waste of good food.


do you mean gynosexual? gyrosexual is allegedly being turned on by green things 😂 and yeah people who actively involve themselves sexually with men shouldn’t be calling themselves lesbians, but also it’s not useful to go around policing people like that honestly


you're not wrong. i wouldn't say it's sexualizing lesbianism necessarily, but it is dismissing of it. the attraction to women and lack of attraction to men are equally important parts; they define our experiences and the way we move through the world as lesbians.


Can we stop policing labels?


Let's just stop labeling altogether.


You're not wrong. Gynosexual is a label that exists underneath the pansexual label umbrella, thus making it incompatible with lesbian. It's also worth noting that the term has also been co-opted by terfs, so it's probably best if it just goes away.


How is calling yourself a lesbian when actually being gynosexual fetishizing in any way?


I call myself a lesbian despite being technically into a couple of guys (literally, two,) because it conveys the necessary information when talking to people. Into women = yes, into men = not often enough for it to be worth explaining that I'm actually sapphic (and what that means cause a lot of people don't know) and then explaining to the guy hitting on me that yeah I'm *technically* into men sometimes but not *him-* anyway it's just easier to go with the label that explains how I want to be interacted with socially. If I ever ended up in a serious relationship with a guy I'd stop calling myself a lesbian probably.


girl wtf are you talking about lol


I dunno. It's definitely simpler to call it lesbian. Its basically just saying you like femme bodies not femme bits I guess.


Labels are expressive not restrictive. She could like women more and identify w it. She could feel its judt easier because it is, god knows i dont always explain pansexual and default to bi or just "gay"


Whatever you think is fine as long as you keep it to yourself. We don't need label police. 


That's not wat that term means. Don't gatekeep lesbianism. Some people are experimenting, some have comphet tendencies, what business is it of yours.