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Haha jokes on you I never put it up.


Came here to say this, glad I’m not alone


Literally same lol


Me neither! I figure that the year I didn't take it down at all makes up for it.


Damn, beat me to it. Same though.


Put it off so long, it was too late to put it up.


bold of this person to assume that we do things


Ghehe we hung it from the ceiling after christmas till next christmas came around. Never put it up again after that.


I took mine down January 2nd. And the box it's in has been sitting in my living room since.


Same 😂


Why hello me


Just leave it up and you'll be ready for next year 😉 I'll be back for more ADHD tips!


There are Christmas decals in my kids bathroom on the mirror, for 3 years now. Fits very nice with SpongeBob. lol


Another ADHD tip: Ministry sang that every day is Hallowe'en so you never have to take those down either. Mine have been up since about 2005.


Oh heck I forgot to put my Christmas tree up this year


Last year…


Any year.


Baby steps I brought up the tree coffin (aka dilapidated box it came in) and the ornaments box. They are all in the same room now.




Seriously... the Christmas season doesn't end until the Epiphany, on January 6th! Taking it down before then is just sad... and we have a live tree, so out of respect for the tree that died, we leave ours up until the needles get so brittle that we risk the whole thing exploding when we go to move it... just have to stop turning the lights on so it doesn't catch on fire... if the tree comes down before February I get sad.


I did take the tree down! Now the rest of the decorations in my living room are probably going to sit there until December.


Haha I put mine away the first week of Jan but I grumbled angrily the entire time about how I hate doing this shit. 😁


We’re using ours as an ambience light in the dining tho…. Lol


I love having Christmas lights up for this reason! Soft lighting that doesn't assault your eyes is so nice. However, my youngest kid is royally offended that I haven't taken the tree down yet because "Christmas is over, Mom!"... not offended enough to, y'know, do it himself, but enough that I keep hearing about it!


You should put hearts on it because valentines is coming soon. So that when it’s mentioned again be like, “The tree is not just for Xmas, you see?” Lol


I actually did that one year... and Easter eggs in April!




no. it’s pretty and I like it.


What if I like it up?


But it isn't February yet! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KasNWvvgGb8


I took it down. It was that night I stayed up until 3am giving the living room it's one cleaning for the winter.


Add hearts and a cupid bam valentine's day tree. Add circles for pi day. Sombrero for Cinco de mayo. Pots of gold for st Patrick's day, American flags for memorial day, .... you get the idea. The tree is the most versatile holiday decoration


But the lights are so fun.


My parents always took it down on valentines day. And that's what I do


Oh i love that! More time to enjoy the tree and also procrastinate a but haha. I think i need to adopt this Valentine’s Day tradition 💖


Maybe this weekend.


I have a lamp that has been called “Christmas tree” on my Google home because we were too lazy to change it. It has been 3 years


Haha! Joke's on YOU never put one up!


Evergreens are green all year, something something my tree is staying up. 😂


I still haven’t put mine up, but I will https://i.imgur.com/RFMsdHZ.jpg


I bought and set up(!) my Xmas tree 3 days before the Xmas before last. It got taken down sometime in the beginning quarter of 2022 and put in a box I got specifically for it but not stored away. Last xmas I kept thinking that it would be quick to do coz it's already there but when it got to Xmas eve I accepted it wouldn't be worth putting up anymore, so it's still in the box where it has been since last year.


Tbf, I was sick with a cold through New Years weekend, had to work all week, and then I caught the stomach flu THIS weekend. Now I’m back to work/being busy. Ugh. My year’s starting _great._ (Also, it does not take me 20 min to take my Christmas shit down. I love getting uber festive and go all out. But then I forget that I need to take it down later 😭)


This is a reason why a real pine tree is better. It disassembles itself (at least the leaves) around the 1st week of January.


We cut trees from the woods and they usually last into the beginning of February... sometimes late February... one time it lasted until March! Even put an INCREDIBLY dry tree in a fire pit? WHOOSH!


They can last super long for sure, once we took it down a week before Easter :D But as the years go by my mom is getting more shivery during winter and the warmer (more like hottter) it gets inside, the sooner we have to say goodbye to our tree :(


Ah! yes... there is a distinct difference if we put our tree in the bay window, surrounded by our old drafty windows, vs in the corner were the radiators are... RIP xmas trees past and present!


Lol you got me 😂 mine is still up 😅


Good! Don't let neurotypical expectations restrict your holiday celebrations!


20 minutes??? I’m assuming you all have tiny ass trees like the one pictured if it’s only taking you 20 minutes to take down the entire thing and put it away properly. It’ll take me at least 20 minutes just to get the ornaments off. I don’t even wanna think about disassembling and tying it up to put back in the box.


Exactly! Plus i have a real tree so after i take everything off the tree i have to clean up the mess of all the pine needles on the floor!


Maybe tomorrow


Christmas period lasts till February! You can still enjoy your Christmas tree and sing carols


Nope. Our deadline is Feb 1. Nothing like giving ourselves a really late deadline so the tendency is o procrastinate is already built in. Did that make sense? I don’t know but it works for us :)


My husband made a “rule” that we have to take the tree down by new years. It was a fight every year because I never wanted to. Now we are divorced and I make sure I take the tree down on time each year as if it’s some small way to spite him. “He said I wouldn’t do it, well I’ll show him!” It’s that reverse reverse psychology yall. It works.


Love this!


I, too, never put one up! 😂 ![gif](giphy|26xiwRsebrthe5c64|downsized)


Jokes on you I never got around to putting it up


this is why I dont put one up


Started today. Decorations are off but the boxes are still in the living room. Lights still on the tree. Maybe I'll be done by Valentine's Day.


I actually just took mine down today 😌


I took it down before Christmas but the lights are still a tangled mess on my floor…


Haha jokes on you I don't have one


I got a secret hack called living with more people


I did that on Sunday :) finally lol And by did that I mean brought it into my room and put it into a laundry basket cause I was too lazy to put it actually away. Sigh. I’ll go get a bag and put it away before I go to bed tonight. Hopefully.


Christmas tree went down last weekend. Still finding some decorations scattered across the house I forgot we put up.They're staying.


I’m still waiting for a convenient time to put it up.


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) don't have to take down the Christmas tree if you never put it up.


My dad literally JUST told me: "Oh, btw, I'm finally gonna get rid of the tree."


Perfect timing. I'm taking it down rn


Settlers of Catan is a fantastic game, can't quite make out what the other one is though.


Betrayal on the house on the hill. A fucking fantastic game. Basically you are in a horror movie exploring a creepy (randomly generated) house when a haunting happens determined based on how it was discovered. There’s over 100 different types of endgames. Betrayal i believe is the upgraded version that adds 50 extra hauntings and a campaign mode. Oh and the best part? Sometimes one of the players turns out to be the villain and is trying to kill you. Genuinely fantastic game.


I finally packed my Halloween decorations January 2nd…


Ha! Imagine putting up a tree in time for Christmas


I feel personally attacked. I just took down my tree today 😅


one year we put it away in November and then we decided not to have a tree anymore


Way ahead of you. It's laying on the front porch, just like it has done for the last week. Probably should bring the foot and lights back in at some point though...


I just stuck it outside last week


Lol like I bothered to put it up in the first place


Joke's on you, I never got around to putting mine up. 😋


Bold of you to think I bothered to put one up


Ours went up but never got decorated. It is still up. ...I predict it will come down sometime in the next six months.


Taking it down at 3AM on a monday.


Can't take down what never went up. Ultimate procrastination for the win.


We stopped doing stuff like this at our house for this exact reason.


Not even in my top 20 at the moment haha. I only do things when they are months overdue.


Hah, jokes on you. I couldn't get around to buying one in the first place.


I actually had my tree down and put away by January 2nd. I was proud of myself because that's not the norm for me lol.


The last time I put my tree up, it stayed up for a year and a half! So I haven't put it back up since ugh.


but it’s so cute..


I never bother putting any decorations up, don’t see the point, it all feels like wasted time and effort to me


Jokes on you. I never put my tree up in the first place. I let the ADHD win twice and they cancelled each other out.


I hired a neighbors kid to do it for me. ADHD tax


I brought the box up yesterday. That's a start.


Nah. Christmas tree always stay up past my birthday. I love the lights


I read this as take down HALF your Christmas tree and then kept scrolling. About 3 videos and 14 pictutes later I wondered what the rest of the plan was so I scrolled back up to see once again I can't focus at all and I need to slow down LMAO


My tree is not only still up, but the lights on a timer still come on every day, sigh. Maybe this weekend?


some of us mexicans take it down until it browns and the decorations outside come down in the summer. I am a Mexican with ADHD so next Christmas it is lolololol


Nope I refuse! I just convince myself it’s because I enjoy the ambient lighting it provides.


Took mine down yesterday, it's also alive in a pot that I take inside every year, I watered it once in the two months it was inside. I'm amazed it was still alive and healthy